
Watching movies

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Watching movies - 02/20/06 02:56 PM

Ok, I'm notoriously a nosy type.

Elaborating all of your answers will be greatly welcomed, thanks.

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?

12. the most boring movie you can think of

13. the most exciting one

14. the most disappointing one

15. the most poignant

16. the scariest

17. the funniest

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)

19. the stupidiest

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in)
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 03:35 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever) DVD.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc. I'll watch movies over the weekend at home. My daughter buys every movie she likes so it saves me money.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row. The most is 2. I'm old, I tire easily.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company. Usually alone. If not, with my daughter.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks? Usually get them first before the movie starts.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy ) Only if there was a guy with me.

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance) None.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie? Absolutely. Don't get me started on Steel Magnolias.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie? Cursed myself for wasting money watching a stupid movie.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch? No.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie? Of course, who hasn't. Oh wait, I forgot where I was.

12. the most boring movie you can think of. Waiting to exhale.

13. the most exciting one. See question #11.

14. the most disappointing one. Kill Bill, both volumes.

15. the most poignant. I try to stay away from any movie with a message.

16. the scariest. Halloween

17. the funniest. Will Ferrell's greatest moments. Elf was pretty funny too.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count). Wild Things. (That's not considered porn is it)?

19. the stupidiest. Dumb and Dumber.

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in). I have no short term memory, so I don't remember.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 03:48 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)

home. I used to go often to theatres, can't do it as often anymore. I like it going to the cinema, but watching a DVD in your home definitely got its pros as well. Sitting on the bed with crossed legs is one of them, to begin with.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.

over the weekend, mostly. During the week I'm generally too tired to watch anything longer than the news and a couple of commercials.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.

oh, I'm quite a watcher. I wouldn't mind spending the whole afternoon and possibly the evening watching movies. A couple of movies is my standard, but I easily can bear watching three.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.

the best way to watch a movie is definitely ALONE. Period. I hate it when you are in someone's company and that someone wants to talk, talk, talk. I HATE IT!!! My sister is a good company, though. She wouldn't talk too much.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?

never in the theatres. Occasionally home.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )

sure. I'll never forget the first time I watched "Jaws". Cool. I had to rewatch it though.

7. which seat do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)

not too close/far to the screen.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?

sure. I adore tear-jerkers! Only I never cried watching "Love story". I wonder why.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?

plenty of. Someone who keeps unwrapping candies or tissues. The overtalkative partner. A noisy audience. Having to rush to the toilet in a climactic bit. Having people standing in front of you searching for their seats. Cells ringing (including yours!)....

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?

I don't mind spoilers. On the contrary, I'd never risk watching a movie whose plot I ignore. I mean, I look for spoilers for thrillers too!

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?

A couple of times. Forgettable. Porn is the saddest thing you can watch on screen. Turns me off soon. Eroticism is a totally different matter. It turns me on and keep me so for a while!

12. the most boring movie you can think of

The Abyss. I'd only reccomend it to true enemies.

13. the most exciting one
The silence of the lambs.

14. the most disappointing one

Recently, The Aviator.

15. the most poignant

The remaining of the days.

16. the scariest

Profondo Rosso (aka Deep red), by Dario Argento.

17. the funniest
A fish called Wanda

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
Possibly Basic instinct. I'm not sure though.

19. the stupidiest

all the SciFi stuff. Just hate it.

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in) [/QB][/QUOTE]

....I was watching "Fatal Attraction" in my boyfriend's company. Apparently he was shocked and claimed he would have never cheated on me. Of course he did.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Beth E:
6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy ) Only if there was a guy with me.
I took it for granted!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 04:15 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever) Theater, the definitive way to see a film.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc. Every single way if I didn't have other obligations.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.As many as possible until I had something to do like school and whatnot.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company. Alone

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks? I watch films with popcorn or another things like Shrimp Fried Rice, Pasta, or sour snacks.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy) No

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance) Middle or high back row

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie? Yes

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie? Asshole teenagers or little kids who won't shut up.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch? No. I don't respect anyone that does, either.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie? Yes

12. the most boring movie you can think of Too hard to think of. I usually forget boring experiences.

13. the most exciting one Individual scene: Bullitt chase, Ben-Hur chariot scene.

14. the most disappointing one Can't think of just one

15. the most poignant Citizen Kane

16. the scariest The Exorcist, Suspiria

17. the funniest Annie Hall, Animal House, Duck Soup, Blazing Saddles, Animal House, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, This is Spinal Tap, A Christmas Story

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count) Hard choice, I recall some sex scenes from Basic Instinct,

19. the stupidiest Too many to narrow down to one.

20. I'll never forget that time when some woman caused an uproar at the movies because she was told to 'please' be quiet.'
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 04:16 PM

1. I prefer watching movies at home on DVD on my big screen tv set but if I really feel that I have to see a movie in the theatres (Syriana, The Godfather Part IV? etc.) or if I'm going with a friend or a date or whatever then I'll go to the cinema.

2. Usually over the weekend but I don't have a specific "movie day" as such so any day I guess.

3. I could probably watch three (3 hr.) movies in a row (with cigarette and coffee and nature breaks naturally ).

4. I enjoy both.

5. Drink (any kind) is a must, snacks or food sometimes.

6. Uh...er...no comment!

7. I've sat in the back, the front and the middle and the right and left sides. Anywhere in the theatre where I have an unobstructed view of the screen is fine with me but at home I have a particular seat on my recliner where no one else can sit under pain of death.

8. Yes.

9. Many cell. phones go off, fire alarm, telephone call (at home), nic. fit etc.

10. I might read a review of it in my paper or see an Ebert & Roeper review or something like that but usually nothing beyond that if even that.

11. Have I ever watched a porn movie? I could say no but nearly 40 Gigs on my cpu and numerous DVDS and tapes over the years says different. YES, I am a pornographic movie fan and I know I'm the only one...right? :rolleyes: :p

12. Most all chick flicks, some bullshit "action" or "horror" movies that were put out for no particular reason at all, any movie that trys too hard.

13. Mafia/Organized Crime/Heist/Gangster movies, quality action/adventure movies, political thrillers e.g. Syriana etc., also (I know it may sound really square) but a quality documentary on most any topic can be quite engrossing for me.

14. Stupid "action," "horror," chick flicks that pretend to have mass appeal i.e. Coyote Ugly etc.

15. See number 13.

16. Movies that try too hard or insult people's intelligence yet still do massive box office. That's scary to me.

17. Bullworth, What About Bob?, Groundhog Day, Snatch (the perfect mix of plot/action and comedy) etc.

18. Porn doesn't count eh?! Well, let's see here, probably Basic Instinct, Wild Things, Striptease (sexy comedy?), Desperado etc.

19. See numbers 14. and 16.

20. I'll never forget that time when I first learnt that I could imitate characters in movies and make people laugh. To genuinely make someone feel good or forget about their issues through laughter when you are trying to do so is one of the best feelings in the world.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
Ok, I'm notoriously a nosy type.
I adore them.

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)
Mostly at home, TV. Convenient and cheap, and comfortable.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.
Whenever they show something that interests me. If I cannot watch, I record.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
Rarely one, it has to be a masterpiece.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.
Mostly alone, but I don't object if someone comes if they don't criticise Pacino.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?
If I need one, of course.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )
Had to look into the dictionary to find out what's smooching. No. I'm a good girl from decent family. What idea do you have about me to ask that?

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
Yes, sure. Mostly for no reason.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Don't know. Electricity/antenna problem? Parents talking "What shit are you watching" instead of football.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
Yes, of course! I would like to know if it's worth watching. My time is precious.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
Yes, run on it on TV once. Nothing to hold attention.

12. the most boring movie you can think of
there are many, and I can't compare them, because if it's boring, I stop watching it.

13. the most exciting one

14. the most disappointing one
Recently - Insomnia and Annie Hall.

15. the most poignant
You mean, moralizing?

16. the scariest
I avoid watching horror. I don't like being scared. I watched too much horror in early childhood.

17. the funniest
Babette goes to war(sp)

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
I don't know. I feel awkward about watching sex at all.

19. the stupidiest
Cannot compare as well, I stop watching a stupid movie as soon as I realize the fact.

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in)
I really think that my dearest remembrances have nothing to do with movies.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 06:46 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever):
In the cinema is the best for me; otherwise, at home, on VHS or DVD (I prefer DVD, but I would never refuse to buy VHS if it was cheap, and buy it very frequently still). I always watch films with massive headphones on too, to absorb the sound and cut off distractions from elsewhere in the house.

2. When.
Everyday. I average at two-a-day. I saw 60 films last month; 49 were for the first time, and 6 were on the big screen.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
It all depends. I can watch a film one day, go a day without one, then watch three in a row. Depends on the content of the film and the mood I'm in, not to mention length. If I watch more than one film in a row, I usually like to connect them somehow--subject matter, or director, or whatever. The most films I've seen in a row at the cinema is five in one day. The most films I've seen in one day at home was six. I also watched all three Lord of the Rings films in a row, starting at eleven at night and finishing half eight the next morning.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.
Alone, preferably.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?
Never. I give everything to a film while watching it.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie?
Yeah, but I'd seen the film (21 Grams) before, and the girl wasn't interested at all in it.

7. which seat do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance) Depends; if there's sufficient room to not snap my neck, the front row usually, with no distractions in front of me.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
Yes. I never, ever used to. I found the final scene of The Elephant Man excruciating to watch the other night.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Being interrupted, in any way.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
No. If I can, I go into only with a brief outline of what it's about, always spoiler-free.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?

12. the most boring movie you can think of
Love, Honour and Obey, the only film I ever took back for a refund (well, I exchanged it actually, for Gosford Park). Most recently, it would have to be either Memoirs of a Geisha or Munich.

13. the most exciting one
[b]Most recently, Jackson's King Kong.

14. the most disappointing one
Most recently, most definitely Munich.

15. the most poignant
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

16. the scariest
Don't Look Now as a whole; though Lynch makes some moments scarier than most filmmakers could ever achieve.

17. the funniest
Duck Soup.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
The Last Seduction is the first one I thought of.

19. the stupidiest
Dumb and Dumber.

20. I'll never forget that time when I watched my own short film, an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Match Girl in a packed cinema at the closing gala of the Northern Lights Film Festival, shown before A Cock and Bull Story.
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 09:08 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)

Anywhere, yes I prefer the theater I’ll go to any that has a movie that I want to see but I prefer the Tinseltown chain because of it’s massive size (screen and seating) or the Alamo Drafthouse chain (very small but ultra-cool, plus they have waiters and serve alcohol) I also watch a number of movies at my house in one of two rooms. The “living room” which is now equipped with a 50” HD Wide screen television for movies that everyone wants to see, latest releases and all. Or my room, now with a 30” Sony 4:3 but is equipped with a Polk Audio surround sound and Sony Receiver capable of Dolby or DTS 5.1. I watch smaller films or foreign films in here actually I watch everything here as the front room tends to be noisy with everybody and I retreat to my room for a more intent viewing.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.
When I’m conscious. With my new work schedule I don’t normally watch movies on Fri-Sun but if I got something new well then I guess I’ll just be tiered at work. I watch movie when I don’t have something pressing to do and I’m not doing something on the net.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
In what timeframe? In HS my friends and me would go and rent 5 crappy movies (there was a video store that had a special on renting 5 movies) and watch them all back to back. I’ve watched trilogies whole or two seasons in three days. I will watch as many movies as I feel like, until something pressing comes up or I need sleep. I think the most that I watched was 10 movies in a row with only one break for 2 hrs of television. With several marathons of like 6 or 8 to my credit as well. Um…those are all at home the most that I’ve seen in a theater was 3, which I have done a couple of times (three maybe). I double in the theater about once every three months.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.
Either really, I’m not picky I just like movies. I’ll watch alone if I’m the only one I know interested but I prefer w/company (of my friends) because I like to talk about the film afterwards. I really enjoy the aspect of seeing a movie in a theater with a large crowd, the collective gasps and laughter I think add to a viewing experience. I know that sometimes you miss things because of this but I still am of the belief that this is the best way to watch a movie, I mean if you are complaining about missing a joke or two from a comedy because of crowd laughter than you and I just don’t see eye to eye on why we’re watching the movie.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?
I drink constantly. I will eat but I don’t need to per se.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I’m nosy )
No, I live a very sad life. (I’ve cuddled)

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)

If we’re talking Tinseltown then left side (facing the screen) two rows up from the beginning of the section. (not the beginning of all the seating just of those side sections) If I’m at the Drafthouse than row four, I like to be a little off to the right of the screen maybe two-three tables in. (rows are numbered from the back of the room so fourth from the back)

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
Yes, what can I say that speech in Independence Day is just so moving…, but seriously yes.

9. what’s the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Baby cries or cell phone rings, aside from theater/home system technical problems.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
I used to but after the Matrix where I was just over bombarded with information I stopped. I mean I still will read movie news on new movies so I’ll know what it’s about and who’s in it, maybe even about a cameo but I don’t watch like HBO First Look and such programs.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
Yes, and plural

12. the most boring movie you can think of

Of what I’ve seen I’d have to go with Strike or Birth of a Nation I just I don’t know – as somewhat of a film geek I want to slap myself for saying that but I’m not a fan of silent dramas

13. the most exciting one
A toss up between Into the Blue or something like Hard Boiled/Running out of Time for obviously different reasons

14. the most disappointing one
Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas

15. the most poignant
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

16. the scariest

This is sad now but when I was a small child I made my parents let me watch some A Nightmare on Elm Street movies ( I think I watched two of them 2 and 3 maybe) I had nightmares for a freaking week. So I always think of Freddy when I think of scary movies.

17. the funniest
To me being a geek and having crappy jobs I’d say either Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back or Office Space/Waiting… but I consider the Holy Trinity of Comedy to be Monty Python’s Quest for the Holly Grail, Blazing Saddles, and Airplane

18. the sexiest (porn doesn’t count)
Anything with Jessica Alba or chicks with guns

19. the stupidest
Recently Firewall overall Dumb & Dumberer and Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

20. I’ll never forget that time when.........(fill in)
I saw Bruce Campbell introduce a screening of Army of Darkness at the original Alamo Drafthouse.
Close second…
When I was going to see Mortal Kombat Annihilation there was a preview for Strange Days and when Ralph Finnes says “Have you ever jacked in?” Some guy at the bottom yells “HAVE YOU EVER JACKED OFF” it was just instant like he knew the preview was coming the whole theater laughed.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Watching movies - 02/20/06 09:50 PM

Just for fun, here's the last few for 2005

the most boring movie you can think of Domino, because of it's pseudo-drama and ridiculousness.

the most exciting one War of the Worlds proved to be pretty exciting thriller-wise.

the most disappointing one Kingdom of Heaven, while good wasn't the great film I originally expected

the most poignant Last Days and Broken Flowers

the scariest n/a

the funniest The 40 Year-Old Virgin

the sexiest (porn doesn't count) Sin City

the stupidiest The Longest Yard, Domino, and The Legend of Zorro
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Just for fun, here's the last few for [b]2005

the most boring movie you can think of Domino, because of it's pseudo-drama and ridiculousness.

the most exciting one War of the Worlds proved to be pretty exciting thriller-wise.

Oddly enough it is pretty much the exact opposite for me.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 07:19 AM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)
1. DVD and VCD mostly.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.
At least four movies per week.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
Two at most.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )
Once, not because of the movie of course, I never saw the rest of that movie.

7. which seat do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)
Front row in balcony.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
Many times.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Not sure, the apocalypse? I say a power outage.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
Not most of the times. I like surprises.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
Yes, but I'm not proud of it.

12. the most boring movie you can think of
Most of Spielberg's.

13. the most exciting one
The Rock.

14. the most disappointing one
Dead Poet Club.

15. the most poignant

16. the scariest
The Shining.

17. the funniest
Meet the Parents, Naked Gun.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
Basic Instinct.

19. the stupidest
Autumn in New York, Independence Day.

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in)
I watched Amadeus for the first time.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I don't respect anyone that does, either
then I'll try and go on without your respect, DV!
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 08:14 AM

Originally posted by JustMe:
Had to look into the dictionary to find out what's smooching. No. I'm a good girl from decent family. What idea do you have about me to ask that?
I realize you are missing basics. Ok, you're still in time, I guess.... :p

Originally posted by JustMe:

14. the most disappointing one
Recently - Insomnia and Annie Hall.
Didn't you like "Insomnia"? Why? I enjoyed it. And guess what? Pacino rocked! He has been rolling his eyes as hell lately, but he was great anyway. I think "Insomnia" is his best recent movie.

Originally posted by JustMe:
15. the most poignant
You mean, moralizing? .
no, actually I meant touching, moving, intense.... :rolleyes: Is that wrong?
Posted By: svsg

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 08:22 AM

Ok, I'm notoriously a nosy type. [Big Grin]

Elaborating all of your answers will be greatly welcomed, thanks.

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)
DVD on my laptop. 2/3 movies a month in theater

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.
thursday to sunday
3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.
Alone or with my roomies
5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy [Big Grin] )
suspect_5 doesn't know what "sad" is. cuddling? what is that? Oh I forgot, what is a girl?

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)
somewhere near the back, preferably near the aisle
8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
Yes, but rarely. And also it would be a tear, no crying/sobbing
9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
people talking, dvd not playing in the middle
10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
I always ask people, "what is this movie about?" I avoid watching "car chase, explosion and boobs" combination movies.
11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
opposite of "ever" => regularly
12. the most boring movie you can think of
Don't remember
13. the most exciting one
King Kong, recently. Jurassic Park before
14. the most disappointing one
Too many to list
15. the most poignant
Apocalypse Now Redux
16. the scariest
A scene in Independence day, where a skull or something splits open sudenly. Horror movies don't scare me, as I keep expecting something to happen
17. the funniest
18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
All the 80's teen sex comedies. I hate the artsy erotic movies.
19. the stupidiest
can't think of one now
20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in)
I am very forgetful
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] Had to look into the dictionary to find out what's smooching. No. I'm a good girl from decent family. What idea do you have about me to ask that?
I realize you are missing basics. Ok, you're still in time, I guess.... [/b][/quote]In time for what? Smooching or learning English at last?
Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
14. the most disappointing one
Recently - Insomnia and Annie Hall.
Didn't you like "Insomnia"? Why? I enjoyed it. And guess what? Pacino rocked! He has been rolling his eyes as hell lately, but he was great anyway. I think "Insomnia" is his best recent movie.[/b][/quote]I didn't like it at all. Boring script. Stupid plot. I didn't have a bit of sympathy with Pacino's character, it's so shallow. I would make a better cop. I think it doesn't suit him to play exhausted taunted-haunted losers. Of course there are no good roles nowadays, but he has to be more choosy. At the end he was even unpleasant to look at! Needless to say I was bitterly disappointed with this movie. But I'm glad someone enjoyed it!
Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] 15. the most poignant
You mean, moralizing? .
no, actually I meant touching, moving, intense.... Is that wrong? [/b][/quote]I just asked. My English is bad English, as you must know.
Touching movie? Dunno. Four weddings and a Funeral? But I don't remember watching something intense lately.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 09:10 PM

I think it doesn't suit him to play exhausted taunted-haunted losers.
You don't feel it suits Pacino more to go for something a little more versatile? I enjoy Pacino's authority-like presence like the next person but come on, I'd love to see his more submissive side. I thought it was a very good performance, especially surrounded by a mediocre roles he was given since Donnie Brasco, minus Any Given Sunday. I do agree that he isn't being offered many good roles, because he's being typecast most of the time to be a yelling power-figure his past created.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[quote]I think it doesn't suit him to play exhausted taunted-haunted losers.
You don't feel it suits Pacino more to go for something a little more versatile? I enjoy Pacino's authority-like presence like the next person but come on, I'd love to see his more submissive side.[/quote]It wasn't just submissive. It was disintegrating. With all my love for Pacino (God knows I have SOME love for Pacino )I cannot consider this role as less insignificant than his Simone-Recruit performances. I wish I could, I really do!

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I do agree that he isn't being offered many good roles, because he's being typecast most of the time to be a yelling power-figure his past created.
Yes, typecasting is a true misfortune for him. I long to see him in a role quiet and subtle, something like GF1 Michael.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
surrounded by a mediocre roles he was given since Donnie Brasco, minus Any Given Sunday.
Only "Any Given Sunday" was not mediocre since Donnie Brasco?

What about "The Insider" ????

Also, "The Devil's Advocate" was released half a year after "Donnie Brasco" - and that, too, is a great film (and great Pacino role) , dont you think?

Anyway, DV, what do you think about his movie "People I know"? and the mini-series "Angels in America" ? do you recommend them? didnt see them yet, but I have them on tapes, was wondering if they're any good...
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
Anyway, DV, what do you think about his movie "People I know"?
You know, he plays there a very, very exhausted loser.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] 15. the most poignant
You mean, moralizing? .
no, actually I meant touching, moving, intense.... :rolleyes: Is that wrong? [/b][/quote]I think "Poignant" might means the movie is "sharp" or "witty"...but maybe not...anyway, great questionnaire Lasagna, my reply is on the way.

About Insomnia - JustMe, watch the original version (if u didnt) - it is MUCH better than that remake.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

12. the most boring movie you can think of

The Abyss. I'd only reccomend it to true enemies.

Lasagna, you said some time ago that you hate Ed Harris...I strongly suggest the movie "Pollock" - you will change your mind about him
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Watching movies - 02/21/06 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[b] surrounded by a mediocre roles he was given since Donnie Brasco, minus Any Given Sunday.
Only "Any Given Sunday" was not mediocre since Donnie Brasco?

What about "The Insider" ????

Also, "The Devil's Advocate" was released half a year after "Donnie Brasco" - and that, too, is a great film (and great Pacino role) , dont you think?

Anyway, DV, what do you think about his movie "People I know"? and the mini-series "Angels in America" ? do you recommend them? didnt see them yet, but I have them on tapes, was wondering if they're any good... [/b][/quote]Yes, I'm forgetting these, in fact, The Insider is Pacino's best role of the 90's. His most humane as well.

The Insider
Donnie Brasco
Angels in America
The Devil's Advocate

I have People I Know ready to watch.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 12:11 AM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever) TV-VHS

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc.

once a week (hopefully)

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.

I cant sit straight for more than 2 hrs...If I watch the GF, I have to take a 5-minute-break in the middle

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company.

usually with a friend

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?


6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )

no, who needs a movie for that?

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance)


8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?

of course

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?

"lady with the big hat"

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?

info-yes / spoilers-no

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?

of course

12. the most boring movie you can think of

Gone in 60 seconds (2000)

13. the most exciting one

Terminator II : Judgement Day

14. the most disappointing one

Star Wars : Episode I

15. the most poignant

Sweet Smell of Success

16. the scariest

A Nightmare on Elm Street

17. the funniest

Life of Brian

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)

Gilda (the glove-striptease scene when Rita Hayworth / Gilda is singing "Put the blame on Mame boy...)- believe me, that is far more sexy than 20 basic instincts...

19. the stupidiest

Wild Wild West

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in)

....I first saw "Fire and Ice"....the only movie I saw 2 times in a row....
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:

His most humane as well.

City Hall is also one of my favs - some very 'humane' scenes there....and what an ending...City Hall also has the greatest speech Pacino ever delivered....yes, yes, even better than the one in "Scent of a woman"....it realy is a brilliant speech...Pacino shines in this underrated movie...anyone who hasnt seen City Hall should watch it ASAP, you will not be dissapointed.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 01:06 AM

My favorite long speach from Pacino is the Inches Speech in Any Given Sunday. In fact, this is my favorite line from the movie.

"Now I can't do it for ya, I'm too old. I look around, I see these young faces and I think, I mean, I've made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I've pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who's ever loved me. And lately, I cant even stand the face I see in the mirror."
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 01:22 AM

If you want, you can hear/read it here -

Any Given Sunday :

http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/specialengagements/moviespeechonan ygivensunday.html

City Hall :

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Fame:
anyway, great questionnaire Lasagna,
Fame, you're a good guy and I love you. But please, PLEASE!!!!! Never ever call me Lasagna again!!!!!

How if I call you "hot dog"?
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Fame:
Lasagna, you said
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 11:11 AM

Lavinia, I am sorry.
I wanted to joke with you, and I only meant it as a compliment, considering how much I love Lasagna....

...feel free to call me whatever you like, hot dog as well, only it will sound kinda weird since I'm a vegetarian

Anyway, I wont call you that again, and I apologize for doing so.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
Lavinia, I am sorry.
I wanted to joke with you,
Hey, Fame, I was joking too....
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 12:57 PM

JustMe & Lavinia : you better be prepared, Im in the process of composing an "Al Pacino Quiz"...I will post it later on...we'll see whos the REAL fan
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by Fame:
[b] anyway, great questionnaire Lasagna,
Fame, you're a good guy and I love you. But please, PLEASE!!!!! Never ever call me Lasagna again!!!!!

How if I call you "hot dog"? [/b][/quote]Lavi, you think Fame is hot?
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
JustMe & Lavinia : you better be prepared, Im in the process of composing an "Al Pacino Quiz"...I will post it later on...we'll see whos the REAL fan
I remember posting a link to a quiz at Pacino's Loft. It was a good quiz. I'm not afraid of you! Only Al himself knows more about him than Me, Lavi and Afi!!!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
[quote]Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] 15. the most poignant
You mean, moralizing? .
no, actually I meant touching, moving, intense.... :rolleyes: Is that wrong? [/b][/quote]I think "Poignant" might means the movie is "sharp" or "witty"...but maybe not...anyway, great questionnaire Lasagna, my reply is on the way.

About Insomnia - JustMe, watch the original version (if u didnt) - it is MUCH better than that remake. [/b][/quote]Witty? Well, then one of the wittiest movies I've ever seen is "Lock, stock and Two smoking barrels."
About original - If I remember correctly, it was Norvegian film?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 06:30 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever) I like to cozy up on the couch, under the blankets, in the dark, and watch DVDs on my 36" w/ surround sound. However, Sci-fi movies and such that take advantage of the huge screen I like to see in the theater, altho I don't go too often.

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc. A few nights a week, doesn't matter which days

3. How many movies would you watch in a row. I've watched the 3 orginal Star Wars films in a row. I don't recall if I've done that with the 3 GF's or not. I LOVE spending long hours watching movies or TV series in a row, especially in the winter. When I watch The Sopranos on DVD, I usually watch 4 at a time. Which reminds me, I better get crackin' before March 12.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company. I like watching movies alone, but I don't mind company if they can STFU. Except for comedies, which are more fun watching with drunk/stoned friends.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks? What breaks?

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy ) Not in a theater - I hate that.

7. which site do you choose at the theatre (if given the chance) I like to sit in the center, about a third of the way back.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie? Yes, of course - anyone who hasn't been moved has no heart. :p

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie? Cell phone going off.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch? Sometimes

11. have you ever watched a porn movie? Maybe.

12. the most boring movie you can think of I can't think of any right now; I must've fallen asleep.

13. the most exciting one Most horror movies and caper movies

14. the most disappointing one Many sequals are disappointing, but one first-run movie that disappointed me was The Hulk

15. the most poignant Certainly not Fahrenheit 9/11

16. the scariest The Ring is up there. I really don't get that scared from movies, but most anything with little girl ghosts skipping rope are kinda creepy

17. the funniest I'm a sucker for slapstick comedies like Police Academy, and films with Leslie Nielsen. When I saw Porky's as a teenager, it was the funniest movie I had ever seen for a long time.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count) Anything with Phoebe Cates in it

19. the stupidiest Every Pauly Shore movie

20. I'll never forget that time when.........(fill in) I borrowed a bootleg of SAW from a friend, and it crapped out in the last 5 minutes so I missed the ending.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Watching movies - 02/22/06 06:55 PM

1. Home, DVD. I like pausing and grabbing a snack, etc.

2. Doesn't matter. Depends on the mood.

3. 2, sometimes 3. Again, depends on the mood.

4. Usually with the wife and/or kids. I watch "mine" alone (those they don't care for, like Schindler's List...go figure!!)

5. Yep.

6. When I was about 20, probably.

7. Mid-way, anywhere near the very center.

8. Braveheart, Schindler's List, stuff like that will do it every time!

9. Somebody yapping. Family or not, I loathe that!

10. No. I wanna be totally surprised!

11. About 20 years ago (I'm ashamed to say).

12. The remake of The Island of Dr. Moreau. Absolute torture!

13. That's tough. Probably The Matrix (I or II).

14. Hide and Seek with DeNiro. Such a lame plot twist (that I clearly saw coming not even a quarter of the way into the movie).

15. Ah, I suppose Forrest Gump...although I hate to admit it.

16. The Exorcist.

17. Airplane!

18. Dunno. Probably Alien with Sigourney Weaver as Ripley.

19. Tremors!

20. I'll never forget that time when...so-and-so died at the end of So-and-So
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 08:38 AM

Originally posted by JustMe:
Lavi, you think Fame is hot?
Don't know if he's hot. Actually I focused on the "dog" part of the nickname!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 10:34 AM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)Home and any medium is acceptable aslong as it's viewable. I avoid the cinema unless it's a film I'm desperate to see, I get in for free or it's an advance staff screening (it's good knowing the right people).

2. When. Over the weekend, throughout the week, once in a month etc. I work till 9pm and maybe once a week I'll put on a movie.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.One.

4. Alone or in company. In the latter case, in whose company. Depends on the kind of movie.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks? I drink all the time, movie or no movie.

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy ) There's a movie on?

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?No. But I haven't been far from it. Usually a little "get it together" slap on my face sorts me out.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie? The movie skipping or messing up somehow.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch? I like to do a little homework but mostly for opinions on the film.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?[b]I've got titles that'd make you blush.

16. the scariest First time I saw Saving Private Ryan. I really put myself in that film.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)Hannibal.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)[b]Hannibal. [/b]
now, if you would elaborate this.....
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 11:29 AM

I've always enjoyed the sexual tension between Lector and Clarice. In Silence... it was almost certainly one sided but in Hannibal some kind of soft spot or appreciation/understanding in Clarice for Lector had developed. I love the direction of the film, the angles, the scenes (set in Florence) and the music (JS Bach's Goldberg Variations and the Opera's Vide Cor Meum) together offered a sexy background to the tension to create a very sexy film.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 12:37 PM

Turi, did u like Red Dragon?
Posted By: Fame

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 12:43 PM

Originally posted by JustMe:
one of the wittiest movies I've ever seen is "Lock, stock and Two smoking barrels."
About original - If I remember correctly, it was Norvegian film?
Yeah, the original is Norwegian. Lock, stock is a great film, did u like Snatch as well?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
Turi, did u like Red Dragon?
For some reason I've never seen it. I started to watch it one time with my mates but people were fucking about so we stopped it and put something less demanding on for them.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Fame:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] one of the wittiest movies I've ever seen is "Lock, stock and Two smoking barrels."
About original - If I remember correctly, it was Norvegian film?
Yeah, the original is Norwegian. Lock, stock is a great film, did u like Snatch as well? [/b][/quote]I haven't seen it yet. Is it as good?
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Watching movies - 02/23/06 04:56 PM

1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)
I really hate going to the movie theatre so I rent everything. I have a 64" HD with built in surround sound and a comfy room to watch in so it is so much better than public movie theatre.

2. When.
Friday night is a big movie night at my house.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
No more than 2. I get too tired and sitting for so long and don't want to snooze through one.

4. Alone or in company.
I have watched alone but mostly with sig other.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?
No breaks but I always make drinks and snacks for movie night. Usually homemade chicken nachos and margaritas. Bar is in the same room so refills are no problemo!

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )
No way. Then you can't watch the movie!

7. which site do you choose at the theatre
If ever I go, towards the back, not too close. Next to the aisle.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
All the time. I am misty more times than not.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Incessant talking. If you want to talk, you need to hit the pause button.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
Always. Im often still surprised though.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
Yes. Frankly they make me laugh and I don't find them sexy in mixed company.

12. the most boring movie you can think of.
Nell. Great actors but what a snoozefest.

13. the most exciting one
The beginning sequence to Saving Private Ryan.

14. the most disappointing one
Cold Mountain. I read the book and was excited about the movie and it had big stars but it failed to meet my expectations

15. the most poignant
Sixteen Candles reminds me of my youth. Beaches makes me cry every time.

16. the scariest
Showgirls. That movie had some SCARY acting in it!

17. the funniest
Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I laugh hysterically every time.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
Unfaithful. Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez. Im hot thinking about that right now!

19. the stupidiest
Any comedy with a II, III or IV behind it's name

20. I'll never forget that time when.........
I was in the theatre watching 48 hours with my friends for the first time. When Eddie Murphy starts singing the Police song in the jail cell, everyone started throwing popcorn and candies at me from all angles. I was covered. It's only funny when you know that's really my name.
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