
Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV??

Posted By: ACK_NO. 1

Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/14/04 03:21 AM

It has been hinted at that Puzo either outlined or wrote a screenplay for a Godfather IV movie. I know in the interviews for the DVD set that he did back in 1997 that he really wanted a fourth movie to be made.

It was written in The Godfather Companion back in 1990 that "IV" would alternate between the missing decade between the flashback scenes in II and the first movie, when Sonny came to become part of the family business and the first "gang war" transpired between the families - a time when no one could touch the Corleone family.

I wonder if Winegardner would consider doing a novel based on Puzo's outline for the 1930s-era, when Vito consolidated his power and rose to the peak of his powers and a young Sonny made his bones with his first murder. I think this could be very interesting...
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/16/04 02:56 PM

If I remember correctly, I think someone novelized the abandon script for the new Exorcist movie a while back. The same thing could be done here...
Posted By: JeremyM

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/24/04 05:03 AM

Anyone but Winegardner.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/24/04 10:22 PM

Jeremy, I like your attitude. A very warm Welcome to the boards!
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/25/04 12:47 AM

Yeah but FFC stated that he didn't want a GF4, it wouldn,t be the same without him,we wouldn't want a nobody doing number 4,i think they would be just jumping on the GF bandwagon
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/25/04 12:53 AM

How are they going to make GF IV set in the 30's anyway? It's not as though they can make Caan, Duvall, and Pacino look like their in their 20's again (as much as I wish).
Posted By: ACK_NO. 1

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/25/04 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
How are they going to make GF IV set in the 30's anyway? It's not as though they can make Caan, Duvall, and Pacino look like their in their 20's again (as much as I wish).
It's called re-casting. Of course, with the wrong producer and director, we could get pretty boy teen idol actors instead of people who could actually do justice to the parts.
Posted By: Frankie 5-angels

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 11/30/04 09:40 AM

Originally posted by JeremyM:
Anyone but Winegardner.
Welcome to the boards JeremyM

After reading GFR I wholeheartedly agree. Keep this clown away from anything Godfather related in the future.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/13/04 06:35 AM

Hey guys, it's been awhile lol.

My girlfriend knows i love Godfather & Puzo. So she called me up and asked me if i wanted the new godfather book for xmas???

I was like "New Godfather Book"?????

So i said yes.

I'll let you know what i think after i get it on xmas.

But so far, it sounds like a kind of gay plot. Fredo was not gay, not Bi. (But then again, he did go to a show in Havana with that big-willie'd guy).

Let me get this straight...it covers from 1955-1980 but does not mention Joey Zasa or Vincent or Anthony & Mary???? Or Hagen & Cicci??

Then what was the point?? Sure, 1955-58 is going to be a nice little read..but the real strong part is 1962-1978. (I even wrote a script for this one awhile back)

As for 1930, you cant write a story about 1930, becuase Puzo already did. It's included (Book III If i recall) in The Godfather.

It talks about Luca, Capone, Vito, Sonny, etc.

If you want to read about these read The Godfather.

I would think a new book would be made in order to hype a new movie..but they arent going to make a movie based on three years between 2 other movies. They could make a movie based on 1930, 1962, or 1981. NOT 1955. So at least Godfather 4 wont be based on this one.

I always wondered why they diidn't just novelize Puzo's GF4 Script????????

And one question i never had answered????

Who is The Godfather: Vito or Michael?????

I always thought Vito..since Mike becomes The Godfather at the end. The book is based on Vito's life from 1889-1954. And then how his son carried on his legacy.

Therefore, The Godfather Returns would suggest that Vito is back from the grave??? Is this true?????

I'll just have to wait & read. I'm interested of course..oddly enough my script for GF4..was in 1963-1965..and contained a side-story about Castro & JFK. That bastard probably stole my ideas when i posted my script.

If this is so, i'm going to sue him.

Anyways, good reading guys & gals.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/13/04 10:16 PM

Tell your girlfriend she'd be better off getting you a pet rock. trust all of us here, you DO NOT want GFR. But in answer to your question, Vito is not back for the grave,he's mentioned a few times, but thats the extent of his role.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/14/04 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Ricardo:
oddly enough my script for GF4..was in 1963-1965..and contained a side-story about Castro & JFK. That bastard probably stole my ideas when i posted my script.

If this is so, i'm going to sue him.
Welcome back, Ricardo. It has been a while.

The sub-plot with Castro and JFK was one of the precious few interestinng parts in GFR.

I never read your script, but who knows? Maybe there is a lawsuit in there somewhere.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/14/04 02:15 AM

Originally posted by ACK_NO. 1:

I wonder if Winegardner would consider doing a novel based on Puzo's outline for the 1930s-era, when Vito consolidated his power and rose to the peak of his powers and a young Sonny made his bones with his first murder.
I personally hope that Winegardner NEVER has anything to do with writing a Godfather book again! He is clueless when it comes to The Godfather!

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/14/04 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I personally hope that Winegardner NEVER has anything to do with writing a Godfather book again! He is clueless when it comes to The Godfather!
How can you say that?? He knows more about "The Godfather" than any man alive. If you don't believe me, ask HIM!

(heavy sarcasm added)
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/14/04 03:55 PM

haha, i wouldn't doubt mw knowledge of the godfather, i mean....just look at the godfather returns.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Another book based on Puzo's screenplay for Part IV?? - 12/14/04 06:09 PM

What struck me in his Interwiew was his confidence that he would be exactly as Tom Hagen, being German-Irish, and Tom did wery well in the mafia world... This alone gives suspictions: did he read the book after all?
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