
10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King)

Posted By: Don Sicilia

10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 02:03 PM

1 - I've been watching more basketball this post-season than I have been in the last few years combined. Starting with Bulls-Celts series and all through the current divisional championship series, the games have been pretty entertaining and exciting.

2 - A few thoughts...
- LeBron is fast becoming my favorite post-Jordan basketball player. He completely dominated last night's game with a 32 point stretch in the 3rd and 4th quarters in which he had a hand in ALL of the points (either through scoring or assisting).
- For a superstar, Dwight Howard is lacking in polish in the post. He's compared often to Shaq in the way he bulls over people, but he's not as big as Shaq so I don't know how effective he will be once the pounding starts to take its toll.
- J.R. Smith just bugs me. All preening. Not much substance.

3 – I’m not much of a fast food eater, but I can’t get enough of Arby’s. That fake roast beef and the Arby’s sauce make for some good eating. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like Arby’s and I don’t know if I want to. wink

4 – The current tenuousness the market is in bugs me. Are we in a bear market recovery? Have we hit bottom?

5 – Some may link it to the evolution of technology, but the disappearance of newspapers makes me a bit sad. Some of my quiet and peaceful times during high school and college were spent eating breakfast while reading the sports section of the newspaper. All print media is disappearing because they have lost the user to the internet. Google now owns the user.

6 – On a related topic, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter make for interesting business cases. They definitely have the users. They just don’t know how to make money off of them. For these sites to make money, users generally have to click on the ads that they post. They make no money if users don’t. I just like to play online Scrabble.

7 – On another related topic, click early and click often on the ads found here on the GBB. wink

Some fantasy sports-related ones…

8 – My latest pet peeve… Pitchers I own facing each other. It’s maddening. You know that no good can come of it. Best case, they both do well and one of them gets the win. Worst case, they both get shellacked. What usually happens – they both give up three or four runs and no-decisions for both. Like I said, it’s maddening and it’s happened four or five times already to me this season, one during interleague play. Interleague play! Seriously? Really?... Deep breath… Move on to the next one… Nothing to see here folks.

9 – If you’ve read this far, here’s my pitch for you to join one of the fantasy sports games here on the GBB. They’re fun (most of the time). They’re relaxing (most of the time). You'll defintely meet some great people. And best of all, you can make fun of JG and he won’t ban you because we call it “trash talking.” [finger quotes firmly in the air] tongue If you don’t find a game here that you play, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

10 – She was a big hit in the fantasy baseball thread so just for the heck of it… Megan Fox. wink

Posted By: Mark

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 02:29 PM

Don Sicilia, BTW - happy belated birthday...an explanation to post a pic of Megan Fox is never necessary smile. Thank you!
Posted By: goombah

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 03:13 PM

I like this idea, Don Sicilia!

1. LeBron has been amazing this postseason, stepping up his game much like a superstar should. I still say that today, at this point, Kobe is slightly better. LeBron is stronger and faster, but Kobe has a more consistent jumper and is better from the free-throw line. LeBron is only 24 and can still improve his game, which is frightening to consider he could be better uhwhat. He's a joy to watch because of his unselfish play. The only criticism I have of LeBron is that he whines a lot about fouls called on himself or a lack of a whistle being blown.

2. I am still sickened by the sight of Ben Roethlisberger at the Quicken Loans Arena last night. Get his ass out of Cleveland or at least charge him $100,000 for the seat. sick

3. For my money, 30 Rock is the funniest sitcom on network TV since Seinfeld. Can't wait for the best show on cable, Curb Your Enthusiasm, to air Season 7 sometime this year.

4. I miss the anticipation of what will happen next on The Sopranos.

5. I am in better shape physically at 38 than I was at any point in my 20s. It's amazing how wanting to stay healthy to watch your kids grow up changes your perpective on everything.

6. Only about 6 weeks until some of the fantasy football publications will be out in full force. Most drafts will be happening in about 90 days.

7. I heard that the USA Today ran the point spreads this week for the Week One NFL Games being played September 13th. The Browns are 3 point home dogs to the Vikings... lol

8. The MLB season needs to be shortened to 144 games and the NBA regular season to 60 games. It's ridiculous that teams are playing in artic weather for baseball in April and October, when 90% of the season is spent played in non-impactful weather. For the NBA, I've ranted about this much before. But the gist is 3 months of playoffs is too long, particularly when the NBA factors in all those days off in the early rounds. I also think the NBA should be back to a Best-of-Five format for the first round.

9. I am looking forward to the Wimbeldon tournament in several weeks. They will have a tough time topping the epic men's final won by Nadal in 2008.

10. I saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in New Jersey last weekend. I drove with a buddy to D.C. and then over to NJ. Springsteen is going to be 60 years old this year and still has the energy and enthusiasm of musicians in their 20s. He plays with as much joy today as he probably did when he was a teen. They will be the last musical act to play Giants Stadium this coming October. I am predicting right now guest appearances at those shows by Bob Dylan, Southside Johnny, and probably (ick) Bon Jovi.

Does anybody really think that Michael Jackson will play more than 2/3 of the shows he has booked? I see it ending badly for the so-called King of Pop.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 03:15 PM

DS, I sorely missed the "10 Things". Hope to see more of them.

Oh, and you don't have to play fantasy sports to make fun of JG. I think it's just sort of natural, isn't it? confused
Posted By: Beth E

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 03:47 PM

I like I like when DB does his I think I think. :-)

As far as fantasy games being fun and relaxing....where's that crying baby picture when you need it? hee hee.

Seriously, where IS that crying baby picture? I miss it.
Posted By: goombah

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 05:09 PM

I revise mine. I think I'd like to see 10 more pictures of this Megan Fox hottie... grin

What the hell is she doing in that picture anyway, fixing the fuel injector?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 05:15 PM

Fuel injector...a nice play on words.
Posted By: goombah

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 06:08 PM

Yeah, kind of figured that would be more subtle than something like "johnson rod"... wink
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Mark
Don Sicilia, BTW - happy belated birthday...an explanation to post a pic of Megan Fox is never necessary smile. Thank you!

Thanks Mark. Another Chicago guy, right?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Oh, and you don't have to play fantasy sports to make fun of JG. I think it's just sort of natural, isn't it? confused

Pretty much. wink

JG really is a good sport. smile
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 06:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Beth E
Seriously, where IS that crying baby picture? I miss it.

You mean this one?

Posted By: Beth E

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 06:58 PM

That one was cute. I was thinking of the one where the kid's hands are up and he's screaming his head off. haha.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 07:00 PM

Great list goombah!

Originally Posted By: goombah
6. Only about 6 weeks until some of the fantasy football publications will be out in full force. Most drafts will be happening in about 90 days.

OH NOOOOO!! panic lol
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 07:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Beth E
That one was cute. I was thinking of the one where the kid's hands are up and he's screaming his head off. haha.

I know exactly which one you're thinking about, but I can't seem to find it.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 09:28 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah

The only criticism I have of LeBron is that he whines a lot about fouls called on himself or a lack of a whistle being blown.

I have the same pet peeve, not only for LeBron, but for any player who has never committed a foul EVER. Don't think I'm not talking about you, Tim Duncan.
Posted By: Mark

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 09:42 PM

Thanks Mark. Another Chicago guy, right?

Affirmative, Don Sicilia. The Chicago way - nothing like it! smile
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 10:06 PM

I'll try to give it a go:

1. The silliest, most misleading and useless statistic in sports is quarterback rating. It makes mediocre quarterbacks, whose teams fall behind by 24 points, look like stars when they throw for 200 yards in the fourth quarter when the defense is giving him the yards. It also doesn't differentiate between interceptions at the end of a half or game or when the qb is desperately trying to win from the bonehead picks.

2. Some basball thoughts:
Since I've been watching baseball, Bert Blyleven has had the best curve ball. It's an outrage that he is not in the Hall of Fame.
Johnny Cueto of the Reds is going to be a huge pitching star in the major leagues.
The best baseball book I've read is The Glory of Their Times by Lawrence Ritter.
I love the all-star game, but letting home field advantage for the World Series ride on it is silly and gimmicky. Half the players in the game don't reasonably anticipate playing in the series.

3. Sports media personalities, whose egos surpass their talent include Chris Berman, Stuart Scott, Dan Patrick, Bob Ryan and Mike Lupica. I generally tune these people out. I think the most informative and original personalities at ESPN are Tony Kornheiser, Peter Gammons, Colin Cowherd. I also like Scott Van Pelt.

4. It still sparks a childhood interest and sense of wonder whenever I see a cardinal or a blue jay. They usually hold my attention until they fly away.

5. Benedict Arnold, treason and treachery aside, was the most skilled and effective general of the Revolutionary War. He'd have been one of the most honored names in American history from that era if he had not conspired to hand over West Point.

6. Blibbleblabble strikes me as a guy, who doesn't have a temper. He'd be a great social worker. Goombah seems like a very organized person, and would make a great middle school or high school teacher.

7. I'm not a big Penn State fan even though I'm from PA, but Joe Paterno is the greatest single figure in the history of college sports. After he retires (or passes), the winner of the national championship game should receive the "Paterno Trophy."

8. Lawn work always takes a lot longer to do than it first looks. When I first bought a home and property, I felt as though I really owned something, bot the longer I own property, the more I realize the property owns me.

9. It's amazing how Kobe Bryant resurrected his image when several years agoit looked as though he might be going to jail for a very long time. It didn't affect his play, the endorsements returned, and his jersey was the biggest seller in the league this year.

10. No matter what gets posted in this thread, it's going to be awfully hard to top Don Sicilia's picture of Megan Fox. If I came upon that sight while driving down the highway, I'd stop to check under her hood and offer assistance...even though I know very little about cars.
Posted By: Mark

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/29/09 10:29 PM

Okay, here's my try...
"10 dings I dink I dink" -
1. Manny Ramirez joins Jose Canseco in the hall of shame.
2. Lawn work indeed gets tougher every year...2 antihistamines, 4 advil, and vaporub just to mow my lawn?!? WTF?!?
3. My Chicago Blackhawks purposely lost to Detroit in order for Klydon's Penguins to gain revenge!
4. Who in their right mind can root for a hockey team who consistently wastes good squid by throwing it on the ice! (Detroit Redwings)
5. I'm in the mood for some calamari fritti but the Redwing fans have wasted all of them!
6. My Bulls should have beat those darn Celtics in the NBA playoffs!
7. The Cubs, Carlos Zambrano and the White Sox, Ozzie Guillen should go to anger management classes on a 2 for 1 special.
8. Turnbull is the old man on top of "Godfather Mountain" answering all questions we may have.
9. I agree with Klydon about DS posting a pic of Megan Fox, it will be hard to top. However, please feel free to try...
10. This is the best BB I have ever been on.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/30/09 12:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Mark
2. Lawn work indeed gets tougher every year...2 antihistamines, 4 advil, and vaporub just to mow my lawn?!? WTF?!?

I'd rather mow the grass and work in the garden than shovel snow.
Originally Posted By: Mark
10. This is the best BB I have ever been on.

I agree 110% plus it's the only one I'm on and ever want to be on.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 05/31/09 06:56 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
I'll try to give it a go:

1. The silliest, most misleading and useless statistic in sports is quarterback rating. It makes mediocre quarterbacks, whose teams fall behind by 24 points, look like stars when they throw for 200 yards in the fourth quarter when the defense is giving him the yards. It also doesn't differentiate between interceptions at the end of a half or game or when the qb is desperately trying to win from the bonehead picks.

Posted By: klydon1

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/01/09 02:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: klydon1
I'll try to give it a go:

1. The silliest, most misleading and useless statistic in sports is quarterback rating. It makes mediocre quarterbacks, whose teams fall behind by 24 points, look like stars when they throw for 200 yards in the fourth quarter when the defense is giving him the yards. It also doesn't differentiate between interceptions at the end of a half or game or when the qb is desperately trying to win from the bonehead picks.


Thanks, longneck. I''ll find some time to look that over in detail.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/01/09 02:57 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
5. Benedict Arnold, treason and treachery aside, was the most skilled and effective general of the Revolutionary War. He'd have been one of the most honored names in American history from that era if he had not conspired to hand over West Point.

The place where Andre and Arnold met to conspire, which eventually was where Andre was held until his trial, is now a restaurant near my house. The history of the place is interesting, but the food isn't very good. However, due to its interesting background, it's a very successful restaurant.

Right near it is where Andre was hanged. There are now houses all around it, but in the middle of the street is a plaque, explaining that it was where the hanging took place. There was a very pretty house for sale there when we were looking, but it seemed a little creepy to me.

Posted By: klydon1

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/01/09 04:10 PM

Thanks, SB. It looks like an interesting and fascinating place. What an historical event that is.
Posted By: goombah

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/12/09 12:42 PM

1. I'm looking forward to the Detroit-Pitt Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight.

2. I think Grady Sizemore will be sidelined until late August with his elbow injury.

3. The punch in the mouth Boston just threw at the Yanks, bringing the Red Sox record to 8-0 this season against their rivals, was quite a statement.

4. The rumors of Mike Brown being out as Cleveland's coach were of the unsubstantiated internet variety - nothing more. Pat Riley is NOT coming to Cleveland. While not an elite coach (IMHO), Mike Brown would have 3 or more job offers tomorrow if he were fired in Cleveland. Furthermore, LeBron and Cavs owner Dan Gilbert do not want a new coach as a distraction in LeBron's upcoming final contract season.

5. The Kansas City Royals are now playing like the KC Royals we all are used to for the past 15 years.

6. Nice bricks you layed when you could have put the game away, Dwight Howard.

7. I've heard some interesting discussion about Phil Jackson's legacy being tainted by having superstars on his roster. One astute ESPN radio commentator said, quite correctly, that Red Auerbach had a similar luxury of superstars: Bill Russell, Tom Heinson, and Havlicek. No one disputes Auerbach's status as an all-time great coach.

8. It was smart of Sanchez to sign with the Jets rather than have a circus-styled holdout.

9. The NBA playoffs may mercifully will come to an end as early as Sunday night or as late as next Thursday. Either way, the postseason is 1/3 as long as the regular season.

10. Please no more Brett Favre stories. We have all had enough. Do your Levi's commercials and spend time with your family instead of the soap opera drama.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/12/09 07:48 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
4. The rumors of Mike Brown being out as Cleveland's coach were of the unsubstantiated internet variety - nothing more. Pat Riley is NOT coming to Cleveland. While not an elite coach (IMHO), Mike Brown would have 3 or more job offers tomorrow if he were fired in Cleveland. Furthermore, LeBron and Cavs owner Dan Gilbert do not want a new coach as a distraction in LeBron's upcoming final contract season.

Current feeling locally that LeBron stays past next year?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/12/09 07:50 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
10. Please no more Brett Favre stories. We have all had enough. Do your Levi's commercials and spend time with your family instead of the soap opera drama.

Totally agree. The media keep complaining about his yearly drama - then stop covering it!
Posted By: goombah

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/12/09 11:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
Originally Posted By: goombah
4. The rumors of Mike Brown being out as Cleveland's coach were of the unsubstantiated internet variety - nothing more. Pat Riley is NOT coming to Cleveland. While not an elite coach (IMHO), Mike Brown would have 3 or more job offers tomorrow if he were fired in Cleveland. Furthermore, LeBron and Cavs owner Dan Gilbert do not want a new coach as a distraction in LeBron's upcoming final contract season.

Current feeling locally that LeBron stays past next year?

The Cleveland sports cynic in me says he bolts. But I cannot see him going to NY or NJ if he truly wants to win. Those teams would be starting over. But what I have not heard is what if he goes somewhere like L.A.? I'm sure Kobe would hate splitting the touches, but they could probably win 6 titles in a row with that tandem. eek

I do think it's a complete myth that he would leave for NY because of the endorsements. How much more publicity can LeBron get based upon his geography? He's already with Nike, the Vitamin Water, and his jersey is a best seller. NY is not going to give him exponentially more publicity than he already has.

If you ask me this question once per month until this time next year, I will give twelve different answers.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/13/09 03:27 AM

Originally Posted By: goombah

I do think it's a complete myth that he would leave for NY because of the endorsements.

100% true. He's bigger - much bigger - than Madison Ave. He doesn't need NY. NY needs him. He'll get all the endorsements he wants wherever he goes.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/17/09 09:52 PM

I agree with you both. LeBron doesn't need NY to get to his desired station in life ("global icon" - an answer that I still can't believe that he gave with a straight face. lol )
Posted By: klydon1

Re: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) - 06/19/09 05:30 AM

A baseball version:

1. Minor league baseball is the best entertainment value out there. Fans get to see AA and AAA players make the same great plays (though not as often as MLB players, and the admission and concessions are much more economical. Also, many of the minor league parks, though smaller than their MLB counterparts, are much more charming.

2. This year's College World Series may be the best I've ever seen. I'm taking LSU to top Texas for the championship even though Arkansas and Arizona St. have been reslient. If the MLB draft were held next week, instead of last week, some team would have gobbled up Kole Calhoun, the stout, baby-faced lefty slugger.

3. I'm really looking forward to the return of John Smoltz, who's been one of the fiercest competitors I've ever seen. That at 42 he can miss a year with a serious shoulder injury and work his way back speaks of the fire that burns within. He is without a doubt my favorite player outside of Philadelphia.

4. Speaking of old pitchers on the Red Sox, the pitch that Tim Wakefield threw to strike out a frozen Cody Ross the other night was one of the nastiest pitches I've ever seen. Ross thought the pitch was above his eyes, but it ended up a strike at below the waist on the inside corner. It was amazing that the catcher caught it. It couldn't have dropped more if it had rolled off a table.

5. If I had to put together a lineup among the players I remember seeing play from about 1973 to the present, it would be:

1. Rickey Henderson (LF)
2. Joe Morgan (2B)
3. Ken Griffey, Jr. (CF)
4. Mike Schmidt (3B)
5. Reggie Jackson (RF)
6. Alex Rodriguez (SS)
7. Willie Stargell (1B)
8. Johnny Bench (C)

I would round out the position players with Pete Rose (3B, 2B, 1B, LF, RF); Ozzie Smith (SS); Dale Murphy (OF); Ivan Rodriguez (C); Barry Bonds (OF); George Brett(IF).

My rotation in no particular order would be:

Greg Maddux, Steve Carlton, Pedro Martinez, Tom Seaver, and Randy Johnson (I picked Johnson over Schilling and Smoltz because I wanted another lefty).

The bullpen would be Bruce Sutter, Dennis Eckersley, Mariano Rivera, Rich Gossage, and John Hiller.

Who better to manage the team than Sparky Anderson.

6. I'd subtract a couple years off my life to be able to view live games in every decade. I'd most be interested inthe 1900s -1930s.

7. Youth baseball leagues, especially travel teams, have been exploding. My sons play ball and my 14 year old son plays on a travel team that does about 4 tournaments within a 120 mile radius when his regular season ends in July. It's almost scary listening to some of the parents of 12-14 year olds, talking about moving and changing schools or missing school so that their kids can play more baseball.

8. I think the Reds and Giants have the best teams that nobody (except Blibbleblabble) knows about. I think the Giants have the pitching to stay in the playoff race. I think the NL Central is going to have the most fascinating pennant race in baseball.

9. Joba Chamberlain may be the most important player on the Yankee roster. Sabathia's the ace, but Pettitte seems old and fading, Burnett has had more failures, disappointment and injuries than successes in his career, Wang is farther out of orbit than david Ortiz ever was this year, so Chamberlain has to be the consistent, dependable guy to prevevent losing streaks and eat innings.

10. I'm a big believer that baseball teams should be built around pitching and defense with the most important position players being catcher, SS and CF. It is far easier to find good hitting than it is to find good pitching. I don't believe in guarding the lines in the 9th inning with a lead, but I nevertheless believe in the "no-doubles outfield" when leading by 1 with a runner on base in the ninth. I think too much is made of "pitch count", and too little of the hit-and-run. I also believe that the most underrated manager in baseball is Jim Tracy; the most overrated is Lou Piniella. And now for the shocker...George W. Bush would be an excellent Commissioner of Baseball.
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