
Ben Hur Tonight

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 12:16 AM

Ben Hur (1959) just beginning on TCM. One of my all time favorites, a spectacular film, Charleton Heston carries it like no other actor could have...and for those of you who seem to enjoy dwelling upon the subliminal homo-erotic themes, who cares.

It's the story of a man, beautifully told and acted...and THAT is why it has stood the test of time for 50 years.


Posted By: SC

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 01:24 AM

Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Ben Hur ... and for those of you who seem to enjoy dwelling upon the subliminal homo-erotic themes, who cares.

Wouldn't it have been called "Ben Him", then?
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 01:32 AM

Not exactly...

You see, the film is named for its main character, Judah Ben Hur.

His servants are from the 'House of Hur'.

Not, 'Her'.
Posted By: SC

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 01:54 AM

OK...OK... but there's some religious significance in the movie, right?

How about "Ben Hymn", then?
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 02:20 AM

Jesus is in it, but you never really see his face.

And the score is wonderful, but nobody sings any hymns. Not even the Romans.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 02:39 AM

Been watching BH. I saw it originally at the Warner Theater in downtown Pittsburgh. It was a sensation in our parishes just as with the Ten Commandments. Those were the days when theaters were plush and had balconies.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/27/09 02:58 AM

ben hur is truely an epic, and this movie (along with ten commandments) made heston. and, i like how they never showed the face of jesus (even though idk why they dont).
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/29/09 01:02 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Those were the days when theaters were plush and had balconies.

And smoking was permitted in the balcony sick

Great film. I haven't seen it in years. Might have to buy that one go along with THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/29/09 04:25 PM

And let's not forget the chariot race--one of the most exciting scenes ever filmed, well worth the price of admission by itself. And done without any computer animation. Incredible!
Those Fifties and early Sixties epics were unsubtle, but always got their point across in the most lavish and satisfyingly entertaining ways.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/29/09 06:57 PM

True TB. Today it's too attractive for movie makers to take the easy way out. But, that's the story about so much in today's society.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/29/09 08:44 PM

I don't know if CGI is 'the easy way out'. It's certainly an economic issue, and Hollywood going down the profitable route is nothing new.

Hur is the epitome of the Biblical epic: bloated and insubstantial, with such a detailed eye and high production value that its style alone can easily sweep its audience away.

It may well be sincere, but it is bloated even so, to the point that almost every single scene unfolds in a succession of delayed responses and emotional overkill. It's heavy-going but at times lovely to look at - widescreen is used to great effect. The chariot race, which gets the second half after the intermission going, is mesmerising filmmaking, dramatic and drawn-out, but worth it all the same; and the sea battle, around halfway through the first half, is one of the rare moments in the film when Wyler intrudes upon the methodic rhythm and induces a hard-worn feeling by means of fast cutting and a relentless musical beat.

Relentless grandeur.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/29/09 11:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
...It may well be sincere, but it is bloated even so...

And so are you. rolleyes
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/30/09 12:08 AM

Posted By: Ice

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/30/09 01:17 AM


I took three years of high school Latin and we watched Ben Hur each and every year. My teachers always said it offered a very accurate portrayal of Roman history and culture in EVERY detail. The entire film was shot in Italy with many of the scenes filmed amidst the Roman ruins as they then stood.

Some of the sites were recreated, of course, but if I remember correctly; the Roman Curia, which housed the Roman Senate, was actually used for the shooting. I can't remember which scenes precisely, but if you'll notice in the photo below, the signature marble tile floors of the Curia appear more than once in Ben Hur.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/30/09 01:27 AM

Another factor:
Before VCRs, Hollywood looked to a single feature run for "A" movies (i.e., released to selected downtown first-run houses), then to the "nabes," then they leased the films to syndicators, who released them to TV networks. Didn't much care what happened to the films after the first run.

But those grand biblical-type epics like "Ben Hur," "The Ten Commandments," "Spartacus," etc., were "special"; they played limited engagements in only one downtown grand movie theater in one city at one time, and sold assigned seat tickets in advance. Even when they were released to the nabes, the nabes sold advance tickets--unheard of. As a result, the studios came to believe that those films had intrinsic value over the usual ones. That's why, over the years, they've maintained quality prints that show well on TV, and that have been made into high-quality DVDs and tapes. My DVD of "Ten Commandments" is one of the most beautiful in my collection.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/30/09 01:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
... My DVD of "Ten Commandments" is one of the most beautiful in my collection.

Ooh...I should get that.

I have very few DVD's, and the ones I do have I don't watch very often. 'The Ten Commandments' sounds like one that would be a collectible, and there would be much more to see than on that annual Easter airing on network television.

Thanks for the idea, Turnbull!!

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 09/30/09 02:58 AM

You're welcome, Apple! smile
Because the studio continually restored prints of "Ten Commandments," the DVD had excellent basic material to work with. Cecil B. DeMille lavished incredible attention (and money) on that movie. His attention to detail is unbelievable. If you buy the DVD, check the scene where Moses confronts Pharoah after the tenth and final plague. Just look at the detail! Unsurpassed!
Definitely worth your investment.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 10/01/09 12:01 AM

Originally Posted By: SC

How about "Ben Hymn", then?

You're starting to sound Ben Gay tongue lol.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 10/01/09 12:27 AM

I thought I seen him at Benihana tongue lol
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Ben Hur Tonight - 10/01/09 12:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
...If you buy the DVD, check the scene where Moses confronts Pharoah after the tenth and final plague. Just look at the detail! Unsurpassed!
Definitely worth your investment.

I will!!

And if I don't buy it myself, Santa will hopefully leave it under the tree!

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