
Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like?

Posted By: Robert DeNiro

Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 08:03 AM

So has anyone been able to find out what basic premise this new novel is going to have? Obviously it'll follow the Corleones, but whats time period? Which characters will it follow? What is the general story line? Anyone got anything?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 06:01 PM


I think, so far, everything is speculation, but it's been said that this story will focus around the Vincent era, with flashbacks to a young Sonny. It is a fact however, that both Leonardo DiCaprio and Andy Garcia (Vincent) are very interested in this project, should it become a movie (which is very likely if a book is written).

We have a couple threads here in the GFIV section with a lot of different viewpoints. Myself, I prefer they went back and focused on the "young" Corleones and Vito's rise to power, etc. But they won't listen to me!!!

Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 06:37 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Myself, I prefer they went back and focused on the "young" Corleones and Vito's rise to power, etc. But they won't listen to me!!!

But certainly De Niro couldn't play the part, and he IS the young Vito. And God, if they get DiCaprio as Sonny, then I'll be more POed than I am now.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 07:55 PM

Many people feel that way RD. Of course, DeNiro couldn't play young Vito anymore. I think the idea tho, was to focus more on Sonny now that I think about it.

Many here hate the thought of DiCaprio playing Sonny.(can't really understand that hatred tho ) Myself, I don't have a problem with it. I have more of a problem with Garcia playing Vincent, not only for the fact that his character came out of nowhere, but he just didn't seem right for the part to me. But then, that's my opinion...others disagree.

Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 08:02 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Many here hate the thought of DiCaprio playing Sonny.(can't really understand that hatred tho ) Myself, I don't have a problem with it.
Well first off, Sonny had blonde curly hair. Sencondly, it's Leonardo Fing Dicaprio!!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 08:23 PM

Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
[quote]Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[b]Many here hate the thought of DiCaprio playing Sonny.(can't really understand that hatred tho ) Myself, I don't have a problem with it.
Well first off, Sonny had blonde curly hair. Sencondly, it's Leonardo Fing Dicaprio!![/b][/quote]JJ,

Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I'm only telling you what some of the ideas were. I am not the one who decides! I just don't have the problem with DiCaprio that you and others do, that's all I'm saying. Btw, Sonny's hair was brown not blonde??? Well so is DiCaprio's! I'm sure they could make it curly for the role!! (Just teasing you) . Don't get mad now, but personally it would not bother me if he gets the role.

I realize I'm outnumbered here, but hey, that's my view, what can I say?

Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 08:39 PM

Yea they could just throw a cheap wig on him and everything would be nice. :p

I can't believe this doesn't bother you. You must be a huge Godfather fan. You got like 2500 posts here. The GREATEST TRILOGY OF ALL TIME is no more. There will be no Pacino, no Duvall, no De Niro, no Brando.

Now it's DiCaprio (who doesn't fit the role) and a writer who probably doesn't know what capo is short for.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 08:50 PM


The DiCaprio issue aside , I agree with you as far as no Pacino/DeNiro/Duvall, and yea, I wonder about the author as well. All of us want it to be good, but realistically, I'd be happy if at worst, it turned out to be a very good movie. I think to expect another film as spectacular as the first two is stretching it, as much as I'd love to see it. Then again, you never know..it could happen. I'd rather see it not made at all than to be a real "bomb". Wouldn't you?

Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/09/03 09:03 PM

Of course. I'm totally agaisnt the idea of making another one.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/10/03 01:56 AM

Thinking more about the author, and what his knowledge of mafia is and whether or not he could have the insight that Puzo did; It is possible, because look at our Turnbull. He's not Italian, and I assume not mob connected , yet look at all the knowledge he has on not only the mafia but Italian customs, traditions, etc.

It's not impossible that this author may have a handle on it as well. We can hope!
Of course, I really think TB should write the book, as I would have complete confidence that that it would be great as I am sure he'd put his heart and soul in it.

Since that's not likely, I'll hope for the best!!

Posted By: Robert DeNiro

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/10/03 03:54 AM

I dont understand why DeNiro cant be used. If the story line has a flashback of Corleone activity in the mid 30s, couldnt DeNiro reprise his role? Use a little make up, and make him look younger?

Is there any chance that this movie instead will focus on Michael Corleone between years of 1970 the opening of the Godfather III. It could show maybe how Michael legitimized many of the Corleone family businesses. I dont know if there would be much intrigue however for that.

The easiest solution seems to be no flashback at all, and just having it be Vincent Corleone running things present day or during the 80s or 90s. This is gonna be tricky, thats the only thing thats for sure.

Also, has anyone contacted Scorcese about doing the movie? I dont want some ametuer doing it.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Any idea on what this guy's outline looks like? - 02/10/03 11:55 PM

I am aganst the use of De Nero in the 4th chapter but dont get me wrong I want him to play Vito. I believe he is the only man other than Brando who could do it. But his age is hindering. They could show Vito's rise to power which would be nice because it does go into even more detail in the Puzo original novel, his rise to the status "DON". He would naturally be older in the movie scince they would focus on issues after Fanucci's death. If they can make Anthony Hopkins(Great Actor) look younger in Red Dragon they can make De Nero look younger, but it would look terrible. All in all the whole idea of GF 4 is bad. It is such a good thing, I know it would be great to have more, but the Godfather reached the top, it cant go anywhere but down now( a new one, the old godfather is not going anywhere )


The Don Michael Ferro
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