

Posted By: DuesPaid

SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 02:04 AM

SUPER BOWL 50 = Cam Newton BOWL1
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 10:58 AM

Should be a great game. Panthers are favored but don't count out Peyton DP
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 11:27 AM

I can't get into the super Bowl anymore. But the 50th is a big deal.

I think the best way to watch a sporting event is in person. But, if you can't do that then in a sports bar.

You know there are probably a lot of former players still a live from super bowl 1. They should fly them to the game and introduce them at the half or pre game.

First super Bowl was the Pack v KC Chiefs.

I remember that game like it was yestarday. It is still fun to watch the highlights on YouTube.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 11:31 AM

Wow I found the whole game on YouTube unbelievable.

Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 11:40 AM

Fots check out the stats on Super Bowl 1:
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 11:53 AM

This is a good Mafia related story about Super Bowl IV and the Kansas City Mob, even they can beat with their hearts:

Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 12:05 PM

^^ Sorry, but you're going to have to copy and paste the link.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 04:03 PM

Very Cool.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 05:40 PM

This is what I remember of that super bowl. Mike Garret for KC was a good little back who could hide behind his big linemen. There coach also invented the play action pass. They still use it today.

The had a defensive back Fred the hammer Williamson. He was a black belt in Karati guy and hurt some players. That is why they called him the hammer. Later became an actor. Still is in movies I think. Late in the game gale Gillingham a rookie guard who played when they took fuzzy thursten out. Thurston was a great trap block. They ran a sweep late in the game and Gillingham knocked Williamson out. They were saying we got the hammer.

Boyd dowler was a packer split end got hurt and they subbed in max McGee he was getting older and lombardie did not like him because he would break curfew. He was the star of the game. Bart Starr was the greatest third down quarterback I have ever seen.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 05:43 PM

Oh clothes lining a guy was league then. Plus on pass plays you could lay out a guy if you did it before the pass was made.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/25/16 07:39 PM


thanks for the rundown on SB 1.
Fred Williamson still acts.

Bart Starr deserves every compliment and accolade but Montana is the most clutch QB I've ever watched play, Brady is second.

Gonna watch SB1 when they air it again on NFL network.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/28/16 01:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads

I think the best way to watch a sporting event is in person. But, if you can't do that then in a sports bar.

I would agree with the in person view, but a sports bar? Maybe. If you're with all fans of one team....and drunk.

I was all by myself for the last Giants win. I had a ball....maybe assisted by Mr. Vodka. I was running around with my hands signaling TOUCHDOWN!

I once read that on Super Bowl Sunday husbands verbally abused their wives more than any other day of the year. My brother in law and I would give our wives the business..."get me another beer, bitch", "shut up, we're watching the game." The fun part was the wives giving it back to us. They were very creative.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 01/28/16 06:17 AM

At home when I dug American football my wife made the food that I would eat during the game before the start of the game . Then at the half I took her upstairs for a half time fuck smile then I would watch the second half.

The only time I was a miserable bastard when I coached soccer and we lost a game. Then no one wanted to be around me because I always blamed myself for a loss. Because I always thought if we lost it was something I left undone on the practice field. So they all just let me alone for a week until we played our next match.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/03/16 04:57 PM

Looks Like we are going with 5 dozen Wings / Spinich dip in a football bread / Pigs in a Blanket.

No hero or salads this year.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/03/16 06:07 PM

Yes if your all fans of the same team it is a fun time.

I saw a tv show took place in Boston. The place is own by a Boston crew. Red Sox v Yankees is on. A guy walks in off the street from NYC. Argument starts the guy that runs the bar shoots the Yankee fan.

The name of the old series was the brotherhood on showtime.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/04/16 01:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Yes if your all fans of the same team it is a fun time.

I saw a tv show took place in Boston. The place is own by a Boston crew. Red Sox v Yankees is on. A guy walks in off the street from NYC. Argument starts the guy that runs the bar shoots the Yankee fan.

The name of the old series was the brotherhood on showtime.

I get that.

I can understand that Foot, I was at a SB party years ago and was rooting at the end of the game for the winner not to go for the last TD, it did not matter either way to the spread or the victory but I would be in for a huge box hit.

My very good friends, very good friend rooted against me for no other reason than to tick me off, we ended up in a back room alone after I did not win and I kicked him through a sliding glass door.

I replaced the door, never saw that fuck ever again and know he avoided me at other events through the years.

Now I stay home, with my wife and family only.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/05/16 03:37 AM

Superbowl is better when you don't have a team involved or money on the line.(better for your health,anyway)

Glad that the Giants have 4 rings...but I only fully enjoyed the first one which was a laugher...last 3 came down to final play of the game.

Norwood wide right
Rnady Moss was behind the defender but Brady couldn't deliver the pass
Gronk almost makes the scoop catch of hail mary

my nerves were shot for days after those games
I have to watch the game alone if my team is in the Superbowl.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/05/16 08:30 PM

Our Panthers are playing and I will sure be rooting for them. My buddy is having a SB [party. I have gone to tons of live games and you can get caught up in the comarademy ?? but watching at home you see replays, get good views of the game and usually good professional commentary. I watched my Buffalo Bills lose 4 superbowls. Oh well you never know. At least Panthers are favored but we'll see how much that means.
Posted By: goombah

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/05/16 09:11 PM

I don't have a rooting interest, just want to see a competitive game. This game, much like the Den-Seattle Super Bowl, has the potential to go off the rails early.

Denver's defense should keep them in the game, but I think to win the Broncos will need at least 10 points off turnovers or via special teams.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/06/16 03:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Then at the half I took her upstairs for a half time fuck smile then I would watch the second half.

Now that's tradition!
Posted By: olivant

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/07/16 12:11 AM

Go Broncos!
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/07/16 01:06 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: Footreads
Then at the half I took her upstairs for a half time fuck smile then I would watch the second half.

Now that's tradition!

With the longer half time SB break i could manage it twice smile
Posted By: Mark

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/07/16 10:41 PM

Fearless prediction... Lady Gaga's vocal rendition of The National Anthem will be one of the best ever. She is a terrific vocalist and her range is beautiful. You heard it here first.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/07/16 11:09 PM

Super Bowl MVP's are being announced. Awesome!
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/07/16 11:33 PM

Lady GaGa was exceptional! Best one I have ever heard! Beautiful!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/08/16 03:44 AM

Did you see the Panthers player freeze on the punt because they thought the Denver player was going to call a fair catch. Terrible they should have laid him out.

They have to change the rule on unsportsmanlike like conduct. Receiver catches a short pass on the defender and he thinks he scored a touchdown in the defender face. That is unsportsmanlike conduct. Then the defender slaps the ball out of his hand after the play is over. Then they give them un sportsmen like conduct foul that bull shit.

The quarterback for Carolina had a terrible game.
Posted By: Alfanosgirl

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/08/16 04:36 AM

So true Foots, how can they not know that! Hey, how many Super Bowl babies did you make lol

I am SO HAPPY for the Broncos, glad Manning got this Super Bowl WIN!!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/08/16 09:26 AM

Almost forgot a Carolina player was crying like a girl after the loss.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/08/16 10:16 AM

Tha was cornerback Josh Norman. What a wuss!

Posted By: goombah

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/08/16 01:35 PM

Carolina came up small. And Newton showed no class after the game. Newton wants all the adultation and to celebrate when they win, but he couldn't hang in an answer media questions after they lost. He should've addressed why he refused to dive after his fumble and actually backed away from it. That's not a leader IMO.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: SUPER BOWL 50 - 02/09/16 02:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Mark
Fearless prediction... Lady Gaga's vocal rendition of The National Anthem will be one of the best ever. She is a terrific vocalist and her range is beautiful. You heard it here first.

That's how it's suppose to be done.

Halftime show sucked! I was mad about no Clydesdale's commercials. The Super Bowl is not the same without the Clydedale's.
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