
real "mafia" rappers?

Posted By: getthesenets

real "mafia" rappers? - 03/13/11 04:34 PM

Group from mid 90s...called Lordz of Brooklyn.

They were a hip hop group back then...think they branched into punk/ rock afterwards.


Gotta ask, since this board exists...were/are any of these guys connected?

I'm 100% certain that these guys got a record deal because of the success of "House of Pain". HOP and Everlast had actual talent though, LOB were GARBAGE....

They used the cosa nostra imagery so heavily that I figured that they had to be affiliated or backed by one of the families.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 05/29/12 05:09 AM


this thread is over a year old, but since I never got a reply
..thought I'd ask again
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 05/29/12 09:01 AM

I don't know but i would guess not!!
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 07/14/13 11:43 AM

bumping after a year AGAIN

saw promo for a show about an Italian American rapper named,.......wait for it.............G-Fella

has a show on fuse called G-thing..again..heavily using lcn imagery.

said promo is here


even has a song/video called "10 mob commandments" featuring an appearance by actor from the Sopranos


Gotta ask about him, like I asked about LOB years ago....is this guy connected? He wouldn't be able to get away with portraying this type of image if he wasn't even remotely related to somebody .....right?


and yes.....on the surface the show is very derivative..

entourage and the sopranos are directly being copied
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 07/14/13 12:07 PM

not exactly subtle
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 07/14/13 07:14 PM

Tony Testa's uncle is Lucchese soldier Joseph “Joey” Testa, one of the Gemini twins.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 07/14/13 07:55 PM



just looked up the old thread here


about this guy's family frowning upon the content of one of his music videos.....revealing too much

think that was a leaked story/publicity stunt or real?

reason why I ask is I can't see this guy being blood relatives of known killer(s) and affiliated people and not knowing what's acceptable and what's not acceptable in terms of imagery.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: real "mafia" rappers? - 07/14/13 08:10 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets

think that was a leaked story/publicity stunt or real?

I think it could be both. That it was a leaked story to generate publicity for its relationship with real life mobsters, and the rapper knowing that he shouldn't be showing this type of imagery but doing it anyway and if his uncle did frown on it then so be it he can always remove certain things after the fact.
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