
Variation on "Your 'Godfather Returns'"

Posted By: Montauk

Variation on "Your 'Godfather Returns'" - 03/20/05 07:48 PM

Interesting challenge: lay out a plot line.

Lest you think too highly of me, I'm not that clever.

But just thinking of ideas for spinoffs, I think MW would've been fine devoting all of the novel to Fredo, maybe calling it "The Lost Don"? Negotiable.

Another idea for a spinoff novel: something on that wild and wacky Bocchicchio clan. Talk about dedication to a peripheral function!!!

Which reminds me: I'm wondering if ANYONE ever slipped up in negotiations and went ahead and whacked a Bocchicchio. I mean, has anyone ever tested the depth potential in their vengeance?

Also, if the tale was updated to late 90s or even post-2000, would we see the Negotiator playing pinochle or Pictionary? Maybe a couple of friendly rounds of Outburst before yanking Trivial Pursuit from the coat closet.
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