
Steve McNair shot and killed!!!!

Posted By: Beth E

Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 09:44 PM

Holy freaking crap! As a Ravens fan, I'm gutted. frown

Former NFL quarterback McNair killed in Tennessee
AP Sports
posted: 7 MINUTES AGO

NASHVILLE, Tenn.(AP) Former NFL MVP Steve McNair has been shot and killed.
Titans owner Bud Adams confirmed the quarterback's death in a brief statement released Saturday.
Adams called him ``one of the finest players to play for our organization and one of the most beloved players by our fans. He played with unquestioned heart and leadership and led us to places that we had never reached, including our only Super Bowl.''
McNair led the Titans within a yard of forcing overtime in the 2000 Super Bowl.


Former Tennessee Titans quarterback Steve McNair has been killed, a source has confirmed to ESPN.com.

McNair, 36, suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the head in downtown Nashville, police spokesperson Don Aaron said. A female victim was also found dead. Aaron said the woman has not been identified, pending notification of next of kin.

The incident happened near 2nd South & Lea Ave in Nashville.

McNair played 13 seasons in the NFL, 11 were with the Titans. He played his final two years with the Baltimore Ravens, retiring after the 2007 season.

"We are saddened and shocked to hear the news of Steve McNair's passing today," Titans owner K.S. "Bud" Adams Jr. said in a statement. "He was one of the finest players to play for our organization and one of the most beloved players by our fans. He played with unquestioned heart and leadership and led us to places that we had never reached, including our only Super Bowl. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family as they deal with his untimely passing."

McNair was picked third overall in the 1995 draft out of Alcorn State by the then Houston Oilers.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 09:53 PM

They say its a murder-suicide with a woman...but who was the murderer?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 09:56 PM

They say that, then they say double murder. Plus, they could have been killed yesterday and just found today.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 10:09 PM

frown I always liked McNair.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 10:24 PM

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 10:26 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
They say its a murder-suicide with a woman...but who was the murderer?

I don't know how much this holds water but all the headlines say he was murdered. I'd think the cops would have evidence if he had killed himself, so if it wasn't a double murder I assume the woman killed him, then herself.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/04/09 11:49 PM

wtf...i mean it wtf is going on. just sad. great talent, and could be on the edge to make to the hall. RIP.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 12:27 AM

A few comments from Ravens players.

Derrick Mason:

“Steve was such a happy person. I even called him ‘Smile.’ He was always smiling and was always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needed it. I’ve known him for 13 years, and he was the most selfless, happiest and friendliest person I have known. His family and my family are close, and it is a blow to us all. It is a devastating day. Steve will always have a place in my heart. My family and I are hurting for his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

“On the field, there isn’t player that was as tough as him, especially at the quarterback position. What I have seen him play through on the field, and what he dealt with during the week to get ready for a game, I have never known a better teammate.”

Samari Rolle:

“Steve was the ultimate man, first of all. I played with Steve every year of my career, except for two, and got to know his family during that time. He was such a good family man. My prayers are with them at this tough time. I still can’t even believe it. To lose such a good friend and a good man so soon doesn’t make sense.

“If you were going to draw a football player, the physical part, the mental part, everything about being a professional, he is your guy. I can’t even wrap my arms around it. It is a sad, sad day. The world lost a great man today.”

Ozzie Newsome, Ravens executive vice president and general manager:

“This is so, so sad. We immediately think of his family, his boys. They are all in our thoughts and prayers. What we admired most about Steve when we played against him was his competitive spirit, and we were lucky enough to have that with us for two years. He is one of the best players in the NFL over the last 20 years... He was a great player, one of the toughest of competitors, and a tremendous teammate, who was a leader on the field and in the locker room, especially to the young players.”
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 12:31 AM

if reports are true mcnair was killed, and if it is true then it could be the woman that killed him or somebody else who got away.
i just wonder who the woman is, and what her connections to steve is.

mcnair recently opened a restraunt on the 19 as well.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 02:41 AM

Former Ravens coach Brian Billick giving an interview on McNair.

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 10:48 AM

Sad news RIP..
Posted By: goombah

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 11:18 AM

Absolutely shocking!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 12:21 PM

The girl he was found with was 20 years old. 20 years old Steve!!! If she didn't kill him then herself, it looks like someone found out about them being together and didn't like it.

Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 05:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Beth E
The girl he was found with was 20 years old. 20 years old Steve!!! If she didn't kill him then herself, it looks like someone found out about them being together and didn't like it.


reports are saying that steve has mutiple gun shots, and one gun shot in the head. the woman only has one gun shot in the head. the gun is found nearby the woman. this could a muder-suicide or a double murder that was tried to be a cover up.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 06:35 PM

Well, using my knowledge of LAW & ORDER episodes, my assumption is that she wanted him to leave his wife for her...and he wouldn't. She got mad.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 06:51 PM

or a jealous ex-boyfriend. i was reading another forum (dont know if its a rule to post other forum links or not). i guess the ex knocked the door of the place where they would die at on saturday morning. that alone makes him at the crime scene. if the time of death is saturday morning then we have another suspect.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 07:06 PM

I was surprised, I liked McNair even as a division rival.

Seems like something fishy when police say there's no suspects and they aren't looking for any though.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 07:24 PM

it shouldnt be hard to figure out who used the gun...the girlfriend or the ex boy friend. if its neither of them well then the police work is going to be alot harder then.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 09:37 PM

They did say the gun was found by her. But like it was said, the killer could have just put the gun next to her body. Forensics evidence will show if she had powder burns from firing a gun.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 09:40 PM

Forensic tests can conclusively determine that the girl fired the gun.

I was surprised to learn of his death, and shocked by the circumstances.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 09:45 PM

everybody has to be shocked...this is more shocking than jackson's death.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 09:51 PM

Well, McNair couldn't have killed her and killed himself cause he was shot 4 times. Twice in the head. I'm getting more convinced she killed them both. But what the hell would a 20 year be carrying a gun with her going to visit her lover. Unless he kept a gun there.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 09:55 PM

Here' s a picture of Steven and the girl on vacation a few months ago. As a wife, how do you not suspect something when your husband is away from you for certain amounts of time, and you don't know where they are? Do they just turn a blind eye, or just don't care?

Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 10:53 PM

beth if i heard right they are seperated not divorced or something like that. this isnt a 100% correct though.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 10:57 PM

Ok, I never heard of them being divorced or separated. That makes some difference. Although the cops said the wife was devasted.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 11:24 PM

well if you were divorced and your ex was murdered would you be devasted too. by the end of the week we will know more about this. o yea i almost forgot another thing i heard...but dont know if its true. i guess the girl friend was planning on breaking up with steve...if that is true then something went wrong (this seems like just a rumor, but you never know).
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 11:29 PM

Are you asking hyperthically, or specifically to Mrs. McNair? Me personally I'd be dancing in the street. hee hee.

I guess my thing is your reaction would vary from the death of a loving spouse to an ex. I might be sad, but not beyond consolation.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/05/09 11:36 PM

well yea it depends of how it ended i guess...like i said before we will find out the situation with his wife if they are seperated, beginning the process, or just had a blind eye. along with the situation with the gun and who fired it hopefully it is the logical one of the woman, but if its not i will pin the murders on the ex-boyfriend. but, lets just wait for that.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/06/09 11:30 AM

McNair and his wife were still very married from interviews given by people. In this New York post story the girl's sister said he promised her he'd get divorced, but there was no record of him ever filing.

She was a 20 year old sleeping with a married man and believed the oldest line in the book. So he probably told her he wasn't getting divorced....and we know the rest of the story.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/06/09 03:37 PM

McNair's funeral is set.

Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/06/09 06:02 PM

well if that is true then how the hell didnt the wife know? but, yea more than likely the woman got pissed shot him up then killed her self.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/06/09 06:14 PM

That goes back to my earlier post questioning how Steve's wife could just blindly go on as if he's not around for certain blocks of time. Where did he tell her he was at when he was with the girlfriend?

A cousin of the girl is reported she recently purchased a gun. Ok, what does a 20 year old with no visible reason to fear for her life buy a gun?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/06/09 06:20 PM

she could had bought the gun for protection from a ex boyfriend who cant get over her. if its not that then we may never know. the woman and god knows the motive we wont sadly.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/07/09 12:17 AM

What I really find strange about the gun is she just purchased it Thursday night. Then she met up with him Saturday and killed both of them. I think she planned this.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/07/09 12:21 AM

if it was planned then they broked up before thursday...then if the condo was hers she invited him there, and maybe tried to get back together. he didnt want to, so she kills him...then her self. if it was his condo then for some reason mcnair let her in, and she might had tried to get back together. it does make sense, and its sad that a 20 year old has to end it that way, and before she would end her life she had to take his life and ruin his family life as well.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/07/09 01:43 PM


Just heard this. What a surprise and a shame.

Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/08/09 08:24 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Police: Shootings a murder-suicide
Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Police confirmed Wednesday that ex-NFL star Steve McNair's 20-year-old girlfriend killed him before turning the gun on herself.

They said they may never know what was going through Sahel Kazemi's mind when she shot McNair in his condominium early Saturday, but interviews with friends led detectives to conclude she was becoming increasingly distraught over events in her life, including financial problems. Police said she also suspected McNair was seeing another woman.

Police earlier had labeled McNair's death a homicide, but awaited further tests and investigation before saying for sure what happened.

At one point, Kazemi told an associate that her "personal life was all screwed up," Police Chief Ronal Serpas said. She had mounting debts and had been unable to sell her car. Her roommate was moving, which would have doubled her rent.

"We do know that she was clearly sending a message during the last five to seven days of her life that things were going bad quickly," Serpas said, though there was no indication she told anyone she planned to harm McNair.

Serpas said police believe McNair was asleep on a sofa when Kazemi shot him in the head. She then apparently shot him twice in the chest before shooting him again in the head and then shooting herself.

McNair, a quarterback for the Tennessee Titans most of his career, was shot at a condo he rented with another man. The gun was found underneath Kazemi.

Kazemi's family told reporters that the woman was so confident McNair was divorcing his wife of 12 years that she was preparing to sell her furniture and move in with him.

But associate Mike Mu, who has worked with McNair's charitable association for years, said McNair's wife, Mechelle McNair, "didn't know who this girl is." No records of divorce proceedings have surfaced.

Two days before the shooting, police stopped Kazemi driving the Escalade sport utility vehicle that McNair gave her for her birthday in May.

According to an arrest affidavit, Kazemi had bloodshot eyes and alcohol on her breath. She refused a breath test and told an officer "she was not drunk, she was high." She was charged with DUI. McNair was with her but not charged. He later made her bail.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/08/09 09:16 PM

would that 'other' woman be his wife?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/08/09 10:01 PM

So this cuckoo broad is cheating with a married man, which makes her a pig in my book, then she has the gall to be surprised and angered when he's cheating behind her back with someone else? What'd she expect?

What a ridiculous reason to end a man's life and to take him away from his children.

Hell hath no fury like a 20 year old adulteress scorned, huh?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/08/09 10:11 PM

can you still brand a woman with a capital 'A'?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/09/09 12:47 AM

PB, let me get this straight. He's married for 12 years and a father of four. He is having an affair with a 20 year old girl, 16 years younger than he is, and has allegedly led her to believe that he's going to leave his wife for her.

And SHE'S the pig?? Like there's no chance that, since she was a a young, single waitress, he might have dazzled her a bit with his fame and his money, and taken a little-bitty-bit advantage of HER???
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/09/09 10:50 PM

In what can only be eerie irony, Steve taped a public service announcement not long ago to air in Tennessee. It was about Suicide prevention geared towards young people. Of course, it won't air now.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/09/09 10:54 PM

it will be on youtube soon enough
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 12:15 AM

I'm watching the memorial service online now. I swear, if this woman praying says "God" one more time I'll shoot myself.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 12:20 AM

another thing that escaped my mind was that when ever somebody makes a comment or comerical it always hunt them (i.e james dean with a drive safety commerical, john wayne with cancer, steve mcnair, and others)
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 12:29 AM

Yeah, James' Dean's was very fore seeing: "Be careful out there. The life you save could be mine". Or maybe not.

In non sports related MJ's final concert was befitting. "This is it". You can't get more "it" than death.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 12:45 AM

sadly by the looks of that it was going to be good...but, yea weird coresidnece seems to bite back. dean had two one with that famous commercial, and another made by an actor (best known as obi-wan) who told dean that "if you get in that thing (little basterd) you will die in a week" or something like that...a week later he crashed and sadly didnt make it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 06:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
PB, let me get this straight. He's married for 12 years and a father of four. He is having an affair with a 20 year old girl, 16 years younger than he is, and has allegedly led her to believe that he's going to leave his wife for her.

And SHE'S the pig?? Like there's no chance that, since she was a a young, single waitress, he might have dazzled her a bit with his fame and his money, and taken a little-bitty-bit advantage of HER???

Don't get me wrong, Babe. I honestly didn't mean to come off as sexist, because it easily could have been a 36 year old woman, cheating on her husband with a 20 year old man-child, and I would have said the same thing (that the 20 year old was a pig). Plus, McNair was clearly an adulterer himself. And not to sound cold-hearted, but when you play, you pay.

But about the girl: ANYONE who gets involved with a married person, male or female, is an adulterer. And not to sound Holier than thou, but it's wrong. Breaking up a marriage is wrong. Taking a man or a woman away from their children is wrong. Divorce hurts enough without knowing that your father was off banging some 20 year old star-struck tartlet.

You're right, McNair was wrong. DEAD wrong (pardon the tacky pun). But when it comes to the girl, I'm sticking to my guns. She was a pig.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 06:51 PM

She was a pig. Absolutely. But I think a 36 year old man is held to more higher level than a 20 year old. Most 20 years olds barely have left their mother's bossoms.

As far as her taking him away from his family...the minute he stuck his penis inside another woman HE took himself away from his family.

I still feel sorry for the wife, but you're not gonna tell me that if a woman's husband is off on vacations at different times the wife doens't KNOW something. She's either the dumbest bitch alive, or they had some kind of don't ask/don't tell policy.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 07:02 PM

Again, I am NOT defending him. The man fucked around and paid the price. I'm going to stop short at saying he got what was coming to him, because I don't believe in taking another life. But I'll say this again, When you play, you pay.

Plus, cheating with a woman so much younger makes McNair look even worse than if she was his own age. It has a devastating effect on the wife. I've read that women from 35-50 are the most vulnerable and insecure demographic in the entire world, due to their self-consciousness about their changing bodies. It's a real kick in the ass when your husband goes out and validates all of your fears by shtupping some 20 year old harpy.

I'm not just saying this, but I can't even imagine being attracted to a 20 year old woman. It borders on pedophelia.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 07:14 PM

They're both pieces of shit. It just bugs me when the woman who sleeps with the married man is accused of "taking him from his family". He took himself from his family. Her crime was killing the man, he didin't deserve that. But the blame of the family being "left" lies squarely on his shoulders.

My feeling is if he kept the penis in his pants except for his wife he'd still be alive today. I feel no sympathy for cheaters...of either sex.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/10/09 07:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Beth E
They're both pieces of shit.

We agree, Bethee. I should have worded it better.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/11/09 12:53 AM

Beth, I'd have to say that his wife probably liked being "Mrs. McNair" and all the benefits that came with it. That was her part of the deal - she turned a blind eye and he paid her platinum Amex.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Steve McNair shot and killed!!!! - 07/11/09 01:29 AM

Originally Posted By: Beth E
As far as her taking him away from his family...the minute he stuck his penis inside another woman HE took himself away from his family.

I think it was before that when he got the idea to cheat in the big head.
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