
Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix

Posted By: baldo

Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 01/24/16 11:17 AM

Caught this last night. All I can say is if you have netflix check it out. It blew me away. The plot, acting, music, cinematography were amazing. The plot revolves around mobsters and corrupt politicians trying to build a new Vegas on the Roman waterfront. They will be following up with a netflix series in 2017.
Posted By: BillyBrizzi

Re: Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 05/24/16 07:05 PM

So annoying that the Netflix programming differs from country to country, because I would love to watch this movie but it isn't available in my country..

Looks great:

Posted By: RollinBones

Re: Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 09/07/16 03:19 AM

Finally watched this last night.. Great movie, can't wait to see what the series has in store..

For those familiar, this was directed by the same guy behind a l lot of Gomorra La Serie season 1, Stefano Sollima.
Posted By: BigFatSlob

Re: Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 09/17/16 10:35 PM

*** warning spoiler alert ***

Loved this movie, but I can't for the life of me figure out how Sebastian knew the exact identity of Spadino's killer from Sabrina's confession!? I must have blinked during that part. :-) How does Sebastian even know who Aureliano is!?
Posted By: BillyBrizzi

Re: Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 10/29/16 06:15 PM

Saw it last night, I loved it, had that same Gomorra atmosphere. That girlfriend from nr. 8 and that hooker Sabrina were some fine Italian females, madonna mia wink

They also were some hardcore fiends though with all the coke and the smack..
Posted By: RollinBones

Re: Suburra - Mafia film on Netflix - 10/29/16 07:42 PM

BigFatSlob, maybe I have to watch again but it seems possible that Aureliano just had that reputation.
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