
UFC and Boxing

Posted By: Blackie

UFC and Boxing - 08/24/09 04:37 PM

Is anybody else watching the randy cotoure fight which every ufc fan has been wating for for over a decade and who else watches cotto and margurito
Posted By: Blackie

Re: UFC and Boxing - 08/24/09 06:46 PM

I also think brock lesnar has a weak record and should not have the chance to be ufc champion when other guys actually fight for real no guy with a record of 3-1 should be number one contender when otherguys have records of 48-12
Posted By: Ice

Re: UFC and Boxing - 08/25/09 09:38 PM

Mmmhm I never particularly cared for UFC, but I went home to my folks this past weekend and ended up watching a bunch of replays on TV with my little brother. And what I was trying to explain to him is that, if Lesnar met one of these martial arts trained fighters like Frank Mir in a 'real' fight, those fighters would simply try a kick to the knee cap in order to tear the ligaments and blow the knee completely out of socket. That's a move that Green Berets and other special forces use in combat. You can be the biggest guy in the world, but if someone kicks your knee cap in the right place, you're gonna fall like a ton of bricks and not walk for 4-6 months.

But, Lesner is a beast while inside the octagon. Mir made him submit from an 'ankle lock' in their first match, but in the rematch it was all Lesner power as he pummelled Frank to the ground with brute strength.

Posted By: Blackie

Re: UFC and Boxing - 08/25/09 10:14 PM

Yah but he ain't a damn veteran like these other guys even kimbo slice had a rep i mean come on fake shit don't count
Posted By: Blackie

Re: UFC and Boxing - 08/27/09 01:51 AM

silva is fighting too brazilian
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