
Your #1 movies of each year?

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/28/06 07:23 PM

Movie buffs, whoremongerers, narcotic dealers, listen up!

People think they know everything. Like me, we really think we're smart little shits who think their bowels smell like rainbow sherbert.

So here is your chance. Think hard, and name your #1 movie(don't use that "tie" sillyness. Life is about making hard choices. There can only be "#1")

So lets start from 2005, and go back as far as we can. Care to play folks? DV? Sully? Irish?

Let's play the game!

2001 - MEMENTO
1996 - FARGO
1995 - NIXON

Come on, face the firing squad, folks. Give us your picks for each year!
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/28/06 07:29 PM

I've done this list before.

2006 - United 93
2005 – Brokeback Mountain
2004 – Collateral
2003 – Kill Bill
2002 – Solaris
2001 – The Man Who Wasn’t There
2000 – Traffic
1999 – Magnolia
1998 – The Truman Show
1997 – Boogie Nights
1996 – Fargo
1995 – Heat
1994 – Forrest Gump
1993 – Carlito’s Way
1992 – Reservoir Dogs
1991 – Bugsy
1990 – Goodfellas
1989 – Born on the Fourth of July
1988 – Big
1987 – Raising Arizona
1986 – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
1985 – The Breakfast Club
1983 – Scarface
1982 – Blade Runner
1981 – Thief
1980 – Raging Bull
1979 – Apocalypse Now
1978 – The Deer Hunter
1977 – Annie Hall
1976 – Taxi Driver
1975 – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
1974 – The Godfather Part II
1973 – Mean Streets
1972 – The Godfather
1971 – A Clockwork Orange
1970 – The Aristocats
1969 – Hello, Dolly!
1968 – 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967 – The Graduate
1966 -
1965 – The Sound of Music
1964 – Dr. Strangelove
1963 - 8 1/2
1962 – To Kill a Mockingbird
1961 – Last Year at Marienbad
1960 – Psycho
1959 – North by Northwest
1958 – Vertigo
1957 -
1956 - The Searchers
1955 -
1954 – Rear Window
1953 – Peter Pan
1952 - Singin' in the Rain
1951 – Alice in Wonderland
1950 – Sunset Blvd.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/28/06 07:49 PM

I've only gone back to 2003. I'll have to look up movies prior to then but so far:

2006 - V for Vendetta
2005 - Sin City
2004 - Kill Bill Volume 2
2003 - Kill Bill Volume 1
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 01:39 AM

2006- V for Vendetta
2005- Munich
2004- Aviator
2003- Lost in Translation
2002- Gangs Of New York
2001- A Beautiful Mind
2000- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
1999- The Matrix
1998- Truman Show
1997- Titanic
1994- Pulp Fiction or Forrest Gump
1993- Carlitos Ways
1992- Scent Of A Women
1991-The Silence of the Lambs
1900- Dances With Wolves
1989- Dead Poets Society
1988- Rain Man
1987- The Untouchables
1986- Hoisers
1985- Back To The Future
1984- Once Upon A TIme In America
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 01:47 AM

1982-Blade Runner
1981- Raiders of the Lost Ark
1980-Raging Bull
1979-Apocalypse Now
1978-Deer Hunter
1977-Star Wars
1976-Taxi Driver
1975-Dog Day Afternoon
1974-Godfather Part II
1972- The Godfather
1967-Bonnie And Cylde
1966-The Good The Bad The Ugly
1962-To Kill A Mocking Bird
1960- Psycho
1955- On The Waterfront
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 02:42 AM

2005: Last Days
2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2003: Elephant
2002: The Pianist
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: Memento
1999: Eyes Wide Shut
1998: ?
1997: L.A. Confidential
1996: ?
1995: Dead Man
1994: Leon the Professional
1993: Schindler's List
1992: Unforgiven
1991: ?
1990: Miller's Crossing
1989: ?
1988: A Short Film About Killing
1987: Full Metal Jacket
1986: Blue Velvet
1985: ?
1984: Paris, Texas
1983: ?
1982: ?
1981: ?
1980: Raging Bull
1979: Apocalypse Now
1978: The Deer Hunter
1977: Eraserhead
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: Barry Lyndon
1974: Chinatown
1973: Mean Streets
1972: Aguirre, Wrath of God
1971: A Clockwork Orange
1970: ?
1969: ?
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967: The Samurai
1966: Blow Up
1965: ?
1964: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
1963: 8 1/2
1962: Ivan's Childhood
1961: ?
1960: Breathless
1959: Ben Hur
1958: Vertigo
1957: ?
1956: ?
1955: ?
1954: Rear Window
1953: ?
1952: ?
1951: Diary of a Country Priest
1950: Sunset Boulevard
1949: ?
1948: ?
1947: ?
1946: ?
1945: ?
1944: ?
1943: ?
1942: Casablanca
1941: Citizen Kane
1940: ?
1939: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
1938: ?
1937: ?
1936: ?
1935: ?
1934: ?
1933: ?
1932: ?
1931: ?
1930: ?
1929: ?
1928: ?
1927: ?
1926: ?
1925: ?
1924: ?
1923: ?
1922: Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 02:42 AM

I suck at watching movies.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 03:44 AM

Everyone but Ronnie has basically cheated, in my eyes, because they left blanks. Blah.

2005 - Everything is Illuminated
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2003 - Punch Drunk Love
2002 - Adaptation.
2001 - Donnie Darko
2000 - Requiem for a Dream
1999 - Fight Club
1998 - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
1997 - Boogie Nights
1996 - Trainspotting
1995 - Twelve Monkeys
1994 - Ed Wood
1993 - The Nightmare Before Christmas
1992 - Glengarry Glen Ross
1991 - Cape Fear
1990 - Edward Scissorhands
1989 - Batman
1988 - Rain Man
1987 - Raising Arizona
1986 - The Color of Money
1985 - Brazil
1984 - Once Upon a Time in America
1983 - The King of Comedy
1982 - Pink Floyd The Wall
1981 - Das Boot
1980 - Raging Bull
1979 - Apocalypse Now
1978 - The Dear Hunter
1977 - Annie Hall
1976 - Taxi Driver
1975 - Dog Day Afternoon
1974 - The Godfather Part II
1973 - Mean Streets
1972 - The Godfather
1971 - A Clockwork Orange
1970 - MASH (again, two stars. I haven't seen much from this year)
1969 - Take the Money and Run
1968 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967 - The Graduate
1966 - Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 07:01 PM

2006 - Clerks II
2005 - Munich
2004 - Collateral
2003 - City of God
2002 - Road to Perdition
2001 - Godsford Park
2000 - Cast Away
1999 - American Beauty
1998 - The Thin Red Line
1997 - L.A. Confidential
1996 - Fargo
1995 - Nixon
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1993 - Schindler's List
1992 - Unforgiven
1991 - JFK
1990 - Goodfellas
1989 - Born on the Forth of July
1988 - The Last Temptation of Christ

I'll stop here and proceed later.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 08:36 PM

1915: The Birth of a Nation (Griffith; USA)
1916: The Rink (Chaplin; USA)
1917: Easy Street (Chaplin; USA)
1918: blank
1919: Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari (The Cabinet of Dr Caligari) (Weine; Germany)
1920: blank
1921: blank
1922: Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror) (Murnau; Germany)
1923: blank
1924: Greed (von Stroheim; USA)
1925: Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin) (Eisenstein; USSR)
1926: Metropolis (Lang; Germany)
1927: blank
1928: The Circus (Chaplin; USA)
1929: blank
1930: Animal Crackers (Heerman; USA)
1931: Frankenstein (Whale; USA)
1932: The Old Dark House (Whale; USA)
1933: Duck Soup (McCary; USA)
1934: The Man Who Knew Too Much (Hitchcock; UK)
1935: The 39 Steps (Hitchcock; UK)
1936: Modern Times (Chaplin; USA)
1937: La Grande Illusion (Grand Illusion) (Renoir; France)
1938: The Adventures of Robin Hood (Keighley/Curtiz; USA)
1939: Stagecoach (Ford; USA)
1940: Pinocchio (Sharpsteen/Luske; USA)
1941: Citizen Kane (Welles; USA)
1942: Casablanca (Curtiz; USA)
1943: Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock; USA)
1944: Double, Indemnity (Wilder; USA)
1945: Dead of Night (Cavalcanti/Crichton/Hamer/Dearden; UK)
1946: The Big Sleep (Hawks; USA)
1947: Out of the Past (Build My Gallows High) (Tourneur; USA)
1948: Rope (Hitchcock; USA)
1949: The Third Man (Reed; UK)
1950: Sunset Boulevard (Wilder; USA)
1951: Rashômon (In the Woods) (Kurosawa; Japan)
1952: Singin' in the Rain (Kelly/Donen; USA)
1953: Stalag 17 (Wilder; USA)
1954: Rear Window (Hitchcock; USA)
1955: Le ballon rouge (The Red Balloon) (Lamorisse; France)
1956: The Searchers (Ford; USA)
1957: Det sjunde inseglet (The Seventh Seal) (Bergman; Sweden)
1958: Vertigo (Hitchcock; USA)
1959: À bout de souffle (Breathless) (Godard; France)
1960: La dolce vita (The Sweet Life (Fellini; Italy)
1961: The Hustler (Rossen; USA)
1962: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Ford; USA)
1963: Le Mépris (Contempt) (Godard; France/Italy)
1964: Bande a part (Band of Outsiders) (Godard; France)
1965: La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers) (Pontecorvo; Algeria/Italy)
1966: Persona (Bergman; Sweden)
1967: Weekend (Godard; France)
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick; UK)
1969: Kes (Loach; UK)
1970: Walkabout (Roeg; Australia)
1971: The French Connection (Friedkin; USA)
1972: Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, Wrath of God) (Herzog; West Germany)
1973: Don't Look Now (Roeg; UK)
1974: The Conversation (Coppola; USA)
1975: Taxi Driver (Scorsese; USA)
1976: Eraserhead (Lynch; USA)
1977: Annie Hall (Allen; USA)
1978: The Deer Hunter (Cimino; USA)
1979: Manhattan (Allen; USA)
1980: Raging Bull (Scorsese; USA)
1981: Fizcarraldo (Herzog; Peru/West Germany)
1982: Fanny och Alexander (Fanny and Alexander) (Bergman; Sweden)
1983: The King of Comedy (Scorsese; USA)
1984: Paris, Texas (Wenders; France/West Germany)
1985: Ran (Kurosawa; Japan/France)
1986: Blue Velvet (Lynch; USA)
1987: Kárhozat (Damnation) (Tarr; Hungary)
1988: Krótki film o milosci (A Short Film About Love) (Kíeslowski; Poland)
1989: Cinema Paradiso - Director's Cut (Tornatore; Italy/France)
1990: GoodFellas (Scorsese; USA)
1991: Barton Fink (Coen; USA)
1992: Strictly Ballroom (Luhrmann; Australia)
1993: Schindler's List (Spielberg; USA)
1994: Pulp Fiction (Tarantino; USA)
1995: Seven (Fincher; USA)
1996: Lost Highway (Lynch; USA)
1997: Funny Games (Haneke; Austria)
1998: Idiotern (The Idiots) (von Trier; Denmark)
1999: Julien Donkey-Boy (Korine; USA)
2000: Sånger från Andra Våningen (Songs From the Second Floor) (Andersson; Sweden)
2001: Éloge de l'amour (In Praise of Love) (Godard; France/Switzerland/Italy)
2002: Irréversible (Irreversible (Noé; France)
2003: Lost In Translation (Coppola; USA/Japan)
2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Gondry; USA)
2005: The New World (Malick; USA)
2006: United 93 (Greengrass; France/UK/USA)

Six Films: Hitchcock
Five films: Godard
Four films: Chaplin; Scorsese
Three films: Bergman; Ford; Lynch; Wilder
Two films: Allen; Curtiz; Herzog; Kurosawa; Roeg; Whale
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 11:04 PM

Manhattan over Apocalypse Now? Surprising.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/29/06 11:42 PM

I have two four-starrers from 1979: Manhattan and Stalker.
Posted By: Silvio

Re: Your #1 movies of each year? - 07/30/06 12:29 AM

2006: Bubble (I rarely go to the theatre, so havent seen many
2005: Match Point
2004: Sideways
2003: Lost in Translation
2002: Road to Perdition
2001: Mulholland Dr.
2000: Traffic
1999: American Beauty
1998: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
1997: Boogie Nights
1996: Fargo
1995: The Usual Suspects
1994: Hoop Dreams
1993: Schindler's List
1992: Unforgiven
1991: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
1990: Goodfellas
1989: Do the Right Thing
1988: Die Hard
1987: The Dekalog
1986: Hannah and Her Sisters
1985: Back to the Future
1984: Once Upon a Time in America
1983: Scarface
1982: Blade Runner
1981: Body Heat
1980: Raging Bull
1979: Alien
1978: Deer Hunter
1977: Star Wars: A New Hope
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: Jaws
1974: Godfather Part 2
1973: The Sting
1972: The Godfather
1971: The French Connection
1970: Patton
1969: Easy Rider
1968: 2001 a Space Odyssey
1967: The Graduate
1966: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
1965: For a Few Dollars More
1964: Dr. Strangelove
1963: 8 1/2
1962: To Kill a Mockingbird
1961: The Hustler
1960: The Apartment
1959: Ben Hur
1958: Vertigo
1957: 12 Angry Men
1956: The Searchers
1955: Rififi
1954: On the Waterfront
1953: Tokyo Story
1952: High Noon
1951: Strangers on a Train
1950: Sunset Blvd.
1949: The Third Man
1948: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
1947: Miracle on 34th Street (been awhile though)
1946: Its a Wonderful Life
1945: Detour
1944: Double Indemnity
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1942: Casablanca
1941: The Maltese Falcon
1940: Rebecca
1939: Wizard of Oz
1938: Adventures of Robin Hood
1937: Grand Illusion
1936: Swing Time
1935: Bride of Frankenstein
1934: It Happened One Night
1933: Duck Soup
1932: Number 17
1931: M
1930: All Quiet on the Western Front
1929: Blackmail
1928: Passion of Joan of Arc
1927: The General
1926: NONE
1925: Battleship Potemkin
1924, 1923: NONE
1922: Cops
1921: The Playhouse
1920-1919: NONE
1918: Broken Blossoms
1917-1916: NONE
1915: The Birth of a Nation
1914-1903: NONE
1902: A Trip to the Moon
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