
"Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC"

Posted By: Don Provalone

"Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/23/04 09:17 PM


A few messages ago, I mentioned that GFR had moved from the front of a DC B.Dalton's to the far side. Yesterday, the book was more toward the front, but with a twist. There were several copies with a sticker that said 'autographed copy'. According to the sales clerk, Winegarder did not not have a formal book signing (you know, when they set the author at the front of the store to sign copies - I come through there every day, so I would have seen the advertising if a book signing was planned). Rather, he came into the store and asked the store managament if they wanted some autographed copies. Again, this account came from the sales clerk; this person did not know me and did not seem to have a reason to make up this story. On the flip side, I do not want to believe that he is so deperate that he is autographing copies just to push sales (GFR - a collector's item?).

If anyone is in the DC area, then stop at the B.Dalton's in Union Station. You will see copies of GFR - some have the stickers - but all are the same price. The signed ones were just as plentiful as the unsigned ones.

Question - has anyone else seen these autographed copies? The skeptical side of me says that the publisher is producing copies with his signature. But then, why would B.Dalton put it's reputation at risk by selling books that were not really autographed? And since there was no formal announcement of a GFR book signing in Union Station, then that leads me to believe that this guy is desperate or dillusional.

I know that as an author, it is not enough to be loved by the people who know you - you want the world to love you also. I really do not want to believe that Winegarder is doing 'drive-by book signings' - that would be truly sad (unless he lives in DC).

Any additonal info on these autographed copies would be appreciated please - thanks!
Posted By: SC

Re: "Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/23/04 09:23 PM

That all sounds pretty cheesy to me. (No offense, Don Provalone).

That would be pretty sad if Winegardner thought he could boost the sales just by signing the books.
Posted By: Don Provalone

Re: "Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/23/04 09:32 PM

I just spoke to another sales clerk (the store number is 202 289-1724). This was a different clerk. He said that Winegarder just came in and asked them if they wanted some autographed copies.

I will take the high road and assume that he was in DC for business and made a kind gesture - wait, I am choking on my own keystrokes - even I cannot believe that.

The number is above, please call them to verify my statements - let me know what they say to you...
Posted By: Don Provalone

Re: "Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/23/04 09:50 PM

Mystery is solved!

He is touring the country - see his web site:

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: "Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/23/04 09:54 PM

Originally posted by SC:
That all sounds pretty cheesy to me. (No offense, Don Provalone).

That would be pretty sad if Winegardner thought he could boost the sales just by signing the books.
Regular Copy 40% off today!
Autographed copy 60% off today!

In about 2 more months you can check the dollar bins at the used bookstores and you'll find them there!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: "Autographed Copies of GFR - Washington, DC" - 12/27/04 04:10 AM

I almost have to feel sorry for the guy....ALMOST. That is until I remember who he is and what he did.
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