
2012 MLB Postseason

Posted By: Blibbleblabble

2012 MLB Postseason - 10/13/12 12:46 AM

With the AL championship series set between the Yankees and Tigers, and still waiting to see who faces the Giants at this time, what are all of your thoughts on the match-ups, and what's happened so far?

I also have what might be a silly question. How does the rest of the country view the Giants? I follow them on a daily basis, and get to know the players personalities, quirks, trends, etc... and after 162+ games it starts to feel like they are more like buddies, part of the family, rather than athletes. So when I look at my own team I see a bunch of guys I like, but they don't seem so big and scary like other teams. The Reds were certainly scary. But I'm wondering if I was a Reds fan, I would feel the same about the Reds?
Posted By: SC

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/13/12 12:57 AM

I'd like to see a Giants/Yanks Series. I think the Jints could win and it'd be (IMO) the best pairing of the teams who are now fighting for their pennants.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/13/12 01:55 AM

Obviously I'm pulling for Detroit. I would like to see Leland win and ride off into the sunset. Verlander and Cabrera are something special and I like watching them at this time of year.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/13/12 05:11 PM

ill be rooting for the giants/tigers. can't stand to see the cards/yankees in the world series.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/15/12 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
How does the rest of the country view the Giants? I follow them on a daily basis, and get to know the players personalities, quirks, trends, etc... and after 162+ games it starts to feel like they are more like buddies, part of the family, rather than athletes. So when I look at my own team I see a bunch of guys I like, but they don't seem so big and scary like other teams. The Reds were certainly scary. But I'm wondering if I was a Reds fan, I would feel the same about the Reds?

I like the Giants, Blibble. I see them as a gutty team that claws every game with a terrific pitching staff and a lineup with a superstar surrounded by average guys, who hustle. I enjoyed Hunter Pence while he was in Philly because he played hard and was off-beat. He was pretty productive even though he isn't a great situational player. Lincecum getting knocked around surprised me this year.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/15/12 06:01 PM

The Cardinals are the epitome of a team, built for postseason play. The staff is deep, and the bullpen handles pressure with the same success their lineup has for two postseasons.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/16/12 01:59 AM

I agree about the Cardinals. I also want to say I agree with your prediction about the Reds going to the World Series... Even though they collapsed to the Giants, I see why you picked them. They seem to have everything, from the lineup, starting pitchers and bullpen.

I feel the Giants are overmatched in the NLCS, but Giants GM Brian Sabean called them "Cockroaches". He said you can put 8 of them in the microwave, and 7 will still coming running out at you. I'm hoping they can put together some more hard-to-kill performances against the Cardinals!
Posted By: SC

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/16/12 03:28 AM

The Giants looked really good tonight. (I didn't see the whole game, but I wish I had).
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/23/12 10:58 PM

Congrats to the Giants!!!!!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/24/12 12:06 AM

Oh man, so I gotta decide between rooting for BL's team or Lilo's? Might side with Lilo since I really hate cockroaches. lol

But actually I've enjoyed getting to see former Astro Hunter Pence get a taste of the glory with SF.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/24/12 02:48 AM

I am happy for San Francisco playing again so shortly after their last win! It should be a great series.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/24/12 02:52 AM

Go Tigers!
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/24/12 03:10 AM

The Tigers scare me. The Giants will have to be the shocking underdogs again in the World Series if they want to win.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/25/12 08:44 AM

Maybe we might want to think about walking this guy.... rolleyes

Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/25/12 09:30 AM

SAN FRANCISCO -- The ball went screaming toward the centerfield seats, you could almost hear the seams crying, and as early signs go, this was like waking up to a buzzard outside your window. Justin Verlander, on an 0-2 count to Pablo Sandoval, had just brought a pitch that would skin the hair off an alley cat, a fastball high and in, 95 m.p.h.

You and me, we don't think about swinging at such a missile; we think about ducking, diving, maybe crying. Sandoval, who is not quite 6 feet tall, yet tips the scales at close to 300 pounds, is not you or me. The slugger with two-toned hair who has become an RBI machine in San Francisco's postseason -- and whose bat was kissed by the gods Wednesday night -- got wood on that pitch and turned it around in a hurry. It landed in the crowd. And the Giants -- like that scene in "The Untouchables" when the bad guys kill their first G-man and leave him in an elevator -- hung a warning sign on the Tigers in the very first inning of this 2012 World Series:

Mitch Albom Column
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/25/12 03:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
The Tigers scare me. The Giants will have to be the shocking underdogs again in the World Series if they want to win.

I know I'm posting this after a big Game 1 win over Verlander, but after they beat the Cardinals (which I didn't expect), I thought the Giants would beat the Tigers. I think the Giants will do a better job getting to the Tiger bullpen than the Yankees did, and if the game is tied in the 7th, I give the advantage to the Giants as Bochy handles the relief corps and late innings better than any manager in the game.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/25/12 03:29 PM

WOW! What a great game for the Giants! Congrats!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/26/12 03:55 PM

Bumgarner's performance was an extreme boost for the Giants. I know the Tigers have struggled a bit against lefties, but Bumgarner had been roughed up in the postseason.

I thought sending Prince Fielder home with nobody out in the second was a little too desperate for the Tigers. I also agreed with Leyland leaving the infield back with nobody out and the bases loaded.

It's kind of a baseball quirk that the most important hit in a World Series game is a 22 foot attempted sacrifice that died next to the foul line.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/26/12 06:20 PM

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/28/12 04:56 AM

Sorry about your boys, Lilo. The Giants are just unbeatable! Congrats, Blib!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/28/12 04:18 PM

Blibble, you must be cooling the champagne right now, huh? Giants take a 3-0 lead and Cain hasn't pitched yet. The remarkable thing about the Giants' team is how loose they are. Late in a WS game, up by only 2 runs they're laughing and joking.

Sorry, Lilo. I like your team and your manager, but this match up is brutal for the Tigers.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/28/12 09:21 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Blibble, you must be cooling the champagne right now, huh? Giants take a 3-0 lead and Cain hasn't pitched yet. The remarkable thing about the Giants' team is how loose they are. Late in a WS game, up by only 2 runs they're laughing and joking.

Sorry, Lilo. I like your team and your manager, but this match up is brutal for the Tigers.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Sorry about your boys, Lilo. The Giants are just unbeatable! Congrats, Blib!

panic PANIC IN MOTOWN!!! PANIC IN MOTOWN!! lol It's been horrible. Sad just sad...

If this is the best they can do, then just end it right now. Get it over as quickly as possible and move on to an off-season in which the surplus of batting holes in the everyday lineup must be addressed. It’s no secret that the Tigers’ overriding problem this season was the frequency of incredible offensive lapses that left them with a much smaller margin for error.

What next?

Maybe the National Weather Service should consider tossing the Tigers’ offense into the middle of the Megastorm inching toward the eastern seaboard. Any association with the Tigers’ offense right now would reduce the strongest thunderstorm to basically an annoying drip from the water faucet.

Bad offense not bad luck
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/29/12 05:24 AM

Obviously I'm super happy right now! There was a time when I wondered if the Giants would ever win a championship in my lifetime, now I've seen two in a three year period. I can't believe it!

Klyd, the looseness of the team has been their attitude since the 2010 season, there are some real characters in this bunch, including Hunter Pence who fit right in. Their attitude makes them very lovable!

Lilo, I'm sorry your Tigers went down the way they did, I can imagine your pain. From what I hear, Leyland wasn't too popular at times with Detroit fans during the season, but I have to say his post game interview was classy. I can see why he's been a manager for so long in baseball. The Tigers will be continue to be competitive, they have a good team and will probably only get better.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/29/12 09:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Lilo, I'm sorry your Tigers went down the way they did, I can imagine your pain. From what I hear, Leyland wasn't too popular at times with Detroit fans during the season, but I have to say his post game interview was classy. I can see why he's been a manager for so long in baseball. The Tigers will be continue to be competitive, they have a good team and will probably only get better.

Congrats Blib!!! The Giants deserved to win and did so quite convincingly! I hope the Tigers will be back.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/29/12 03:38 PM

Congratulations to the Giants! They were fantastic!
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/29/12 05:04 PM

Congratulations Blib, the cockroaches are unbelievable!

to think that the Giants had a AAA team some years ago and they had Barry Bonds for so long without winning anything, and now they're the real dynasty of baseball, it's crazy!
Posted By: goombah

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 10/31/12 12:52 AM

Congrats Blibble. My little boy really got into baseball this year and we watched a lot of playoffs. I had a feeling the Tigers time off was going to crush their momentum. Plus they were mediocre most of the season and just got hot at the right time. But the Giants' resiliency has been on full display since Game 5 of the NLCS. The pitching in the final 3 NLCS games, plus all 4 World Series victories, was nothing short of astounding.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 11/01/12 01:21 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
(...) I had a feeling the Tigers time off was going to crush their momentum.

hell yeah. the four teams that swept the LCS and waited until game 7 of the other series are 2-16 in World Series games. wow!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 2012 MLB Postseason - 11/01/12 02:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Tony Mosrite
Originally Posted By: goombah
(...) I had a feeling the Tigers time off was going to crush their momentum.

hell yeah. the four teams that swept the LCS and waited until game 7 of the other series are 2-16 in World Series games. wow!

There have been 28 postseasons since MLB moved to a 7 game series for the LCS. I'm kind of surprised that in that time there have been 18 series that were 4 game sweeps.

Actually there have been 27 postseasons since the 7 game format to the LCS was introduced in 1985. I forgot the strike year of 1994. But as I reviewed the post seasons on Baseball Reference, there have only been 6 LCS games that were 4-0 sweeps.
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