
The Kansas City Royals Thread *DELETED* *DELETED*

Posted By: Partagas

The Kansas City Royals Thread *DELETED* *DELETED* - 04/21/06 10:51 AM

Post deleted by Partagas
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/21/06 10:55 AM

When I read the "NOT" I felt quite a bit better Partagas. I thought, that you were mocking me there for a second, brother.lol! Er...uh...The Royals had George Brett once upon a time, way back, when. I think that whenever a Royal fan is feeling down, he should think about Hall Of Famer George Brett, and then calm down. That's what I would do, if I was a Royal fan. I thank Allah Almighty God that I'm not, every day and night, but hey, that's just me. And I'm entitled to my entitlements. :p

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/21/06 04:37 PM

You could always call it the St. Louis "we can never seem to beat houston astros" Cardinals thread :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/21/06 06:05 PM

I was like... WTF?

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/21/06 11:27 PM

Twice, the past 2 years in the NLCS if I'm correct
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/21/06 11:47 PM

Oh yes you are correct
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
You could always call it the St. Louis "we can never seem to beat houston astros" Cardinals thread :p
I must be dreaming. I always thought Houston was rock-bottom. I must just be interpreting this incorrectly.

Originally posted by Partagas:
ahahahaha -- lost to them one time and they get a big head!
No big head here. :p No, really, I've developed an awful lot of respect for your team, and I'd never assume a win against them. Pujols is a beast, and it's just an all-around great set of guys.

I still can't believe we've never (?) had a general MLB thread, but I suppose all of us homers would turn it into a Yankees/Toronto/Cardinals/Astros/Dodgers/Padres/Mets love fest. Not to mention that annoying diehard KC fan going on and on. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Double-J

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 03:55 PM

Go Pirates! :p
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:
Bottom line for the Royals -- owner David Glass runs the Royals like he does Wal Mart -- pay the players minimum wage and stuff his pockets with the cash!
THANK YOU! And that's what's wrong with baseball because teams like the Royals will be the first to complain that the Yankees spend too much money, they're a monopology, etc. etc. etc. Hey, do what King George does in New York, spend the money, get some players and together a professional team (high school or collegiate teams don't count)
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:
My remedy for baseball:
1. Contract about 10 teams
I've got a couple of teams in mind (in no order)
1) Boston Red Sox
2) Houston Astros
3) Texas Rangers
4) Atlanta Braves
5) Arizona Diamondbacks
6) Los Angelos Dodgers
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 11:38 PM

I know I know. That was just my "wish list" of teams that would disappear. But you're right, KC, Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, etc. should be done away with
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 11:45 PM

Irish, and Part, I see your point and pardon me but Fuck that! What about Royal, Devil Ray, Pirate, Brewer and Marlin fans? I was freakin pissed when Montreal went South but I dealt with it. What are fans of these teams gonna do when they just disappear? I say MLB and the owners of these teams do what they gotta do to make it work or they should independently give up and seek new ownership. There's a lot of rich Baseball fans in Kansas City, Tampa, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Miami.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/22/06 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Irish, and Part, I see your point and pardon me but Fuck that! What about Royal, Devil Ray, Pirate, Brewer and Marlin fans? I was freakin pissed when Montreal went South but I dealt with it. What are fans of these teams gonna do when they just disappear? I say MLB and the owners of these teams do what they gotta do to make it work or they should independently give up and seek new ownership. There's a lot of rich Baseball fans in Kansas City, Tampa, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Miami.
To be quite honest and this is my opinion, but what are fans doing for the teams now? Are they supporting them? I don't believe so. If they were, than management should have more money to put into the team instead of having a payroll under $20 million this year (a la the Florida Marlins). I understand where you're coming from as a fan, but sometimes in business you need to "cut the fat" as they say
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/23/06 12:19 AM

Yeah, I see what you're saying and I agree, and this is what gets me. Do people in these locales like Baseball? Yes or No? I mean if they do, then go and support your frikkin team! If not then they shouldn't care if the teams fold.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/23/06 04:11 PM

It seems Marlin fans don't support the team either or else they wouldn't have had their 2nd "fire sale" in the last decade
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/23/06 10:21 PM

Yeah, about K.C. I understand as Toronto is Hockey City for the most part. If you don't root for The Maple Leafs (I'm a fan of my hometown team anyways) you will get publicly disrespected. However the Miami situation is mystifying to me because the team has won two W.S. Championships in such a short span of time.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/23/06 10:42 PM

I guess people who live in Miami are more interested in basketball (the Heat) and/or football (the Dolphins)
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/24/06 12:02 AM

Yes but why is the payroll so low? Are fans not supporting the team or are the owners pocketing the profits?
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/24/06 12:29 AM

Alright say that the owners in Fla. (still Loria?) are turning a profit? Why are they talkin about moving the team to Las Vegas or wherever the hell?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/24/06 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Alright say that the owners in Fla. (still Loria?) are turning a profit? Why are they talkin about moving the team to Las Vegas or wherever the hell?
To scare the state/county into building a stadium.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 04/24/06 02:40 AM

I hope that the State/County and/or whoever else is responsible, is sufficiently scared enough to build the best stadium they can in the greater Miami area for The Marlins only cuz a team that has won two World Series in what 10 years, deserves a real home. The Marlins should stay in Fla. just like The Expos should have stayed in Montreal.
Posted By: Don Alessandrio

Re: The Kansas City Royals Thread - 10/14/06 04:42 PM

What MLB should do is what the English Premier League does. The worst team gets sent down a notch, and the best team in the lower gets elevated. Imagine if the Royals got sent down to AAA and the best AAA team gets to play in Kansas City for the next year. Or Kansa City gets demoted to AAA and the best national team from another country gets to play in KC for a year. Imagine if KC wasn't th ebest team in AAA that year and had to stay 2 years.
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