
Tomato's & Vegetable Garden

Posted By: DuesPaid

Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/20/13 02:03 AM

I will be planting my tomato plants and veggie's soon.

Typically here in my area I do not put them in the ground until Mothers Day (in and around).

A few rows of tomatoes, a few rows of Peppers. A couple of eggplants, zucchini squash and cucumbers. Gardens gets a little bigger each year.

Let me know when you plant and what you put in if you do. If you don't, try it. It's really rewarding and fun. If a garden not available do a patio potted vegetable plant.

Good luck,

Posted By: Pilsner

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/20/13 08:11 AM

It's still too soon for me. I live up in the Sierra foothills in California, and spring is a fickle thing here. The last few years I've started too early and saw little return. One year was even snow after a false spring.

This year, I'll wait a few weeks longer and go heavy on the water!
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/20/13 02:46 PM

Nice, hope you get some big Red Tomatoes. I bet the Peppers do really well in your Garden out there.

I do a veriety of Peppers and they do pretty good, some beter than others.

Bells, ok. Chili's and jalapino's do great and I get alot.

Posted By: Pilsner

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/20/13 09:23 PM

The bells do all right up here and I've had some success with chilis, but my wife isn't a big fan, so I limit how many I grow.

Judging from the weather outside today, it is starting to feel like its time, but as I've said, I've been burned before!

Good luck!
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/21/13 02:58 AM

Another week for me here in NY.
However if you where here tonight you think we were not even close to planting season. Cold and Windy today, going down to 37% tonight.

Posted By: bigboy

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/21/13 01:10 PM

Some already in here in the Carolinas and more to come next month. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant zuchinni, basil cucumber rosemary, thyme
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/22/13 03:05 AM

Nice, I do my herb garden in planters, outside my base garden.

Only because I like to give them thier own space away from the bigger plants.

Do you need to add richer soil in to your garden every year, I've heard in The Carolina's the soil can be either very sandy or clay?

Posted By: bigboy

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/22/13 11:16 PM

Originally Posted By: DuesPaid
Nice, I do my herb garden in planters, outside my base garden.

Only because I like to give them thier own space away from the bigger plants.

Do you need to add richer soil in to your garden every year, I've heard in The Carolina's the soil can be either very sandy or clay?
Yes, you dig down a few inches and hit sand. Not all over NC but here in the Sand hills region of NC. We also have our herbs separately in planters and always have to add new soil and a little cow poo

Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/23/13 01:21 AM

Great, good luck with your garden this year.

Did some mulching today around my trees & shrubs then added some compost in where I will plant the veggies soon.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/28/13 01:07 AM

My husband does a similar garden to yours, DP, tomatoes, cukes, eggplant, etc. Last June, we got two hens, so he's anxious to use the manure as fertilizer. He heard it's great stuff.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/29/13 04:32 AM

Oh Yes, good move. We have a friend who is doing the same and their garden flourished last season. Depending on the size of garden depends of course how much to use, if huge garden, put it all in. If smaller be sure to spread and work into the dirt fully. All elements of the dirt are important.

Good luck and Grow.

Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 04/30/13 02:15 AM

Seeded, fertilized and Limed the grass today.

Holy crap, buy a spreader and do it yourself, I paid someone to do this for 20 years. Its easy and fun. However I did have to buy a spreader and of course all the shit to pour into it. I really enjoy doing ti, its rewarding.

Posted By: Riccky

Re: Tomato's & Vegetable Garden - 07/11/13 03:27 AM

Evaluating from the elements outside these days, it is beginning to experience like it is time, but as I've said, I've been burnt off before!
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