
Penn State sexual abuse scandal

Posted By: goombah

Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/08/11 04:51 PM

Of all the ugly things that happen in sports, this may be the ugliest of all-time. A former assistant coach is alleged to have sexually abused 8 young boys in a 15 year time period. One alleged incident was witnessed by a graduate assistant who saw a boy sodomized by the assistant coach in the Penn State shower. Yahoo Sports

Joe Paterno might be legally cleared, but how he has slept at night all these years is beyond me. He has FOREVER ruined his reputation if he did turn a blind eye to this inexcusable behavior. Indications are that he told the PSU administration, but he had a moral obligation to do more and he (along with other PSU officials) were silent.

I for one hope that Sandusky is on suicide watch. He does not deserve to get off that easy if he did even 1/100th of these allegations. He deserves to have the shit kicked out of him and much worse for the rest of his life in prison. It just infuriates me that someone could do this to children.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/08/11 04:58 PM

I'm heartbroken by Paterno's turning a blind eye to this, Goom. It's like finding out that one of your old parish priests was a pedophile. He has that grandfatherly way about him, so it almost feels like a personal betrayal.

Some of my friends here already know this, but I should add that my youngest daughter is a sophomore at Penn State right now. She told me over the weekend that the entire campus is reeling over this.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/08/11 05:22 PM

I have heard a few bits and pieces about this even over here.
Absolutely awful......
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/08/11 05:49 PM

Paterno has canceled his weekly news conference. I think he's on his way out. I expect an announcement that this will be his last season. PS has to put this behind them. However, the legal machinations could continue beyond the season. I expect those charged will plea bargain. However, the inevitable civil suits will stretch this out well beyond the season.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 12:02 AM

I hate everything Penn St, but I dont wish this on anybody. Joe Paterno is a fraud. Penn St University is a disgrace. Roll Tide.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 12:37 AM

Sad that this is how "JoePa" exits.

But, I don't feel bad for him at all.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 01:26 AM

The disturbing thing about Sandusky is that he is not even proclaiming his innocence. I mean Michael Jackson who i belive was guilty came out immediately to say he didn't do it. Sandusky doesn't seem to give a fuck. Thats just as disturbing as the disgusting things he did
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 01:32 AM

How can assistant coach Mike Mcquery see Sandusky in the showers with a 10 year old boy and not beat his ass and protect that boy. Wtf.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 01:38 AM

Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
How can assistant coach Mike Mcquery see Sandusky in the showers with a 10 year old boy and not beat his ass and protect that boy. Wtf.

If I saw that i would beat the shit out of the guy
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 07:30 AM

Number of Victims in Penn State Abuse Case Doubles

Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 01:02 PM

The NCAA better step up to the plate and shut down the PSU football program. If after an investigation it is determined that 1) any of Sandusky's attacks occurred on the PSU campus, or 2) any incident occurred after PSU officials were notified then this is the worst collegiate scandal in the history of sports.

The NCAA has been a hypocrisy for many years, but they must shut down the program if crimes occurred. For pete's sake, if they suspend OSU, Miami, and USC for misdemeanors, then they must shut down Penn State for felony crimes. There is no other way for the NCAA to act.

And isn't it curious that the Sandusky has been under investigation for many months, yet the news of his arrest and the breaking of this story came just after Joe Pa broke the record for coaching victories. I'm sure that was not coincidental.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 02:23 PM

this is the saddest thing i have ever seen. i just hope sandusky gets his in jail, as well as those who let it continued.

and, i believe that penn state needs to lose all their coaches, as well as those that run the school.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 05:25 PM

Well, Paterno isgone at the end of the season, but the lawsuits will keep this in the news maybe for years.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 08:49 PM

I'm sorry but there is no way Paterno should be able to retire at year's end. He should be fired immediately.

I agree Olivant. The victims' families will (and should) sue for quite some time. Penn State's very existence will be hanging in the balance. I'm sorry that such a drastic result could hurt so many who are innocent in all of this, but this is about as hideous a crime as is possible short of murder.

At the very least, the President, all Board of Trustees, the Provost and other PSU administration, plus every person involved with the football team and the Athletic Dept all need to be fired.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/09/11 11:09 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
I'm sorry but there is no way Paterno should be able to retire at year's end. He should be fired immediately.

I agree Olivant. The victims' families will (and should) sue for quite some time. Penn State's very existence will be hanging in the balance. I'm sorry that such a drastic result could hurt so many who are innocent in all of this, but this is about as hideous a crime as is possible short of murder.

At the very least, the President, all Board of Trustees, the Provost and other PSU administration, plus every person involved with the football team and the Athletic Dept all need to be fired.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 02:54 AM

Joe Pa is gone!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 03:29 AM

FOX Sports --Updated Nov 9, 2011 10:23 PM ET
Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was fired late Wednesday night as the result of a growing child-sex scandal that has engulfed the program. The move is effective immediately meaning he will never coach for the school again. President Graham Spanier was also fired.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 04:11 AM

I think people need to remember jerry Sandusky is the scumbag. i understand Paterno could have done more but i dont think joe is an evil person I think he was naive and was fooled by Sandusky. I agree with him losing his job but I think he is getting more blame the the sick fuck that did it. Also people need to remember the cops were in the next room when Sandusky admitted his disgusting acts to the kids mother and did not arrest him. the cops are the real frauds
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 05:31 AM

Law and Order SVU had a sports themed episode earlier this year covering the same issue.

Carmelo Anthony and Chris Bosh guest starred.

Heavy D (RIP) starred in it also, he was the star pro player's assistant.

sad sad story....

I shudder whenever I hear about these types of stories because I played organized sports and attended camps/trips as a kid and
could have been in vulnerable situations just like the young men in this story.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:47 AM

Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 12:58 PM

Originally Posted By: JCrusher
I think people need to remember jerry Sandusky is the scumbag. i understand Paterno could have done more but i dont think joe is an evil person I think he was naive and was fooled by Sandusky. I agree with him losing his job but I think he is getting more blame the the sick fuck that did it. Also people need to remember the cops were in the next room when Sandusky admitted his disgusting acts to the kids mother and did not arrest him. the cops are the real frauds

While I do not agree with everything you say, I agree that Paterno is not evil. However, he did deserve to lose his job because he did not do enough to follow through on an ethical basis. While he may have his ass legally covered (and I agree he should not be jailed), he did have a responsibility as a father, father-figure, grandfather, and coach to make sure all authorities (PSU and local police) were made aware of Sandusky's sickening behavior.

I also disagree with your statement that the cops are the "real frauds." There are far too many people and departments than just to single out the police. The District Attorney did not press charges initially, McQueary and his father should have done more than just tell Paterno, the PSU police, and on & on.

The bottom line for this was Paterno's power and money. Let's face it - football was the lifeblood of Penn State and nobody wanted to see that apple cart upset. Instead of getting out in front of this situation, everyone involved all of these years put the entire university at risk.

Unrelated to your post, what exactly were those several hundred idiots rioting for last night? Did they read the indictment against Sandusky? Penn State had NO CHOICE but to fire Paterno for his role in this. Was it bad to dismiss a coach over the phone - probably. But the issues here are unprecedented in sports. Children's lives were irrevocably changed by Jerry Sandusky and these idiot rioters were protesting the dismissal of a football coach?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 02:41 PM

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 04:52 PM

Penn State Students Riot in Protest

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 04:58 PM

The Sandusky Grand Jury Report.


Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Unfortunately, that doesn't surprise me one bit. In such cults that is sports fandom, winning is what matters. Nothing else does. Its why Steelers fans forgave their Quarterback for being a two-time alleged rapist, or football fans putting Mr. Vick's past troubles under the bus.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 05:28 PM

1982 SI article about how Sandusky was turning down NFL and college head coaching jobs at age 38 because he was so "committed" to the youth program he ran in State College, PA.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 06:03 PM

What I want to know is how could anyone witness a 10 year old being sodomized in a shower, and walk away?? What kind of person turns their back on a child in such a situation? It's beyond my comprehension. Forget about calling the police, but how can you turn your back on a rape? You just walk away and let the rapist continue?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 06:23 PM

You're supposed to kill the guy mad.

Seriously, you are.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 06:45 PM

Pennsylvania statutes cite a host of persons, primarily those licensed by the state, to report or cause to be reported suspected child abuse. However, others who are employed by an institution (such as a university) who are not otherwise required to report, are required to notify their superior of suspected child abuse.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 06:49 PM

I was wondering why this story wasn't on the BB. Anyone who knows me knows I'm ignorant on sports so didn't even think of looking here. tongue

Don't fall over BUT I have never heard of Paterno, or Sandusky but how absolutely awful.I can NOT understand how someone can witness things like this and not call the police (or make sure someone calls police) I understand that he'll retire at the end of the year? I think he should leave now.

Now, I see a story that says Sandusky may have pimped out young boys to rich doners. frown Simply unspeakable.


Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:06 PM

Madonne TIS, how could you not know? This is not a sports story. It's been on every network news show just about 24/7 (Cain owes the story a thank you).

Paterno is the winningest coach in college football history. He's a living legend at Penn State (if not elsewhere) where students rioted last night on campus in protest of his termination. It's not over by any means as there is the eventual prosecution and inevitable civil suits.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:07 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

OK, I had to stop reading the indictment after one minute. As a father of two small kids, the only thing worse than a child molester is a child killer.

I want to say that I would do the right thing if Sandusky had done this to my boy. But the truth is, I don't know if I could restrain myself from trying to kill him.

I hope Sandusky is cell mates with the meanest, most violent degenerate sociopath in prison. I hope Sandusky is tortured in every way possible each day for at least the next 30 years.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:11 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Madonne TIS, how could you not know? This is not a sports story. It's been on every network news show just about 24/7 (Cain owes the story a thank you).

Paterno is the winningest coach in college football history. He's a living legend at Penn State (if not elsewhere) where students rioted last night on campus in protest of his termination. It's not over by any means as there is the eventual prosecution and inevitable civil suits.


I know it's not a sports story. I've been following it since it started. My point was I didn't think to check the "sports" section here on the BB to find it. But true, I never heard of these guys til now. ohwell

Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
What I want to know is how could anyone witness a 10 year old being sodomized in a shower, and walk away?? What kind of person turns their back on a child in such a situation? It's beyond my comprehension. Forget about calling the police, but how can you turn your back on a rape? You just walk away and let the rapist continue?

That's exactly my point. Football and the football program were the overriding deciding factor for McQueary and everyone else at Penn State. That's not to say that football isn't the #1 priority at many other colleges/universities.

That's why McQueary only told his father and Paterno. He did not want Paterno mad at him by going to the police and he wanted to move up in the PSU football organization.

What kind of twisted, sick logic is that where this guy essentially said "sorry about that kid. You continue to be raped because I want to make sure that I don't look bad to Joe Paterno."

I would not - at all - be disappointed if McQueary was beaten to within an inch of his life while coaching the game on Saturday. He has no right to be on the field or to be employed at Penn State.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:15 PM


I couldn't read the whole thing either. How terrible and vile and disgusting. frown

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:27 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah

That's why McQueary only told his father and Paterno. He did not want Paterno mad at him by going to the police and he wanted to move up in the PSU football organization.

What kind of twisted, sick logic is that where this guy essentially said "sorry about that kid. You continue to be raped because I want to make sure that I don't look bad to Joe Paterno."

Unfortunately we've seen such similar logic deployed at such similar horrible crimes, such as the Catholic Church.

Originally Posted By: goombah

I would not - at all - be disappointed if McQueary was beaten to within an inch of his life while coaching the game on Saturday. He has no right to be on the field or to be employed at Penn State.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the axe too.

(Come to think, why didn't he get fired?)
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 07:47 PM

For years and years I have had to put up with all the sanctimonial bull sh*t from Penn State fans about how they run the cleanest progrm in the country, how great Joe Pa is, .... blah blah blah. Turns out is is the dirtiest program ever.

They should vacate ALL PSU victories since 2002. That will put Bobby Bowden in his rightful place as the all time winningest coach.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 08:20 PM

DT, your posts are usually pretty responsible. This post isn't. Penn State's football program may very well be the cleanest in the country. Since we don't know what's going on at Florida, UT, etc., we can't determine that. We can only state what we know and what we know does not lend itself to normative conclusions.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 08:26 PM

Cut him some slack, Oli. He's a Florida State alumni wink smile.

And on that note, as far as football goes, they're two of the best coaches of all-time.

1 and 1a, if you will
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 09:11 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
I think people need to remember jerry Sandusky is the scumbag. i understand Paterno could have done more but i dont think joe is an evil person I think he was naive and was fooled by Sandusky. I agree with him losing his job but I think he is getting more blame the the sick fuck that did it. Also people need to remember the cops were in the next room when Sandusky admitted his disgusting acts to the kids mother and did not arrest him. the cops are the real frauds

While I do not agree with everything you say, I agree that Paterno is not evil. However, he did deserve to lose his job because he did not do enough to follow through on an ethical basis. While he may have his ass legally covered (and I agree he should not be jailed), he did have a responsibility as a father, father-figure, grandfather, and coach to make sure all authorities (PSU and local police) were made aware of Sandusky's sickening behavior.

I also disagree with your statement that the cops are the "real frauds." There are far too many people and departments than just to single out the police. The District Attorney did not press charges initially, McQueary and his father should have done more than just tell Paterno, the PSU police, and on & on.

The bottom line for this was Paterno's power and money. Let's face it - football was the lifeblood of Penn State and nobody wanted to see that apple cart upset. Instead of getting out in front of this situation, everyone involved all of these years put the entire university at risk.

Unrelated to your post, what exactly were those several hundred idiots rioting for last night? Did they read the indictment against Sandusky? Penn State had NO CHOICE but to fire Paterno for his role in this. Was it bad to dismiss a coach over the phone - probably. But the issues here are unprecedented in sports. Children's lives were irrevocably changed by Jerry Sandusky and these idiot rioters were protesting the dismissal of a football coach?

I said that Paterno should lose his job but i just think many people have lost touch of who the real criminal is which is Sandusky. I know people should have done more. But lets be honest its easy to say from the outside what people should have done. I mean i bet half of people would have done something and half of people would have been in shock. Not saying its right i'm just stating facts
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/10/11 10:52 PM

Penn State Trustees Reportedly Ask New Coach to Keep McQueary Off Sidelines

Posted By: Lilo

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 01:04 AM

McQueary is a coward. You see someone raping a child and you don't stop it? There are times that define men and he had his. He failed.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 04:52 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
DT, your posts are usually pretty responsible. This post isn't. Penn State's football program may very well be the cleanest in the country. Since we don't know what's going on at Florida, UT, etc., we can't determine that. We can only state what we know and what we know does not lend itself to normative conclusions.

Institutional Covering up for a pedophile for more than a decade is worse than any scandal invlving recruiting, boosters giving money to players, cheating on tests, and the usual things you find. I stand by my position that this is the worst thing any football EVER done, and Penn State is the dirtiest (and phoniest) program in the country.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 05:38 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

Institutional Covering up for a pedophile for more than a decade is worse than any scandal invlving recruiting, boosters giving money to players, cheating on tests, and the usual things you find. I stand by my position that this is the worst thing any football EVER done.

Unfortunately, I think I have to agree with DT here.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 06:41 PM

Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
I think people need to remember jerry Sandusky is the scumbag. i understand Paterno could have done more but i dont think joe is an evil person I think he was naive and was fooled by Sandusky. I agree with him losing his job but I think he is getting more blame the the sick fuck that did it. Also people need to remember the cops were in the next room when Sandusky admitted his disgusting acts to the kids mother and did not arrest him. the cops are the real frauds

While I do not agree with everything you say, I agree that Paterno is not evil. However, he did deserve to lose his job because he did not do enough to follow through on an ethical basis. While he may have his ass legally covered (and I agree he should not be jailed), he did have a responsibility as a father, father-figure, grandfather, and coach to make sure all authorities (PSU and local police) were made aware of Sandusky's sickening behavior.

I also disagree with your statement that the cops are the "real frauds." There are far too many people and departments than just to single out the police. The District Attorney did not press charges initially, McQueary and his father should have done more than just tell Paterno, the PSU police, and on & on.

The bottom line for this was Paterno's power and money. Let's face it - football was the lifeblood of Penn State and nobody wanted to see that apple cart upset. Instead of getting out in front of this situation, everyone involved all of these years put the entire university at risk.

Unrelated to your post, what exactly were those several hundred idiots rioting for last night? Did they read the indictment against Sandusky? Penn State had NO CHOICE but to fire Paterno for his role in this. Was it bad to dismiss a coach over the phone - probably. But the issues here are unprecedented in sports. Children's lives were irrevocably changed by Jerry Sandusky and these idiot rioters were protesting the dismissal of a football coach?

I said that Paterno should lose his job but i just think many people have lost touch of who the real criminal is which is Sandusky. I know people should have done more. But lets be honest its easy to say from the outside what people should have done. I mean i bet half of people would have done something and half of people would have been in shock. Not saying its right i'm just stating facts

The problem is that this is such a heinous accusation and so many people were at fault. First and foremost is the pedophile Sandusky. BTW, how in the hell did a judge let this animal out on bail? This judge's decision is idiotic.

The second most at fault is McQueary. I don't care that he reported the incident to his dad and Paterno. McQueary was 28 years old at the time and, at the very least, could have yelled out "STOP!" when he saw the attack. He could have done it from a safe distance and ran like hell - at the very least.

You're correct that none of us know how we would react to such a situation and it's easy to second guess. But there were much better options than slinking out of the locker room like a coward while still avoiding a confrontation, but making it known that Sandusky had been caught.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 08:26 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
I think people need to remember jerry Sandusky is the scumbag. i understand Paterno could have done more but i dont think joe is an evil person I think he was naive and was fooled by Sandusky. I agree with him losing his job but I think he is getting more blame the the sick fuck that did it. Also people need to remember the cops were in the next room when Sandusky admitted his disgusting acts to the kids mother and did not arrest him. the cops are the real frauds

While I do not agree with everything you say, I agree that Paterno is not evil. However, he did deserve to lose his job because he did not do enough to follow through on an ethical basis. While he may have his ass legally covered (and I agree he should not be jailed), he did have a responsibility as a father, father-figure, grandfather, and coach to make sure all authorities (PSU and local police) were made aware of Sandusky's sickening behavior.

I also disagree with your statement that the cops are the "real frauds." There are far too many people and departments than just to single out the police. The District Attorney did not press charges initially, McQueary and his father should have done more than just tell Paterno, the PSU police, and on & on.

The bottom line for this was Paterno's power and money. Let's face it - football was the lifeblood of Penn State and nobody wanted to see that apple cart upset. Instead of getting out in front of this situation, everyone involved all of these years put the entire university at risk.

Unrelated to your post, what exactly were those several hundred idiots rioting for last night? Did they read the indictment against Sandusky? Penn State had NO CHOICE but to fire Paterno for his role in this. Was it bad to dismiss a coach over the phone - probably. But the issues here are unprecedented in sports. Children's lives were irrevocably changed by Jerry Sandusky and these idiot rioters were protesting the dismissal of a football coach?

I said that Paterno should lose his job but i just think many people have lost touch of who the real criminal is which is Sandusky. I know people should have done more. But lets be honest its easy to say from the outside what people should have done. I mean i bet half of people would have done something and half of people would have been in shock. Not saying its right i'm just stating facts

The problem is that this is such a heinous accusation and so many people were at fault. First and foremost is the pedophile Sandusky. BTW, how in the hell did a judge let this animal out on bail? This judge's decision is idiotic.

The second most at fault is McQueary. I don't care that he reported the incident to his dad and Paterno. McQueary was 28 years old at the time and, at the very least, could have yelled out "STOP!" when he saw the attack. He could have done it from a safe distance and ran like hell - at the very least.

You're correct that none of us know how we would react to such a situation and it's easy to second guess. But there were much better options than slinking out of the locker room like a coward while still avoiding a confrontation, but making it known that Sandusky had been caught.

I agree about McQuery. However I can't say he is a bad guy since he was a young 22 year old kid at the time which would be hard to process seeing such a disgusting act. But I agree he did act cowardly but at least he went to the superiors. And the one thing I get on paterno about is that he didn't do enough but I dont think joe is a bad guy i just think he was naive about sandusky
Posted By: goombah

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 08:57 PM

Here is a story regarding the missed opportunities in which Sandusky's conduct was called into question: Who knew what about Jerry Sandusky? There were many missed chances to investigate as early as 1995

This is one small excerpt that, in my opinion, shows undeniably that McQueary could have done more for that little boy:

McQueary is a guy who once stepped in and broke up a player-related knife fight in a campus dining hall — a fight police admit could have been very ugly. But this week, he is getting blasted by the public for doing too little.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/11/11 09:44 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah

This is one small excerpt that, in my opinion, shows undeniably that McQueary could have done more for that little boy:

McQueary is a guy who once stepped in and broke up a player-related knife fight in a campus dining hall — a fight police admit could have been very ugly. But this week, he is getting blasted by the public for doing too little.

That tells me he was thinking about how interfering would effect his career.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/12/11 06:12 AM

Mcqueary was 27 or 28 when he saw that digusting act.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/12/11 07:43 AM

On CNN tonight there were saying Sandusky has been seen around town in several places. Unbelievable. Even more unbelievable is that he was given bail in the first place.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/12/11 10:42 AM

college I went to was and is often mistaken for Penn State.

I might have to start wearing my old "NOT Penn State" t shirt.


Stopped following the story because it took a more sinister twist
and I didn't think that was possible.

Just ugly case of people thinking of every and any thing EXCEPT the
safety and well being of children.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/13/11 04:18 PM

Another school admits to filing child abuse charges:

(Reuters) - In the wake of the Penn State child sex abuse scandal, another university, The Citadel military college in South Carolina, revealed on Saturday that it had investigated accusations against a camp counselor but took no action...

I have a feeling sadly, there are many more shoes to drop here. frown

Full story:

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/13/11 06:42 PM

So unless I misinterpreted that ESPN article, JoePa's legal team are devising a legal strategy using a loophole in Pennsylvania law in the inevitable civil lawsuits which amounts to arguing the victims as children had a "choice" of being molested.

You stay classy Joe.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/13/11 06:49 PM

You also stay classy, Penn State fans.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/13/11 06:52 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Another school admits to filing child abuse charges:

(Reuters) - In the wake of the Penn State child sex abuse scandal, another university, The Citadel military college in South Carolina, revealed on Saturday that it had investigated accusations against a camp counselor but took no action...

I have a feeling sadly, there are many more shoes to drop here. frown

My thoughts exactly TIS. With all the colleges in the USA, there's bound to be similar occurences. cry
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/13/11 07:05 PM

Failure for this horrific act to be reported by those who knew aside, I can understand the shock the general ppl at Penn State must feel.

A few years back at the middle school I worked with a beloved teacher who, after about 20 yrs of teaching at our school was arrested for child abuse (rape actually). We were all shocked. We ALL thought he was a caring guy who really cared for his students. Short lived rumors started a few years earlier, but nobody believed them. Turns out one of his victims was the son of one of his team, friend and co-teacher. The boy was 18 when he told his father. It was shocking. eek These two teachers were friends and the one didn't have a clue.

He was always very nice and I remember joking around with him and thinking, boy what a good teacher who always seems to have charge of his class. After this whole incident became known,and before his arrest, he called once at the school(he wasn't allowed on campus) and I just happened to be the one to answer the phone. I couldn't wait to pass on the call. I didn't want to speak to that POS. mad

Long story short, after that several more kids who were now older came forward. This teacher is in prison now and I believe serving 25/30 years.

Looking back, clues were all there but nobody saw and/or thought much of them. When you think about it, it would seem logical that these predators have jobs around young people. Doesn't make anyone who works with kids a predator, but a crime of nature something must be done.


Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/14/11 01:46 AM

Its just down right creepy. There is example after example. Children are so innocent and trusting, then some deviant goes an F's up their life. frown
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/14/11 08:08 PM

Big Ten Conference has removed JoePa's name from its conference title trophy.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/15/11 11:30 PM

Reports today, said Mike Mcqueary did get that kid out of those showers. If that's the case I owe him an apology.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 02:16 AM

Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Reports today, said Mike Mcqueary did get that kid out of those showers. If that's the case I owe him an apology.

It also contradicts the grand jury report. Sandusky's legal team are high-fiving each other.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 03:13 AM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Reports today, said Mike Mcqueary did get that kid out of those showers. If that's the case I owe him an apology.

It also contradicts the grand jury report. Sandusky's legal team are high-fiving each other.

Yes, your correct.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 06:44 PM

Reports just came out Joe Pa transferred his house at Penn St. to his wife in July. Kinda funny?

His name however is still on there shore house in Avalon, NJ.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 09:48 PM

Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Reports today, said Mike Mcqueary did get that kid out of those showers. If that's the case I owe him an apology.

It also contradicts the grand jury report. Sandusky's legal team are high-fiving each other.

Yes, your correct.

However, police state that he never contacted them.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 10:17 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Reports today, said Mike Mcqueary did get that kid out of those showers. If that's the case I owe him an apology.

It also contradicts the grand jury report. Sandusky's legal team are high-fiving each other.

Yes, your correct.

However, police state that he never contacted them.

either its a lie or more of a cover up
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/16/11 10:28 PM

I would tend to the think that the local cops are very into the Penn State brand and identity. I think they would tend to protect its sanctity and the god-head Paterno.
Posted By: ht2

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 11/17/11 06:40 AM

Penn State Univ police filed a "lengthy" police report in 1998 and submitted it to the DA. I think they would have done the same in 2002 if it was reported.

In 2002, both McQueary and Paterno informed a school official who oversees the Campus police. It's mentioned in the grand jury report and this may be what McQueary is referring to but I'm not sure.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Penn State sexual abuse scandal - 12/17/11 11:21 PM

Paterno's Testimony

What did Joe Paterno know, and when did he know it?
Today, we have some answers to the crucial question from the coach's mouth after Paterno's testimony from earlier this year — in which the now-former Penn State icon told a grand jury that he had been informed about an incident of "a sexual nature" between ex-defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky and a young boy in 2002 — was read for the first time in open court Friday.
In the testimony, Paterno said he "knew inappropriate action was taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster" after a meeting with then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary, who allegedly saw Sandusky sexually abusing a boy in a locker room shower the previous night, but did not inform police and waited at least a day to inform his boss, athletic director Tim Curley, because he "didn't want to interfere with their weekends."
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