
10 Best Films of the 80's

Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/18/06 11:39 PM

A little bit more difficult.

1. Raging Bull (1980 - Martin Scorsese)
2. Thief (1981 - Michael Mann)
3. Scarface (1983 - Brian De Palma)
4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986 - John Hughes)
5. The Shining (1980 - Stanley Kubrick)
6. Blood Simple (1986 - Joel and Ethan Coen)
7. Big (1988 - Penny Marshall)
8. The Breakfast Club (1985 - John Hughes)
9. Atlantic City (1980 - Louis Malle)
10. Raising Arizona (1987 - Joel and Ethan Coen)
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 12:03 AM

Amadeus (Milos Forman;1984;USA)
Blue Velvet (David Lynch;1986;USA)
Christmas Story, A (Bob Clark;1983;USA/Canada)
Empire Strikes Back, The (Irvin Kershner;1980;USA)
Hannah and Her Sisters (Woody Allen;1986;USA)
Once Upon a Time in America (Sergio Leone;1984;Italy/USA)
Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese;1980;USA)
Shining, The (Stanely Kubrick;1980;USA/UK)
Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch;1984;USA/West Germany)
This is Spinal Tap (Rob Reiner;1984;USA)

Beetle Juice
Born on the Fourth of July
Breakfast Club, The
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Die Hard
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Rain Man
Return of the Jedi
Stand By Me
Terminator, The

I probably forgot a few.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 12:20 AM

Full Metal Jacket (1987/Kubrick)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984/Leone)
The Right Stuff (1983/Kauffman)
Raging Bull (1980/Scorsese)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1989/Scorsese)
Scarface (1983/de Palma)
The Untoucahbles (1987/de Palma)
Empire of the Sun (1987/Speilberg)
Born on the 4th of July (1989/Stone)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980/Kirschner)
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 12:30 AM

Probably the worst decade ever for cinema.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 12:35 AM

Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
Probably the worst decade ever for cinema.
I'll have to agree. It was painful to try and compile this list becasue it was kind of like the hang over after that binge we call the seventies.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 12:52 AM

Once Upon A Time in America (Leone, 1984)
Scarface (De Palma, 1983)
Caddyshack (1980, Reitman)
This is Spinal Tap (DiBergi, 1984)
A Christmas Story (Clark, 1983)
Stand By Me (1986, Reiner)
Born on the 4th of July (1989, Stone)
The Blues Brothers (1980, Landis)
Batman (1989, Burton)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986, Hughes)
Posted By: Silvio

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 07:47 AM

Raging Bull
King of Comedy
Blade Runner
Empire Strikes Back
The Shining
Do the Right Thing
Once Upon A Time in America
Back to the Future
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 08:52 AM

It may be the worst decade, but you know what? Still a decade of great movies, and sure it wasn't the 1970s....but how could it compete? BTW, I'm surprised by many who pick Tim Burton's stylish-if-overrated decent BATMAN.

Top 10(for now)

RAGING BULL (1980) - Many call this the best of the decade, and they might be onto something. Martin Scorsese delivers a knock-out with this brutal drama with Robert DeNiro cementing his legendary mystique among actors world-wide. Do I have to remind everyone that this movie lost to ORDINARY PEOPLE for Best Picture?

ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA (1984) - A shame that American movie buffs didn't get to see this film, nor did Sergio Leone be redeemed in this country as well after this picture was truncated to shit upon its original Yankee release. Now restored to its complete 229 minute edit, we have a masterpiece that truely every self-described "cinema fan" has to see at least once.

THE RIGHT STUFF (1983) - Philip Kaufman's triumphant epic of Americana guts and glory with the legendary Mercury space program of NASA in the 1960s, along with iconic work from Sam Shepard, who was nominated for his part of Chuck Yeager. Winner for Best score. I need to review this sucker soon for VIDEO BIN REVIEW....sound good folks?

THE SHINING (1980) - Starting with BARRY LYNDON, critics and movie fans seem to be mixed with each succeeding motion picture from Stanley Kubrick, and the box-office tallies showed. However, with time being the true agent of weeding out the winners from the dogs, we now know that this is yet another Kubrick masterpiece...and arguably, alongside John Carpenter's THE THING, the best horror picture of the "Slasher" Decade. Here's Johnny!

FULL METAL JACKET (1987) - Kubrick is the only man to pull double duty on my list with this war classic. Sardonic black humor abounds, with many times not willing to dumb down or be "accessible" to let everyone onto the joke itself. Gave the meal-ticket lifetime of acting gigs of being the Tougher-than-Nails Sargent for Mr. Lee Ermey.

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980) - Not only a superior sequel to the biggest movie ever, but since its release its been the prototypical summer blockbuster sequel, with visuals of bleakness that which Lucas could never match in terms of intensity with his $120 million-a-pop STAR WARS prequels. Especially the finale duel itself is hear-poundful thrilling.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) - The most influential action movie in the last 25 years, further changing how action motion pictures were to be made for the public, with thrills every 10 minutes and Spielberg playing himself in Harrison Ford, a tough slick man who beats the shit out of Nazis.

BLADE RUNNER (1982) - Sir Ridley Scott's best technical film as a director is ALIEN, but BLADE RUNNER is his legacy. He crafts a universe onto itself of where humanity is held precious, but in name only, and still the poster-face of cinematic futuristic metropolitan landscapes.

BRAZIL (1985) - Terry Gilliam's reputation is made with this legendary gem that of which the studio almost prevented us from seeing. Fantasy and serious British satire intertwine. I'll discuss this sucker further when my upcoming CULT MOVIE REVIEW edition is posted.

SCARFACE (1983) - Weird choice for sure, but while its far from being a masterpiece or even a great movie per say, its the American 80's incarnate on the big screen. There is tacky Italian coke-art deco, with pastel fashions, cocaine, booze, and guns everywhere, and women are worth taking out your boss for. As I discussed in my livingcorpse.com review, this is of sorts a mystique tale for criminals in the underworld, where one man rose from the jails of Cuba to ruling South Florida as a conquered province...before he loses it while trying to take the whole world, and everything in it.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 09:28 AM

Its a shame there doesnt seem to be any other Coen Brothers fans here. I thought Blood Simple and Raising Arizona were both great films that came out of the 80's.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 09:29 AM

Well, they are great movies mind you. Then again, we all are subjective with our lists, now aren't we?
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 09:34 AM

True, true.

I just thought I might see one of them somewhere else, but I was the only one who had either of them.

You've got me wanting to see most of your list Ronnie. Ive only seen a few of those sadly.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 03:04 PM

The Outsiders and The Boys Next Door. Both 1984 movies.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/19/06 10:41 PM

The thing with the 80's, for me, is that the films have, for some reason (fashion?), dated very badly.

There are exceptions, and actually many of them, if you look hard enough. Check out these masterpieces...

Blue Velvet (1986; David Lynch)
Fanny och Alexander/Fanny and Alexander (1982; Ingmar Bergman)
Kagemusha/The Shadow Warrior (1983; Akira Kurosawa)
The King of Comedy (1983; Martin Scorsese)
Krótki Film O Milosci/A Short Film About Love (1988; Krzysztof Kieslowski)
Krótki Film O Zabijaniu/A Short Film About Killing (1988; Krzysztof Kieslowski)
The Killing Fields (1984; Roland Joffe)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984; Sergio Leone)
Raging Bull (1980; Martin Scorsese)
Ran/Chaos (1985; Akira Kurosawa)
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 03:04 AM

My 15 Personal Favourites of the 80s

Coming To America
Do The Right Thing
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Field Of Dreams
The Godfather Part III
Goodfellas (I know it was 1990)
Once Upon A Time In America
Raging Bull
Rain Man
Rocky IV
Trading Places
The Untouchables
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 03:14 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
BTW, I'm surprised by many who pick Tim Burton's stylish-if-overrated decent BATMAN.
Sue me. :p I loved it. Nicholson pretty much made that film.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
My 15 Personal Favourites of the 80s

The Godfather Part III
Goodfellas (I know it was 1990)
Then why put them on?
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 03:58 PM

Top ten in no order in bold

Raging Bull
The Empire Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Arc
My Favorite Year
An Officer an A Gentlemen
Terms of Endearment
True Confessions
Angel Heart
The Right Stuff
Runaway Train
Mississippi Burning
Dangerous Liasons
Stand By Me
A Fish Called Wanda
Do the Right Thing
Dead Poets Society
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 11:07 PM

Capo, it all depends on how you look at the decade. Is the decade from 1980 to 1989 or from 1980 to 1990? Same with the 90s, is it from 1990 to 1999 or from 1990 to 2000?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/20/06 11:09 PM

Ah right, now I get where you're coming from. But for me, it's always zero to nine.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 05:32 AM

How you can consider 1990 part of the 80's is beyond me.

Ten years: 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89. A decade. The 80's.

1990 would be the 90's. :p
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 08:25 AM

The Empire Strikes Back
Pale Rider
Return of the Jedi
Young Guns
Back to the Future
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
Ferris Buellers Day Off
The Breakfast Club(due to personal experience as I had to do a few Saturday's of detention )
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 03:20 PM

Lol! I might be slightly retarded (the jury's still out on that one) but wasn't Jan. 1, 1980 to Jan. 1 1981 exactly one year? Didn't mean to hijack the thread or anything but there you have it..
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 04:01 PM

Well, not really, since there can't be two January 1's in a year.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Lol! I might be slightly retarded (the jury's still out on that one) but wasn't Jan. 1, 1980 to Jan. 1 1981 exactly one year?
Yes. The year stops at Dec. 31 1989 at midnight.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 01/21/06 06:03 PM

I do have to admit, this was a hard one to think up.

(No order)

The Elephant Man
Raging Bull
Once Upon a Time in America
This is Spinal Tap
A Christmas Story
The Shining
Rain Man
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Breakfast Club

My head hurts. And I'm not quite satisfied with that list.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 02/24/06 01:51 AM

Updated with Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise, which is the third best film of the 80's.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 02/24/06 08:47 AM

Are you going to stone me to death if I add

American gigolo (1980)

to the list?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 10 Best Films of the 80's - 02/24/06 09:55 AM

True Confessions (1981)

Always amazed at how it seems as though so few have seen this one, because if you had it would be on your list.

Salud, my Daigo Mick Friend, for at least giving it an honorable mention, along with Angel Heart, Mickey Rourke's tour de force.

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
it all depends on how you look at the decade. Is the decade from 1980 to 1989 or from 1980 to 1990? Same with the 90s, is it from 1990 to 1999 or from 1990 to 2000?
It should be from 0-9, shouldn't it?

The first day of 1980 was the first day of the decade, and the last day of 1989 the last.

It certainly can't be from 1980 to 1990, because that would be 11 years, not 10.
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