
Inglorious Basterds

Posted By: dontomasso

Inglorious Basterds - 09/01/09 01:13 PM

You will either love or hate this movie. I thought it was totally twisted, so I loved it. I see it is at #35 on imdb...not bad for something that has been out for so short a time.

Any one else see it?
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/01/09 03:22 PM

It was okay. It lacked something but I can't put my finger on what.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/01/09 04:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
It was okay. It lacked something but I can't put my finger on what.

shhh I thought it had a happy ending.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/01/09 10:11 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
You will either love or hate this movie. I thought it was totally twisted, so I loved it. I see it is at #35 on imdb...not bad for something that has been out for so short a time.

Any one else see it?

It will soon drop down the list as Dark Knight was number 1 for a short time but has since dropped to 8th..
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/03/09 04:38 AM

Yeah, #35 on IMDB means every hardcore Tarantino fan who thinks he can do no wrong gave him a 10 rating. The rating will drop. I will still watch this though when it comes out on DVD.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/03/09 05:28 AM

I'd give it a 7/10 or 8/10
Posted By: whisper

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/05/09 06:08 AM

I loved it. Thought it was brilliant besides the Mike Myers cameo which was just corny and didn't work. Acting was spot on otherwise. 8/10
Posted By: FredoCorleone

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/05/09 03:16 PM

I loved the movie, 9.5/10. And as everbodyies been saying, Christoph Waltz was fantastic. Only minor problem was the Basterds werent in enough of it.
As for imdb ratings, they flip flop so much. I remember when public enemies came out, the first round of very positive reviews came in, and it trumped the Godfathers 9.1 with about a 9.3 for about 5 hours, and about a day later it was down to 7.9
As for Inglorious Basterds, thats still up there, high on the list.
Posted By: FredoCorleone

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 09/05/09 11:27 PM

As an example, the film " Big Fan" currently holds a 9.1 same as the GF.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 10/20/09 09:44 AM

Originally Posted By: DE NIRO

It will soon drop down the list as Dark Knight was number 1 for a short time but has since dropped to 8th..

The IMDB list is a joke, you better stay away from it. It's so bad that whenever there's a popular summer blockbuster like the new batman or the new spiderman, then it will suddenly enter the top 10 movies of all time. Yeah right, I wont even put any of those movies in the top 10,000 list.

If the Dark Knight was #1 then I'm very happy I never follow that list. And 8th place is just as ridiculous. So Heath Ledger did a good joker. And Johnny Depp did a good pirate in another movie series. These movies are pure time-wasters, they dont offer anything that stays with you, anything you take from those movies. Maybe it's just me and my lousy taste, but I really cant fathom what's so great about these batman, spiderman or pirates movies.

I wonder if "Transformers" also entered that list. Actually forget it, I dont want to know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 11/23/09 01:17 PM

just watched it saturday night. given the fact that I'm relatively young and I have good taste for movies, this is one of the best movies I've ever watched on the big screen.

of course Christophe Waltz is disturbingly good, but in fact every piece of acting is worth a note. the mannerisms and expressions are all spot on and even with multiple closes and incredibly long dialogues they never fail at their delievering, leading the audience to believe the nonsense.

after all, if you can't have a good time watching this, I believe you have serious enjoyment problems. if it isn't interesting, it should be funny. for a fan of "fantasy flicks" - in the meaning of "O brother, where art thou" rathen than that of "Harry Potter - with a comedy/drama mix, this is really great.

I'll have to check this thought in a few months and a few watchings down the road but I believe "Basterds" is much better than "Kill Bill" - which I liked - and the only bad thing like Fredo pointed out is that there isn't enough of the Bastards in it. I could enjoy a trashy prequel about them!
Posted By: Mark

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 01/28/10 02:34 AM

Just saw it this past weekend - all in all a pretty good flick. However, if you don't know your history very well it can easily confuse a younger uninformed audience. Grading on "for entertainment purposes only" - I give it an 8.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 03/10/10 11:18 PM

Hmmm. I just watched this. Some thoughts that are still fresh, that came to me at various points in the film...

It's full of ideas, full of interesting scenarios in themselves; I loved the knowing play with language and language-barriers in various scenes.

The film is never dull.

The best scene is in the tavern basement. It's a masterpiece of tension. Fassbender, what little has time he has, almost steals the film. Extending from this: Tarantino is a great craftsman, of both narrative and visual direction.

I didn't find it as objectionable as I thought I might; I suspect this is more to do with the casting - everyone's great - and the actors' delivery of dialogue. I had forgotten that Tarantino knows how to stage a scene.

Tarantino writes dialogue for scenes as if he's seemingly wanting to be quoted, to be watched in script-writing schools; some of it works - in this film, most of it works (I don't think it did in the Kill Bill films, though it's been a while...).

It's the final twenty minutes of the film where it kind of nosedives; it's set-up to be some grand fantastical pay-off, a sort of self-justifying indulgence that translates to, 'Hey, we've gone this far with the fictional story, a little further won't go amiss - what do people expect?'

Yes and no: while the final twenty minutes aren't much more historically inconceivable than the rest of the film, I felt it was a major misfire. The climax in the cinema bears a direct visual resemblance to both history proper and more accurate WW2 films; Klimov's horrific Come and See came to mind. This shift, from tense, playful, witty storytelling, to almost identical role-reversal of history (and the whole 'epic' finality of it), is reprehensible.

It's just so beautifully put together that it's very easy to see how people could consciously enjoy the film without even considering its problematic issues; and these issues are far from insignificant. Tarantino is far from unaware of reality; he knows exactly what kind of political climate he's making a film in. As with Kill Bill, revenge is not only validated here, but actively endorsed - how else are we meant to respond to the sheer upbeat hipness of the way violence is depicted here? The accompanying music - one example in particular is when The Bear Jew is ascending the cinema stairs at the end - and the way Tarantino chops it up, cuts it off, as if not only to remind us of his authorial control, but also to make us enjoy the fact we've been made aware of it. It's a post-Tarantino film made by Tarantino.

This film is too self-conscious for its own good; it's more calculated than artistic. Sself-indulgence is a defining feature of art; but that doesn't necessarily make a good work of art. Art consists of and offers us much, much more than what transitory sensory pleasures. There's a whole, enormous baggage that comes with any work of art, because no art is created in a vacuum. Tarantino's clever-dick self-consciousness tries to evade all accusations of repugnance and so on before the fact - he thinks he's ahead of his own critics; I just think he's seen a lot of films and thinks knowing how to craft one in your own image is enough to be acclaimed.

Artists like this - or, to keep with my term above, 'calculators' (opportunists) - thrive in a time of critical ineptitude. The professional critics heaping very serious praise on this film are more annoying than the film itself, because very few of them are actually engaging with what the film relates to, what it represents, the issues that it unavoidably and inherently raises as a conscious response to history. Such 'critics' - and they are many - expose their own lack of seriousness.

I guess when so few are thinking about the same world that they're actually disillusioned with, films like this can get away with 'escapism'. It's just cynical exploitation.

It's frustrating, because in terms of technical control of the cinema apparatus, and even of narrative structure (though he's self-indulgent, I never think his films are too long), I'd like to rank Tarantino as an exciting, informed contemporary film-maker; but as an artist, as a thinker, without some kind of major U-turn in his approach to life, I don't think he's capable of creating a significant work.
Posted By: veneratio

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 05/16/10 05:07 AM

I thought it was great! I can see why it ruffled a few feathers with changing the course of WW2 but that's what movies, books etc are for! Fun, entertainment. Well, fictional movies and books anyway!
Posted By: Danito

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 04/21/13 10:07 PM

Brad Pitt's character says they're going to "kill Nazis".
In fact they kill German soldiers, no matter if they're Nazis or not.
It looks like in the latest war movies American and British soldiers refer to German soldiers as Nazis. I doubt they did so during the war.
Does anybody have solid knowledge about that?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Inglorious Basterds - 04/24/13 06:09 PM

It bored me. I just can't accept Brad Pitt as a tough guy.

By the way, there is a '67 Bo Sevenson movie entitled the same way but with a preceding The.
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