
Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year

Posted By: cheech

Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 08/19/14 11:21 AM

around labor day every year my family and another family get together and make sauce from scratch for the year. we jar up 400 and takes about a day and a half to complete.

this is a quick description of what we do.

we clean all tomatoes (2 tubs of water, they go in each), then boil them...throw the cloth on top and let dry.
throw the tomatoes through a grinder (skin goes out one side and sauce comes out the other.

add salt to the bucket of sauce pooring out when halfway full and stir with big wood spoon.

ladle sauce into jar add fresh basil and close lid tight (use gloves or you will get callouses like i did in 1995)

burlap the top of the jars and boil again to seal.

so good.

anyone else do this?
Posted By: njcapo35

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 08/19/14 12:02 PM

Yeah Cheech we do the same every year, but not as many jars as you make, maybe 100 or so....I really like doing it and enjoy the fruit of our labor when i make pasta or whatever else i put sauce on....It's a fun day with the Family...At 12:00 we break out the Wine and Beers to help me cope with the job at hand (Lol), and we have a nice spread of italian foods.....I really look forward to it every year, it's a good time....Coming Soon
Posted By: cheech

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 08/19/14 12:31 PM

noon? hell we break that out for breakfast!
kidding but yes, great time. the sauce is always better than anything else.
break out the capi and the prosciutt
it is laborious tho, long day
Posted By: njcapo35

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 08/19/14 12:44 PM

We make all that stuff from scratch: Wine, Capi, sopressata, and sauce....Making the sopressatta is very labor intensive and a pain in the ass, you need to wrap tape around your fingers for the amount of knots you make all day so you don't get callus's....Last year we made 400 pounds and took all day and night to make, well worth it tho, turned out real good....I love that stuff with a nice piece of provolone and a glass of wine, get's no better!
Posted By: cheech

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 08/19/14 01:33 PM

we do the same although i havent partaken since i got married in 08
but i still have access to it tongue
Posted By: cheech

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 01:38 PM

finished saturday, took forever. 80 boxes, usually makes 400 jars (not exact science), made 450 this year...super ripe.

you have to put the skins through to get all the juice out a few times. last year they dried up after 2 times thru. this year had to put thru 4 fucking times. took forever.

trying to upload a video
Posted By: cheech

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 01:51 PM

Posted By: cheech

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 01:53 PM

Posted By: Alfanosgirl

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 06:31 PM

Posted By: njcapo35

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 10:03 PM

Nice Cheech...Looks like you def had your work cut out for you there with all of those boxes...That's a good thing those tomatoes were ripe like that, gives it good flavor...I'm sure it turned out excellent...Hope you and the Family enjoy it, for all the hard work you guys put into making it...Salute
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Homemade Jarred Sauce for the year - 09/09/14 11:25 PM

Thanks for sharing!
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