
American Idol Season Five

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 02:58 PM

I'm sort of suprised that nobody has started a thread before now, but given that we are down to the Top 24, which will then be taken down to the Final 12, I was just wondering who else was watching this year, and what the thoughts are about the contestants. At this point, have you been able to place names with faces?

My personal favorites so far:

Women: Mandisa (she is some kind of serious awesome), Ayla (so tall), Paris, Lisa and Kat. The rest - meh! They were boring, boring, boring on Tuesday night.

Men: Chris, Elliott, Patrick and Ace (sooooo hot). And of course, Taylor. He is so weird, with the twitching, and has such an amazing voice, and that white hair! So NOT American Idol, and I absolutely love him! On another site, his nickname is Gray Charles. Hee!!

Most disappointing: Kellie Pickler and Sway. Although I adore saying Kellie's name, I was not at all happy with her performance. And Sway? I think that he has the most beautiful voice, but what was he thinking with the falsetto song choice? YUK!

First that should go: Bobby and Brenna. I find them to be the equivalent of fingernails on a chalkboard.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:04 PM

I'm going to get all the people that I know to call in a vote against Ace! :p

Ace will by the time I am done. :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:10 PM

Hey, hey!! Back off Ace, pally! I have a friend or two as well, and they know how to speed dial. So you just go quietly on your way, and we'll pretend these threats never took place. OK??

By the way, nice guy last night. Phone's being passed around, and what do you do? Go out for a smoke!
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:13 PM

You know I'm watching!

I think there is a lot of talent this year. Probably the hottest looking women ever in one season. Probably the homeliest looking men....but man, they can sing!

I really don't have a favorite woman yet, though I can't help but like Mandisa. I sooo expected her to come out and do the predictable Aretha tune and she surprised me by doing Heart!

Ayla surprised me as well as she can really sing, but is a bit short on personality.

Katherine has one of the most beautiful faces ever gracing the TV and her voice is pure too.

Best singers last night bar none: Chris, Elliott and Ace.

Chris - singing Bon Jovi and not screeching or yelling. Smooth and wonderful. Not bad to look at, his look grows on you a little.

Elliott - OMG - he's got one jacked up face! But his voice had it going on!!! Loved, love loved his voice!

Ace - What can I say. I love love love Father Figure. That song means alot to me personally and he sang it true. I can't help but be mesmerized by his pretty face. I kinda felt the need to shower and cool myself off after his performance - especially thinking this guy has a twin brother! What is unexpected is I thought he would be the pretty boy who is arrogant and cocky and his personality is so opposite that. I think he can make it as a star for the younger generation.

Who should go home?

Girls - definitely Pseudo Opera Girl Stevie and Pagaent Queen(?) Melissa. I thought Melissa was meh and her 3-pack a day sounding voice just grated on my nerves.

Boys - Didn't care for Falsetto Boy Sway or Bobby channeling Barry Manilow. Bye Bye Bobby - see ya at the Copa.

Sidebar: Taylor is funny - I want him to keep coming back.

Before this season is over, I want to hear Chris, Elliott or Taylor sing a soulful rendition of "When a Man Loves a Woman" and do the song proud!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:16 PM

When a Man Loves a Woman - oh that would be great!!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:

By the way, nice guy last night. Phone's being passed around, and what do you do? Go out for a smoke!
Hey, I know when I've had an earful!

Ok sis, I'll make it up to you. Here, go and indulge yourself : http://www.idolonfox.com/photos/?cat=27&sct=23

Don Cardi
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:31 PM

This guy can successfully and naturally do what Constant-Preen TRIED to do last season.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 03:47 PM

OK, just when I thought that I had successfully erased that image from my brain...

But, oh, my!! That Ace surely knows how to fill out a tank top. NICE shoulders and arms. AND he can sing.

Thanks to Santino and you, Buffy, for the lovely photos! Sigh!
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 04:03 PM

I'm gonna have to go all Simon Cowell on everybody and disagree with the Mandisa sentiments. She was bleh, IMO.

Katherine McPhee, on the other hand, was incredible. And she's just so gosh darn purty!

Chris Daughtry definitely gave the best performance for the men last night. Awesome rendition of Bon Jovi. I voted for him three times.

Bobby Bennett reminds me of Homer Simpson. Simon hit the nail right on the head during his audition, saying he reminded him of a drunk at a bar.

Ace did incredible last night, too.

Taylor Hicks would have to be my sentimental favorite. SB is right, he is soooo not American Idol, but my God, can the guy sing or what?

Here's my breakdown of personal favorites:

Katherine McPhee
Lisa Tucker
Ayla Brown

Chris Daughtry
Ace Young
Taylor Hicks
Elliot Yamin

Who should go tonight?

Brenna Gethers
Heather Cox

Bobby Bennett (d'oh!)
Kevin Covais (great voice for a 16 year old, but too one-dimensional)
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 05:44 PM

I didn't know it was back on. I'm still a little that Bo didn't when last time. What day and what channel is it on?
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 05:50 PM

Bo Bice has a new single out there - I hear it all the time on XM-radio and downloaded it to my music library - called The Real Thing. Good song, check it out.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/23/06 06:06 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Here's my breakdown of personal favorites:


Katherine McPhee
Lisa Tucker
Ayla Brown

Chris Daughtry
Ace Young
Taylor Hicks
Elliot Yamin

Who should go tonight?

Brenna Gethers
Heather Cox

Bobby Bennett (d'oh!)
Kevin Covais (great voice for a 16 year old, but too one-dimensional) [/b]
I can so agree with all of this. I want to hear so much more from the guys that you listed.

As previously mentioned - I want to hear a guy sing When a Man Loves A Woman.

I want to hear Elliot rock a Three Doors Down song - If I Could Be Like That or Here Without You.

I want to hear Chris sing Dream On by Aerosmith.

I want to hear Ace do a GOOD rendition of Every Breath you Take or Wicked Game.

Taylor? Bust out a soulful Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Heaven's Door.....

Katherine could do a sweet Sarah McClachlin. Angel? I think I would cry if she did.

Lisa? She can sing anything, but I would like her to do something outside of the Mariah, Whitney, Toni Braxton mold.

Kevin will go soon. Sympathy votes can only get you so far. But I was much more icked out by Sway and his false falsetto. Hope he goes tonight with CopaBobby.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 12:48 AM

I have been a reluctant fan of the Idol. But I've been watching.


Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 01:13 AM

I admit I haven't watched any of AI yet this year. I happen to have it on now. I gotta tell you, some of these people freak me out.

Elliot........Eeek. Is he auditioning for a Geico "cave man" character?

Kevin.....The token Clay Aiken geek. He won't last past 2 more shows I think.

Joey (Sway)....I think we just found out what Don Corpuzzi's been up to.

Chris...Did he go through a wrong door? Shouldn't he be filming "Fast and the Furious 3" or "XXX 25" right now?

All in all I'd have to give Ace my thumbs up. But he's no Mario. Did we find out what happened to him btw?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 01:15 AM

I'm still trying to catch up on the episodes on my DVR -- I haven't watched Tues or Weds shows yet ( ) so not too sure who to root for yet... I'm watching right now, though...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 01:21 AM

All I know is I'm sick of Heather already. Somebody put a muzzle on Ms. September.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 01:59 AM

Unlike the other 3 voted off tonight, Patrick actually sounded pretty good! Ahh well...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 11:29 AM

NOOOOOO! Not Patrick! You're right, JG, he actually could sing. I was expecting Bucky or one of the younger boys to go, but, alas, the vote didn't go that way. I expected Bobby, and was glad to see the two girls go. I was listening to a local radio station, and some girl who went to college with Becky and her twin said that they were mean AND slutty, so farewell, Becky!!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 12:01 PM

Without watching any of the show up until now I can't comment on who I thought should have gone. But just watching them last night Becky was one of the girls I could have found myself rooting of. Hence, she's gone...hahahaha. I don't know how good Patrick was, but he just looked to wimpy. I wouldn't have seen him going to far.

In the future I'd like to hear some of the following:

Mandisa - "All I want to do is make love to you". I could see her channeling Annie Wilson.

Ace - "The Reason". The Reason? So I could see him singing it right to me.

Bucky AKA Bo 2 - "Back in Black". He's the rocker of the group, let's see how far he can take it.

Elliot - "Allstar" - Just because he has an eerily resemblance to Smach Mouth's front man.

Will and Kevin - "The Sesame Street Theme". Isn't that where they belong anyway?
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 03:47 PM

Yay - booting Stevie and Copa-Bobby. No-brainer there.

Patrick was not as bad as Sway. Patrick's time would have come soon enough - he is just not in the same league as some of the stronger vocalists in the competition (Chris, Elliott) nor has the looks/"it" factor (Ace) or personality/talent (Taylor). Patrick was indeed "forgettable". That said, I would have rather have him come back next week with something totally different and good and send Sway home.

The judges were right...Becky will go far in the industry. Just check out her and her twin's racy pics on Maxim. They were both on Fear Factor too, the Twins edition. Although I would have willingly PAID someone to boot Melissa off and never see her again, Becky's singing was horrible. Her time, like Patrick's was not so far ahead.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 03:51 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
I have been a reluctant fan of the Idol. But I've been watching.


Good Call, MC. Lisa appeared on Star Search when she was 13 so she has alot of stage presence already for her age and already knows how to perform in front of audiences. She obviously has been honing her talents for some time!

I would not however rule out Katherine to win the whole thing. I would like to see her mix it up a little more in her song choices, but every time I see her, her personality shows more and more and she has the most beautiful face!

Ace is very good at singing the cheesy, breathy ballads. I would like to see him belt something out with a little more power behind it.

Put Ace's face with Elliott's passion and personality with Chris's vocals - that'd be something!
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 02/24/06 05:22 PM

They voted off the right people last night. Patrick's performance was decent, but forgettable, made even more forgettable because he was the first to perform.

I'm glad Bobby was voted off, as well. He's a funny guy, but AI isn't about being funny. Maybe he oughta try out for MadTV or SNL.

I was flabbergasted when they voted off Becky! I don't think her song choice was especially complementary of her voice, but I still think her performance was far better than some of the other girls (*cough* BRENNA!!!! *cough*).

Stevie's voice was just annoying. Her speaking voice. She had to go.

I've already predicted Katharine winning the competition. She's got a powerhouse voice, and she's probably the most gorgeous contestant the show has ever had. She's the total package.

Lisa has a chance because of her talent, but I feel its her age that is gonna hold her back. Whether she wins this competition or not, she'll have a recording contract.

Speaking of Lisa, here's an interesting fact.

One of my girlfriend's co-workers told her a few months ago that her neighbor was thinking about trying out for American Idol. After contemplating it and talking with her family and friends, she finally decided to audition.

That neighbor is Lisa Tucker.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 03:34 PM

Who watched last night? Can you spell "train wreck"? It was, without a doubt, the most boring show ever. I was expecting so much more of these women, and, IMHO, they all stunk. Even the magnificent Mandisa was just ok.

And I know that Kellie Pickler is supposed to be adorable, but that whole little thing about the spinach salad and the cal-a-mari was nauseating.

Of all the girls, I think that Ayla did the best job. I have a feeling that America shared my feeling of blah-ness, because by 9:40 I was able to get through on the phones no problem.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 04:17 PM

I agree, it wasn't great at all. I think the worst singer of the night was Heather. For one, her voice isn't that great anyway, so she choosed a Mariah Carey song? She butchered it beyond all recognition.

I think Ayla did the best last night, as well. Such a shame. Last week's show was awesome. It took all I had not to change the channel to something else last night.

I hope the guys bring it tonight.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 04:40 PM

I missed it. Glad I did. I was watching I love 1974 on VH1 instead. It seems I had a better time.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 05:07 PM

Well, Ace will certainly "bring it", even if he doesn't sing.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 05:19 PM

Oh, they're supposed to sing now?

I guess next you're gonna tell me I can only like baseball players who can hit.

I think Simon said on one interview he thinks this is the best crop of singers yet.

I think he's a crock of shit. There's not one person yet who I'm dying to have win.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 05:23 PM

Hey, whatever floats your boat. Is it the strength of their swing or the fit of their uniform? Everyone has their priorities. :p

As for Ace, he's adorable, and he was fairly good last week. And he pulls off the camera-love a hell of a lot better than Constant-stink did.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 05:45 PM

It seems there's always one fat guy, one geeky, young guy, and one guy who's the dreamer. Different strokes as they say.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 06:46 PM

Well, with Bobby gone, we're down to the geeky guy, two young guys, Ace and then Taylor, who doesn't fit at all with the AI mold. I think that's one of the reasons I'm loving him so much.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 06:59 PM

With them men singing tonight maybe I'll watch, unless The West Wing is on the Bravo channel then I'll watch that. All the women seem like snots to me. Especially Heather. She makes me cringe.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 08:51 PM

What time is it on tonight?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 09:27 PM

It's on from 8-9:30. Watch for my two favorites: Taylor, because he rocks, and Ace because he ROCKS, if you know what I mean.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/01/06 11:24 PM

The MaryCas household thought the show was a bust (no pun intended, but not bad )

The ladies better pick it up. The guys might be rockin' tonight unless they all decide to do Barry Manilow or Josh Groban songs.

Go Taylor!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 01:21 AM

I thought Elliot was actually good tonight. When Simon doesn't rip you apart you know you're half way decent. I don't think he has "the look", and for me he doesn't bring it...if you know what I mean. But who really has "the look"? I sure don't think Mantasia did, and see where it got her. (I'm still grinding me teeth over that win).
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 03:12 AM

I actually caught it live today!


Ace - Was okay, but he's been better in the past
Bucky - I'm kinda bored by this guy, week after week
Chris - RAWK! He brings it each week, but one-dimensional?
David - I'm sick of this crooner kid. That smile won't keep him much longer, and those head ticks drive me nuts
Elliott - What did he sing again?
Gedeon - Talk about smiles! I think he's pretty good
Sway - He was okay; nothing special
Kevin - Sorry, kid: you have no range whatsoever and are irritating to listen to.
Taylor - I LOVE this guy!!! But hope his schtick doesn't get old, woooo!
Will - I love his voice and hope he kicks it up a notch next time

Next to Go: David & Kevin - boohoo!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 03:24 AM

This is the first show I seen this season and I like in no paticular order:

1. Ace
2. Bucky
3. Chris
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 04:57 AM

For me, it was Chris, Elliot, Gedeon and Taylor, also in no particular order. I think that the rest were either just ok, like Ace and Kevin, to the gotta go, like Bucky and Sway. It's funny, but when the judges decide that they want a certain someone in the finals, they will find something, anything good to say, to try and get America to vote for them.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 12:06 PM

I can't comment on most of the guys, because after Kevin and Fred Savage, I mean Will, my ears couldn't take it anymore. Can any of these guys carry a tune? I liked Elliot, and Ace was ok, but not great. Kevin will definately be one to go. I just hope I can last through the whole show next week to get a better handle on these guys.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 04:33 PM

Ace may turn out to be the big bore. Enough with playing to the camera. His choice of songs is beginning to fit a pattern. Not enough edge, too much boy-toy (right girls?)

Gideon - lots of soul, voice was better, stage presence gets better each time.

Chris - the Beau Bice of '06.

Fred Savage needs a doo.

I love to watch Taylor, but his vocal range is a bit limited. How far will the Joe Cocker twitch take him.

The guys show was almost as boring as the girls. Lose the ballads.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 05:05 PM

I wouldn't say the show was as boring as the girl's, but it wasn't great by any means.

Chris once again stole the show. Hemmorhage is one of my favorite modern rock songs, and I'm glad that Chris was able to pull it off.

The biggest disappointment of the night was Ace. His performance wasn't the worst of the night, but definitely the most disappointing.

I've heard a lot of criticism on Bucky's performance, but I thought it was one of the better performances of the night.

Taylor was good.

Elliot just gets better and better every week. A white kid pulling off a Stevie Wonder song, not to mention one of Stevie's more difficult songs. I could see him making it through to the finals.

The biggest surprise for me was Gedeon. Last week wasn't that great, but he was really good last night.

I hope this is Kevin's last week. His voice is annoying. I predict both Kevin and David will be eliminated tonight.

Girls, I predict Brenna and Heather...again.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 05:54 PM

Oh, PLEASE make Brenna go away. She is so very, very annoying, and talentless to boot. What were they thinking???

Elliot was amazing, wasn't he? And Ace's performance was a disappointment, hot as he is. However, the judges are pimping him so much that it's ridiculous. I think that all they can see is 11-14 year olds running out in droves to buy CDs, posters, etc.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/02/06 07:35 PM

I was just gonna say that the "cute" factor helps so much, that some of the better singers might be eliminated earlier because of that. But then I remembered that Fantasia won. Never mind.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Oh, PLEASE make Brenna go away.
***** SPOILERS *****

Hey, you're right! She's out!
Heather's out, too - not a shock.

Sway's in Bottom 3...
So's David...
And..... Kevin!

David got the lower # of votes - Thank You, America!! Don't get me wrong, I like crooners - but I like good crooners.

So it's either Sway or Kevin out next. As far as vocal ability, it should be Kevin....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 01:57 AM

OMG Sway's out before Kevin?!!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 01:58 AM

I was just going to save that. I think thousands of 12 year old girls had nothing better to do last night.

Is this another Scott fiasco in the works?
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 02:11 AM

I was 3 for 4 tonight.

I can't even believe more people voted for Kevin than for Sway. There was nothing about Kevin's performance that was better than Sway's.

Kevin will be gone next week. (fingers crossed)
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 12:28 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:

Kevin will be gone next week. (fingers crossed)
We kept saying this last season about Scott.

I suddenly have a feeling to hurl.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 12:39 PM

SB, could you believe how obnoxious Brenna was?! She needs a heavy dose of humility and charm.

The MC house was 4 for 4.

Next week to boot: Girls; Song choice, song choice...could be Melissa..Kinnik (although she has potential).
Guys: Kevin's run of being the cute guy will be over and probably Bucky.

But wow, Mandisa should not wear tight pants and sleeveless shirts. She has a great voice, smile and personality, but she looks like a cartoon (do I sound like Simon??)
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 02:59 PM

Oh, MC, you are so right about Mandisa's clothing choice. Does the woman not own a mirror. Instead of concentrating on her lovely face, all I could see were her big arms and butt. As my mother would say, if you don't have anything good to show off, cover it!!

Brenna was horrible, as I knew she would be. Clive, call me? Puh-leeze!!

Just saw a new nickname for Kevin - The Blinking Fetus. It's perfect.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 05:11 PM

I wanna see someone pull off "Still Loving You" by the Scorpions. I don't think any of the guys could do it, but maybe one of the girls.

Klaus Meine, IMO, is one of (if not THE) greatest metal vocalists of all time. I've never heard another metal vocalist hit the high notes that he can hit. If anyone on the show could pull of "Still Loving You", they'd have my vote the rest of the season.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/03/06 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
[quote]Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Kevin will be gone next week. (fingers crossed)
We kept saying this last season about Scott.

I suddenly have a feeling to hurl. [/b][/quote]Okay, let's not compare Kevin with Scott!!

Obviously looks has something to do with getting far (or not) in this competition, but in the end, at least the best vocalists get into the finals. Kevin will not get too much further. And you won't see Bucky or Elliot, or Melissa or Mandisa in the finals because they don't have the right look. (Well, I thought the same about Fantasia - but - she at least was a great singer/performer who seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth; and Ruben, well... he didn't have the look either, but still.... Hmm, never mind, maybe I don't know WTF I'm talking about after all! )

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Klaus Meine, IMO, is one of (if not THE) greatest metal vocalists of all time. I've never heard another metal vocalist hit the high notes that he can hit.
He's great, I agree, but don't forget guys like Rob Halford, Dio, Sebastian Bach, etc... Nor forget the power of studio magic: Joe Elliot (Def Leppard) can't sing a tune to save his life, but sounds great on record!
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 02:18 AM

Pretty decent show tonight. Let's recap on the girls first since no one posted last night:

-- Katherine was great, as always. I can see her winning this year.

-- I thought Mandisa did really, really well, but not as great as the judges made it out to be. Still the best performance of the night, probably.

-- I loved Kellie's performance. She's so damn pretty, and she has a great voice.

-- Kinnik was just all over the place last night. She started out good, but she went sharper than a block of Vermont cheddar. Which brings me to my picks for eliminations tomorrow night, for the girls: Kinnik and Melissa (Melissa is great, I really like her voice, but she doesn't really stand out like the rest of the girls.)

Now on to tonight's show, with the guys.

-- Someone finally did "When a Man Loves a Woman", but unfortunately Gedeon didn't nail it, at least in my eyes. Decent performance, not great.

-- I was a bit disappointed with Chris tonight. He should stick to the harder rocking songs. Still a good performance.

-- Buh-bye, Chicken Lit...er...Kevin. I agree with Simon 110%. He definitely got the granny vote.

-- Best performance of the night: Taylor Hicks, bar none. Just awesome.

-- I'm glad Ace made a comeback this week. A bad performance tonight could have meant a ticket home tomorrow. He pulled no punches tonight. I was impressed.

-- I kind of agree with Simon's verdict on Elliot. Good performance, but he seemed a bit uncomfortable. It's as if he was holding back a bit. Still one of the better performances of the night.

-- I'm quickly becoming a fan of Bucky. I like his whole Bob Seger "thing". He'll go pretty far in the competition hopefully.

Tomorrow night, Will and Kevin will be eliminated.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 11:02 AM

Mandisa and Kat nailed their performances. Btw, could the AI machine pimp the Pickler any more? And what was that with Simon? He likes her more than Carrie?? WTF??

Guys: I missed Chris and Gedeon, thought Taylor was great. His dancing reminds me a bit of JPL, so I thought that Simon would hate, but he liked it.

Although I agree that this wasn't Elliot's greatest performance, he still has an absolutely beautiful voice.

Can't wait to see the show tonight. Bo's performing!! Hooray!!

Who I want to see go: Kevin, Will, Kinnik and Melissa. We shall see!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:

Can't wait to see the show tonight. Bo's performing!! Hooray!!
That's why I'm watching
BTW Does Paula ever disagree with Randy?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 05:01 PM

Paula? Puh-leeze! I don't think that the drugs allow her to do much beyond clapping like a seal and babbling like a jackass.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 05:08 PM

Why did they let that zombie Paula back for another season? I can't wait until the day Simon bitch slaps her out of her chair. I bet she'd give Jimmy Hung a standing ovation.
Posted By: irishmike

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/09/06 08:00 PM

Paula's opinion is of no value to these performers, and hopefully they realize that. I really think she is off in another world most of the time, based on her critiques of the performances, and every year seems a little more annoying, rude and childish.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 02:07 AM

What a travesty tonight's show turned out to be!

Instead of Gedeon, it should have been Kevin. And instead of Ayla, it sure as HELL should have been Melissa.

I'm so disappointed.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 01:25 PM

XXX - You are so right!! I can't believe that Ayla was voted off! She was a beautiful and talented girl, and she was robbed. Gedeon was also far more talented than Chicken Little, or Bucky for that matter. How either of them got through in his place is beyond me.

You could almost understand the Pickler getting through. She's cute and pretty and the judges are endlessly pimping her. But Melissa over Ayla? I predict she'll be the first to go of the Top 12.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 04:49 PM

I happen to like Bucky. Taylor is the one that gets on my nerves. Kevin will be gone soon enough. Remember America did get rid of that creep Scott. It took a while but America finally woke up. Same thing will probably happen with Kevin. It was nice seeing Bo again. I love his smiile.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 05:13 PM

It was good to see Bo, but I was very disappointed in his performance, and I'm a HUGE Bo Bice fan. The song was a snooze, and he sounded very out-of-tune. However, his hair was very shiny and bouncy. And I have to tell you, if that's the only nice thing I can think of to say about him...

Edited to Add: Isn't it odd that there are two sets of twins in the Top 12?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 05:48 PM

I know Bucky has a twin, who is the other
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/10/06 08:01 PM

Ace has a twin brother, who is obviously as dreamy as he is.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 08:05 PM

Dag, I still gotta watch the results show from last week, don't wanna read this thread yet.

But I wanted y'all to know that starting this week (I think, maybe it already started), TV Guide Channel (if you have it) will be airing "Idol Chat" (or "Idol Tonight"?) an hour before each Tuesday episode...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 08:13 PM

JG - I find that's a problem with DVRing (isn't it nice to create new verbs?)- you SWEAR you'll watch what you recorded, but somehow, other things sort of get in the way. Like I knew someone who recorded the Godfather Saga...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 09:52 PM

I recorded the Saga - just didn't unplug the unit and bring it in here to see if I can dump it onto the computer. What else has been hindering that is that my computer is starting to give me problems, and I am looking to get a new one first...

As far as AI, I just watched Thursday's episode, and....



Freakin' bullshit!! Especially Kevin in the Freakin' Top 12!!!!?? Starry Starry Freakin' Night?? GIMME A BREAK!!!! :rolleyes:

Okay, deep breaths...


Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 09:55 PM

I know, I know, and Ayla before Melissa!! Puh-leeze!! Very, very angry. Hopefully, Kevin will go tonight. He's a sweet kid, but Gedeon was really, really good. He did not deserve to go.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 10:05 PM

SB, I'm sorry to tell you this but that guy named Ace will be history after tonight! :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 11:17 PM

Is that what your crystal ball told you? :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 11:24 PM

I think that's what his brass balls told him. :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/14/06 11:31 PM

I think Melissa is the first to go this week. She's been a bit borderline these last couple of weeks and just my guess, but I think she'll struggle during Stevie Wonder week.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 01:22 AM

My grades tonight...

Ace - I actually liked it (B+)
Kellie - Totally sucked, IMHO (D)
Elliot - Don't know, didn't move me (C)
Mandisa - Not as great as usual (B)
Bucky - One of my favorites so far (B)
Melissa - D is for Dreadful (D+) ...Simon liked it??!!
Lisa - Nice job actually! Best yet (A-)
Kevin - Surprisingly not that sucky! (B)

Gotta go - will have to watch the rest later.......
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 02:16 AM

Ewwwwww! Kevin singing Part time lover . How gross is that. Who the heck is he old enough to screw?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 03:47 AM

OMG!! The one thing you learn is complete and total respect for a talent like Steveie Wonder. His songs are really, really tough to sing, so I'm not surprised that almost everyone had a tough time staying on pitch.

Ace - pleasant voice, very cute, but nothing spectacular. Not bad enough to be voted off, despite what DC says.

Pickler - zzzzzzzzzzzz

Elliott - perfectly on pitch, hit every note, not thrilled with the song, but how cute was he when he cried because he was sitting next to Stevie Wonder?

Mandisa - Not horrible, but not her usual great performance.

Bucky - Not as bad as I expected.

Melissa - as bad as I expected.

Lisa - she just doesn't inspire me. I can't say that anything was specifically wrong with that performance, but it didn't do it for me.

Kevin - far worse than I expected.

Katherine - as good as I expected.

Taylor and Paris - Missed it because I was gluing my daughter's Joan of Arc poster for History class. Damn those children!!!

Chris - the only truly awesome performance of the night, at least that I caught. He was as amazing as always.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 04:26 AM

I missed most of the last hour. I saw all the way up to Bucky, and then I barely caught Chris's performance.

I was REALLY impressed with Bucky tonight. I didn't think he could pull off a Stevie Wonder song, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Chris was just awesome. Never in a million years would I have thought that ANY Stevie Wonder song could be converted to a modern rock song. He pulled it off without a hitch. I didn't think he could pull off a Stevie Wonder song. I'm glad I was proven wrong.

I saw the 10 second clip of Katherine at the end of the show. My God, she is gorgeous, and she sings just as beautifully.

Tonight, it was Chris's night, hands-down. He's my pick for the winner of the entire competition.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 06:37 AM

Chris is a GREAT rock singer, no question. But rock singers are a dime a dozen. He really needs to move outside the box. Bo didn't win for a reason, now, did he? Too one-dimensional, no matter how good they are.

I'm still PISSED(!) that Kevin made it passed Will. You have no idea. I've pretty much lost all remaining respect I had with this competition. It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with actual TALENT once you get the stupid-ass public involved. It's ALL about who gets more votes from the 12-yr-old girls. I thought Will would get enough of those votes, but thanks to one-octave-range-clogged-sinuses Kevin, he's gone for no good reason.

Let alone GEDEON who's FAR superior!!

It's not a talent contest any more. Never really was, truthfully.

It's just -- well, except for Fantasia -- a beauty/cute/awwww contest. It's horse shit. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 06:48 AM

Is my hearing going bad or did I hear Kevin say he was a sex symbol :rolleyes:
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
Is my hearing going bad or did I hear Kevin say he was a sex symbol :rolleyes:
That's another thing...

This poor kid has NO idea WTF is going on around him apparently. I really think that HE thinks that he's some kind of sex symbol or something!!

People vote for that kid cuz he's just that - a kid. And no, not a sex symbol, but a dork on top of it. Which is fine; I'm a dork myself. BUT - this shit has really gone to his head, and, he thinks he's some hotshot now (rather than a pity vote), and, that could just well perpetuate itself so much that he could actually freakin' win this thing!! And, if that happens -- hell, if he's even in the Top 10 -- I don't expect this series to have any more real credibility.

Sad. But true.

The general public isn't voting on talent. And sure, he has SOME talent, and actually did a halfway decent job tonight (for a change)... but he has NO range whatsover, and he certainly is NOT one of the 12 Best in the country!! WHY people vote on just looks/story/whatever is beyond me.

If it was a spelling bee, left up to public vote somehow... this'd be one of the worst spellers ending up in the Top 12. Does that make any sense? NO, of course not. It's bullcrap.

I'm still gonna watch - at least for now - but that doesn't change the B.S. Factor at all.

Last week's results really disappointed me.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 03:07 PM

Overall, I think Chris and Katherine were the best singers last night. Chris's performance was helped out by the special effects and it made it seem like a rock concert. I noticed the Katherine/Kelly Clarkson singing comparison early on, but there's something about her personality that bugs me a bit.

Other singers:

Ace - I thought he was terrible. Sorry SB!

Pickler - I agree with SB. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Elliott - This guy is a great singer and if he had a tiny bit of personality/back story, he should be one of the favorites.

Mandisa - Has trouble when not using her power voice. That's why she did well with "I'm Every Woman" - the whole song was in power voice. Not one of her best performances but still good.

Bucky - Did OK.

Melissa - Terrible. My pick for first person out.

Lisa - Still trying to find her niche with her great voice.

Kevin - I agree with JG - he's getting a bit cocky. You know it's bad when I'm watching thinking "Why is this guy on my TV???"

Taylor - Taylor is just fun to watch. Got the longest and best ovation of the night.

Paris - Reminds me of Fantasia. Still waiting for the breakout performance. Very good last night.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 03:52 PM

Well, I still like to look at Ace, but I'm getting annoyed by his tummy-slapping bopping around. I'm sure that he gets votes for the same reason as Pickler - looks. Although why anyone would vote for the "Calamari Mink" is beyond me when Katherine is so far superior in both looks and talent.

As for Lisa, she's starting to bug me, too, and she was one of my favorites early on. As for Taylor, I just love the fact that he is the furthest thing from an AI contestant - looks, personality, etc. Same for Chris, same for Elliott. I would have to say that those three got truly got through on talent.

I, too, am waiting for Paris to come out. I've been most disappointed in her. I remember being blown away by her initial audition, and just haven't been since then.

As for Kevin, get The Blinking Fetus off my TV!!!!!!
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/15/06 04:03 PM

Forget the contestants, GET RID OF PAULA ABDUL! My GOD!, it doesn't matter if you suck, she'll still praise you.

Ace, for instance. I thought the performance was great, the vocals were terrible. I agreed with Randy and Simon, but Paula's critique was just absolutely ridiculous. Somebody buy her a cheeseburger, and get her off the damn show.

Simon said it best: "Lucky for you Ace, the audience is easily pleased."
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 02:14 AM

Just saw the latest Ford commercial starring the Top 12. Why oh why is Mandisa wearing jeans????
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 02:23 AM


ACE in the Bottom 3 but not Kevin??

This show is a joke.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 02:29 AM

Ace... Melissa... Lisa...

Ace is Safe! *WHEW!*

Lisa BETTER NOT GO or I'm boycotting this show!

THANK YOU for one small favor. :rolleyes:

Melissa's out! (Thankfully)

Nothing personal, but next week it BETTER BE Kevin!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 02:32 AM

How oh how could Kevin NOT be in the bottom 3??? Oh, the pain!! I just don't get it!! Blinking Fetus begone!!!!!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 02:57 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Nothing personal, but next week it BETTER BE Kevin!
I hope it won't be like last season when Scott stayed week after week after week. Hopefully America will get it's act together :rolleyes:
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 05:02 AM

My mom taped tonight's show and is about to watch it, so I was teasing her with the results that I found out from here...she was ready to kill me, if I'd said it!

You AI fans are nuts. :p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 01:46 PM

It seems that there's a website called votefortheworst.com that encourages people to vote for their chosen worst contestant (Kevin). Last year, they chose Scott. The website contends that since AI is so hypocritical about airing bad auditions for us to make fun of and pimping who they want to win, even if they're not as talented as other contestants (Carrie), they are just giving the contestants an even footing. They also claim that with all the millions of people who voted last year, Carrie only won by 134 votes. They claim that if Kevin gets voted off despite their efforts, they will then move on to Pickler.

Although I don't agree with this strategy because it means that other singers that truly are talented will get eliminated in place of others (anyone remember Nikko from last year?), I sort of see their point. I mean, this is supposed to be a singing competition, and it's often anything BUT that.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 06:00 PM

I was very surprised that Ace was in the bottom three. As for Lisa, I'm not so surprised not because of her talent - she's clearly one of the better singers - but she's not really connecting with the crowd and she doesn't have the personalities/back stories that others have. She's a bit more laid back.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 07:11 PM

How do we know that the call in voting system is what they are going by to eleminate someone? How do we know it's not Simon making the decisions?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
How do we know it's not Simon making the decisions?
Because Kevin is still in it. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/16/06 07:24 PM

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 01:40 AM

So far...

Mandisa did great, as usual.
Bucky blew. Awful. No range whatsoever.
Paris was good, as usual.
Chris was only okay this week, surprisingly.
Katharine was pretty bleh, but okay.

(I must be hard to please tonight, since Simon loved Katharine)

Gotta love Taylor, but song is somewhat limiting.
Lisa did a good job; I love that song.

Uh, oh... the "Sexy Heart Throb Teen Idol Beast" is next.... :rolleyes:

Oh boy. Only tears I shed for Kevin tonight were in pain every 12 notes or so. The judges are much too polite with this kid.

Anyway, gotta hop in the shower... will DVR later....
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 04:48 AM

First things first Why did they have to show Constantene(sp) Eww.

My take tonight:

Mandisa-Mandiva was great as usual.
Bucky- Good song for him but ok.
Paris-Wow what a great singing voice from that tiny talking voice.
Chris-His version of "I Walk The Line" was awesome. He's got great shot at winning.
Katherine-Did a great job but, I like Mandisa better.
Taylor-His dancing Eww. I thought he did ok though.
Lisa-I love that song. I thought she did a good job.
The Sex Symbol Chicken Little-Did ok. I like that song also.
Elliott-Did ok not thrilled though.
Pickle-Patsy Cline would roll over in her grave YUCK
Ace- Ace is back YEA
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 01:41 PM

Here is my ever so humble opinion on last night's performances:

Mandisa - You are awesome beyond awesome. I agree with Randy that I had to pity anyone who came after that performance. You also looked absolutely beautiful, and whoever picked out your dress should pick your clothes every week.

Bucky - meh. Just stop with the meh.

Paris - excellent job, although I wish whoever picked out your clothes would just STOP. You look like a little girl playing dress up in your mother's clothes. I almost expected her shoes to be three sizes too big, you know what I mean?

Chris - Good performance, but it was not "original", it was ripped off from Live's version of Walk the Line.

Katherine - Although I've been a big fan, I did not love her performance last night.

Taylor - Again, usually a big fan, but that was also meh.

Lisa - I don't know why I can't connect with this girl. She's so very pretty, and she has a lovely voice, but each performance leaves me bored.

Kevin - For once, I did not hate The Blinking Fetus. He did a decent job with this song, but I still find him annoying.

Elliot - You are too, too awesome. That song was fabulous. And you're looking better, too.

Pickler - Oh, Mig, you are so right. I heard this sort of "whirring" sound while she was performing, and realized that it was Patsy Cline spinning in her grave. That was all kinds of bad. And would you forget the mink already! It wasn't that funny to begin with, much less as a running gag!! The only good thing about your performance was that we were spared hearing you speak afterwards. Kudos to whoever is running the sound booth.

Ace - Oh, Ace, my Ace. What have you done?? You were not as bad as last week, but you weren't great. And were you channeling some Constantstink with your dirty hair??

Speaking of which, I'm sure that Ace's hair and seeing Constantstink in the audience is what compelled JG to shower during the show.

And who wants Paula to share her meds with the rest of us?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 03:04 PM

Mandisa - Wow. She was phenomenal.

Bucky - Toss up between him and Lisa as pick to go. As a talent, although good, he's clearly in the 2nd or 3rd tier.

Paris - Did well, but I'm still waiting for that "Wow" performance.

Chris - So which version will he rip off next week? This guy is clearly talented and should be in the final 3 at least, but he's getting pimped big time and it's kind of annoying.

Katherine - I thought it was a great performance.

Taylor - I'm a big fan, but song choice hurt him.

Lisa - I get what you mean SB. She's a bit too mechanical, as if she's singing but doesn't really "believe" in the song, if you know what I mean. Might be in trouble.

Kevin - Somebody please get him off my TV. Constantink also.

Elliot - I get the same feeling from Elliot as I do Lisa. Too mechanical, no emotion while singing. Still, he did a good job.

Pickler - Zzzzzz. Not my type of music. Deer-in-headlights starting to get old.

Ace - Constantine 2.0 except not quite as annoying. Opposite of Elliot. He's great at emoting, but not as much talent.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 03:42 PM

SB and DS pretty much hit the nail on the head for me. I'll just give a rundown of the great, the good, the bad, and the one that's gonna go tonight:


Kevin (Gotta give credit where credit is do, it was good, but I still don't like him )
Taylor (worst performance yet for him, but still better than some)
Lisa (good performance, but boring)
Pickler (my one disagreement. I thought it was a decent performance.)

Bucky (I'm a huge fan, but I was SO disappointed with his performance last night)
Ace (His good looks are masking the fact that he can't sing. Period.)


It's a toss-up for me between Lisa and Bucky. I can't make a definitive decision, as it could be either one of em tonight.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 03:57 PM

Have you guys heard of the website http://www.dialidol.com ? It's a website that tries to predict who will be in the bottom 3 and who will be leaving by a method based on the frequency of busy signals. Before the results show last week, I saw that they predicted that Kevin, Ace and Lisa will be in the bottom 3 (in that order, with Lisa leaving). Melissa was 4th from last.

My initial reaction was if Melissa wasn't in the bottom 3 and Ace and Lisa were, their method was seriously flawed.

But lo and behold, Ace and Lisa were both cringing with Melissa as the bottom 3 last week.

Lucky guess?

In any case, this week, they predict that Bucky, Lisa and Elliot are in the bottom 3 with Elliot leaving.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 07:39 PM

For some reason Ace reminds me of uncle Jessy from Full House I guess it's his smile. :p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 09:35 PM

I LOVE Uncle Jessie!! Maybe that's why I have a thing for Ace! Although he lost some serious points with me last night re: the hair thing. A little too much Dippity-Do (and am I one of the few here who remembers Dippity-Do?).

Btw, I predict that either Bucky or Lisa will be gone tonight. If Kevin survived the disaster of epic proportions that was last week's performance, he's sure to make it through with a passable one.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/22/06 09:52 PM

I think the bottom 3 will be Bucky Ace Lisa with Bucky getting the axe. Even though I want Chicken Little to go I think he will be safe. That little girl in the audiance(sp) was so cute intoducing Ace last night. Reminding me of another blonde hair little girl years ago. My baby girl.

BTW I remember [img]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:5f.../dippity_do.jpg[/img]
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 01:12 AM

Just watched the ones I missed last night - I thought Ace did a great job! Besides, it's one of my favorite songs. :p Pickler did very well, and Elliot was just okay...

My Bottom 3: Bucky, Kevin, and that bubble head Pickler

Predicted Bottom 3: Bucky, Pickler, and in an upset: Taylor

Should Definitely Go: Bucky or Kevin
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 02:22 AM

Ace is... safe!
Mandisa is... safe!
Elliot is... safe!
Pickler is... safe!
Chris is... safe!
Paris is... safe!
Katharine is... safe!
Taylor is... safe!

Bottom 3: Kevin, Lisa, Bucky

Lisa is... safe!

Kevin vs Bucky!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 02:29 AM


Poor kid. But c'mon, how he lasted this long is still beyond me!
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 02:34 AM

When Ryan said that Bucky was safe, I jumped up and started dancing, and let me just say that I do not dance.

I feel like I should feel kinda bad for this kid, but I don't. His time was up long ago. America was just delaying the inevitable. Good riddance, Chicken Little.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 02:42 AM

Now I feel sorry for America's newest sex symbol. :rolleyes: 2 weeks in a row for Lisa. I was wrong about Ace being in the bottom 3 but right about Lisa and Bucky.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:03 AM

Bucky's rendition of "Oh Boy" has been stuck in my head since last night, and I don't think it's gonna leave.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:14 AM

As much as I wanted Kevin gone from my TV, I felt really bad for him. He handled it well, especially for his age, and went out with class. Goodbye Blinking Fetus!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:15 AM

I hate it when a song gets stuck in your head like that. Especially if it is a dumb song.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:34 AM

That's ok, all I keep hearing in my head is that So You Had a Bad Day song.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 05:11 AM

Okay, I've never bothered to take much of an interest in AI, nor do I really plan to - my mom blasting it on her TV while I was trying to watch the Astros is reason enough for me to dislike it - but I just have to ask where these nicknames (Blinking Fetus and Chicken Little) came from?

Can anyone fill me in on how someone manages nicknames like those?
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 07:09 AM

Kevin Covais/Chicken Little (God I wish I coulda found a bigger picture! )

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 10:15 AM

This will scare some of you.

'American Idol' Producers Nearly Fired Abdul
American Idol producers came close to firing judge Paula Abdul earlier this month - and wanted to offer her job to Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson. Tensions on the set of the hit TV show were running high and producers were considering firing the former singer for her erratic behavior. A source tells American magazine Us Weekly, "Paula was being very difficult. (She was) crying all the time and arriving late for meetings." The stress from the situation drove Abdul seek medical attention and she was treated for "exhaustion and dehydration." According to the source, executives from the show discussed replacing the troubled judge: "(They) liked Jessica (Simpson) a lot. And some were pushing for Britney (Spears)." Neither star ended up meeting with Idol producers and they decided to keep Abdul - for now. Abdul's representative denies the allegations: "Paula is always a joy on the set and everyone loves her. If they were looking at Britney or Jessica, that's news to me."
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 01:14 PM

Gina, On the internet, there are always nicknames for the performers. I saw The Blinking Fetus for Kevin, and it seemed to fit him perfectly. He looks like a fetus, and he has a habit of blinking quite a lot. The Chicken Little nickname actually came from AI, since they saw a resemblance and put it on the show.

As for some of the other names for past and present performers: Man-diva for Mandisa, Gray Charles or Taylor Ticks for Taylor Hicks, and Constantstink for Constantine. I'm sure there are plenty of others out there, if anyone else would like to share.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 01:43 PM

SB, I say that William Hung is better than Ace! :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:17 PM

I am so OVER him. Ace hasn't sung well in several weeks, although his performance was decent this week. Then, he was all greasy and gross on top of it. The Ace love has left the building!! Although he is still really hot, and does have that twin...
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I am so OVER him. Ace hasn't sung well in several weeks, although his performance was decent this week. Then, he was all greasy and gross on top of it. The Ace love has left the building!! Although he is still really hot, and does have that twin...
So the lesson to be learned here is that you should Listen to your brother. I told you about that guy. He's just another Carlo.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/23/06 07:14 PM

But he's so PRETTY!!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/24/06 02:12 AM

Thanks for the nickname explanations, guys.

Chicken Little is hilarious, especially after seeing the photo comparison.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/24/06 11:38 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin shows up on some sitcom on Fox.

My wife thinks Katherine looks like a porno star. The surprising thing about that is ...I didn't know my wife has seen any porno movies..

I think Ace might be masking a disability. He has that distant look in his eyes.

Bucky....must be the C&W vote. Same with Pickler.

Lisa has a great voice; clear, on pitch, but she lacks that pizzaz.

Elliot - great vocals, but no style.

Final Four is looking like; Chris, Taylor, Katherine and Mandisa.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/24/06 11:08 PM

That was cold Part. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/29/06 02:16 AM

Where is everyone?

I was quite disappointed this week in most everyone, even the ones I thought were the best! The only ones that I thought stood out, IMHO, were Lisa and Paris.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/29/06 02:28 AM

I'm here Don Geoffy

Tonight's show was disappointing. As much as I like Mandiva, she has done a whole lot better. The only ones I liked tonight were Lisa and Bucky. Oh yeah did you see when Simon made Paula sit down? :rolleyes:
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/29/06 02:42 AM

Mig, I did see that, after Elliott's performance. Ah, the problems with a drunken/drugged judge and live TV!!

I missed Lisa's performance because my daughter remembered that tomorrow there's a bake sale at school and she needs to bring something in for it, and I was at the supermarket. The others:

Kellie - take your suds and go home. The hick act is getting very tiresome.

Ace - I thought he did well, actually. Although what have they done to my Ace's hair???

Taylor - decent job, and he was toned down for once.

Mandisa - good performance, got the audience on their feet, not her best vocals. And please, Mandisa, you are so lovely, but STOP WEARING JEANS.

Katharine - just lovely in every way.

Chris - What If, What If, What If I shoved a sock in your mouth to shut you up? The pony needs to learn more than one trick, and Simon told him so.

Bucky - zzzzzzz. Simon was right. He was boring and mumbly.

Paris - Hot, hot, hot.

Elliott - I've always loved his voice, but for once I got a passionate vibe from him. He was definitely connecting with the song and the audience. I think he should get a pin that says, "I'm half deaf and I can still sing better than you."

IMHO, I think we've seen the last of Bucky.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/29/06 03:25 AM

I'm hoping that Pickle will take the suds and the clothes hanging on the line and get the fudge off my tv.

BTW SB, How did Ace sat that he got that scar? I couldn't hear what he said. My son was being The Big Show and doing wrestling moves while I was watching AI.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/29/06 03:01 PM

My take on last night...

Lisa - Did well. Finally got some emotion out of her instead of just being a singing robot. But with the voting trend, I don't know if it was enough to escape the bottom 3.

Kellie - Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Ace - Was bad as usual. I thought Simon's and Randy's facial expressions when Paula asked Ace to tell her some day how he got the scar were hilarious. Mig - I think he said that he got that scar while playing basketball. Talk about losing street cred! Say you got stabbed while saving a girl, something, anything, make something up...

Taylor - Sang really well, I thought.

Mandisa - Not to her usual standards, but good. Was it just me or did anyone think the song was too fast for her - as if she was always trying to catch up?

Katharine - Sang it well, although the number one thing it proved to me was how good Cristina Aguilera really is. Katharine needed a fuller voice to sing that song, I think.

Chris - Has sung the same song for about five weeks in a row. Sings it well though.

Bucky - My choice for gone.

Paris - Was really good. Best of the night and most entertaining.

Elliott - Like Mandisa, I thought the song was too fast for him. Like the judges said, arrangement was horrible. Still a great voice though.

My choice for bottom 3: Lisa, Bucky and Ace with Bucky leaving

Dialidol: Katharine, Ace and Bucky with Katharine leaving
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/30/06 02:27 AM

NO, NO, NO!! Not Katharine!!! Who is going back to safety??
ACE?????? How is this possible?? This show sucks. Lisa or Katharine?? How does Pickler sail by week after week?? I hate this show!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/30/06 03:21 AM

IMHO Pickle sucked to high heaven and she got away with it. I was so shocked that Bucky was safe and Katherine was in the bottom 3. You could tell she was very pissed about it. I haven't voted yet but Tuesday I will. Hopefully the person I vote for will cancel out Pickles votes. I was sad that Lisa went home
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 03/30/06 12:47 PM

Well, Lisa was supposed to go some time (but it shouldn't have been before Bucky) and there's no way Katharine should be in the bottom 3. There's something about her personality that grates me, but on talent alone, she should be at least in the top 5.

Country week next week... Not really my type of songs...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/05/06 01:27 AM

Country is not my favorite genre, but it actually provides a wealth of good stuff for the ladies. There are so many fantastic female country singers: Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, Martina McBride, just to name a few. I remember that everyone thought this genre would kill Fantasia, and she turned in an amazing performance of Always on My Mind.

Taylor did a good job, but I think he's trying to tone it down too much.

Mandisa started off boring and off-key, picked up at the end, but I expected better from her. I would've loved to see Mandisa sing Dolly's version of I Will Always Love You.

Elliott did as great a job as always. He has the most amazing control over his voice. He's just fabulous.

Paris did nicely, Ace was his usual boy-band self, Pickler was sexy and fun, but she has no lower register.

Chris was great and so was Katharine. For once, he stepped out of his box, and she was just downright sassy and sexy.

Bucky, who I expected to shine, was boring and off-key. Plus, he sang on the steps, a sure AI omen that you are going to be voted off because you were booooooring.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/05/06 02:09 AM

You pretty much nailed my sentiments exactly, SB.

The two biggest surprised of the night (for me at least) were Ace and Chris. I was a fan of Ace at the beginning, I've hated him for the past few weeks, but I'm glad to see him doing well again. I thought his performance was exceptional.

I'm also glad that Chris chose a different style of song than his usual "rocker" schtick. I really didn't think he would be able to pull off a slow, mellow country tune, but he pulled it off nicely. I was impressed.

Good Lord, I wanted to jump through the television when Katherine was performing. An unbelievably sexy performance, and her singing was right on the money. I actually became a bit flush watching her.

The Pickler did well, too. No surprise, given the genre.

I was VERY disappointed with Bucky. This was supposed to be his night, and he blew it, IMO. Not a terrible performance, but definitely not good enough for this stage of the competition.

Taylor was ok.

Elliot was awesome. He's just so versatile. He's got an amazing voice.

Mandisa was ok.

Paris was ok.

I voted for Chris and Katherine tonight. I predict Bucky will be eliminated tomorrow. Which is a shame, because I like him.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/05/06 01:48 PM

My thoughts on last night:

Taylor - Did OK. Nothing memorable about the performance.

Mandisa - Was off last night. I've said it before - Mandisa struggles when she's not power-belting and singing in the lower registers.

Elliott - Pretty good.

Paris - Good choice of song for her. Had trouble in some spots but did generally well.

Ace - Falsetto is back. So is the vomit on my shoes.

The Pickle - Did well, but can't understand her sometimes.

Chris - He actually sang and sang well.

Katharine - Really good performance.

Bucky - The key word is "annunciate".

My choice for bottom 3: Ace, Elliott, and Bucky with Bucky leaving (Elliot is a great singer but I don't see him connecting to a fan base like the other singers )

DialIdol Bottom 3: Paris, Elliot and Mandisa with Mandisa leaving
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:19 AM

It better be Bucky or Pickler...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:23 AM

WHAT THE FUCK????!!?!?!!!!???!?!?!

Mandisa, Elliot and Paris on the Bottom 3 ?!?!?!?!???????
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:27 AM

Mandisa VS Elliot... WTF?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:29 AM


Well, she hasn't been as hot the past couple weeks, but still.... before Bucky and Pickler???? :rolleyes:
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:38 AM

I knew Mandisa would go eventually, but I never thought she'd be gone this early. Especially before Bucky or the Pickler.

Honestly though, I'm glad Bucky made it. I don't think he's the best singer on the show, but he's not as bad as people make him out to be.

Now the Pickler or Ace, on the other hand...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 11:06 AM

The truth is, the AI machine was never going to let Mandisa win, so it's just as well. She hasn't been that great the last two weeks, but how on God's green earth she could leave before Bucky, Pickler, or Ace is beyond me. Terrible.

The Chosen One this year is definitely Chris, who gets a tongue bath from the judges no matter what he sings, or screams. I'm not saying he isn't talented, but c'mon!!

They've only had one male winner, and when was the last time anyone saw Ruben (not that you could miss him if you did)? They want a male, and they want Chris. And although they love the Pickler, they don't want a Carrie Understudy.
They've been pimping Chris for some time now.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 12:51 PM

Wow... DialIdol was right on this one.

It's too bad - I really liked Mandisa. Even in her interviews, I found her quick-witted and likable. She wasn't great these last couple of weeks, but like we all are saying - she's worse than Bucky, Pickle or Ace??

I too see the pimping of Chris, but what's the deal with the pimping of Pickle?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:17 PM

Pickler is very attractive and there must be a good number of people buying her act, since she's never hit the seal, in spite of some poor performances. Anything for the ratings, my friend!! The judges will continue to pimp whoever they feel will bring in the ratings, even if they don't want them to win. I have to start checking out dialidol.com. They seem to be pretty on the money, at least with their predictions for the Bottom Three.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 01:32 PM

I don't watch American Idol. Never have.

I like 'The Apprentice'...used to watch 'Survivor', until it just got old.

That's about my limit on reality shows.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/06/06 08:15 PM

Apple, one of the reasons we like it is that it is a family-friendly show that we can all watch together. And it is amazing how you can get involved in cheering for your favorites.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/07/06 03:29 PM

Paula Abdul filed assault charges? What charges can the public file for her indecent public behavior on the show?

Paula Abdul filed assault charges with Hollywood police on Tuesday against a man who allegedly slammed her into a wall, the Associated Press reports.

The American Idol judge told police she was at a private party at about 1 a.m. on April 2 when a man she was arguing with grabbed her arm and threw her against a wall, according to a police spokesman.

"(Abdul) said she had sustained a concussion and spinal injuries," the spokesman said.

Abdul reportedly saw her doctor following the incident and said that she would make herself available for photographs of her injuries, Reuters reports.

According to the AP, Abdul, 43, gave police the man's name, but no arrests have been made.

A rep for Abdul had no comment.

Abdul, who recently renewed her Idol contract for three more years, showed no signs of distress on this week's two episodes.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/07/06 03:42 PM

Yea, I doubt a concussion victim with spinal injuries would be jumping around and dancing like a nutcase on the show. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/07/06 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:

Abdul, who recently renewed her Idol contract for three more years, showed no signs of distress on this week's two episodes.
She was probably to wasted to show distress. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/07/06 04:33 PM

I like this line from one of the gossip stations.

Paula to Police: I Was Straight-Up Roughed Up.

I think she was Straight-Up Shot Up.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/07/06 04:48 PM

Will Chris hold up with his heavy/hard rock approach. Bo could lean toward the pop, which kept his rock image in check. The old folks aren't going to vote for Chris when it comes down to him and.......?

Pickler is annoying. Bucky has no range. Paris may have run her string of cutesy outfits and hairdos. Now the question is....who WON'T be able to sing a Queen song?

Is AI a reality show? or is Survivor and Apprentice psuedo-reality shows?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/12/06 02:06 PM

My thoughts on last night...

Bucky - M MMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMMMM. (That was me mumbling "I thought he was terrible.")

Ace - (stomp stomp clap) (stomp stomp clap) He Will... He Will... Be in the bottom three. Everybody...

Pickler - Kind of scary at the beginning. So so performance.

Chris - Hurt by obscure song. Sang well though.

Katharine - Good decision switching songs. Nice voice. Still irked by her personality.

Elliot - The dude can sing.

Taylor - I'm a big Taylor fan, but I'm laughing through his entire performance. Is that a good thing?

Paris - She's getting stronger and stronger every week. At times, comes off as an imitation of Fantasia (who was in the audience last night), but I guess an imitation of Fantasia is a lot better than some people.

My bottom 3: Pickler, Ace, Bucky with Bucky leaving

DialIdol 3: Chris , Bucky and Ace with Ace leaving
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/12/06 02:10 PM

I thought that there were some very, very poor performances last night, and I was disagreeing with the judges over almost every single one.

I thought that the last three were very good. I thought Elliott was amazing. His voice is just beautiful. I enjoyed Taylor's performance and was glad to see him back to his old self. I thought that Paris did an excellent job.

I'm getting tired of Ace's boy band act. And why is Pickler seemingly unable to grasp the concept of paper?? And Chris - PLEASE STOP SCREAMING AT ME!! And I didn't understand the tongue bath that Katharine got from the judges. I'm usually a huge fan, but I thought that last night's performance was a huge trainwreck.

Alhtough I'm not a Bucky fan, I was impressed with the fact that he made Queen sound like Lynyrd Skynyrd.

DS - Since you turned me on to dialidol.com, I went to check their prediction. They have Ace, Bucky and Chris in the Bottom Three, with Ace going hom.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/13/06 01:31 AM

Bucky - FINALLY!!!

Ace should be next......
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/13/06 02:09 AM

Ace shoulda been the one going tonight. Do I think Bucky deserved to go? Absolutely not!

Did I think Bucky had a chance to win? No, not really. But Ace should have definitely been eliminated before Bucky. Ace just isn't good. His best performances are only decent, whereas I have been genuinely entertained by Bucky.

But then again, none of the performances last night were especially good (save for Elliot and Taylor). I guess it coulda been anybody.
Posted By: Wisconsin Don

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/13/06 04:01 AM



na na na na
hay hay hay

Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/13/06 04:54 AM

I haven't seen the show for 2 weeks now. How in the heck is Pickle still on the show and Mandisa is not? Something is wrong with that picture
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/16/06 11:41 PM

I was watching a show yesterday called American Idol Extra. Has anybody seen it yet? They showed Chicken Little's homecoming. He got the key to the city he lives in some city in New York. Some pizza joint there even made a Kevin pizza with glasses :rolleyes: They showed him going back to school getting back with the choir. They had a interview with Bucky since he got eliminated and other clips from the elimination show. I guess they do this show every week. I did not know that Bucky was married.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/16/06 11:42 PM

Buckey reminds me terribly of Kiefer Sutherland.

Who to win, then?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/16/06 11:45 PM

I don't know who I want to win now since Mandisa left :rolleyes:
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 02:39 AM

Well, I have to say that I was quite impressed with tonight's performances. When I first heard that it was Rod Stewart night, I was picturing a trainwreck of epic proportions, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I think that they all did quite well.

Chris, Paris, Elliott and Katharine did so very, very well. If it comes down to the four of them, I would have a hard time voting, although I love Elliott's absolute ease with every song he sings.

Taylor started out meh, but then kicked some butt. Kellie did the opposite. She started out very, very well, but then lost it. Ace's rendition was, as Simon said, charming. I think it would be difficult to decide who to vote off this week.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 02:57 AM

SB what do you think of Ace's new look?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
SB what do you think of Ace's new look?
It looked truly painful. You could see his lovely eyes better, but I didn't like it that much. I am SO over him.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 03:26 AM

Great performances (for the most part) tonight!

"Wonderful World" would have been SO boring from anybody else, but Chris pulled it off. I'm glad to know that he can actually sing a song.

Paris was good, but forgettable. I don't even remember what she sang.

Taylor, two words: SOUL PATROL!!! I thought he did fantastic.

Elliot was great, as always.

The Pickler was absolutely horrible. I agree, it started out nice, but I ended up having to mute the television about 45 seconds into the song.

Ace did good. Nothing special.

Katharine was incredible. I can honestly see her making it to the finals and winning.

Elliot will be eliminated tomorrow. The Pickler deserves to be eliminated tomorrow.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 03:42 AM

My vote is for Pickle going home but it probably won't happen. Somebody keeps voting for her week after week. Has she evn been in the bottom 3 yet?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
My vote is for Pickle going home but it probably won't happen. Somebody keeps voting for her week after week. Has she evn been in the bottom 3 yet?
I don't think she has, Mig.

Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 02:47 PM

My thoughts on last night...

Chris - Pleasant enough. He has a nice sound to his voice. The whole time I was thinking, "Why is he dressed like a character in my Godfather game?"

Paris - I thought she did well. She does that the jazzy style well.

Taylor - Did really well. One of my favorites.

Elliot - He should have picked a better song. He really needed to stand out this week. I don't think it was enough although he still sang really well.

Pickler - Who is voting for this chick? Terrible.

Ace - Blah.

Katharine - She sang really well. Nice song choice. My only criticism is that she needed to relate to her song more - the song was about longing and she's up there smiling away.

My Bottom 3: Ace, Pickler and Elliot with Elliot leaving (although I wish it was Pickler or Ace)

DialIdol Bottom 3: Chris, Paris and Ace with Ace leaving
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/19/06 10:50 PM

I (finally) just watched last night's episode...

MY thoughts...

Chris (B+) - I thought it was great, and a nice change of pace

Paris (B) - Good, in a Jazzy-Broadway kinda way

Taylor (C+) - The "+" is the for the great ending. The rest of it was nothing special, and too easy

Elliot (C) - Nothing special at all, in any way

Pickler (C-) - Started out great but lost it halfway thru

Ace (C) - It was okay; not perfect

Katharine (C-) - I think Simon's out of his mind. It was somewhat painful in spots to listen to!

MY Bottom 3 based on this week:

Pickler, Katharine, Elliott

Who Should Go: Pickler ("I'm sorry!")
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 01:21 AM

OMG!! Andrea Boccelli next week!! How cool is that??
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 01:33 AM

OMG!! Ace voted off this week!! How cool is that?? :p

j/k... I actually thought he was pretty good, but whatever... ya gotta go, ya gotta go!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 02:48 AM

Why in the heck is Pickle still there? Chris in the bottom 3 WTF
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 02:10 PM

Although I am no fan of Kellie Pickler, I think that she has had some good performances, where Ace has just been either bad or meh. I think that he did deserve to go before her, although I don't understand why she was not at least in the Bottom 3, not ever. My brother said that the reason she hasn't is how she looked in that dress Tuesday night.

I was glad to see that Elliott wasn't in the Bottom 3. He has the most consistenly lovely voice.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 02:12 PM

DialIdol correct again last night...
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/20/06 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
Why in the heck is Pickle still there? Chris in the bottom 3 WTF
So right Mig. Pickle has blonde hair blue eyes and big butt. She sings nasal and has almost zero stage presence. Go figger. Must be the sympathy-grandpa vote.

Ace could only get away with his Back Street Boy style for so long.

Agreed about Chris. Song and style wise he and Katherine are the most polished, but hey, she was in the bottom 3 once.

Next to go.......??.....who will sing the Love Song the worst? ....Paris, hmmmm. or Pickle.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/25/06 12:03 PM

It seems Ryan and Paua are feuding now? What's next for the flakehead...being kicked out of the dawg pound?

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 12:18 AM

Ok, I normally don't watch this show and tonight reminded me of the reason that I don't watch it. My wife and daughter are watching Idol right now and I am sitting in the same room with them doing some paperwork.

The girl Katherine just finished singing and I thought that this girl was awesome. Then I hear the assanine judges and what they said to her about her singing. Simon tells her that by choosing that song it is like her coming out and saying that she is better than Whitney Houston? :rolleyes:

To quote the famous SB ---- PUHLEEEESE!!!!!!

What a bunch of bullshit. This girl was fantastic. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, IMO this whole show is a farce because they know from day one who THEY want to win.

That girl was awesome. These judges have got to be kidding me.

And why does Paula Abdul look as though she's on something and about to have a breakdown?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 12:22 AM

You see what I mean? Paula is in dire need of some serious help! Crying over this guy who didn't even come close to that girl Katherine!!!!

FIX, FIX, FIX!!!!!

Don Cardi
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 01:05 AM

Katharine - I don't give a shit what the judges thought, I think she did terrific - best of the night! (A)

Elliot - It was very good, but not very exciting (B+)

Pickler - Unchained Melody is one of my favorite songs, and she totally butchered it (D)

Paris - Was pretty good, but I barely recognized it most of the time (B+)

Taylor - Could it be prophetic? "I did my best, but my best wasn't good enough" (B-)

Chris - Very good, but didn't blow me away (B+)

My Bottom 3: Pickler, Taylor, Elliot

P.S. and of course Pickler HAS to go... NOW! Don't even wail 'til Tuesday's show....!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 01:06 AM

come're. Whattsa matter with you? I think your brain is going soft from all that comedy your playing doing paperwork.

Elliot was way better than Kathy IMHO.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 02:47 AM


Kathy- Didn't cut it for me tonight.

Elliott- I agree with Simon he was superb

Pickle- YUCK!! If she's not in the bottom 3 this week then the voters need to get their hearing checked.

Paris- Not great but ok

Taylor- so-so

Chris- He's got my vote tonight
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 10:32 AM

I also thought that Katharine did an excellent job, and was rahter surprised at how the judges cut her to pieces. She was trying NOT to oversing the sing, which is a good thing, as shouty is not the new good.

Elliott has the most lovely voice. I think that the reason that the audience doesn't get excited over him is because:

A. He's so damned consistent.
B. He looks like the best-dressed troll under the bridge.

Chris did a good job, Taylor did a good job. Pickler was a trainwreck, and Paris tried too hard to make the song "different" from the original.

Pickler, please get off my TV!!!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/26/06 05:02 PM

Katherine - such a pretty face. Reminds me of Linda Ronstadt. Not a great song choice. Like the judges said; too big for her. I think she tried a bit too hard to belt it out Whitney style and she fell short. I'd hate to see that effort be her demise.

Elliott - Great voice, but he doesn't have the look or the delivery.

Gherkin - Get her off the stage. She's an embarrasment.

France - I can't wait to see her cry when she gets booted. Her family will probably storm the stage. If she would sing instead of act she might survive. I'm tired of her weekly make-overs.

Taylor - He looked a little lost singing a serious love song. I love his voice and style. He might hang til the end.

Chris - This guy just keeps delivering. Great voice. It gets a little too heavy metal once in awhile, but I think he's got what it takes.

Song choice, song choice, song choice.
Hope she goes - Gherkin
Hope she doesn't go - Katherine
Could go - France
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 01:09 AM

DialIdol.com predicts that Paris and Kellie will be the bottom two, and that Paris will be going home. Interesting if the women slowly get picked off, and only the men are left. I don't think they've ever had an all male Top Three? Who was third in Season 3? I didn't watch Idol then, but it was Ruben, Clay and who?? Anyone know?

Edit/Add: DialIdol claims that in teh last 18 eliminations, they've been correct 83% of the time.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 01:39 AM

I dedicate this to the memory of the Pickler....


Thank God the producers spared us the pain of having to hear her sing once again.

On a more positive note: wasn't Andrea Bocelli's performance simply amazing? I was nearly moved to tears.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 01:44 AM

Ditto to what XDCX said. No more seeing and hearing her dumb act.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 02:12 AM

No more Pickler!! HOORAY!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 07:04 AM

More proof that God exists. Altho that proof should've come much sooner... :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 01:37 PM

I didn't get a chance to go on yesterday, but I echo everyone here.

I think we'll have an all male final but I think one of the guys will get picked off before the last girl is out.

My guess (in order of voted out):

Final two between Chris and Taylor, with Chris winning. Although I'm a bigger Taylor fan, the producers have been pimping Chris from the start. There's no way they'll let a 29-year-old, middle-aged-looking goofy guy (with a great voice) win their competition.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Final two between Chris and Taylor, with Chris winning. Although I'm a bigger Taylor fan, the producers have been pimping Chris from the start. There's no way they'll let a 29-year-old, middle-aged-looking goofy guy (with a great voice) win their competition.
I think it could be a Kat-Chris final, but the Taylor-Chris final is more likely. But how do you think the producers sway the vote? The fans vote. The only way to sway would be for the judges to influence the vote by their criticism. They do like Chris. I thought it was interesting that they recanted their criticism of Kat...AFTER the vote. Hmmmmmm?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 06:18 PM

Oh, they definitely pimp who they want to win, with constant tongue baths. If you remember last year, they did NOT want one of the final two to be Vonzell. They slammed her for singing some torch song with a smile on her face. Then, when Carrie sang Independence Day, which is about spousal abuse and murder, with a big grin on her face, they gave her nothing but compliments. Also, during the final, they criticized Bo's song choice. However, what they didn't say is that those are 19E songs that the contestant has no choice BUT to sing. Think they're not trying to influence the votes??? Think that maybe I have no life and am spending WAY too much time on Idol??
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 06:48 PM

SB said it perfectly - as far as we know, they don't mess with the vote count but they have lots of things under their control. Just my opinion but Simon has a huge effect on how the people vote and how they treated Katharine (and the subsequent "recant") makes one feel a bit uneasy.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/27/06 11:44 PM


Please don't misunderstand me, I agree the judges can definetly influence the vote. As hard as Simon tried, he could not get Gherkin off the show. Since the past two years have been female, do you think they are leaning toward male? Chris? You wonder if they have talked to him to be less "metal" and more mainstream.

Did we find out who the guest or genre will be next week?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 04/28/06 01:10 AM

I remember Simon pushing Carrie to win last season so therefore she won.

This is what they are doing next week MC. From the American Idol website.

Now, Tuesday at 8/7c the Final 5 will be performing two songs each – one from the year they were born and any song from this week’s Top 10 Billboard Charts.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/04/06 01:30 AM

Awww... poor Paris.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/04/06 11:19 AM

I think that Kathy will get the boot next week. And the final 2 will be between Chris and Taylor. I want Chris to win.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/04/06 01:40 PM

With everyone so talented and after the booting of Pickler, every week is going to be a tough week. Katharine and Elliot need to bounce back next or they'll be in trouble.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/04/06 02:08 PM

I don't understand why Elliott has been in the Bottom so often. Technically, he's a far better singer than the others. I know he's not exciting, and he doesn't fall on the ground twitching, or scream, or dance around on the floor with drummers, but still...IMHO, consistently the best.

DialIdol.com has Taylor getting the most votes for the past few weeks, so I don't see him going anywhere. I think that either Kat or Elliott will be next, and it will come down to Taylor and Chris. Since Taylor is the anti-AI and Chris is The Chosen One, I'm not sure who the winner will be. If the judges see Taylor winning, perhaps they will do a turn-around.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/06/06 11:54 AM

I wonder what the voting demographics are?? Someone might appear to be the best, but the vote distribution could knock out someone you don't expect. Elliot could sneak through just on across-the-board appeal. Chris could go because the older audience won't vote for him. Interesting match ups.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/10/06 01:25 AM

One word: Elliott, Elliott, Elliott!!! He was HOT tonight. He was classy in his first number and sassy in his second. What a great job. He knew his ass was on the line and he brought it. Have been trying to vote and can't get through (at least I couldn't a few minutes ago, but now my daughter's on the phone with one of her friends, and I may not get the phone back for a while).

Chris did better on his first than his second, Taylor did better on his second than his first, and Kat was cute and fun on the first, and just awful on the second. What was she thinking with the suit??? Did she channel a little Morticia there, or what?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/10/06 02:08 AM

Yea I agree with you SB. Taylor was so much better on his first song than his second one.

Chris- He did great as always. I want him to win this season.

Elliott- He did great tonight. I'm not sure if he can win or not though.

Kathy- She'll be going home tomorrow IMO. Did you see she forgot the words on her first song?

BTW I thought it was funny that Simon told Paula to shutup.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/10/06 11:11 AM

Goodbye Kat. Sorry to see her go; twinkly eyes, cute cheeks (face), white teeth and shiny hair, but jeez the girl couldn't dress. Drab colors, sloppy fit, no fashion sense. Who dresses these people? Her song choices were never that good either. She has a sweet, clear tone, but she sometimes picked songs that were "too big" for her.

Chris - has a great voice. Has been showing a little more versatility, which might carry him through.

Elliot - Every week this guy gets better. Last night - excellent. He might be picking up a wider appeal.

Taylor - I love this guy, but I'm not sure if he can carry the votes.

Taylor and Chris could cancel each other out and Elliot sneak in. Having his mother there might help from the sentimental perspective.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/10/06 05:45 PM

According to Dial Idol.com they have Kathy or Chris getting voted off. I agree Kathy but not Chris.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/10/06 06:09 PM

Chris was a little too shouty at the end of his 2nd number for my taste. He didn't thrill me last night.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 01:41 AM

I'm in shock...I'm in utter disbelief.

I'm gonna rely on this thread and the participants in this thread to find out what happens from here on out. I refuse to continue watching this show.

I hope Taylor or Elliot wins.

I can't believe it...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 01:41 AM


WTF is wrong with the people who voted Chris out?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 01:54 AM

Un freakin' real.,,,but I did warn youse about demographics. Elliot stole a bunch of votes last night and the Taylor/Chris split hurt Chris. Too many blue-haired ladies didn't like that skinhead hard rocker.

Now, can Kat divide the votes.???
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 02:22 AM

And she didn't even bring the girls out last night!! I have not been a huge fan of Chris', but I don't believe that he deserved to go and she deserved to stay. And, btw, does anyone else notice that they haven't mentioned the millions of votes they get in quite some time? Could the numbers be down??
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 02:46 AM

It's totally unbelievable , but, it's actually GOOD for him, believe it or not.

He'll get a record deal somewhere, and it'll be a better deal than the Idol deal where everyone and their grandmother behind the show gets a piece of the pie. He'll be fine, ladies & germs!

But still - the public sucks donkey parts! :rolleyes:
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 02:50 AM

Actually, once you make it into the Top 10, you have to sign a contract promising them a huge percentage of your earnings.

Originally posted by J Geoff:
But still - the public sucks donkey parts! :rolleyes:
But, do they do it publicly?? :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:06 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Actually, once you make it into the Top 10, you have to sign a contract promising them a huge percentage of your earnings.
Serious??? Eww. :rolleyes: Okay, well, public still sucks huge donkey....

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
But, do they do it publicly?? :p
...yes. :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:08 AM

Public sucking of donkey parts.....

go on....
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:09 AM

I read somewhere that the Top 10 has to sign a contract giving 19E (who owns AI) 50% of their earnings. Not sure how long the contract is, though.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:11 AM

And by donkey parts, I'm sure you meant ears, right. DMC knows that the battery on my laptop was in cardiac arrest, but once I read about the public sucking, I had to plug in and stick around.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And by donkey parts, I'm sure you meant ears, right. DMC knows that the battery on my laptop was in cardiac arrest, but once I read about the public sucking, I had to plug in and stick around.
I can't blame ya for that

Of course I meant the ears, I don't want Mr. Babe to think any less of me
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:13 AM

Well, you'll have to start watching AI. Our family LOVES to watch it. And vote for Elliott, because now that Chris is gone (Mr. Babe was for him), he's our favorite.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:15 AM

I've ugh always watched ugh American Idol, SB you ugh know that, and that Elliot is my favorite.

I mean NOW he's my ugh favorite after the public voted Chris off.....*shakes fist in the air menacingly at the public* How dare they do anything to make Mr. Babe upset
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:16 AM

Oh, ears ???

I thought we were talking penis.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:18 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Oh, ears ???

I thought we were talking penis.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:18 AM

Oh, you two are like a regular Martin and Lewis, aren't you? Oh, boy, did I just age myself with THAT comment!! OK, I am now taking my old self off to bed. Can't stay up with you youngsters!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:19 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
What kind of person puts up a post about a man's private parts?
Oh... I thought we were talking about donkeys... :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:20 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
What kind of person puts up a post about a man's private parts?
Oh... I thought we were talking about donkeys... :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:20 AM

Have a pleasant evening, Babe!

I'm off to play my youngster video game now
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:21 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
You are lucky I'm trying to impress someone right now
You've always impressed me...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:21 AM

Sorry, DMC, you can try all you want, but this is too much. Donkeys, men, private parts....sorry, you're out, DMC.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Donkeys, men, private parts....sorry, you're out, DMC.
Does that mean your cabana boi (me) is back in??

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Sorry, DMC, you can try all you want, but this is too much. Donkeys, men, private parts....sorry, you're out, DMC.
Well it's a good thing I'm not DMC, this is his evil half brother hell beant on destroying his good name

Sorry SB
I do dishes
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:23 AM

How many cheat codes are you going to use? :p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:23 AM

I so suck at video games. Hey, JG, I thought of you when I was in the supermarket the other day and saw the B&J's Gobfather Ice Cream! And there's a special post just for you over in the "rain" thread. Have a good night.

And Elliott should be the next American Idol!! Just to stay on topic!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
How many cheat codes are you going to use? :p
As many as there are!

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And there's a special post just for you over in the "rain" thread.
I'm afraid to look! 'night!!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 12:42 PM

But what happened to Priscilla Presley? That is one scary lookin' ex-babe. Who's grosser lookin'? Her or Mike Jackson? And she looked pregnant.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/11/06 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Oh, you two are like a regular Martin and Lewis, aren't you? Oh, boy, did I just age myself with THAT comment!!
Those were explorers, right?? :p

Just kidding with ya, SB!

Although I'm not that big of a Chris fan, he did deserve to be in the top 3 - in the final, even. I was actually looking forward to a Chris-Taylor showdown. Looks like it might be a Taylor-Elliot finale.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 12:11 AM

Final 3! - Round 1

1) Elliot - Why the HELL did Clive Davis pick Journey's "Open Arms" for him?? There's only so much you can re-key a song.

Pretty funny how on the first two songs, the judges thought it was the wrong song choice - Good going, Clive!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 12:28 AM

Round 2 - The Judges Pick

1) Elliott - Paula picked "What You Won't Do for Love"... Not bad, I guess.

2) Katharine - Simon picked "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"... That beginning confused me a bit. Uhhh... I don't think they keyed it right for her. Way too loungy... me no likey. The judges are on crack!!!! Talk about steering the votes!

3) Taylor - Randy picked "You Are So Beautiful"... Not much of a challenge for Taylor, huh? He did a'ight...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 12:47 AM

Round 3 - The Contestants Pick

(Freakin' 10-3 Texas over Yankees after 4 innings?? )

1) Elliott picked "I Believe to My Soul"... Ehh, I don't think he had control over the song. I mean, it wasn't terrible, but it didn't seem authentic to me... he's a little too "White" to pull that one off, I think.

2) Katharine picked "I Ain't Got Nothin' But the Blues"... Wow, she's hot. Nice job, but kinda "happy" singing a "blues" song, no? Cabaret-ish...

3) Taylor picked "Try A Little Tenderness" for the Soul Patrol... Typical Taylor... not sure if he moved me this week, after hearing the same ol' from him. But it was good...


I think Elliott will probably leave this week. Katharine will probably make it - the guys are a little too similar. Tho I tell you, these Final 3 are not the Best 3 of the season...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 12:56 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
me no likey. [i]The judges are on crack
Are you dipping in their stash?
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 01:00 AM

I must admit, Kathryn gave me chills when she sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Marvelous peformance.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Beth E:
[quote]Originally posted by J Geoff:
[b]The judges are on crack
Are you dipping in their stash? [/b][/quote]I needed to, to get thru this episode. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 01:05 AM

Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
Kathryn gave me chills when she sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
She gave me something... I need to go wash it off. :p
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 02:04 AM

Kat....Rainbow might have been enough to keep her.

Taylor...he's no Otis, no Joe, but he's Taylor and he is good.

Elliot...great show, great guts, but he's not going to continue. I can see Elliot on B'way.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 02:18 AM

I love, love, love my pointy-eared little Elliott, but I have to say that this show was a letdown. The only phenomenal, stand-out performance? Kat's Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Absolutely nailed it. She was poetic.

As much as I just love him and think he has the most consistent voice, and has the most control of his voice, Elliott will be leaving next week. And unless Katharine blows everyone away, I predict that Taylor will be the next American Idol.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 02:32 AM

My take-

1st performance:
Elliott- I thought he did ok with the Journey song. Seemed nervous though.
Kathy-I believe I can fly well fly right outta here. I still can't believe they picked this chick over Chris.
Taylor- Did great. I thought he sounded like the boss. Who is Soul Patrol?
2nd performance-
Elliott- I thought Paula picked a good song for him. He did good.
Kathy- Go back over the rainbow.
Taylor-I liked his 1st performance better. I think he might win.
3rd performance
Elliott- never heard of that song. I just don't know if he will make it or not. But I will be voting for him.
Kathy- I have a headache now.
Taylor- Didn't like this one.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 02:34 AM

I managed to get 2 votes in for Elliott But I'll keep trying.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And unless Katharine blows everyone away,
It would appear she did that for Geoff.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 01:38 PM

Just for JG...

Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 01:49 PM

You know what, I think there's a good chance Elliott makes it to the final next week and here's my reason...

Katharine, in the last few weeks, is coming off like a whiney baby. Every time, EVERY TIME, the judges have something critical to say to her, she makes faces/eye rolls/comments that I think will turn off the voting public. It's as if she finds it so unbelievable and incredulous that someone would even think about criticizing her singing.

One of her comments last night - "You guys have been really hard on me the last couple of weeks."

Well then... SING BETTER!

DialIdol has Katharine and Elliott in a statistical tie as to who is leaving.

My thoughts on last night (aside from my comments above):

Elliott - I liked the Clive Davis song choice, not so much the other two. Elliott had an OK night.

Katharine - Aside from the eyerolls and snide comments, I thought she did a tremendous job with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." The other two songs were blah. She oversings and effects her song too much, which the judges have been saying over and over. It's time for her to listen.

Taylor - The Clive Davis song choice was a bit boring. The last two songs were entertaining and I thought his version of "You Are So Beautiful" was every bit as good as Katharine's "Rainbow."

I'm hoping for a Taylor-Elliott final but it's probably going to be Taylor-Katharine.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 03:12 PM

I voted like a madwoman for Elliott last night. I know that he didn't do his best job, but I honestly just love his voice. If you average Elliott's three performances with Kat's three, overall Elliott did better. Katharine's first and third were inferior, IMHO. Although she did very, very well with Rainbow, I have to agree with DS here that she still could get voted off.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I have to agree with DS here that she still could get voted off.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Man, what I would do to make a Geoffy sandwich outta that! Just gotta gag the Pickler first!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/17/06 09:42 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Man, what I would do to make a Geoffy sandwich outta that! Just gotta gag the Pickler first! [/b][/quote]How about Geoff is the ham and I can be the cheese. :p
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 03:11 AM

Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 03:15 AM

that taylor guy went to my school in hoover, alabama
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 01:34 PM

Wow, Was that close ? Who will get Elliot's votes?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 05:00 PM

UGH!! My Elliott is gone!! I am amazed that it was that close, though. The vote was almost evenly in thirds. I predict a win for Taylor, though.

JG, just as a side note, I accidentally double-posted in another thread the other night, and when I tried to delete it, the little check box to delete the post was not there and there was a message that said that only a moderator could delete a post. Just an FYI!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
JG, just as a side note, I accidentally double-posted in another thread the other night, and when I tried to delete it, the little check box to delete the post was not there and there was a message that said that only a moderator could delete a post. Just an FYI!!
Oh yeah, I forgot about that...
My bad! Thanks!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/18/06 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
UGH!! I predict a win for Taylor, though.
I was thinking that to but now I am not so sure. Chris was way better than her but she is still there. I never thought I would be saying this but, I will be voting for Taylor for sure Tuesday night.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:12 AM

Katharine just sang Black Horse and the Cherry Tree. She did well, but is that winner material? No. It was fun, it was pleasant, but more than that? I don't think so.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:30 AM

Wow, thanks for reminding me! I was watching the NYY/BOS game and forgot about AI
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:34 AM

What a butchered version of Levon...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:42 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Wow, thanks for reminding me! I was watching the NYY/BOS game and forgot about AI
Me, too. We're flipping back and forth. Wright is actually pitching well! REALLY well!!

Yes, I thought that Taylor blew Katharine off the stage with his first song. However, I was a bit disappointed in Levon. Katharine sang Rainbow beautifully.

Oh, here comes the AI song about puppies and rainbows and flowers and love that they make every finalist sing. My Destiny. Not loving her opening. ZZZZZZ
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:46 AM

Oh, man, that was BAD. Horrible, horrible, performance, off on some notes, sharp on others. Sucked. And could they please NOT show her father crying anymore???
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:48 AM

The judges are out of their minds!! Kat totally screwed up most of that single -- almost always flat, missing notes left and right... and Paula calls her brilliant??? Too bad I missed her first two songs...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
could they please NOT show her father crying anymore???
He was crying because he knew she blew the song.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Wright is actually pitching well!
That's probably why they took him out for The Proctologist so early... (He may've been bruised by that ball in the 1st inning or something...)
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 12:54 AM

Taylor's last song was ugly, too... I cringed at that one note he missed. I only caught 3 songs, but they all sucked. I'll catch the beginning of this monstrocity on DVR tomorrow...

P.S. Man, I guess all the judges are deaf tonight...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 01:05 AM

I sort of liked Taylor's song. I thought he was far superior to Katharine, but then I've liked Taylor from the beginning. I also wanted a Taylor/Elliott finale, so maybe I'm prejudiced. Soul Patrol, indeed!

I think half of Taylor's appeal is that he's so Anti-American-Idol. I mean, the American Idol as a pudgy, white-haired man? That's just too funny!!
Posted By: hova4ever9

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 01:10 AM

taylor hicks is my best friends cousin. Taylor is an idiot you should see the kid act around his family and friends like a jerkoff
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 01:35 AM

Btw, why did they change the format this year? Didn't the two finalists always sing the same song?? Anyone know why it was changed this year? I know that last year, both Bo and Carrie had to sing Inside Your Heavenly Hoo-Hah. I think it was more fair (is that grammatically correct?) when they both had to sing the same song.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 01:47 AM

I liked Taylor's 1st & 3rd performances. I really wasn't impressed by any of Kathy's performance. Take your crying daddy and go back over the rainbow. I will be voting for Taylor since the ones I wanted to win was voted off. Anybody else voting for Taylor?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 01:52 AM

I've been dialing for 5 straight minutes and only got through once, Mig. But now my laptop battery is at 15%, so I'm going to shut down and watch the last inning of the Yankees/Red Sox game. The Yankees are ahead 7-4!! YAY!!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 11:28 PM

A little late here, but Taylor out performed Kat.

Kat, why those reruns? You have no imagination girl. She needs a wardrobe manager and a producer.

Taylor, you are everyman who wants to be on stage.

Those two songs that they finished with were crap. Taylor pulled his off. Kat bombed.

In all fairness, Mandisa was the best female vocalist. Too bad she didn't have a stage body and she dressed worse than Katherine.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/24/06 11:33 PM

I happened to like the closing songs they did. I just happened to like Taylor's more. I voted for him. I managed to get in 4 votes.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 01:22 AM

OMG, I thought that dude was gonna faint when Clay came out!!

PS - Why was Clay dressed like a Beatle?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 01:59 AM




Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 02:01 AM

My mom's lucky she's watching this live instead of taping it - otherwise, I would've run out to the kitchen, screamed the name, and blamed it on Geoff after being severely punished.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 02:06 AM


Posted By: MaryCas

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 02:15 AM

I do love my gray hair. Congrats to Taylor, the un-Idol American Idol.

Hooooooray for a guy who likes to have fun when he's doing his music.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 02:16 AM

Hey Geoffy,
How'd ya like seeing Chicken Little again??
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: American Idol Season Five - 05/25/06 02:20 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
How'd ya like seeing Chicken Little again??
Like this:

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