
Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver.

Posted By: JustMe

Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/06/05 05:53 PM

Do we have anyone from Vancouver among our Canadians?
I guess we don't, because they would share this joy with us already.

88 minutes is a thriller, directed by Jon Avnet.
Al is playing a college professor, secretly working for FBI, who receives a letter from anonymous, saying he will be killed in 88 minutes...
His assistant and lover is played by Alicia Witt.

Shootings begun on October 15 in the Univercity of British Columbia.
Happy students managed to get Al's autographs and make some pics from the set, if someone except me has any interest in this affair, I may post them.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/06/05 09:06 PM

I have many relatives in British Columbia, JustMe. I rarely hear from them, though.

This sounds like another real-time thriller. While Pacino chooses roles more wisely than De Niro these days, he's slowly becoming a worn-out pastiche of himself. Let's hope this one proves otherwise.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/06/05 09:59 PM

I was there this summer. Looks like I might have to take a little road trip. :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/06/05 10:16 PM

I have an aunt and uncle in Seattle, WA not too far away from Vancouver. I've been to Vancouver before and I must say it is a very beautiful city, just stay away from the Downtown East Side.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 03:10 AM

A college professor hu? How cool.

I've never heard of it, but by the brief description it sounds pretty good. Is there a release date yet?

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 08:08 AM

Originally posted by JustMe:
if someone except me has any interest in this affair, I may post them.
do you really need to ask, JM??????
BTW, based on the plot, the movie Sounds intriguing....
Posted By: svsg

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
BTW, based on the plot, the movie Sounds intriguing....
I was feeling just the opposite. When I see FBI and then some ticking time-bomb plot, I get a feeling it will be some mediocre cliched hollywood product.

A few of these especially piss me off:

1) A team of FBI guys (ofcourse one very attractive woman has to be in the team) discussing a plan using 2-3 word sentences. Then someone attends a phone call. Then the chief guy punches a couple of buttons, and shouts "Let's go" and all of them run with their guns and stuff.

2)Someone working on a computer grabs the attention of the above mentioned team. He/She says "We've got him" and some photo appears on the screen from the FBI database with all the details, profile view, front view etc.

3)A car chase sequence with all the cops talking on their wireless sets.

4)The beautiful FBI woman has sex with the villain or some old guy.

OK Al Pacino is one of my favorite actors. I hope he does something different to make the movie great. But somehow I am not hopeful
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:34 AM

Originally posted by svsg:
When I see FBI and then some ticking time-bomb plot, I get a feeling it will be some mediocre cliched hollywood product
well, I didn't exactly say it sounds like a masterpiece....but I bet I'll manage to watch it till the end, which is an achievement, due to the poor products we are offfered nowadays. But honestly I admit the fact that Pacino is in it may make the difference.....

Originally posted by svsg:
A few of these especially piss me off:
I'm afraid you are right, SVSG.....You should consider script writing!!!
Posted By: svsg

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
SVSG.....You should consider script writing!!!
Actually I am seriously considering script writing But my studies are keeping me busy for most of the day
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
do you really need to ask, JM??????
OK, OK, I'm just being polite.

TIS, the release date now is 2006.

svsg, considering the cast, beautiful woman having sex with old guy seems guaranteed!

This, presumably, is the poster.

Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:22 PM

Here are some pics from the set - the very beginning of shooting, I believe.




Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:25 PM




Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:25 PM

Tracking his every move? :p
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:30 PM

The shooting of car explosion on Homer street, Vancouver.

Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:34 PM

Here's what UBC students are doing on their lectures. Well, honestly speaking, I would never even consider studying in the auditorium situated over a movie set with Al working on it. It's perfectly unnatural and out of question.

Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Tracking his every move? :p
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/07/05 09:39 PM

And the greatest of all: you may view a video with Al and Alicia shooting a scene. It's taken from the same window, I guess, with a photo camera - it's only 41 sec. But you can even hear Al's voice!!!
Just click here!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/08/05 08:08 PM

One more video!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/17/05 12:16 AM

This, I understand, is the design of cover.

Posted By: FrankieFiveAngels

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/17/05 03:12 AM

How come Al Pacino looks nothing like Michael Corleone?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/17/05 03:16 AM

Originally posted by FrankieFiveAngels:
How come Al Pacino looks nothing like Michael Corleone?
I dunno, maybe it has something to do with people getting older.

It has been only 33 years... :rolleyes:
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/17/05 05:54 PM

Originally posted by FrankieFiveAngels:
How come Al Pacino looks nothing like Michael Corleone?
He doesn't have to look like Michael all his life, you know. Plus, now he plays someone else.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 12/17/05 08:19 PM

Some photos of the explosion business on Homer street can be seen here.
Click on the "next" at the upper right corner - to see the next photo.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 01/29/06 08:00 PM

Some more photos from set.


Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 01/29/06 08:13 PM

Originally posted by FrankieFiveAngels:
How come Al Pacino looks nothing like Michael Corleone?
I know. I was gutted when I found that Charlize Theron didn't look like how she did in Monster.

I assume the walking stick Al's using is for the film, and not him?
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 01/29/06 08:27 PM



5. Driving fast, Al?
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 01/29/06 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:

I assume the walking stick Al's using is for the film, and not him?
I think that his character feels the effect of all these car bombings and other attempts on his life.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 02/10/06 05:54 PM

One more photo from set.
Dunno what's going on, but Al is dressed in something ugly blue...

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 02/10/06 07:36 PM

Perhaps he's wearing a jacket to keep warm? :p
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 02/11/06 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Perhaps he's wearing a jacket to keep warm? :p
Looks like he's wrapped in a small boat...
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 06/24/06 02:06 PM

Any news on a release date for this? I'm surprised I haven't seen any real updates for the past 3 or 4 months now.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 06/24/06 02:52 PM

Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
Any news on a release date for this? I'm surprised I haven't seen any real updates for the past 3 or 4 months now.
It seems that it's in post-production. There were slight rumours recently, that they did some additional shooting in... Was it LA or NY I forgot. People saw them.So I think they are making special effects and cutting the most interesting out.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 06/25/06 01:23 PM

Originally posted by JustMe:
His assistant and lover is played by Alicia Witt.
I can't wait to get my PhD. :p
Posted By: jamarko

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 06/27/06 05:53 PM

Im in Seattle, Washington which isn't too far away.
I noticed Al had a cane in a couple of his pictures. Why does he need one?
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/13/06 09:03 PM

I've got news!
Official release date - October 6, 2006, UK!
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/13/06 09:42 PM

Well if the US release date is anywhere close to that, we should probably start seeing previews or posters sometime soon. That's only 3 months away.
Posted By: Brwne Byte

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/14/06 08:39 AM

My little Al looks sooo cute in those pictures!!
Can't wait to see it!!!
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/21/06 04:07 PM

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/21/06 04:14 PM

I have to say I have not been thrilled and in most cases not even tempted to see some of Al's latest work (they just don't look that good in many cases)...but by the previews, this one looks pretty good.

Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/21/06 08:16 PM

One site postpones the date of release until 2007, probably they mean USA release. here
Posted By: Brwne Byte

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 07/23/06 06:33 PM

You know,Two for the Money was not really that good. Liked the Recriut though.But I have to say that it's about time we see Al in something that is all about him,rather than a story that has him being second banana to some young "leading man" these days.Hopfully we might just see the return of the old-fashiond "Al Pacino movie."
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Al Pacino's new movie "88 minutes" is being shot in Vancouver. - 01/24/07 11:02 PM

Release (on DVD in Brazil)

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