
Flight 93 Special

Posted By: Don Pope

Flight 93 Special - 09/11/05 06:54 AM

On sunday sept.11 at 9pm on the Discovery channel theres going to be a special on the heroes of flight 93. They reenact what supposevly happened on that flight. It looks interesting.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 01:12 AM

Right now (6:00 PDT) on the History channel they have the last hour of flight 11. It's narrated, but has people reinacting what they believed happened on board, and giving a little detail of some of the passengers lives and what was going on in their lives at the time. Also included reading quotes from a detailed letter they found written by one of the hi-jackers. It's pretty interesting.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 02:34 AM

I am actually watching this right now. It's very good actually. I'll tell you one thing though. Watching this has made me realize how hard it must've been to know someone who died that day and I'll tell you what, if I had a wife in the air that day who got killed by one of these bastards or got killed where ever, I'd be over in Afghanistan ripping some of those SOBs apart with my own hands.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 02:45 AM


Are you watching the one Don Pope posted on flight 93 or the one I posted on flight 11?? Sounds like both are reinactments. I haven't seen the 93 one.

Btw, I didn't realize that they suspect none of the passengers on flight 11 realized they were being highjacked. Also, I didn't remember that the hijackers thought they were turning on the speakers to the cabins when they told everyone not to move, but in reality turned on the speakers to the air traffic controllers.

It was sad, and made me cry, and I agree that the flight attendants are often overlooked, but these ladies were very brave trying to keep the passengers calm and keeping in touch with the ground control.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:06 AM

I watched the one on Flight 93 on Discovery. They're actually showing a replay of it now, which just started. What channel was Flight 11 on?
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:07 AM

From unreleased recordings and telephone calls from loved ones the passengers rallied up grabbed one of those food carriers and charged the cockpit. The family members were aloud to hear the unreleased audio of the passengers as they broke through the cockpit door and there was screaming from the hijackers. The passengers were actually bombarding the door with the food carrier over and over till they got through. God when I heard from them that they heard the hijackers screaming I felt so proud of those people and what they did.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:08 AM

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:12 AM

Patrick, Flight 11 was on the History Channel an hour ago. I'll look for the other one. They sound like the same format.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:14 AM

I felt proud of what they did also. It was extremely brave of them to do that not knowing if the terrorists really had a bomb on them or guns. I do hope that they kicked the F**king shit out of those bastards before that plane went down. I believe by listening to those tapes that they probably did. Good for them!

It must have been so hard for thier families to talk with them on the phones knowing what had happened in New York and at the Pentagon already. Knowing that they were going to try and take the hijackers out on that flight! It must have really been terrible for those families, and at the same time they have to go on being proud of what their loved ones did on that plane. Making The ultimate sacrafice for the rest of humanity!

May GOD bless them and thier families.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
lol, I sorta took a long break. Ive been stopping in every once in awhile. How you been?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:23 AM

BTW, flight 11 was the plane manned by Atta, the one that hit the first tower. Was 93 the one that hit the second tower, or the Pentagon or PA? I don't remember the numbers.

Also a sidenote, everytime they show shots of the WTC, it appears to be right by the water/ocean. When I was in NYC I visited ground zero, and don't remember it being by the water. Does it just appear that way from far, or did I not notice a body of water. :p

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:25 AM

Don Pope - Hanging in there dude. How's it going for you?

TIS - Flight 93 was the one taken down in PA by the passengers.
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Flight 93 Special - 09/12/05 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Don Pope - Hanging in there dude. How's it going for you?

TIS - Flight 93 was the one taken down in PA by the passengers.
Im doing pretty good.

TIS: The world trade is in lower manhattan so its surrounded on 3 sides of water. But with all the buildings you can hardly tell your even on an island surrounded by water.
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