
After M*A*S*H

Posted By: Double-J

After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:10 AM

Anybody know where I can download or find a legit copy of these episodes? Supposedly, 30 episodes (plus a final unaired episode) exist, but I have no idea. I love the series and the movie, but I can't find much else about this. Amazon.com says there is a plan for a DVD release but they have no idea when it will be released.

Any help is appreciated - be it torrents, P2P, etc.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:13 AM

AFTER M*A*S*H? Man, I always wanted to take a look at that series, to see if its that big of a train wreck, or just mediocre sitcom stuff.

Then again, it can't be as annoying and worse than JOEY I guess, right?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:16 AM

Supposedly it had kickass ratings the first season, but lost out to the A-Team in the second.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:17 AM

Wow, Klinger getting his ass kicked by Mr. T....why does that make me laugh?

Posted By: Double-J

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:23 AM

Actually, I read about an ad for the second season that showed Klinger shaving Mr.T's trademark mohawk off! :p
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 04:29 AM


Then again, from what I read, AFTER MASH sounds kinda dumb. I mean you have a character that kept bitching for years(and I mean the years of reruns I've sat through) that he wants to go back to Toledo and how he keeps wearing women's clothing to get out of the Army. Then in the spin-off, Toledo and Section-8 what?

Of course, I doubt anyone cares beyond a serious doubt about this.... :p
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 11:42 AM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:

Then again, from what I read, AFTER MASH sounds kinda dumb. I mean you have a character that kept bitching for years(and I mean the years of reruns I've sat through) that he wants to go back to Toledo and how he keeps wearing women's clothing to get out of the Army. Then in the spin-off, Toledo and Section-8 what?

That bothered me a lot, actually.

But what bothered me the most was that many people forget Father Mulcahy was going deaf in the final episode of "M*A*S*H", and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they addressed this at all in "After M*A*S*H".
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 03:15 PM

Speaking of which, as I'll explain again sometime for my TV column, I never cared for MASH. Maybe I thought it was 70's/early 80's sitcom fluff. However, I caught it on reruns over in Europe, and amazingly...I quite dug it.

So WHY the change? I didn't notice it, but the show is so much better and funnier without the god damn LAUGH TRACK. If you can somehow ever watch it without the stupid track, its really quite humorous.

Really, why can't American sitcoms get away from the darn track???
Posted By: goombah

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 03:23 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
AFTER M*A*S*H? Man, I always wanted to take a look at that series, to see if its that big of a train wreck, or just mediocre sitcom stuff.

Then again, it can't be as annoying and worse than JOEY I guess, right?
It was a terrible spinoff. I watched a few episodes. I only remember Klinger and Potter, but there may have been 1 or 2 others. Certainly no Winchester, Hawkeye, BJ, or Radar. It may have lasted into a 2nd season, but I'm sure I only watched a few episodes of the 1st season.

Very few spinoffs last and are that good. The notable exceptions: Benson from Soap, Frasier from Cheers and I thought (could easily be mistaken) that Bob Newhart spunoff from Mary Tyler Moore. I wouldn't count CSI or Law & Order b/c those are just expansions from the original franchise.

Examples of the bad & ugly: Joey from Friends, Joanie loves Chachie from Happy Days, Fish from Barney Miller, After Mash from MASH. I'm sure there are lots more.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/17/05 05:04 PM

Then in the spin-off, Toledo and Section-8 what?
From the episode synopsi that I have read, there is something about Klinger having a run in with the Toledo police, as well as the fact that no one will rent an apartment for him since he is married to Soon Li, the Korean girl he marries in "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen." His family also disowns him for this reason. He eventually calls Potter, who, from what I understand, took him in.


But what bothered me the most was that many people forget Father Mulcahy was going deaf in the final episode of "M*A*S*H", and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they addressed this at all in "After M*A*S*H".
In "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen," Father Mulchahy loses most of his hearing after a shell explodes near him while he is trying to rescue the N. Korean/Chinese POW's in the camp.

Much like the Klinger thing above, from what I've read in the episode synopsi, Mulchahy appears on After M*A*S*H and at some point early on has his hearing medically restored through surgery (?).

Also, I've been reading about a pilot for W*A*L*T*E*R, which featured Radar leaving Iowa (after his mother passes away) and going to the big city to be probably the most wimpy cop in existence. Nobody picked up the pilot, and it's only been shown twice ever, with one of the showings cut off by (of all things) those bastard democrats and their convention! :p

There is also Trapper John M.D., but this didn't feature Elliot Gould or Wayne Rogers, but Trapper was played by Pernell Roberts. The makers of the M*A*S*H TV show sued, saying it was a spin-off of the series, but the courts decided it was more closely related to the movie version of Trapper John, and they lost. It was the longest running of the 3 M*A*S*H spinoffs.

Sorry, but I can't picture this guy as Trapper.

Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: After M*A*S*H - 08/18/05 03:50 PM

My wifes uncle has a couple episodes taped from the original run...I borrowed the tape as I am a huge M*A*S*H fan and was disappointed that I did. The show wasn't funny, and it seemed very sub-par compared to the M*A*S*H series.
It was Klinger (with his wife), Potter (we didnt see his wife) and Mulcahey.

One funny part though was when Potter was trying to reach Mulcahey through Mulcahey's sister, the nun.
"I'm looking for your brother, sister, the Father".
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