
Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards

Posted By: Don Andrew

Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/07/06 08:11 PM

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/07/06 08:30 PM

I heard that yesterday. That's fine by me, I like Jon Stewart. Although I'm not a huge fan, I did think Billy Crystal did a good job of hosting.

Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/07/06 11:18 PM

TIS is right.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 01:01 AM

billy crystal i think is the best host at the oscars, next to bob hope of course. hopefully jon stewart is comfortable and does a good job, because the last time a late night talk show host was on the oscars..it wasn't very good. uma...oprah, oprah....uma! lol..oh david letterman. lol.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 02:11 AM

Well I wasn't planning on watching the oscars anyway, but after hearing this news I definately will not be watching the oscars. As I despise John Stewart every time I hear him I want to cut his throat from ear to ear.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 05:13 AM

Why Iceman? I mean, God forbid that we Americans turn our backs on humor...

BEsides, Jon Stewart rocks, but you know what? The Oscars will still be boring. I mean, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is certain to win the major Awards pretty much, so it'll be boring like 2004 was with ROTK.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 07:11 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is certain to win the major Awards pretty much, so it'll be boring like 2004 was with ROTK.
I had no idea, but that DOES make it boring.

I've not watched Jon Stewart's show and don't know him at all, but then I didn't know Chris Rock and I loved his hosting Oscars last year. Judging by how Iceman feels about him, I think I'm going to like him.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 08:44 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Why Iceman? I mean, God forbid that we Americans turn our backs on humor...

BEsides, Jon Stewart rocks, but you know what? The Oscars will still be boring. I mean, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is certain to win the major Awards pretty much, so it'll be boring like 2004 was with ROTK.
Don't misunderstand I like Humor. Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White. But IMHO Jon Stewart is about as funny as finding out you only have a week to live.

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Judging by how Iceman feels about him, I think I'm going to like him.
Well now I'm not sure if I should take this as a compliment, or an insult.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 09:11 AM

Originally posted by The Iceman:
[quote]Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[b] Judging by how Iceman feels about him, I think I'm going to like him.
Well now I'm not sure if I should take this as a compliment, or an insult. [/b][/quote]None of these really. I've noticed that we two are probably the most incompatible people when it comes to opinions on different stuff.

Well, actually, I'm thinking there has been one thing in common. I like the TV series Angel, as I'm guessing you do as well. Or do you?!

I'm guessing your hatred toward Stewart has to be due to his political opinions in his show? But I have little clue on what he says really, I just guessed that must be all and since I wouldn't have that problem, I might like him.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 05:49 PM

Poor Iceman...
tsk tsk tsk

Me, I only care about if the person IS funny, and DAILY SHOW is funny. Conan O'Brien is funny. Foxworthy is funny.

What do those 3 have in common? Different regionalities and styles of humor, but still damn funny. Who cares what they think in terms of political opinions? Its the humor that I only care about because you see...I accept that people always seem to have different opinions from me on issues or whatever. In fact, I only go nuclear probably in disagreement when it comes to films(just check out me and Irishman's feud that stemmed from him liking the terrible FANTASTIC FOUR).

Hopefully Stewart will make the Oscars fun. I still remember when he abruptly stopped CROSSFIRE to tell both Carville and Carlson that their now-cancelled program was more about entertainment than it was about debate.

Off topic, but there is movement to get Steve Carell an Oscar nod for his script for 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Geez, I wonder if Stewart will make a joke of his former DAILY SHOW reporter. Ummm....

Now if they could get Conan O'Brien sometime in the future, all is good.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/08/06 10:19 PM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
None of these really. I've noticed that we two are probably the most incompatible people when it comes to opinions on different stuff.
Ok that makes sense. Although actually one of my cousins and I just might be the most incompatible people. As her and I don't see eye to eye on anything, be it Music, Movies, TV Shows, or politics. And yet we still get along great go figure

Originally posted by afsaneh77:

Well, actually, I'm thinking there has been one thing in common. I like the TV series Angel, as I'm guessing you do as well. Or do you?!
Yeah I always liked the series Angel so that's one thing in common.

Originally posted by afsaneh77:

I'm guessing your hatred toward Stewart has to be due to his political opinions in his show? But I have little clue on what he says really, I just guessed that must be all and since I wouldn't have that problem, I might like him.
Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Poor Iceman...
tsk tsk tsk

Me, I only care about if the person IS funny, and DAILY SHOW is funny. Conan O'Brien is funny. Foxworthy is funny.

What do those 3 have in common? Different regionalities and styles of humor, but still damn funny. Who cares what they think in terms of political opinions? Its the humor that I only care about because you see...I accept that people always seem to have different opinions from me on issues or whatever.
Now I can see why the 2 of you would mention politics. As I've never been shy when it comes to expressing my political views on this board. However my hatred for Jon Stewart has nothing to do with that. I just never found him funny, nor have I ever found his show funny. Plus his voice just irritates me for some reason.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 01:52 AM

Not really a fan of him, but I hate Chris Rock, and I didnt think he did too bad a job last year. I'm not too worried though, I dont watch for the host. :rolleyes:
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 03:08 AM

I accept that people always seem to have different opinions from me on issues or whatever
I guess what people find funny doesn't fall into that though

I can't stand the Daily Show or Jon Stewart, Conan O'Brian and Jay Leno poke fun at President Bush all the time and I still find them funny.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 03:23 AM

I usually don't watch necessarily for the host, however, the host or hostess can make a difference as to how entertaining the show is. Yet, this year, I have seen so few (if any) of the movies that are in the running, that I don't know that I will watch it. If I do, Stewart is enough to make me tune in at least for a while.

Oh, and maybe it's a "female" thing,but I do enjoy seeing some of the beautiful (and sometimes outrageus) gowns the ladies are wearing. :p

Johnny Carson use to host the Oscars from time to time, and usually was good at it. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't care for Chris Rock at all, but found he did pretty well when he hosted; Billy Crystal, although not a fan of his movies, really made me laugh when he hosted. All a matter of taste really.

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 06:04 AM

Originally posted by The Iceman:
Ok that makes sense. Although actually one of my cousins and I just might be the most incompatible people. As her and I don't see eye to eye on anything, be it Music, Movies, TV Shows, or politics. And yet we still get along great go figure
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 05:15 PM

I love love love love love love love love love love Jon Stewart.
Posted By: Silvio

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/09/06 10:46 PM

John Stewart is exactly the right person, given the subject matter of some of the movies likely to gather the most praise, namely Syriana and Munich. Making fun of world events is his best talent. He should poke fun at people that overly hate or overly love BBM
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/10/06 01:05 AM

Larry DAVID we need larry to host the next one and chirs rock was the funnies host
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/10/06 01:35 AM

Or Conan O'Brien. Come on, we need the Cone Zone's perspective on the Oscars, and well before he becomes lame in 2009 so that the midwest can laugh at something that they sort of understand.
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/10/06 01:44 AM

true Conan O'Brien is funnie but to me he trys to hard to be
funnie I may be wrong
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/11/06 03:40 AM

Originally posted by don vencent:
Larry DAVID we need larry to host the next one
Haha I was thinking the same thing, but it will NEVER happen.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/11/06 03:36 PM

Out of the majority of comedians listed in this thread, the only ones I find to be funny are Billy Crystal and Jay Leno. I can't stand John Stewart.

Not that I really care about the Oscars anyways. I can't remember ever watching it intently, nor do I care since the vast majority of films coming out are either remakes, re-remakes, or things I could care less about (read: gay cowboy movies, brings a whole new meaning to the term "back in the saddle again," and I suspect John Wayne is rolling over in his grave.)
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/11/06 08:13 PM

Correction DJ, its JON Stewart. Hes a Jew you know. He doesn't follow that Anglican-ized "John" stuff.

Besides DJ, why hate Stewart or even DAILY SHOW? Really, you think everyone that watches it is some liberal or someone that hates your views? Please...

Fact is, while it does do (some) appropriate bitchslaps at Washington politicians, I mostly get my laughs from how it mocks and trash the American media culture. Especially funny was when they pissed at those recent hurricanes, where some CNN reporter was trying to act like wind is about to knock him over, with a grim face, yet behind him some black dude just walks across the screen with no troubles at all.

Thing is, can "Jon" actually make the Oscars worth watching, or will it be canned-garbage?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards - 01/12/06 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Correction DJ, its JON Stewart. Hes a Jew you know. He doesn't follow that Anglican-ized "John" stuff.

Besides DJ, why hate Stewart or even DAILY SHOW? Really, you think everyone that watches it is some liberal or someone that hates your views? Please...
I didn't politicize anything. I just can't stand "Jon" Stewart. Period.
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