
Globalization of Cuisine

Posted By: dontomasso

Globalization of Cuisine - 08/07/15 10:54 PM

My travels in the past year or so have taken me to the UK ad Colombia, and in those places and in various cities in the U.S. I notice that at a certain level good cuisine has gone global. I think the Europe, New York, or London, I see farm to table emphasis, things like quinoa in salads, roasted veggies, organic and non gmo food, sharing plates. Old school fine dining is on the way out as is the whole chain restaurant thing.
Posted By: Mikey_Sunset

Re: Globalization of Cuisine - 08/11/15 05:54 PM

I don't think I'd have much of an appetite if I was in Columbia. whistle
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Globalization of Cuisine - 08/21/15 03:39 PM

You can get any type of cuisine anywhere in the world these days. Apart from North Korean. That's if they even have a cuisine over there....
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