
movies you loaned out and never got back

Posted By: getthesenets

movies you loaned out and never got back - 12/20/16 04:44 PM

I guess this is more of an old school problem now because there are digital copies of films and people aren't lending their buddies movies anymore.

What are some of the vhs tapes or dvds.etc that you loaned out and NEVER ever got back. and what were some of the funniest excuses you heard?

"Where's my "Killer" tape at?"

People came over with 40s and blunts and the sh*t came up missing

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 12/20/16 05:01 PM

Maybe not exactly what you're referring to BUT:

Gets, I'll go way back to the "Stone" age. Really. That's the Rolling Stones. lol I went to a party and brought the "High Tide and Green Grass" LP, which basically was a greatest hits LP. During that time it wasn't unusual to bring albums to parties. I loved that album. Anyway I forgot to take it back home with me and when I talked to the friend who had the party, she checked with everyone and of course NOBODY owned up. How do you lose an album?

Posted By: getthesenets

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 12/20/16 06:00 PM


That's funny because I know the size of LPs. You don't take an LP by accident.

Your story reminds me of a barbershop story. In neighborhood barbershops, there is often a "hustle man" who used to come in and have bootleg films for sale.

Barber we went to NEVER allowed these guys in his store. He must have been on a lunch break so the guy walks in. I never bought bootleg vhs tapes in my life but there was a music documentary that just came out that weekend, limited theaters."Rhyme and Reason". Paid the guy and expected at worst a version with bad lighting or cam quality.

He sold me a blank tape. Shrink wrapped packaging, had the movie poster,etc.....but blank.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 12/25/16 01:16 AM

Reminds me of a bootleg hustler trying sell movies, flicks, and cologne to me and co-worker at McDonald's. Smh. Didn't ever see that fellow again during that time in the past.

Let a classmate borrow GTA San Andreas and never seen nor played it since. Shame man.
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 12/25/16 01:19 AM

March of the Penguins. Loaned it to my brother and his grandkids claimed it by squatters' rights. How can you take penguins away from children?
Posted By: RollinBones

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 01/26/17 05:36 AM

My boy has had my copy of Training Day on DVD for yeeeears now. I actually totally forgot until this thread.

Gets is that a Menace II Society reference in the OP?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 01/26/17 03:25 PM

It's a skit from the first Wutang album with Raekwon and Meth.
It does sound like it's from Menace.
Posted By: Mr. Blonde

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 02/01/17 09:19 PM

Silence of the Lambs

Blade Runner


Have since replaced Blade Runner and Snatch. Snatch loanee said she lost it, DNR how. DNR the excuses for the other two.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 04/12/17 12:10 PM

I seem to remember "losing" a lot of porn over my younger years....
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 04/12/17 02:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I seem to remember "losing" a lot of porn over my younger years....

Ha ha ha!!! lol Yogi!!! I'm reminded how much I miss your humor. Good to see you around my friend. How are you?


Posted By: olivant

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 04/12/17 03:13 PM

A long time ago when I was doing my undergraduate work I took an audi-visual class. I and a couple of my classmates made a little scifi video about a galactic empire. It had a villain and the usual heroes. It was pretty cool although it used some primitive effects. We lent it to a classmate who later turned out to be George Lucas. He never returned it.
Posted By: hoodlum

Re: movies you loaned out and never got back - 04/12/17 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I seem to remember "losing" a lot of porn over my younger years....
I'll 2nd that big time..1 dude i worked with wanted 2 "borrow" about a dozen tapes..he took off 2 fla. the next day w/ the whole family..owed a lot of money 2 ppl @ the job also,that same nite,he tried 2 borrow money off me as well...it was all planned out,a scam..fuckin'scumbag.Lent the tapes,not the $$.
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