
INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it?

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/19/06 07:59 PM

Well, looks like the fourth film in that franchise is coming in 2007, possibly I assume the summer/Christmas of 2007...where already there the 5th HARRY POTTER movie, the last picture of a franchise in THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM, POTC 3...and thats about it. Heh

The question is...does anyone care about this news?
Posted By: Snake

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/19/06 08:02 PM

Guess I'm crazy, but I'd like to see just one more IJ film...you know, Indiana as an old coot or somethin'!

Although I do believe the 3rd one did the franchise justice and ended just right.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/19/06 08:46 PM

Who know's Time will tell :rolleyes:
Posted By: bogey

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/19/06 09:03 PM

I'm a sucker for Indiana Jones.. shitty sequel or not.
Posted By: Debra

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 10:34 AM

Indy 4 - why not? its not like we're talking about a trilogy of masterpieces that a shitty sequel will ruin it...I mean the 2nd movie was kinda lame anyway so why not give this sequel a try?

What is POTC3 ?

The bourne movies - whats so great about them? I have the 2nd one taped but no motivation to watch it because I didnt like the first one...it started all good, but then it kinda lost me half way...another movie where a "sandra bullock" type of character falls for the mysterious guy with the super fighting skills...I dont know, didnt do it for me, if you say the 2nd movie is much better than the first then maybe i'll give it a try...

And dont forget we're also waiting for Rambo and Rocky sequels.....
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 10:46 AM

Lame? TEMPLE OF DOOM lame? Ya, why don't you insult-slap another part of my childhood? Besides, as I'll highlight quite clear soon with the INDIANA JONES edition of RRA'S FRANCHISE REVIEW.....the 3rd flick itself felt like a rehash of RAIDERS: Nazis, Judeo-Christian artifact(or actually Christian) that the baddie Nazis want to take over the world, etc. Still, its a nice movie so it could have been worse.

While BOURNE IDENTITY itself is good, SUPREMACY actually is superior in how it sheds many generic thriller-fluff that Doug Liman had originally when Paul Greengrass jumped onboard. Not to mention, while I assume I'll review those films under that FRANCHISE column, there is more intelligence and bravado in it. Besides, it makes it much much more clear what the whole point of the franchise is: A rogue agent that becomes the enemy of the system itself, for no sense of personal need for destruction or death from the baddies, but simply they want him gone for bureaucratical reasons, among other things. I mean, a bureaucrat from the first film fully reveals himself ultimately as one that isn't a "good guy" at all. Nope, he makes and breaks alliances when needed...and then try to eliminate them.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 10:53 AM

If I confess that I never watched any of the IJ movies, how many credits do I loose?
Posted By: Debra

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 10:56 AM

Yes well, dont take me too deep, just my unusal taste for films...I happen to think that GF3 is quite a masterpiece while the majority thinks its shit...but who cares?

so tell me what is POTC3 ? is it Pirates of the Caribbean?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 11:37 AM

Oddly, I don't think THE GODFATHER PART 3(***) is "shit" either. I don't think its a masterpiece though, but its still got stuff worth watching for film fans out there.

Anyway, ya you're right about POTC 3.
Posted By: Debra

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 12:18 PM

thanks, I think POTC 2 is not out yet, is it? are they filming 2 and 3 at the same time?

...and I think I'll watch bourne 2 sometime next week, I wonder, was it supposed to be a trilogy from start, or did they make sequels cos the first movie was a huge success?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 12:48 PM

Ya, POTC 2 and 3 were shot back-to-back, like LOTR and MATRIX sequels and what not. Whatever they will be good or not, who knows.

Well, BOURNE itself came from a trilogy of massive best-selling Cold War thriller novels from Robert Ludlum, and themselves are quite different from the movies save for some ideas.

To have an idea if the novel was translated directly to film with THE BOURNE IDENTITY, we would have had someone like say George Clooney instead of Matt Damon, since the idea was that of a veteran CIA spook/assasin that gets amnesia, and shit hits the fan. Doug Liman simply decided that with the Cold War long gone that instead he takes the basic idea and makes interesting adjustments for it. Instead of a 40-sh veteran, its a 25-30-sh heavily programmed super assasin/agent that maybe was in the military an an insignificant trooper before volunteering with the CIA...and then becoming who he is.

As for BOURNE SUPREMACY, the original novel I believed involved a phony assasin/agent using the fake Bourne "identity" to frame the assasination of the Chinese Vice-Premier on the real exiled-in-hiding Jason Bourne...and for him to prove his innocence and take out the baddies of course. Basically SUPREMACY the film takes the same basic premise and instead makes it that some people steal CIA money and assasinate some CIA agents themselves in Berlin, and their agent(Karl Urban) frame it on Bourne.

If anything, BOURNE SUPREMACY the film is rather darker methinks(which led to a good filmbuff/friend in calling it the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK of popcorn spy thrillers) and does commit a gutsy plot turn that could have potentially backfired, but instead it works in a genius level.

As for BOURNE ULTIMATUM, so much changed from the books I can't say really what will survive from book to film save for the title. Though its great news that Greengrass(director of SUPREMACY) is back as director for ULTIMATUM after he is done with his FLIGHT 93 picture.
Posted By: Debra

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 01:45 PM

What a massive reply!

These novels sound interesting, one has to wonder if they gonna push for a 4th film - The Bourne Legacy - but this 4th novel was not written by Ludlum.I guess the question is if its an "official" sequel or not...would you say "The Godfather Returns" is an official sequel even tho it wasnt written by Puzo?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 01:50 PM

Unlike Matt Damon gets stuck with some crappy alimony situation, or have to feed all his bastard kids, I doubt that he'll both with a 4th BOURNE movie, since the people involved want it to end after the 3rd(and officially last) picture of the trilogy.

Then again, its not out of the question. Studios never turn down money, even if its essential or not. BOURNE LEGACY could very well happen, with or without the people involved...but I honestly doubt it. I mean, who thought that TERMINATOR 3 without James Cameron did happen? Well, not to mention Ahhnuld getting $30 million upfront.
Posted By: Debra

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 02:00 PM

Not only Cameron, but Linda Hamilton was missing as well...badly missing....a terminator movie without her is like...well...you get my drift, shes just as essential as Arnold...if u ask me.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/20/06 11:23 PM

Indiana Jones is the greatest action hero of our time I believe. I cannot wait untill the 4th one is released. Iam also looking forward to Rambo 4 and Rocky 6. Both of them are going to be released either later this year or early next year.

Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 12:10 AM

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 08:29 AM


I've always been a fan of the Indiana Jones series, even Temple of Doom which is clearly the worse of the 3 IMHO.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 08:38 AM

Is Okay, this would sound weird, but I have never been able to sit through any Spielberg movie, well, except for Jaws. The other day I tried to watch The Jurassic Park and I fell asleep yet again for the third time. His choice of script is what I never really liked. IJ movies, being the best of the bunch IMO, didn't appeal to me either. It might have if I was younger, but I'm not really sure. I'm not looking forward to 4.
Posted By: Aziatic

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 09:43 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Is Okay, this would sound weird, but I have never been able to sit through any Spielberg movie, well, except for Jaws. The other day I tried to watch The Jurassic Park and I fell asleep yet again for the third time. His choice of script is what I never really liked. IJ movies, being the best of the bunch IMO, didn't appeal to me either. It might have if I was younger, but I'm not really sure. I'm not looking forward to 4.
You havent seen Schindler's List either, Afs?

Regearding IJ, we'll see how the next one will be like. I really liked the first and third one, the second one was disappointing. Ill propapbly check this one out.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Aziatic:

You havent seen Schindler's List either, Afs?

Not the 1/3 of the ending. It was long and boring. The Pianist on the other hand was touching, moving and I made full connection with the protagonist.
Posted By: Aziatic

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 10:48 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[quote]Originally posted by Aziatic:
You havent seen Schindler's List either, Afs?

Not the 1/3 of the ending. It was long and boring. The Pianist on the other hand was touching, moving and I made full connection with the protagonist. [/b][/quote]Well, I think its a masterpiece. On the other hand, I agree with you regarding The Pianist, another masterpiece. But still, I think You should give Schindler's List another watch, even if its long
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: INDIANA JONES 4 in...2007....Worth it? - 01/21/06 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Aziatic:
But still, I think You should give Schindler's List another watch, even if its long
Spielberg is not my kind of director. I'm not against long movies, his movies however is pointless overlong as far as I'm concerned, and more importantly I fail to make a connection with his protagonists most of the time.
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