
Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin

Posted By: Don Jasani

Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/12/06 03:04 AM

Anyone who follows Hockey even casually is probably sick and tired of hearing these two names, but, for better or worse, these two guys are the future of the game. One, is a good looking, 18-year-old, Nova Scotian who has been labelled by nearly every Hockey pundit in North America as "The Next One." The other is a no nonsense, 21-year-old, Muscovite, scoring machine who many think will win The Calder Trophy for Rookie Of the Year. Who do you think is the better player right now, who has the most potential, who is the better goal scorer, who is the better playmaker, who is the better team leader and who will have the better stat. sheet when their careers are long over?

My vote goes to Crosby for several reasons, some of them are: He's CANADIAN!, he's younger than Ovechkin and in my opinion has more potential, also in my opinion he has more and better leadership qualities than Ovechkin, he is a better playmaker and has better ice presence than Ovechkin and he has the potential to be a better goal scorer than Ovechkin. I also believe he is a better all around talent and athlete than Ovechkin and I think that he will win more individual and team accolades than Ovechkin. Also, I have 4 of his McDonald's Rookie Cards.
Don't get me wrong, Ovechkin is a phenomenal talent and if I could afford any of his cards or memorabilia I would most definitely get them. Ovechkin will most assuredly be the Mario Lemieux to Crosby's Wayne Gretzky and the two of them will dominate the National Hockey League for many years to come.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/12/06 01:15 PM

Thomas Vanek, who has been ignored by the media entirely, is also going to be a 50 goal scorer in the not-so-distant future. Just look at how he beat Dominik Hasek in a shootout last week, and you'll see why.

But I'd have to go with Ovechkin. Crosby seems to be such a whiny fucking brat every time I watch him play, almost like he expects to be handed a goal whenever he skates onto the ice.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/12/06 01:19 PM

Why don't one or both of you guys get into the yahoo fantasy baseball game coming up?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/12/06 01:40 PM

Because I'd try and get all of the Yankees, except Posada.

Also, fantasy games ruin the actual game itself for me, which is why I cannot commit a carnal sin against my lover known as baseball. :p
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/13/06 07:04 PM

I chose Ovechkin - the guy is just electric on the ice. Everytime he has the puck he makes it exciting. He reminds me of a better Berezin, except he can finish!
Plus he plays with a mean streak, and right now Crosby plays with a whining streak.

Crosby is good no doubt, and as you mentioned, he is Canadian!

but right now, Ovechkin owns him.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/15/06 09:56 PM

P.L. I would like to play Yahoo Fantasy Baseball this year although I must admit I have not played in this particular league before, however, I just spent a lot of money on a 10 game Blue Jay flex pack of tickets for this season and I don't have a lot of dough for too much other than necessities at the present time.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/16/06 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
But I'd have to go with Ovechkin. Crosby seems to be such a whiny fucking brat every time I watch him play, almost like he expects to be handed a goal whenever he skates onto the ice.
I'm in agreement with Double J I would also have to go with Ovechkin. I was reading a small article in Sports Illustrated about Crosby and that he has so far earned a reputation as a whiner, and unless he changes his ways he'll forever be remembered as a whiner.

Plus considering all the media attention he got when Pittsburgh drafted him, I was expecting a hell of a lot more from him.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/16/06 01:47 PM

He is a frustrated little brat who, when things don't go his way, seems to throw hissy fits at the referees for not calling penalties, or, when they call a penalty on him, he acts like a 13 year old who just got caught with his father's porno collection.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Sidney Crosby vs. Alexander Ovechkin - 02/17/06 01:10 AM

He may have a bit of a whining streak in him, but I don't know if I would call Sidney Crosby a "frustrated little brat who..." and so on. I mean, he does play for The Pittsburgh Penguins and with the expectations that were placed on The Penguins at the beginning of the season and their play so far wouldn't you be a little frustrated too? Plus the freaking guy is 18-years-old! Why don't people cut him even a little slack? Not everyone has the coolness, charm, charisma, and stuff to play as well as possible while maintaining a decent, hardworking and above all fair personality at that young age like Wayne Gretzky had. Crosby is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and he still has a lot of development to do as a hockey player and as a man. But he has shown brilliance on the ice and I think that faced with the pressure that has been put on him almost his whole life he's doing a pretty good job. However, I don't know what it is about us Canadians and Hockey fans from the United States and all over the world but we expect our Hockey super stars to be gods and absolutely perfect at all times and when we find out that they're human and they eat, sleep, shit and piss like the rest of us we act like we're the victims of some sort of huge scam. What gives?!
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