
Another CBS Soap Gets Canned

Posted By: BAM_233

Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 09:21 PM

as the world turns will call it in next september ending 77 year dynasty.

Posted By: VitoC

Re: Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 09:51 PM

I watched that soap as a kid. My favorite character was the Scotsman Duncan McKechnie, played by Michael Swan. Duncan got into several exciting adventures and was physically tough. Also, he was the only character who could not be blackmailed by James Stenbeck, the show's villain. During the time I was watching (late 80s), James was a fugitive and would sneak into the houses or apartments of other characters. They would always run to call the police, but James always managed to stop them by threatening to reveal some business or personal secret. Duncan was the only one he couldn't reveal himself to because James couldn't blackmail him with anything. I forget whether this was because James didn't have anything on him or because Duncan, like David Letterman, just wouldn't let himself be intimidated. Anyway, Duncan was a cool character.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 10:07 PM

Wow, 77 years???? eek I watched some soaps in the 70's but not that one. Yet, I believe my mom watched it when I was young and I'm certain everyone has heard of it. What a long run.

Posted By: VitoC

Re: Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 10:09 PM

Also, Duncan had his own Scottish-style castle in Oakdale, the fictional town where the soap is set.
Posted By: VitoC

Re: Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 10:09 PM

It's actually 54 years, since 1956.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Another CBS Soap Gets Canned - 12/08/09 11:29 PM

Whether one ever watched it on TV or the original radio version (thus AS THE WORLD TURNS is truely technically 77 years old), its sad to see something so storied and with such longevity just die like that. I mean hell Carol Burnett (another old show) mocked it back in the day as AS THE STOMACH TURNS. lol

To put it another way kids, AS THE WORLD TURNS premiered during the Herbert Hoover administration. Just think.
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