
Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs

Posted By: getthesenets

Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/10/16 03:20 PM

Ken Burns documentary about Jackie Robinson airs in 2 parts...April 11 & 12 on PBS.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/17/16 02:08 PM

gets, I have both parts DVR'd and can't wait to see this!

Ken Burns does nothing half-hearted and I've heard great things about this documentary.

Fact is, the weather has been so beautiful here lately and I have a ton of stuff to do outside.

I will get to this as soon as I can.

I love baseball and the history of the sport - especially "Dem Bums" from Brooklyn.

Has anyone seen this yet? I'm curious for opinions.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/18/16 03:32 PM

thought it was well done, more factual than the movie 42/

robinson went through a lot, and he should be revered by young black players, after all, he did open the door for them.

however burns should have brought to light the real reason

that blacks were excluded from M.L. ball, one man would never

let them in, kenesaw mountain landis, an ex kkk from Georgia

who was baseballs commissioner.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/18/16 11:48 PM

Glad you both were able to catch(tape) it.

Binnie, most of the young Black players now are from Latin America. Very small % of Black Americans play baseball or make to pro ranks. You are right though, Robinson and early pioneers in sports should be held in higher esteem from modern athletes.
Take Curt Flood, for example.

Haven't watched the doc. in full yet, but I thinks Burns will indirectly tell the reason why there is such a disconnect between what Robinson meant to Black people (and ballplayers) then as opposed to now.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/19/16 05:14 PM

I am 35 minutes into it and can say it is terrific.

They are covering everything about his life.

I never knew he had an older brother that was an Olympic star as well.

This is very interesting.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 04/21/16 02:47 AM

yes, mark- his military experience seems to be not very much discussed when he was playing ball.
however as the pressure was building on him game after game,

he came through, by playing great baseball, the man was extraordinary, and really deserves to be celebrated by all black players.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 08/30/16 07:55 PM

With Colin Kap's public stance on the American flag in the news, reporters dug up excerpt of Jackie Robinson's autobiography. Published the year of his death,1972.

He wrote that he cannot stand and sing the anthem.He cannot salute the flag.

Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 08/31/16 01:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll

however burns should have brought to light the real reason

that blacks were excluded from M.L. ball, one man would never

let them in, kenesaw mountain landis, an ex kkk from Georgia

who was baseballs commissioner.

There were a handful of black players in Organized Baseball in the 1800s. The color bar dropped on them when Judge Landis was a very young man who had nothing to do with baseball. Football got organized into a good league 50 years after baseball, and they put down their own color bar. Before Landis there was a player named Cap Anson who was blamed for barring black players, but that's only because people are always searching for villains. There were thousands of people sharing responsibility for this, just as millions were responsible for segregation in the country at large.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 08/31/16 04:38 PM

I'm sure you know more about the sport than I do, but what Binnie wrote seems to be the truth. Namely that as the first commissioner of baseball,Landis had ultimate power to lift or continue the gentleman's agreement among the owners to not allow American Black players.
Shortly after he passed away, Rickey and the Dodgers brought up Jackie Robinson.

I do hear your point about not scapegoating one person, but it seems as though if there was one person who had control over the issue it was Landis.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 09/01/16 05:06 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
I'm sure you know more about the sport than I do, but what Binnie wrote seems to be the truth. Namely that as the first commissioner of baseball,Landis had ultimate power to lift or continue the gentleman's agreement among the owners to not allow American Black players.
Shortly after he passed away, Rickey and the Dodgers brought up Jackie Robinson.

I do hear your point about not scapegoating one person, but it seems as though if there was one person who had control over the issue it was Landis.

yes. gets, he could have paved the way towards integration but he was kkk, and should never have been commissioner of baseball
he was a hateful spiteful man, who banned some players of the Chicago white for life,and yet, let ty cobb get away with a mans murder, among other of cobbs shameless doings, cobb was from Georgia like landis. and always got a pass,the man definitely was never going to let a black in baseball, he was the one standing in the way,
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 09/01/16 09:23 PM


Doug Roberts, a lawyer and former prosecutor, had doubts about Stump’s account and did extensive research into the incident for a 1996 article for The National Pastime, a peer-reviewed journal published by the Society for American Baseball Research. After examining autopsy records at the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s office and after combing through all of the Detroit newspapers from the time, Roberts concluded that Stump’s claim that an unidentified body had been reported in the press was not true. Roberts also found no record of any deaths due to blunt force trauma in Detroit in August 1912.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Jackie Robinson doc. on Pbs - 09/04/16 12:07 AM

I am a member of the society of American bb research, and have a library of bb books, let me remind you that stumps account comes from ty cobb himself, also, cobb was very much disliked by major league bb players, also.. he more than once went in the stands and beat spectators,, as to 1912, at that time records were sketchy if even reported at all.

Roberts never had the soures that al stump had.
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