
Kate Gosselin OFF of Dancing w/ the Stars

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Kate Gosselin OFF of Dancing w/ the Stars - 04/22/10 05:54 PM

I never watch this show, but ever since finding out Kate Gosselin (of Jon & Kate Plus 8) was a contestant, I've been waiting for her to be booted off. Hellelujah, the time has come.

Can't stand this woman, she is an egotistical media whore who cannot seem to let go of the spotlight she had to give up when Jon refused to go on w/ the show. Major bitch in many episodes (my daughter was a fan so we watched regularly), and in my opinion drove Jon away with her demeaning nature and gluttony for control. (Will never forget a cleaning-out-garage episode where she sat in a chair and ordered Jon to do all the work).

Many adore Kate & have considered Jon Gosselin the villian of this broken family, and of course it's unfortunate that his straying was what broke the lid wide open. But it would be swell if Kate would just take a cue from her ex-hubby, shut her mouth and go away. She won't though...probably can't help herself.

However, that will probably not happen. Only a matter of time before Ms. G will end up on another reality or talk show, or on another magazine cover with yet another new hairstyle.

Wonder who's watching the kids.


PS - Feeling much better after rant above. Had to get it out; one of the nicest things about Gangster BB is the 'venting' factor.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Kate Gosselin OFF of Dancing w/ the Stars - 04/22/10 07:54 PM

I hate her. But then, I hate ALL reality television types. If there's ever a special reality television Emmy Awards show, it might not be such a bad place for a terrorist attack.
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