
Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone...

Posted By: AllEyesOnChris

Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/08/04 06:39 AM

I've seen some interesting versions on this board as to how these two cinematic heavyweights would interact they ever came face to face. Well, here's my own take on the concept. Hope you enjoy it, and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Tony Meets Michael

Clemenza: Don Michael, there's some spick from Miami here who says he has a proposition for you. Never seen him before, should I give him the boot?

Michael: No need for such names, just send the man in so I can hear what he has to say. He's obviously come a long way to see me.

Clemenza: Sure thing boss.

Enter Tony Montana with Manny and Chi-Chi

Tony: How you doin' Godfather? I come to show my respect to you and your family.

Michael: My associate tells me that's not all you have to show me.

Tony: (Smiling) What you mean, associate? You mean that gorilla who let me in? If Associate means gorilla, then yeah, that's the guy.

Michael: (Annoyed) Get to the point, Mr. Montana, I have more people to see.

Tony: Ok, ok. Jesus man. I come to make you an offer.

Michael: What kind of "offer"?

Tony: Well, as you probably know thanks to the papers, I've had some bad luck with the feds.

Michael: Ah, right. You're the one they call "Scarface".

Tony: God, I hate that fuckin' name. They also call me "kingpin". But what's in a name, huh?

Michael: So where does my family come in?

Tony: I know you got the cops and judges in your pocket. Hell you probably got the goddamn president...

Michael: (Abruptly) Let me stop you there, Mr. Montana. I think I see where this is going, and I will save us both time by declining right away.

Tony: You not even gonna let me finish?

Michael: Unfortunately for you, I share my father's view of drugs. They are messy and I don't need my family to get mixed up with that sort of trouble.

Tony: I read about your father many times in the papers when I was a boy and I admired him very much. He had cajones, you know? But his day is over and times are changing.

Michael: You're right. If my father were still sitting here at this desk instead of me, you wouldn't have made it past the front gate.

Tony: Maybe not, but this is win-win. You can't lose. You'd be a, how you say, silent partner.

Michael: I'm afraid my answer is no. However, I wish you much success in your business and I hope we can part as friends.

Tony: (Outraged) Friends?! I'll never call a guinea maricon like you my friend. The only friends I have in this world are standing right next to me (points to Manny and Chi-Chi). You makin' a big mistake you horse!

Michael: Maybe, but I will have to ask you to leave as I do have many people to see. Good day.

Tony: Hey fuck you mang! (spits on the floor)

Michael: (To Clemenza) Please see these gentlemen out and come back to my office right away...

Michael, knowing he cannot excuse Tony's behavior, instructs Clemenza to assemble a group of assassins. In exchange for citizenship which Michael arranges through his contacts, the men are met at a Miami port late at night by Michael's personal bodyguard, Al Neri. Neri, dressed in all black wearing his trademark sunglasses, leads this band of rebels to Montana's compound and eliminates the disrespectful druglord with his own police-issue shotgun with a pulverizing blow to the back.

Using his newspaper contacts, Michael arranged for the hit to be blamed on a rival of Tony's, Sosa. The public ate the drug-war version of the story with a spoon, but the gangland underground was buzzing about the true demise of the seemingly invincible "Scarface". This action gained Michael the respect he had been longing for, and untimately cemented the Corleone family's position as the most powerful crime family in America.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/08/04 11:47 PM

Again, the idea of this meeting is highly stupid,there is no way Mike would let Tony in to see him. However,yours is 100% more realistic than the other one. cool
Posted By: QTN

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/13/04 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
Again, the idea of this meeting is highly stupid,there is no way Mike would let Tony in to see him. However,yours is 100% more realistic than the other one. cool
Besides, I quite enjoyed this imaginary bout.

However, I got a better idea cooking in the oven...
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/13/04 04:27 AM


So there are more Tony meets Michael stories? I'll spare myself thread sifting and just say I hope no one would be foolish enough to predict a Tony Montana victory in any conflict with Michael Corleone.
Posted By: QTN

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/13/04 03:11 PM

Sadly, if Tony had the Columbians behind him instead of pissing them off, he probably would have had a chance in going to war against the Corleone clan.

But really, in a mano-a-mano street fight to the death, would Tony Montana or Michael Corleone would come limping from the fight but alive unlike his sucka of an opponent?


*Aggressive as hell.
*Fought his way from washing dishes at a danky Little Havana diner to ruling the Miami drug industry(and I believe many other pieces of the pie in other major cities), so he has the cajones, guts, and especially gull to take out this Mikey whats his name.
*Trained in the Cuban Army.
*He came from the streets, he would know the dirty tricks in such a fighting form to win this battle.

*His aggression, while it can be an asset, was a large part of his downfall, or he acts first then thinks later.
*Not very intelligent.
*The Cuban Army? Oh yes, the Banana Army...
*Paranoid as hell!


*Trained in the U.S. Army and served in Dubya-Dubya 2, and probably killed many Germans/Italians/Japanese.
*Very shrewed and intelligent, very calm.
*Got advice and skills from his pops the original Godfather.
*Willing to defend his honor.

*Not very aggressive.
*the US Army in WW2? 6 decades ago man!
*Rich pompous boy didn't have to survive on the streets or go to a stinkin foreign jail like Mr. Montana did.

Okay, if there is other pros/cons for these two combantants, tell me.........and of course declare who would win and why. Remember, its no holds bar street death match, any weapon can be used, including firearms, chainsaws, stabbing weapons, etc.
Posted By: da_bad_guy

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/26/04 02:03 PM

Tony would win hands down, because he doesn't think twice about shooting someone between the eyes but (no disrespect)Micheal seems to have killed very few in his whole trilogy compared to Tony's one movie, so if it comes to experience then Tony's the man.
Posted By: Frank Pentangely

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 09/17/05 02:37 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by QTN:
[QB] Columbians

These is misspelled: its Colombians, not Columbians.
Posted By: The Dr. who fixed Lucy

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 10/02/05 09:12 PM

Like it AllEyesOnChris but it would most likely be

Clemenza: Hey Mikey, there's someone here to see ya.

Michael: Pete, you're dead.

Clemenza: What? What did I do, Godfather?

Michael: No, you really are dead. You died of a "heart attack" before Tony Montana rose to power, so couldn't conceivably be annoncing him to me.

Clemenza: Damn Mikey, you're right. Hey Frankie you sonofabitch, come announce Tony Montana to the Godfather.

Pantangelli: *sighs* Hey Mikey. Tony Montana here to see you.

Michael: Show him in.


Tony Montana: My respects to you Godfather.

Michael: Tony Montana?

Tony Montana: I have that pleasure.

Michael: From Cuba?

Tony Montana: Yes.

Michael: Even though you're clearly not from Cuba. You don't look or sound Cuban.

Tony Montana: Euh... yeah. Im from-a Cuba, whaddaya gonna say you sonofbitch.

Micheal: I don't like you Montana. You remind me of me, but in a lesser production, with a poor fake accent, and no real sense of direction.

Tony Montana: Whaddya mean you guinea sonofbitch?

Micheal: Well what are you actually doing here? Why see me? You only wanted to make 75k and start a hire car business.

Tony Montana: Not me man. You gotta tha wrong man. Thata was Carlito. He was a real sonofbitch man.

Michael: Whatever. Different person, same poor fake spick accent. And at least Carlito didn't fancy his sister.

Tony Montana: Hey man I never fuck my sister man. Carlito was a soft sonofbitch, he shouldakilled Johnny Blanco. I woulda killed him.

Michael: You should have killed that anti-cocaine politician guy with the car bomb. Then Sosa would never have killed you.

Tony Montana: Wasn't that Saso? Or Zasa maybe?

Michael: Who's Zasa?

Tony Montana: Ha you willa finda outa who Zasa is, Godfather. And then you will regret saying that I was in a bada filma. Euh... too much dialogue... time to shoot someone motherfucker!

TONY MONTANA pulls an automatic rifle from his coat and shoots at MICHAEL. Cue lots of things being shot and MICHAEL and TONY MONTANA diving around. Then PANTANGELLI shoots TONY MONTANA

Michael: So long Tony. May you suffer in hell.

Tony Montana: So long Michael. You will suffer in Godfather III
Posted By: redpuma

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 10/02/05 11:53 PM

looooooool eek eek eek eek eek eek eek lol
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 10/03/05 12:05 AM

Guess What? Tony won't touch Michael. Mike is the monarch of the top crime family in the U.S. Tony is a small novice compared to Michael AND Carlito Brigante.
Posted By: SCARFACE jr

Re: Tony Montana meets Micheal Corleone... - 10/04/05 05:51 PM

tony montana and mikey corlone would probably never meet for one tony rose to power like when michael was a old man and also it mcleray says in the film sosa was going to kill him he even asked sosa he he wants to go to war also tony got out him self in the movie i think that would be kinda cool but no i like them both plus there both the same pepole but they were all good mikey tony and carlito
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