
Field turf in the news again.

Posted By: Footreads

Field turf in the news again. - 04/19/16 11:12 AM

You guys hear about the new problems with field in the news now. They actually think field turf field is supposed to last forever the reporters actually think problems with the field is new and news worthy.

The guy that originally invented field turf was Sid Gillmans brother. Sid Gillman was a coach in the old AFL Sandiego Chargers and many other teams. I forget his brothers first name. He would post on soccer sites trying to get us to buy his field after he first invented it.. He would say you can get 20 games a week on a field turf field and it would last 5 years. Then he would tell you where they built one of his fields so we can check it out.

I did check it out because A grass field would only last less then one season. Because we played so many games on it. Plus you had idiots who would ride their dirt bikes on it right after a rain. It completely ruin the field.

Actually I liked the field I saw. I was going to buy one I had 250 thousand to spend. At that time it cost 700 thousand so I passed.

Then he sold the rights to Nike. They used old Nike sneaker rubber in them.

At that time the grass was longer good for soccer. I was at Giant stadium when the put it in for Metrostars games. Then after the season the Giants football team cut the grass and messed up the field for soccer and for football those morons.

Then all the knock off companies made their own version of field turf. The field had lead in them so they closed down the fields. My own Italian Harlem field Jefferson park was closed to the public for yeas because of that.

You could even buy this crap for your own house can you imagine that.

Now their mad that the field does not last forever. So now the lawyers want to sue them. Also they use old tires and people think it causes cancer.
So lets go back to spending a 100 thousand a year for a grass fields each year
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Field turf in the news again. - 04/19/16 12:17 PM

field turf is nothing but the Brady Bunch lawn.

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