
Manny Ramirez fails drug test. Promptly retires.

Posted By: Beth E

Manny Ramirez fails drug test. Promptly retires. - 04/09/11 01:04 AM

It's just Manny being Manny. Goodbye asshole.

Posted By: GerryLang

Re: Manny Ramirez fails drug test. Promptly retires. - 04/09/11 02:04 AM

ESPN did a story on him right before the season started on how he rededicated himself to the game and was working out like a mad man during the offseason, I guess he was getting a little help with that. He was considered one of the best right handed hitters in the history of the game a few years ago, pitchers didn't want to pitch to him. Now there is an asterik forever besides his name, like Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, etc.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Manny Ramirez fails drug test. Promptly retires. - 04/09/11 03:46 AM

Originally Posted By: GerryLang
ESPN did a story on him right before the season started on how he rededicated himself to the game and was working out like a mad man during the offseason, I guess he was getting a little help with that.

Apparently not enough, for Manny went 1-17 in his brief Devil Rays career.

Originally Posted By: GerryLang

He was considered one of the best right handed hitters in the history of the game a few years ago, pitchers didn't want to pitch to him. Now there is an asterik forever besides his name, like Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, etc.

They all threw their careers away not for a HOF plaque but for the $$$, and for the most part they all cashed in for their roid muscles were worth.

Remember when Clemens bended the Yankees over more than once for his "return" from retirement?
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