
Your favorite movie genre

Posted By: svsg

Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 05:57 PM

Most of us watch all kinds of movies, but we tend to watch a certain genre more often than others. Which is yours?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:03 PM

Crime Drama (Le Samourai, Collateral, Heat, Le Cercle Rouge, Thief)

Western (Dead Man, Dollars Trilogy, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Searchers)
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:05 PM

Crime Dramas
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:05 PM

I put other because it's a tie between Comedy and Crime/Drama.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:08 PM

I'm in the "Others Explain" category.

Courtroom dramas, and con man stories (House of Games, The Sting, Matchstick Men, Confidence, etc.).

Technically they fall under "Drama", buy I prefer to give them a sub-genre appellation of their own.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:11 PM

I checked drama. Although, in a way, gangster films, sciFi, horror could technically fit under drama.

I like an occassional romantic comedy (especially with Julia Roberts, or Sandra Bullock, but selodom go to a theater to see them. I also have been a fan of horror flicks, including vampire, werewolf and supernatural type movies. As far as SciFi, I guess it all depends. I loved the XFiles, Twilight Zone but was never into StarWars, and probably am outnumbered, but I didn't like 2001 Space Oddesy. I know, I know. I saw it at it's release and was so bored I walked out midway thru it.

I've loved gangster films since a kid, when my family would watch the Untouchables every week. I didn't always totally understand the storylies I don't think, but was drawn to it. Little did I know that I'd end up here on the BB, let alone what the heck "internet" was.


Btw, I love courtroom dramas as well.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:30 PM

I've always liked dark, satirical/black comedies with plenty of dramatic aspects like: Fight Club, Being John Malkovich, Donnie Darko, Brazil, Eternal Sunshine, Ed Woods, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Graduate, etc...

I also enjoy straight-drama's, and I will always have a fixation for crime-drama--the genre that really got me into film.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:32 PM

1) Mob/Gangster
2) Comedy
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 06:37 PM

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 07:43 PM

I really don't have a favorite genre. I love musicals, mianly those made during the golden age of Hollywood, like, "Singin' in the Rain" or "An American in Paris". I also love comedies from this era from the Marx Bros. in "Duck Soup" or Chaplin in, "Modern Times". The screwball comedies are great too from men like Howard Hawks and others.

Thrillers & Mysteries are great too. Hitchcock is the god of the genre creating masterpieces like, "Lifeboat" or my favorite, "Vertigo". What about other genres like Film-Noir. No one tends to really consider this a genre and yet I can because of such a distinction these films had and still have against standard Hollywood conception.

Or films like "Casablanca", not quite romance, not quite comedy, not quite thriller, not quite anything save for masterful.
At the end of it all I can't really vote.
Posted By: scarfacefan

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 12/31/05 11:31 PM


My other favorites are Comedy and Horror
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/01/06 12:19 AM

Mob/Gangster is my first choice. Western would be my second choice but only if it's a Clint Eastwood western if not then forget it.
Posted By: don illuminati

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/01/06 02:16 AM

I like films from the 1930's and 40's, especialy film noir and some of the comedies like Bringing Up Baby.

I like how light and shadow was used to create a depth to compensate for lack of color in black and white films, such as Casablanca or The Best Years Of Our Lives. I am unfamiliar with the technical terms so I can't really express myself on this very well.

I also like some of the strange comedies from the 80's like Repo Man and Raising Arizona.

In sum I like several genres i guess.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/01/06 03:40 AM

Mob films got my vote,though prison films would have got my second vote
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/01/06 07:14 AM

I love movies, so I watch everything. But sometimes when I'm not even in the mood for a movie, I still can watch comedy.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/01/06 05:50 PM

I put mob/gangster.

I also like comedies, westerns, dramas, and courtroom dramas.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/02/06 07:28 AM

I picked "other" because I didn't see Westerns on the list. Even though I like many genres, I can never pass up a Clint Eastwood western.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/02/06 12:20 PM

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Your favorite movie genre - 01/02/06 10:16 PM

One time I would have said crime thriller or crime drama or whatever, but now I feel the whole concept of genre is antithetical to Cinema.

I often laugh at the most serious films ever, and often find myself in wanting at comedies. Genres just overlap and make things overcomplicated and iffy.

Genre, a French word, when applied to Cinema, is basically restricted to Hollywood films. The Musical, The Western, and the Gangster film. All others of the studio system are sub-genres of these three. As an introductory dissection to these, I recommend A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, either the original documentary, or the accompanying book based on it.
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