
Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout)

Posted By: Don Jasani

Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 03:39 AM

Well, I could complain about the atrocious officiating that resulted in what seemed like thousands upon thousands of Lightning power plays and here's a memo I'd like to give to the refs: When a player doesn't hurry up and skate to get the puck to prevent an icing you don't go ahead and call icing anyways. I could complain about our basically playing for 2/3 of regulation (our defensive lapses and anemic offensive play in the third period could have made the outcome much worse than it was). I could complain about losing in a shootout when we could have put the game on ice in over time...You know how they say that a tie is like kissing your sister, well, winning a shootout is like kissing your really hot cousin, it might feel really great but does it feel "right?" Losing in a s.o. feels like being punched in the face instead of being kicked in the nutz. We were lucky to come away with a point tonight and that marks three straight games where we've obtained at least a point (4 points). The playoffs don't look as far off as they did during the dreadful losing streak but we've gotta make some changes in order to insure that we make it to the "second season."

A bet is a bet and I lost, so there you have it dontomasso, "The Tampa Bay Lightning Rule" (my idea for the bet) and the next time either one of us is in Toronto or Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg the Molson Canadians at the strip club are on me.

I still think that we could have and should have won tonight but I guess we'll just have to play better against Washington on Fri.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 04:27 AM

Although I feel no sympathy for Toronto as long as they have pieces of shit like Sundin and Domi on their roster, I can empathize with them tonight. The Atlanta referees definitely were trying to get the Thrashers a win; Jason Pominville has his legs cut out from under him on a breakaway, and no penalty called. The Thrashers have one of their own, and apparently a Sabre poke-check was enough to warrant a 2-minute hooking call (despite no contact between the players). And the ref was standing on the endline, so he was all of 10-15 feet away.

Oh, and we received a 4-minute double minor for a pretty questionable call. And did I mention one of our players took an elbow to the side of the head and had to leave the game (Dmitri Kalinin), and there was no penalty called, even though the guy came from the opposite end of the rink, with his elbow up. I loooove the NHL. :rolleyes:

At least we won. Hehe.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 05:33 AM

I could see how you could hate Tie Domi as he's the type of guy that you love to have on your team but hate to face him but I can't fathom how you could hate Mats Sundin. Ever since his Quebec Nordiques days the guy has been a class act not to mention a phenonmenal hockey player. I think he will go down in history as the greatest Swedish player ever to play the game (my apologies to Peter Forsberg).
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 04:01 PM

Agreed on Sundin (with DJ). Domi's a waste, but Sundin is still one of the highest skilled players in the league. The idiot managers of the Leafs, have never given him anyone who could remotely be a star (with the exceptioon of Mogilny) on his wing. Look at all the other big names in the league...they all have other great players on their line.

Leafs are in trouble...i think they will make the playoffs, but then they'll likely play Carolina or Ottawa in the first round. Belfour played well yesterday, but he has to stand on his head in the playoffs for the Leafs to upset. Here's hopin'
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Well, I could complain about the atrocious officiating A bet is a bet and I lost, so there you have it dontomasso, "The Tampa Bay Lightning Rule" (my idea for the bet) and the next time either one of us is in Toronto or Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg the Molson Canadians at the strip club are on me.

I still think that we could have and should have won tonight but I guess we'll just have to play better against Washington on Fri.
You are a true sportsman, and I am glad to see you honored your end of the bet. I look forward to drinking several brewskies either here or in Toronto.

As for your complaints about the refs, I have long ago given up on NHL officiating, I think it is atrocious all the time, and that it usually cuts both ways. They made some calls against the Lightning in their loss to Washington that I still cant believe. Good luck against Washington. They really stink, but they make up for it...they play dirty.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 05:16 PM

Lol! Thanks brother. Another thing that gets my goat is the 5 mins. of 4 on 4 overtime and then the shootout. How about one 20 minute overtime period and then the shootout. Or maybe even one 10 minute overtime period (4on4) and one 10 minute overtime period of 3 on 3 if nothing is settled yet and then the shootout. Oh yeah, and what is the situation gonna be like in the playoffs where it used to be multiple 20 minute overtime periods (double/triple overtime etc.) until the game was settled naturally, how is it gonna be this year?
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/01/06 05:20 PM

well the atlanta game is coming up pretty soon, and there was that spirited affair we had with them earlier on in the season..maybe that can continue.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/02/06 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
I could see how you could hate Tie Domi as he's the type of guy that you love to have on your team but hate to face him but I can't fathom how you could hate Mats Sundin. Ever since his Quebec Nordiques days the guy has been a class act not to mention a phenonmenal hockey player.
A class act isn't a guy who punches people in the back of the head after a play. A class act isn't a player who whines to the referees when he is called on a blatant penalty. A class act is not Mats Sundin. Period.

And I don't hate to face Tie Domi. A goon with no skills? I'd love to play an entire team of Tie Domis.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/02/06 11:21 PM

Lol at your Domi comment Double-J. I can totally see where you're coming from regarding his play and your statement about not hating to face Tie just shows how he gets on the nerves of opposing teams and how that usually works in our favour. You are right however, that a team filled with Domis would be a complete disaster.

As for Sundin, maybe my homer glasses are blocking my vision but I don't recall the play you mentioned and most of the time when Sundin is called for a penalty he accepts the ref's decision and moves on. Even if you hate the guy's guts you can't deny his talent. He's kinda like Kobe Bryant that way I guess, although admittedly he doesn't dominate his sport the way Bryant does his.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/02/06 11:38 PM

It must be those rose colored (or coloured? :p ) glasses. Do a search for Mats Sundin online, there are plenty of others willing to attest to his dirty play. But every time he comes to Buffalo, these are things I've seen.

In our last matchup (8-4 Sabres), I saw him twice punch one of our players in the head, and I know one was Jason Pominville, after your goalie froze the puck, he slammed Pominville in the back of the head, with no penalty called, even though the ref watched it happen.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/02/06 11:56 PM

Wow, I guess Sundin might be getting a little bit nasty in his "old" age. He's still one of my favourite or is it favorite :p players though.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/03/06 12:00 AM

No worries. Just keep in mind that your favorite player might end up on the wrong end of someones check, elbow, etc. because of his "skills."
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/05/06 02:38 AM

The Toronto Maple Leafs Win! The Leafs Win! After that embarrasing loss to a team like the Washington Capitals to beat a quality team like the New Jersey Devils (Martin Brodeur is The Man!) is really, really sweet! If I ever meet Ed Belfour, forget about buying the guy a beer, I'd buy him a Goddamn brewery!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/08/06 03:29 AM

T.O.A.S.T. = Toronto Owns Atlanta's Shitty Team
A really good win for the Maple Leafs tonight against the hapless Thrashers. Belfour was superb and it looks like he's turning back into his old dominant self so opposing teams better watch out. Also, Bryan McCabe had a goal and Mats Sundin and Tie Domi had assists in the 4 - 1 victory. Friday's game against Jaromir Jagr and The New York Rangers should be a beauty!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/12/06 02:26 AM

Yaar! Jaaaromir Jagr, he is no man but a fierce, remorseless beast! He is a freakish, consciousless, scoring beast I tell you!...If The Rangers did not have Jaromir Jagr we would have won tonight 4 - 2 instead of the other way around.

Oh yeah, what the hell are Andy Wozniewski, Staffan Kronwall, Jay Harrison and Mariusz Czerkawski doing on our squad?! These guys do not belong on the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Team! Mr. Ferguson please trade these guys or demote them to the Toronto Marlies immediately! The Playoffs are coming soon and we cannot afford to lose another game due to the stupidity of Woz & co.

After the Olympic tournament The Leafs will have one easy game against The Washington Capitals and then it will be three difficult games against The Sabres, Senators and Canadiens before another easy game against the New York Islanders.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/12/06 01:18 PM

I'm surprised at the Rangers this year, but I can't wait to play them again so Drury et al can snap his fucking leg like a twig. That prick needs to be taken out.

I'm also concerned that we had such trouble dispelling the hapless Montreal Canadians, who survive largely on the skills of Cristobal Huet.
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/13/06 06:58 PM

Don Jasani,
sadly i think other teams are looking at us as part of THEIR easy schedule.

Will we ever end the Cup drought?
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/13/06 11:53 PM

Maple Leafs, I feel your pain brother. If we don't make any significant roster changes and/or stop playing shitty hockey, teams like The Rangers, Flyers, Senators, Sabres, Hurricanes, Lightning etc. will mop the floor with us...Yeah, the last time we won the Cup was 15 years before I was born! Somehow I think that things are gonna be different for The Buds after Canada wins the Gold Medal in Turin but as always hope springs eternal in Hogtown..
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/13/06 11:59 PM

BTW - can I just say that the Hurricanes are excellent and tripping and slashing and not getting caught by the penultimate Sabre-hater Kerry Fraser (next to Don Kolharski, of course)? :rolleyes:
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/14/06 02:33 PM

Double J - did you just say "Sabre-hater" Kerry Fraser??????

Let me take you back to a time where the Leafs were destined to bring the Cup back home where it belongs, and had their best team since 1967. In the 1993 playoffs, versus Los Angeles and Wayne "I will whine to the referees after EVERY call in the series" Gretzky, Doug Gilmour became a god. He was carrying the Leafs on his back and becoming a living legend. Enter game 6, in Los Angeles, Leafs leading the series 3-2. L.A. was winning the entire game, but Wendel (my favourite Leaf ever) Clark ties up the game in the last minute and we head for OT.
Gretzky clearly high sticks Gilmour (obviously by accident, but a 4 minute penalty in the least, a 5 minute major for sure), draws blood, and NO CALL FROM KERRY FRASER, who just happened to be right by Gilmour as he was highsticked. That was the most cowardly, chickenshit, non call in sports history!!!!! (according to me). To add insult to injury, Gretzky scores the OT winner on the next shift!!!!!!!!!
L.A. wins game 7 in Toronto, and advances to the finals versus Montreal...where a Toronto / Montreal matchup hasnt occured in over 40 years.

To this day, i tell everyone that if i ever see Kerry Fraser on the street, I will go up to him and berate him for costing us the Cup. When he is interviewed about the non-call, he admits he screwed up, and LAUGHS.


end rant, for now.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/14/06 07:03 PM

No doubt then, Kerry Fraser is one of the worst referees in the history of the game.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/14/06 08:02 PM

im a huge leafs fan, but maple leaf...you need some prozac

let it go my friend, it ain't worth it....just let it go.
Posted By: Maple Leafs

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/15/06 03:28 PM

Mr. Soprano...I have tried, but I can't! HAHAH

Go Leafs Go
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/15/06 09:48 PM

Hey Maple Leafs and mr. Soprano If The Maple Leafs don't make the playoffs this season we can continue to root for The Raptors to make the postseason...Hey they've won 3 in a row and they're playing The Knicks tonight...Anything's possible.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 02/15/06 11:27 PM

if the raps make the post season i will buy all the raps fans on this board diner...but i doubt its happening...so none of you are getting free food. lol
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 03/15/06 03:22 AM

Wow! Whatta game tonight?! Mats Sundin had 2 Goals and 1 Assist for 3 Points and Mikael Tellqvist helped us beat The Bruins in a shootout.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/02/06 02:38 AM

JJ, I'm sorry man. Sorry your Sabres got absolutely, completely, fully murked by my Maple Leafs! :p Yup, The Buds beat The Sabres 7 - 0 tonight! Ahhh...Revenge is the sweetest passion and a dish best served cold! Alright, I know it's not good to gloat, but B-lo has owned T.O. (well, in The NHL at least) for quite some time now and it feels really good to get this win.

I was only able to watch the third period (I normally never miss Hockey Night In Canada but I went to see Thank You For Smoking tonight) and it was really sweet seeing us close this one out. One more thing, J.S. Aubin, the Molson Canadians are on me brother!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/02/06 05:29 PM

Unfortunately, I know. We're toast. We've picked the worst time ever to slump, and we're most likely going to get burned in the first round of the playoffs.

So much for our wonderful run...
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/03/06 02:58 AM

where were these leafs win back in montreal when we needed them. blah...well at least we know next years leafs team will be very very different.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/04/06 07:49 PM

Tucker needs to be kicked out of the NHL. Then again, I think Bertuzzi and a few others do too. But last nights incident is just another example of what I mentioned earlier in this thread - Toronto has pieces of shit on their roster, from the coach on down.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/04/06 07:54 PM

Don't worry too much about it JJ. There are gonna be some major roster, coaching and management changes after this season let me tell you.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/04/06 08:08 PM

The problem isn't the entire team, it is just a few select individuals, and of course, Pat Quinn. That man is a bastard. :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/04/06 08:23 PM

Well I don't know about Mr. Quinn being a bastard but I do know that he will most likely be toast along with John Ferguson and some players (cough cough PONIKAROVSKY, BERG, maybe BELFOUR too ((hate to say it, but Tellqvist and Aubin are good enough)) and some others). If we don't do anything this city, province and country are gonna go freakin nutz. So expect some movement from an hour or so north eh.. :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/06/06 01:53 AM

Good win for us tonight. J.S. Aubin is shaping up to be a Patrick Roy kinda goaltender. Mats Sundin had an Assist to extend his point streak to 6 games. We've got The Bruins next and this we must leave Massachusetts with (at the very least) a point. The Bruins are not The Rangers or The Senators or The Hurricanes and we should beat Boston.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/08/06 05:29 AM

The Maple Leafs next games are against Philadelphia, Florida, New York (Long Island), Ottawa, Buffalo and The Penguins. For us to make the playoffs we have to run the table I believe. This will be next to impossible because of the back to back games against The Senators and Sabres. The way I see it playing out: Phil. (W), Flor. (W), N.Y.I. (W), Ott. (L), Buff. (L), Pitt. (W). If we do not make the playoffs (which looks more and more likely every day) Pat Quinn will be fired as head coach and John Ferguson should be fired as General Manager. The Buds have to make some serious changes before next year so that we can be competitive.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/10/06 12:39 PM

Even if you make the playoffs, wouldn't you face Ottawa in the first round? I know they have injuries, but they are still a tough team...how have the Maple Laughs ( ) done against the Senators this year?
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/12/06 02:48 AM

Well, Ottawa has owned us pretty much so far this season but the last few years any time we've faced them in the playoffs we've always come out on top. Hopefully if we meet again this year in the postseason we will triumph again. Anyways, Mats Sundin had 4 Goals and 2 Assists for 6 Points in our 6 - 5 O.T. victory over The Florida Panthers tonight! JJ, how exactly is Sundin not one of the best players in the league and probably the greatest Swedish player (and one of the greatest European players) of all time? My tip to any one who reads this, invest in Mats Sundin Rookie Cards. You'll live to thank me.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/12/06 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
JJ, how exactly is Sundin not one of the best players in the league and probably the greatest Swedish player (and one of the greatest European players) of all time? My tip to any one who reads this, invest in Mats Sundin Rookie Cards. You'll live to thank me.
Does he have skill? Yes.

Does he play dirty? Yes.

There are plenty of highly skilled players that don't take cheap shots, or rabbit punch, or slash. Unfortunately, Mats Sundin is not one of them.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/16/06 02:18 AM

The Maple Leafs beat The Ottawa Senators tonight 5 - 1. J.S. Aubin is playing like the second coming of Patrick Roy and Mats Sundin had 1 Goal and 1 Assist for 2 Points. Buffalo's next.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/16/06 02:23 AM

Sabres defeat the Habs 4-2 in an exciting game. Whooah. Burn the Leafs! :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/16/06 02:31 AM

JJ, the bet's on...The Leafs better win tmmw. cuz I don't think I can stomach having "The Buffalo Sabres Are The Best Team In The NHL" in my sig. for a day even, let alone a week. :p

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/16/06 02:32 AM

I'd probably have a massive heart attack if the Leafs win. :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/16/06 11:12 PM

Well, JJ, I don't think you're gonna have to worry about your cardiovascular/pulmonary health...C'mon Sundin, Tucker, McCabe, Kaberle, O'Neil, Allison, Steen, Ponikarovsky, Wellwood...Domi?! Any one! Just score one freakin goal! PLEASE! Give me that much!

Seeing as how Tampa "Freakin" Bay won yesterday, this game doesn't really mean anything for us as a team. No offense to any Lightning fans on the board, but I hope they get knocked off in the first round by any team that faces them.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/17/06 12:45 AM

Alright matey, time to pay up! Let's see that sig changed! You are not worthy! :p

Sorry to gloat, but...
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/17/06 03:04 AM

A little grace, a little class, a little winning with dignity. Is that too much to ask for nowadays?!lol! I'm now gonna go cry myself to sleep and keep telling me those old timer stories of 1967 and how the streets were paved with gold, "the air was so dewy sweet you didn't even have to lick the stamps," the woman weren't feminists, the men were men, a man and a woman were the ones who got married and not a man and a man or a woman and a woman or a man and a horse, cow, chicken, dog, cat or shoe, there wasn't any crime, or poverty or homelessness, every one in the city spoke The King's English and The Leafs were The Stanley Cup Champions! Nice story, too bad it played out its final chapter about what, exactly 15 years before I was freakin born! Ahhh...whatever...there's always next year.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/17/06 10:52 PM

Anywho our next (meaningless) and last game is against The Pittsburgh Penguins. JJ, I'll bet you double or nothing that we will win by at least 2 goals. If I win you gotta put "The Toronto Maple Leafs Are The Best Team In The NHL" in your sig. 2x. If you win I will add the phrase to my sig. another time. So how's about it? You gonna stand pat or let it ride?! :p

C'mon, don't be a pussy! :p
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/17/06 11:07 PM

Pssht...I know my team is the best, no need to bet again. But I do hate that little whiner Sydney Crosby... :p
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/18/06 02:51 AM

K.J. so angry, K.J. gonna go punch wall. K.J. gonna hurt hand very very badly and go to hospital. K.J. going to...wait for The Leafs to get rid of Quinn and Ferguson so we can come back next year and beat Buffalo's ass!

Man, why does every body keep giving Crosby shit? The guy will have a better career than Ovechkin. So what if Ovechkin has more goals and points?! Crosby has more assists, sees the ice better is younger and has much much more potential than Ovechkin who is already touted to be and very well may be the next Lemieux. However Crosby will be the next Gretzky.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/18/06 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:
K.J. so angry, K.J. gonna go punch wall. K.J. gonna hurt hand very very badly and go to hospital. K.J. going to...wait for The Leafs to get rid of Quinn and Ferguson so we can come back next year and beat Buffalo's ass!
Not likely. They'll still be pretty bad, until they learn how to play two-way hockey, rather than their 3 or 4 decent skilled guys and then a bunch of goons.

Man, why does every body keep giving Crosby shit? The guy will have a better career than Ovechkin. So what if Ovechkin has more goals and points?! Crosby has more assists, sees the ice better is younger and has much much more potential than Ovechkin who is already touted to be and very well may be the next Lemieux. However Crosby will be the next Gretzky.
I disagree. Crosby is an extreme whiner, who doesn't have the grit or inclination to dig into corners or stand up to other players. Ovechkin is, imho, superior in skills, both stick-wise and skating. I don't know how people don't see this.

Crosby has been overrated for some time now, and though he has done well with assists, shouldn't be touted as the next Gretsky just quite yet. Besides, I don't think he fulfilled the prophecy of how he "saved" hockey, since his team went down the tubes early in the season. Hockey saved itself with better rules to make the game more enjoyable for fans (they still need to work on rule enforcement and other things, obviously).
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 04:00 AM

JJ it's a good thing you didn't bet man. We won 5 -3. Oh, that would have been sweet just to take a peek at your signature I mean. Well, whatever, nevermind. Mats Sundin had 2 G., 1 A. for 3 PTS. and Sidney Crosby had 1 G., 1 A. for 2 PTS.

Sidney Crosby - 39 G., 63 A., 102 PTS.

Alexander Ovechkin - 52 G., 54 A., 106 PTS.

They both had incredible rookie seasons and they are both worthy of the Calder Trophy. Ovechkin was a bit better and he should win it though. Although they were only 4 Pts. apart and Crosby had much more pressure on him and his team was much worse than The Capitals. I think That "Sid The Kid" Crosby did pretty well for an 18-year-old guy. Better than I could have done (Let's just say my Baseball is 100 times better than my Hockey ). So why don't you, JJ, and pretty much every one else cut him just a little slack? I mean, he will be the next one. He's not a joke and he is for real. Provided he stays healthy, he could rock the World. Ovechkin is rocking the World cuz he's 3 years older than Crosby. Crosby is still a better player at his age, had more assists, sees the ice better, is on par with Ovechkin's skating ability, and he is a greater asset to The Penguins than even Ovechkin is to The Capitals. I'm tellin you man, you want an investment tip invest in Crosby RCs (and Ovechkin RCs :p ). You'll live to thank me.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 05:48 AM

the leafs are going golfing...and for the first time in nine years i dont' know what to do this spring (i'm not including the lock out). don j...telling what to do..my life isn't worth anything anymore!!! i need the leafs in the playoffs or my life isn't fullfilled!!!! blah@@@
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 05:56 AM

Watch The Blue Jays win The A.L. Wild Card! Go Blue Jays!
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 07:30 AM

One of the toronto teams better make it to the playoffs or i might have to put a gun in my mouth!! lol.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 10:05 AM

Lol! Lol! mr. soprano, what part of the city are you from? I'm from Thornhill, Markham, York Region, Ontario. You?

Yeah, anyways, you won't have to worry about the gun, I think that our boys are good enough to snatch the wildcard away from The Red Sox or Yankees or whoever. We'll take on all comers, and beat them, so badly that they wish they hadn't showed up that night or day or afternoon!

Hell, maybe even the division, Pennant, and World Series Championship. But hey, as they seem to love to say, one game at a time. :p

Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 09:46 PM

Mats Sundin finished the season with 31 G., 47 A., 78 PTS., he has 496 G., 671 A., 1 167 PTS in his career.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 10:13 PM

not bad for a guy who only played less then 70 games. you know had he been healthy all year....i think he would have hit and surpassed the 100 mark.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/19/06 10:13 PM

oh i'm from toronto. the west end..near high park..if you know the area well enough.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/20/06 03:46 PM

While I hope it will be Buffalo coming out of the Eastern Conference, my prediction for the Cup series is:

Eastern Conference: New Jersey Devils
Western Conference: San Jose Sharks
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/20/06 11:01 PM

Mr. Soprano, so you're from the city then? Yeah, High Park, where ever, don't know it too well, but I hear it's alright. You ever come by North York, Thornhill, Scarborough, Woodbridge, Etobicoke, Richmond Hill or thereabouts?

JJ, I don't understand how on Earth San Jose is gonna make it out of the West? Did they even make the playoffs?! Looks like your Sabres have The Philly Flyers in the first round. Good luck! The Flyers are always relentless in the playoffs, but to tell you the God's honest truth, I'm actually rooting for B-lo to win the thing. I don't know why, but I like this year's Sabres. No super stars, no awesome goalie, nothing. But they play hard, they play well as a team and they win. Good luck man!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/22/06 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Don Jasani:

JJ, I don't understand how on Earth San Jose is gonna make it out of the West? Did they even make the playoffs?!
Joe Thornton and Cheechoo have been unstoppable for the last 1/3 of the season, and their goaltending is decent. They are the 5th seed, so yes, they most certainly did make the playoffs.

They lost 4-3 last night against Nashville.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/25/06 02:35 AM

The Sabres E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-E-D the Broad Street Bullies tonight, 8-2, and lead the series overall 2-0.

Plus, we got to call Ken Hitchcock and his team the "idiots" that they are.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/25/06 02:42 AM

Go Sabres! Hey mr. soprano?! Are you Mr. Danny C. of Toronto? If so, thanks for signing this petition brother!
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Tampa Bay Lightning 3 - Toronto Maple Leafs 2 (Tampa wins in a shootout) - 04/29/06 07:29 AM

yes indeed that's me man. and no problem...hey if you find anymore toronto area bb members we should meet up for a baseball game or something. goodway to get aquainted. i mean they're doing it down in the states.
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