
ARod's Number 1 choice

Posted By: Don Lights

ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 05:16 AM

I just heard from various sources, espn yahoo news, etc. that free agent Baseball player Alex Rodriguez(spelling?) is showing a lot of interest in joining the boston red sox. ARod commented that he feels the Red Sox can win multiple championship titles in the upcoming years.

As a fan of Boston Red Sox, yeah he would be great to add to the team roster. However, his salary is very high and he disappointed many Yankee fans in this past season. I feel Boston Red Sox has a lot of new upcoming players through their ranks that could be very good. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of this will play out.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 05:23 AM

Alex could care less about Championships. All he cares about is money. He'll go where Boras tells him to go, which will be the highest bidder.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 05:55 AM

And I hope the Giants are the biggest suckers!... we have nobody coming up through the ranks. The Red Sox don't need him.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 08:39 PM

How about the Mets. Omar Minaya has been trying build an all Latino team. A-Rod and Posada in place of David Wright and Paul LaDuca.

A-Rod to the R-Sox would be like replacing the curse of the Bambino. With A-Rod, they would be guaranteed to not make the Series.
Posted By: SC

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 08:43 PM

 Originally Posted By: MaryCas
A-Rod to the R-Sox would be like replacing the curse of the Bambino. With A-Rod, they would be guaranteed to not make the Series.

I don't think so. It'd just guarantee they wouldn't WIN the series.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 09:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: MaryCas
How about the Mets. Omar Minaya has been trying build an all Latino team. A-Rod and Posada in place of David Wright and Paul LaDuca.

A-Rod to the R-Sox would be like replacing the curse of the Bambino. With A-Rod, they would be guaranteed to not make the Series.

They were talking about the Mets and A-Rod on WFAN last week. The Mets are one of the few teams that might supposedly be interested in him, that haven't haven't denied interest. It's fairly certain the Mets will inquire about him, but I don't think they'll be offering him $300 million. As for Wright, he'll definitely be playing somewhere for the Mets next year either way. He'll move to 1st base, and then possibly left field in 2009. There's also the chance the Mets move Reyes either in a trade for a #1 pitcher, or move him back to 2nd base again, to make room for A-rod to play short.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 09:12 PM

Wright is a very good defensive thirdbaseman from what I've seen of him. If the Mets end up with A-Rod (as they were supposed to seven years ago), my guess is that he'll move back to shortstop, and Reyes to second.

Isn't Delgado signed through next season?
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: ARod's Number 1 choice - 11/05/07 09:17 PM

Delgado has one more year. They would have to try and trade him. As for Wright, he's fairly solid defensively, but his throwing can be wild at times. Almost all his errors are throwing errors.
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