
Change in Scarface?

Posted By: scarfacelondon

Change in Scarface? - 09/14/04 07:04 PM

Setting aside all the best scenes, what scenes you did not like in the film or you think they could have been better.

Personally I don't like the scene where in the end Gina comes to Tony when he killed Manny. I actually saved the DVD on the computer and cut that part out. I don't see the point of that part at all.

Thank you for moving my last topic (Vote for president) to the general area, it was my mistake.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/15/04 02:04 AM

Originally posted by scarfacelondon:
Setting aside all the best scenes, what scenes you did not like in the film or you think they could have been better.

Personally I don't like the scene where in the end Gina comes to Tony when he killed Manny. I actually saved the DVD on the computer and cut that part out. I don't see the point of that part at all.

Thank you for moving my last topic (Vote for president) to the general area, it was my mistake.
I think that the scene you are reffering to is a significant scene in that it showed the Protective Obsession that Tony Had with Gina and how she percieved his protective obsession with her. Yes, I agree that it was a bit strange with huge sexual undertones, but I always felt that as Manny had said to Gina, Tony veiwed her as the only "clean and perfect " thing in his life and became ridiculousely over protective of her because she was his only real link to legitimacy in his life. If Tony had allowed her to hook up with Manolo, then she definately would have been linked to his and Tony's dirty life, and that made Tony nuts!

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: AllEyesOnChris

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/15/04 04:57 PM

Not a fan of the comedy club scene. Between the horrible comedian and that fat clown that dances to "Strangers in the Night", I felt like I was the one who was coked up. Then again, maybe that was the point...
Posted By: scarfacelondon

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/15/04 10:08 PM

In regard to Don Cardi, I see your point of why Tony killed Manny but why did Gina came to Tony's room and asked him if he want to F**k her. Only reason i can think of is because of shock about Manny's death, she went unstable and lost her head.

The scene should go this way:

Gina enters the room, smiles Tony's original reaction, then she points the gun at him and shoots, rest original. Just cut the conversation they had.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/15/04 11:37 PM

Originally posted by scarfacelondon:
In regard to Don Cardi, I see your point of why Tony killed Manny but why did Gina came to Tony's room and asked him if he want to F**k her. Only reason i can think of is because of shock about Manny's death, she went unstable and lost her head.

The scene should go this way:

Gina enters the room, smiles Tony's original reaction, then she points the gun at him and shoots, rest original. Just cut the conversation they had.
Gina thought in that manner because of the obssesion that Tony displayed over her. She received the exact same vibes from Tony that the viewer did. It was what the director intended for the veiwer to feel, and Gina felt the same way, and she could not understand.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: da_bad_guy

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/26/04 02:08 PM

i didn't like the scene when Tony is in the car showroom with Manny, it has no relevance at all.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/26/04 10:55 PM

Originally posted by da_bad_guy:
i didn't like the scene when Tony is in the car showroom with Manny, it has no relevance at all.
Ahh my friend, you should watch that scene again. Quite the contrary as it DID have relevance to Tony's character. Roll back a bit when he tells Manolo "first you get the money, then you get the power, and then you get the woman." What that scene conveys is that Tony is now rolling in some real money and he wants Elvira to know it so he is trying to impress her with buying that car. When they get in the car what does she say to him? "...I don't screw around with the HELP!" That is it for Tony! He has made some money and had tried to impress Elvira, but she still considers him "The Help." The money would still not be enough to impress her. So I think at that moment when she says that to Tony, he knows that he must now "get the power" and get rid of Frank so that Elvira can be all his. In a nutshell the scene you talk about is relevent to what Tony had become but yet what he still needed to do.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: scarfacelondon

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/27/04 01:07 PM

Yes, I never thought that scene had much significance, but now i can see what you mean. You have thought about every scene very deeply.

I hope all of you have read the script, there is this scene which i think should have been included: Scene 73 page 69. U.S. CUSTOMS - MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - DAY.

Instead of just showing, that he killed frank and became successful, this scene would have showed how he actually did his business, how he got up the ladder.
Posted By: da_bad_guy

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/27/04 06:02 PM

Don Cardi, you have just opened my eyes and showed me that the scene has some true significance. thank you wink
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/27/04 07:05 PM

Originally posted by scarfacelondon:
I hope all of you have read the script, there is this scene which i think should have been included: Scene 73 page 69. U.S. CUSTOMS - MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - DAY.

Instead of just showing, that he killed frank and became successful, this scene would have showed how he actually did his business, how he got up the ladder.
There is another scene in the script which should NOT had been edited. It is when Mama is throwing Montana out of her house. There is some dialogue between them that shows some significance in that the verbal exchange between both of them gives you a better insight as to why Tony turned out the way that he did. I don't remember the exact location in the script, but it's there.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: scarfacelondon

Re: Change in Scarface? - 09/30/04 03:21 PM

Yes, they should have included that scene, at least in the special edition.

How about this scene:

"Tony waves her off, then changes his mind and runs up behind her and throws up her skirt and peeks at her ass. Before she can react, he hops away laughing as the two Cuban girls ad-lib Spanish expletives at him."

It is a funny scene but it does not matches his character. If it was manny - ok. It's good they left it out.
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