

Posted By: Patrick

Jarhead - 11/07/05 02:32 AM

Word. Totally saw this movie tonight. It's based on the true story of a soldier who was in the first Iraq war. Very good movie. Has anyone else seen in?
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Jarhead - 11/07/05 05:58 AM

I had been looking forward to seeing this since the summer, when I first saw the preview, which is probably one of the best previews Ive ever seen next to Casino's.

Anyway, I had these incredibly high expectations built up in my head, and about a week ago once the reviews started coming out, which were about half and half good/bad, they lowered a bit, but I still had high hopes.

I thought it started out nicely. I had no problem with the humor, which I completely wasnt expecting, as it was a lot funnier then I thought.

But my real problem was, I only wanted humor for like the first half or so, and then I wanted it to get serious, which I really felt it didnt. I almost jumped out of my seat and freaked out when Swofford, the main character, was talking about losing his mind, because there had been NOTHING to show the viewer that he was going through anything like that.

I really wish they wouldve done some crazy psychological mind study shit, but we got nothing of the sort. I got my hopes up again when Swofford has the dream where he vomits sand, but it lasted like 10 seconds and that was the only time they did anything like that.

I think had I gone in with different expectations, not already thinking I knew what I was going to see, and perhaps not expected a really deep film, I wouldve been more happy. I was looking for something in the vein of Taxi Driver or Fight Club or something, a real study of the main characters mental deteoriation, but I got nothing like that.

I'll probably give it a rewatch in a year or so, but I was ultimately very dissappointed.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Jarhead - 11/07/05 10:20 AM

One of the films I really wanna see.
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Jarhead - 11/07/05 02:16 PM

It was a good movie, but had that whole "Full Metal Jacket" divide with training and then combat.

Then again, the combat scenes in this movie provide a new aspect not usually in war movies. I don't want to ruin for everybody though...
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Jarhead - 11/08/05 12:21 AM

i think its a good character study, but done in a different way then in taxi driver. its a little more subtle. it was great, and the humor does stop about halfway through the movie, more or less after they swoffard starts worrying about his girl at home. it was a good movie, it won't beat out movies like platoon, or apocalyse now...but definatly better then full metal jacket. and i understand that you think its a copy of full metal jacket...but hey its based on a book, which is based on a true story, so what are you gonna do?
Posted By: Samer

Re: Jarhead - 11/08/05 01:34 AM

I watched it, didn't like it. I thought it was a little too dirty without much of an interesting story or point to it.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Jarhead - 11/08/05 01:53 AM

i really think that some of you didn't get what its about....its about waiting to fight a war you aren't needed in. ok, that's the point...it's not a movie with subplots, its straight forward. and its a character study. last i checked citizen kane magnolia didn't have much of a plot either, but didn't stop it from being a good movie. or american beauty. character studies!
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Jarhead - 11/08/05 07:01 AM

I dont know think you can call a film like Magnolia a character study. That term usually means the entire movie focuses on one main character and every aspect of his personality, etc. Magnolia has like 12 "main" characters.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Jarhead - 11/08/05 03:37 PM

I'd consider Magnolia or Short Cuts to be character studies. Maybe not as deeply focused on all characters as one film can be to one character, but it still works, and that's why I love those films.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Jarhead - 11/25/05 10:43 PM

But my real problem was, I only wanted humor for like the first half or so, and then I wanted it to get serious, which I really felt it didnt.
Serious? I'm glad it didn't get serious to the point of being an unrealistic melodrama. It felt perfectly authentic and had a lot of humanity. The main characters weren't great men, they were guys who had nothing to look forward to in life except being in a war and wanting to kill people. As for having nothing to go crazy for, go into the Marines, go through VERY disciplined and difficult training. Finally go to a war where you're doing nothing but wandering around the desert while the Air Force is cleaning up the land before you go through it. Jake Gyllenhaal himself was going crazy in the desert screaming at fellow workers because of the high temperatures (which is another thing to consider) alone. Now imagine being in war with those high temperatures being the least of your worries.

I really wish they wouldve done some crazy psychological mind study shit, but we got nothing of the sort. I got my hopes up again when Swofford has the dream where he vomits sand, but it lasted like 10 seconds and that was the only time they did anything like that.
Sounds more like you were hoping for a cliche.

As for the film, my proview is in the Movie thread. I think it was a great film just short of being a masterpiece. I think it screamed authenticity, especially in it's acting and humor. I can't think of another war film that depicts The Suck, and even includes the Dear John letters and infidelity videos.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Jarhead - 11/25/05 11:51 PM

JARHEAD - ****/5

Really good autobiographical-penned tale of the First Gulf War from Oscar-winning director Sam Mendes. Worthy performances from DONNIE DARKO and RAY. Certainly this movie will never have me watch or look at Michael Cimino's THE DEER HUNTER in the same light ever again. :p
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Jarhead - 11/26/05 12:53 AM

I loved it. Gylenhall, Foxx, and Saarsgard all gave great (maybe even Oscar worthy) performances. It's a new kind of war film, that everyone should definetly see.
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