
American Dad

Posted By: Frank_Nitti

American Dad - 06/24/12 02:57 AM

Anyone else regularly watch this show? Huge fan myself and Roger Smith is one of my all-time fav characters

Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: American Dad - 06/24/12 06:34 AM

Yessss!!! The Alien Roger makes the show!
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: American Dad - 06/24/12 07:41 AM

Fuck yes! How awesome!!

I have to admit, it started off a little weak. Family Guy had really hit its stride, and American Dad always seemed like a 'Family Guy lite". I mean it was funny, but compared to the then current Family Guy, a little lacklustre.

Times changed but. Family Guy became more and more irreverant and wholly dependant on pop culture references and, of course, the ubiquitous cut away gags. And suddenly they could devote literally half an episode to that goddamn giant chicken vs. Peter fight. rolleyes

After about season four of American Dad, I started to really appreciate just how funny it was. Once they expanded Roger's role (and gave him his disguises as a matter of course) and stopped relying on Klaus' incongruity, the show became Fucking. Hilarious.

I actually like the latest seasons of AD much more the FG. Actual plot structure. Having said that, Im really looking to Seth McFarlane's Ted, which is about to be released here. From what Ive seen, Ted speaks in and seems to be a bit of a carbon copy of Peter Griffin.
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