
10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street

Posted By: Don Zadjali

10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street - 04/16/10 05:25 AM

Source: Comedy.com

10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street
Thursday April 15, 2010 3:08 PM

Hundreds of celebrities have appeared on Sesame Street over the years, and as I watched many of their appearances I realized that there’s a fine line between performing to an audience of kids and performing while totally stoned out of your mind. I’m guessing that in many cases, these celebrities on Sesame Street were doing both. Check out these 10 Videos Of Celebrities Looking Stoned On Sesame Street and let us know if you agree they were higher than a kite while filming. Stephen Colbert would probably think so.

10. James Earl Jones
The man behind the Darth Vader mask delivers an even scarier performance as he recites the alphabet while staring into the camera…and your soul.

9. Richard Pryor
Pryor demonstrates emotions like happy and scared while being baked and paranoid.

8. Robin Williams
A mellower-than-usual performance from a cocaine-loving comic who explores what it means to be alive. Trippy, man.

7. Johnny Cash
Johnny takes a break from shooting people just to watch them die to serenade Oscar the Grouch. Interestingly, Johnny doesn’t seem to notice he’s singing to a puppet.

6. Gordon from Sesame Street
Technically Gordon isn’t a celebrity, but Sesame Street made him famous and he definitely smoked a joint or two before this dance number.

5. Paul Rudd
No matter how “green” you are, you’ve got to smoke a lot of green to throw on a globe costume and sing about how “Earth Rocks!”

4. Tony Danza
Watch Tony watching the kids jump rope in the beginning of this video. It’s like you can almost hear him getting the munchies.

3. Judah Friedlander
I always assumed that Judah is stoned for everything he does and this video has done nothing to convince me otherwise.

2. Ray Charles and Friends
This alphabet song montage features a wide array of celebs who have one thing in common – they’re having way too much fun to be sober.

1. Richard Pryor
Yes, Richard Pryor is on this list twice. But he earned it with this performance.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street - 04/16/10 06:10 AM

Wow. lol

Kinda reminds me of -- not Sesame Street, but a wasted Orson Welles. whistle

Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: 10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street - 04/16/10 07:34 AM


Here's more:

Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: 10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street - 04/20/10 01:39 AM

Earth Rocks!
Funny. I used to love the old novelty cover's & originals they used to play on Sesame Street;
"Im A Cereal Girl", an easy one, obviously.
"A Little Yelp From My Friends" & "Letter B", Beatles; especially the latter, sung to the tune of Let It Be by a band called the Bugs tongue
The "ZZ Blues" by Over-the-Top
Cookie Monsters "Healthy Food"
And "Ive Got A New Way To Walk" by the Oinker Sisters.

Ah, they used to make me so happy...to be a kid again, eh? grin
Posted By: GaryH

Re: 10 Stoned Celebs On Sesame Street - 04/25/10 06:59 PM

Whilst she wasnt stoned and is hot as hell, I suspect Natalie Portman may look back on this in many years (it was filmed in 2002) and wince at herself in that costume!!!


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