
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Posted By: Irishman12

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 02:51 PM

I'm going to go see this with me ma in about an hours time. Has anybody seen it yet? Surprisingly I'm excited to see it and let me just clarify right now that I'm seeing it because I like the original and I love Johnny Deep. I am NOT seeing it because it's a Tim Burton movie. Going into it I still think I'll like Wonka more than Charlie but from some they've said they like the remake more so maybe I'll be surprise in my response after the movie

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 04:00 PM

This is supposed to be a more faithful adaptation to the book. I wanna see it, but I don't have high hopes for it. Most said it was great, although I've seen a lot of criticism for Depp's performance.

I predict Irish will hate it and think Burton's direction was horrible. :p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 05:00 PM

My daughter saw it yesterday and loved it. She wants to go back with the entire family and see it again.

Irish, did you like it??
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 06:33 PM

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I had high hopes this movie would be good from all the reviews I had heard about and read. Unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype IMO. I didn't hate it (so DV was wrong) :p but it wasn't great either. As a movie by itself it was good and fun for the family. However, when you compare it to the original it's nothing more than an unnecessary 2005 version of a classic that didn't need a remake, no matter how much closer to the book it is than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I love Depp and was excited to see his performance but I was disappointed in it as well with his little 'laugh' and his comments that lacked any sort of real nastiness on his part. Don't even get me started on the Oompa Loompa's. That was the worst part of the movie IMO and dreaded seeing them on screen. The only songs in the movie was when they were on screen but they were horrible! I'm surprised they weren't just remix songs of Brittany Spears or the Backstreet Boys. If they release this DVD in a 2-pack with Wonka I'll purchase it but I probably won't purchase just this movie by itself.

I'm still sure the Burton fanatic's will be foaming at the mouth at this one and hail it as 'great' or for even more blasphemy say it is better than the original. There was even a trailer for a further sign of the apocalypse, Tim Burton's next movie Corpse Bride
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 06:52 PM

You say you dislike Burton because a few friends prefer him to Scorsese, don't you think you're being a little harsh to him? I have a feeling this will be another Planet of the Apes but why do you automatically have to have a puke icon for his next movie?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 07:03 PM

Both Burton and Scorsese have now made remakes. Scorsese, next year, is releasing his second. Both are tremendous directors with a distinctive vision--I'd say Burton's is more overwhelming than Scorsese's. Both seem comfortable exploring the themes and techniques they do; Scorsese's has evolved from lowly, gritty filmmaking to bigger (and not better) things, while Burton's has also evolved, moving recently onto a variation of his own fantasy schema, almost pastiching his own films in a way.

I prefer Scorsese.

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 07:13 PM

I agree and I prefer Scorsese. Burton probably wouldn't make a top 20 list of my favorite directors but I heavily respect him. I can't wait to see Ed Wood after I tape it on Turner Classic Movies.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
but why do you automatically have to have a puke icon for his next movie?
Because I saw the preview and that's how it makes me feel. I didn't like The Nightmare Before Christmas and this is what it exactly looks like.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/17/05 07:56 PM

The Nightmare before Christmas is fantastic. A splendid stop-motion musical full of wit and originality, with finely structured and funny characters and brilliant songs to match. I've only seen stills from The Corpse Bride, so cannot judge.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/21/05 11:18 PM

Wow, I can't believe it -- a remake of a movie directed by Tim Burton that does NOT suck!

Not to mention that, as MovieFanBoard poster BladeRunnerUnit mentioned awhile back, Burton's last movie in BIG FISH was decent but honestly felt like Burton ripping off his own usual directorial/visual style. However, CHARLIE does not feel like this. In fact, it fits right into Burton's autuer career heights like his BATMAN movies, A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, ED WOOD, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, SLEEPY HOLLOW, etc. in terms of Burton's individual visuals, acting from his crop of veteran B-movie actors in the background(like the great Christopher Lee) surrounding the great Johnny Depp who pulls a great performance for the part.

I expected a mediocre blockbuster "kids" movie, but instead its an enjoyable fantasy-fairy tale...with chocolate...that does remind me of the feeling I had when I read the book back in Elementary School(back when I was 9 or 10 years old). So yes, Burton and Depp do good...and this movie will be a hit.

Final Film Rating - ***1/2 out of 5

P.S. - Good score work, for once, from Danny Elfman.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/21/05 11:56 PM

I'm surprised at the number of people who find it great, rather then bad. I'll definitely see it, but probably after one or two previous theater visits.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 02:33 AM

Though not coming from a movie buff or even someone who can write a review ( ), count me in for loving this movie. I finally got to see it today with my mom and two friends, and we adored it. Call us crazy, but the Oompa Loompa songs were about our favorite parts! The set design and visual effects are just amazing, and Depp was hilarious. He was very odd, but I think that made the character, and I found myself cracking up throughout nearly the entire movie. I'm definitely hoping to get this on DVD.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 02:44 AM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Call us crazy, but the Oompa Loompa songs were about our favorite parts!
You're crazy! :p
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 02:56 AM

Willy Wonka! Willa Wonka! The amazing chocolatier.

Willy Wonka! Willy Wonka! Everybody give a cheer!

I'm working on memorizing the lyrics, then it's on to the dance moves. :p
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 02:57 AM

Yeah, I heard Burton's sets were great. The biggest problem most people are saying is Depp's take on the character, that seems Jacko-ish, although he denies it.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 02:58 AM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Willy Wonka! Willa Wonka! The amazing chocolatier.

Willy Wonka! Willy Wonka! Everybody give a cheer!

I'm working on memorizing the lyrics, then it's on to the dance moves. :p
That is the only song I liked, but thankfully the Oompa Loompa's never sang it
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
The biggest problem most people are saying is Depp's take on the character, that seems Jacko-ish, although he denies it.
Oh man...that's going to ruin it for me, DV. *shudders* :p
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 04:17 AM

I’ll be honest I don’t really remember the first one and I haven’t read the book so nothing is sacred to me about the originals and I was watching this from a purely “this movie” standpoint. Now I wouldn’t say that this movie is an instant classic or even on par with Burton’s best but it was entertaining and enjoyable.
The first thing that I noticed in the movie was the work of Danny Elfman, I mean as soon as the movie came on. I guess if I had thought about it, I would have realized that Elfman and Burton frequently work together but I wasn’t. The next thing is of course the visual style and in that regard Burton did not disappoint. The house that Charlie lives in seemed a little “stock” to me but other than that I liked the feel of the film. I’ll have to agree with Irish on the Ommpa (sp) Lumpas, they were disappointing and the songs that they sang were not really the best, well minus the one about going down the garbage shoot.
Johnny Depp did a fantastic job, bringing just the right amount of insanity to the character. It was enough for the suspension of disbelief but not too over the top, to make the character fit into Burton’s vision. I loved the little looks and vocalizations that Depp brought to this movie, and they were a considerable part of what I thought he did so well in this movie. As for the kids they were all just fine nothing spectacular except for Charlie I think the actress that played Violet stuck out the most to me as being a good performance.
My favorite part of the movie was in the beginning when the kids first enter the factory and Willy is telling them that everything in this room is eatable, well that line had me laughing till well after the movie. All and all it was pretty good, not my favorite movie of the year or hell even the month but I’ll buy it on DVD.
I’d score it an 85, just shy of a B+
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I'm seeing it because I like the original
I had a feeling you weren't going to like this when you said that. Althought I haven't seen this yet (I hope to, very soon), it's supposed to be way darker than the original, and alot differant. But, dark is a good thing, in my mind. The book was extremely dark, I'm not even sure if it was intended for kids, originally. :p

None the less, I love Tim Burton--his approach and style are so original, I've always felt you can pick up a Burton movie by looking at a single frame. I'm excited to see this. I'm not expecting it to blow me away on the level of say, Crash, or anything, but I'm excited.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 05:03 AM

Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b]I'm seeing it because I like the original
I had a feeling you weren't going to like this when you said that. Althought I haven't seen this yet (I hope to, very soon), it's supposed to be way darker than the original, and alot differant. But, dark is a good thing, in my mind. The book was extremely dark, I'm not even sure if it was intended for kids, originally. :p

None the less, I love Tim Burton--his approach and style are so original, I've always felt you can pick up a Burton movie by looking at a single frame. I'm excited to see this. I'm not expecting it to blow me away on the level of say, Crash, or anything, but I'm excited. [/b][/quote]What do you think of Ed Wood?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 06:42 AM

Two interesting tidbits.

The lyrics to four of the five musical numbers in the movie were written by Dahl himself.

The singing voice of the Oompa-Loompas belongs to that of Danny Elfman who overdubbed himself dozens of time.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 01:41 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
P.S. - Good score work, for once, from Danny Elfman.
What do you mean, "for once"?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 04:12 PM

Oh please, Danny Elfman really has only produced good scores when working with Tim Burton. In fact, name ONE score of his outside of collaborating with Burton that is pretty darn good?

Anyway, this isn't so bad. Really, Burton and Elfman both get the best from each other most of the time.

Then again, maybe I'm still used to those mediocre scores that Elfman put out for the SPIDER-MAN movies.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/22/05 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[quote]Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b]I'm seeing it because I like the original
I had a feeling you weren't going to like this when you said that. Althought I haven't seen this yet (I hope to, very soon), it's supposed to be way darker than the original, and alot differant. But, dark is a good thing, in my mind. The book was extremely dark, I'm not even sure if it was intended for kids, originally. :p

None the less, I love Tim Burton--his approach and style are so original, I've always felt you can pick up a Burton movie by looking at a single frame. I'm excited to see this. I'm not expecting it to blow me away on the level of say, Crash, or anything, but I'm excited. [/b][/quote]What do you think of Ed Wood? [/b][/quote]It is, I think, Burton's best work.
Posted By: Looking_for_Turi

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/23/05 01:44 PM

Johnny Depp is absolutely a character actor! Though I'm not a fan of the Chocolate Factory but Johnny will be the reason that I'd watch it.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/27/05 05:39 PM

It was great, no masterpiece or anything but great. It's one of my lesser favorites of Burton's films though, since I haven't really been into Dahl since I was a kid. Surprisingly this Wonka becomes somewhat more interesting then Wilder's, although I prefer Wilder's. However, comparing it to the older film is pointless and irrelevant, and so is calling this a "remake."

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - (Tim Burton;2005;USA) - ***1/2
A poor boy wins one of the five golden tickets to enter Willy Wonka's mysterious chocolate factory.
Burton has done the book justice. His visuals give this film a wonderful look. Depp's performance is good, although he has done better, and Highmore does even better then his role in Finding Neverland. If anyone sees this comparing it to the older adaptation, they aren't seeing this the right way. It's different, some ways better and some ways lesser, but it all turns out great in it's own right. I like that Dahl's original lyrics were used in the musical scenes, although the television one was poor. Overall, this is a great fantasy film, done wonderfully by Burton, especially the candy room. It's only problem is being over the top in several instances.

Burton's Films
1) Ed Wood - ***1/2
2) Batman Returns - ***1/2
3) Big Fish - ***1/2
4) Batman - ***1/2
5) Edward Scissorhands - ***1/2
6) Charlie and the Schocolate Factory - ***1/2
7) Beetlejuice - ***
8) Sleepy Hollow - **1/2
9) Mars Attacks! - **1/2
10) Frankenweenie - **
11) Planet of the Apes - *
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/28/05 02:02 AM

As of now the street date for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is 11/8
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/28/05 02:05 AM

I'm not sure if I will get it. I enjoyed his other films better.

Any specs?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 07/28/05 02:07 AM

"In addition to the regular DVD of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a special 2- disc version of the movie will be coming out at the same time. This 2-disc version will include additional special features not included with the regular DVD, including behind-the-scenes footage, movie commentary, a BBC special on the life of Roald Dahl, and a demo of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory videogame"
Posted By: Debz

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 08/02/05 10:03 AM

I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory last night and really enjoyed it , I didn't like the original movie at all and thought this one was ten times better!

When I was younger and reading the book, what I imagined in my head while I was reading was like this movie .

The sets were really amazing, it was strage seeing Johnny Depp in that character but I think he pulled it off really well and created a much better Wonka than Gene Wilder .

Can't wait till it comes out on DVD now
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 07:24 PM

I finally saw this last night (rented from NetFlix).

I kinda liked the direction and many of the visuals, but really couldn't stomach much else in this tripe p.o.s. I suppose there's no need to compare Depp (whom I love to death as an actor) to a creepy Michael Jackson as it's been said already plenty of times. Quite disturbing, and not in a good way.

The original is one of my favorites from childhood. But even if that had never existed as a comparison, I still think Charlie was boring and poorly-paced drivel that never grabbed nor held my attention. I never connected w/ any of the characters, the digitally duplicated Oompa Loompa was disturbing, the special effects were quite lacking (it looked like a set most of the time) and I missed the sinister Mr. Slugworth character.

I don't mind that the ending is different than the original. In fact, it was kinda neat not knowing how it was going to end. But the way Charlie "won" the contest was too easy (simply being the last child standing), compared to his "doing the right thing even after screwing up" in the original.

What I did like was the Christopher Lee character, and learning about Willy's background. I liked the Burtonesque exteriors. I liked that they changed the Oompa Loompa songs, but, I didn't particular care for most of the new songs themselves (they weren't nearly as memorable or catchy as the originals).

Anyway - I've rambled enough about this. I, for one, didn't like it. And I'm really disturbed that IMDb users rated it 7.5 as compared to 7.6 for the original and brilliant Gene Wilder classic.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 07:26 PM

jgeoff, the real $5 question is....is this an objective review, or is it basically based on being "lesser" compared to a movie you obviously liked as a kid?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 07:31 PM

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
jgeoff, the real $5 question is....is this an objective review, or is it basically based on being "lesser" compared to a movie you obviously liked as a kid?
It's a little of both, I suppose. It'd be impossible to be 100% objective. But as I said, "I still think Charlie was boring and poorly-paced drivel that never grabbed nor held my attention."
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 08:40 PM

I thought it was pretty good. But "changed"? If I recall all the songs were Dahl's original songs, except for one I think.

I'm pretty sick of the Jacko comparisons though. He has a pale face! My God! It's uncanny!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 09:05 PM

Did you even see the original film, or are you talking about lyrics printed in the book (I haven't read)?

Listen for yourself: Willy vs Charlie :p

As for a comparison of the films, I just found this interesting article from IGN...
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/12/05 09:11 PM

I saw both, and the older one is a childhood favorite, but I do find it overrated.
Posted By: don illuminati

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/13/05 05:40 AM

I liked the original when I was a kid and watched it a couple years ago when it was on tv, and from an adult perspective it has an almost psychedelic feel, like Willie Wonka was on mushrooms or LSD. Maybe it was just the period when it was made.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/13/05 05:47 AM

Only in the 70s.......
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/13/05 11:02 AM

I saw both...

The both are good...
I did like it...and enjoyed it...
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 11/13/05 01:07 PM

My thoughts, well past viewing date...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2005, Burton, GB/US/Australia

A down-to-earth boy living with his family in a poverty-stricken house wins one of five tickets to visit Willie Wonka's chocolate factory.
Entertaining aesthetic feast which offers its best moments early on; the introduction and subsequent dismissal of the obnoxious children are highly satisfying, but the turn into family drama in the last half hour brings the film to a halt.

Corpse Bride was Burton's best film of the year.

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