
2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball

Posted By: plawrence

2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 08:47 PM

OK, I did it

Yahoo Fantasy Basketball. Live draft, trades etc.

Cumulative Points only. As I've said, I think the way they score basketball head to head is silly.

Here's the link: http://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/nba

League Name: Gangster BB

League ID 31230 :

Password: Corleone

Live Draft: Monday, October 17th, 7:00PM Eastern

Take a look at the league settings. I'm open to suggestions.

JG, you have to play, Uber points or not
DB, you too. Your the Ass Commish
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 09:28 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
JG, you have to play, Uber points or not
One b-ball game is enough for me, thanks -- and that's the ESPN one. :p

Unless, perhaps, you decide to play Golf, Bass Fishing, NASCAR, IRL, Horse Racing, Diamond Daily, and every other game ESPN offers that I have to worry about as well, on top of football and baseball. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 09:34 PM

Those are all peripheral sports and barely count.

Basketball is one of the Big Three.

Besides, what's another five minutes a day when you weigh that against the thrill of competing and the possibility of being labeled a wuss.

And, if you don't play, this man is gonna take it very personal.

Listen, if you insist on only playing one, play this one. It's already proven that you stink at the other one. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 09:50 PM

They all count for Uber. :p

The ESPN game is a numbers game for me -- I don't know dick about basketball, nor really even care much about it. It's fun to watch in person, sure, but I couldn't care less until the playoffs. And you know I have to play the ESPN game anyway -- as you will :p -- but there's no way I can make two different lineups every single day. Baseball is bad enough, but at least it's a game I know about and enjoy. Football is just once a week, so I don't care if I have to set multiple lineups. But I simply cannot do that every single day for 6 months. I wouldn't even know whom to draft anyway - I don't know anything about anyone. That's why I don't play Hockey games. Simply cuz I don't really care. Granted, I only started playing the ESPN b-ball game because you guys were into it. I held my own for just going by stats. But this year is looking to become a busy one for me and I'm already spending too much time on these games. That's why I can't wait 'til baseball is over, God forbid. And, that's why I said "most likely" even for the ESPN b-ball game.

However, I will think about it -- because I can't stand a game going on that I'm not part of -- but I can't promise I'll play.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 10:13 PM

You'll play.

After two years of ESPN, you'll know who to draft. Besides, I don't anticipate having that many participants, so you won't have to draft any of the dregs of the league that you never heard of just to fill out your roster.

And Anyway, Yahoo has the players ranked, so you won't forget anyone.

C'mon. It'll be a nice change of pace.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 10:17 PM

It's just a huge commitment -- it's SIX MONTHS LONG! -- it's not like I can just quit like I could with a non-draft game if I had to.

I have almost a month to decide, though. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 10:24 PM

Why can't you just quit? This won't be head-to head-scoring.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 10:37 PM

That's true. If I end up with KG, AI, Kobe, AND Lebron, I could just stop playing and not dump my team back into the free agent pool - cool! :p
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/24/05 11:39 PM

Is this the only fantasy basketball we'll be playing, or is there a different one for the season? Is this just like baseball, where you pick a team every night?

Either way, I'm in.

EDIT: Is "Team Name" my own screen name, like how everyone has a name on the ESPN one?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
EDIT: Is "Team Name" my own screen name, like how everyone has a name on the ESPN one?
Yes, it's whatever you want to name your team.

We'll be playing an ESPN salary cap game also, which works exactly the same was as the basbeall game does.

This Yahoo game is a bit different.

There will be a live on-line draft, so everyone winds up with different players. Also, you can make trades with other players, and drop players from your team and add free agents.

We will all draft 17 players, but you can only have 12 playing each night, so to play properly you do have to check your roster every day and make sure that your lineup for that day consists of 12 of the 17 who are playing that day.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 12:15 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
We will all draft 17 players, but you can only have 12 playing each night,...
Oh, okay - then disregard my question on the yahoo page. It wasn't clear looking at the settings...
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 01:49 AM

Oh... it doesn't sound that great. The ESPN one sounds way better. If we're playing that one for sure, I'll just stick with that one.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 02:02 AM

I'm signed up.

Uber ugh GangsterBB HOF Points baby (whatever they are :rolleyes: )
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 03:19 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
GangsterBB HOF Points baby (whatever they are :rolleyes: )
That's right!! Good point - Now even Yahoo games have points!! (Except Hockey, that doesn't count for anything. :p )
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 02:47 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]We will all draft 17 players, but you can only have 12 playing each night,...
Oh, okay - then disregard my question on the yahoo page. It wasn't clear looking at the settings... [/b][/quote]I wanted to have 12 players in action every night, like a regular NBA team.

To at each position, and two more guys at any position you want (utility).

But we also want to have a full roster every night. Do you guys think that five guys on the bench is enough to ensure that you can have a full roster almost every night?

Yes, there are nights when there are only one or two games, so it will be impossible every night unless we draft a million players each.

Or maybe we should each draft 30 players or so, so we have a lot to choose from every night, and knowledge of some of the lesser players becomes important.

Keep in mind, also, that there's some drafting strategy here...i.e. you don't wanna have too many guys from the same team. I you do, it'll be tough to fill out your roster on nights when that team doesn't play.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 03:00 PM

plaw is there a way to set it up so that we draft say the first 20 and then it autodrafts the last 10 for example.

That football draft took WAAAY too long in my opinion.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/25/05 03:31 PM

I don't think so. It's one or the other.

It will be impossible to have a full roster going every night, cuz there are nights when there are only two games, so you'd need to have 12 players from those 4 teams, which is unlikely.

But good strategy would involve looking at the NBA schedule and making sure you have a least a few players from the teams that play on most of the nights when there are very few games.

Maybe I'll increase the bench to 12.

If we get 6 players for the league, we'll have to draft a total of 144 players.

With 30 starters at each position to choose from, times 5 positions, that's 150 players, all starters, so we won't have to dip down into the dregs that no one ever heard of, and with a 12 man bench you should be able to have a full roster almost every night.

But drafting 24 players makes it imopossible to have at least one player from each team, so you have to make sure you don't load up too heavily with guys from any one team.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:36 PM

Here is my take on a league like this:

Although it can be played as a daily game, it has more of a set-it-and-forget-it feature. Before you laugh, let me finish...

For each position, there is an 82 game limitation. You can see this on the "Maximum Games Played" link at the bottom of your team page. Since Plaw is starting two players per position, you are alloted 164 games for PG, 164 games for SG, etc...

Say you have KG and Tim Duncan (with Tyson Chandler and Othella Harrington on your bench). You'd obviously want KG and Tim Duncan to play most of your PF games. If you put in Chandler or Harrington any time KG and TD had an day-off, you'd be taking games away from your superstars that they'd play later on and you'd reach your maximum within 3 months (if you start someone at your two PF spots for 82 straight days). That means you'll be missing 3 months of KG and TD starts. It is in your best interest to save your starts for the superstars. Obviously, if KG playes only 75 of the 82 games, then you'd have to fill in for those missing 7 games.

If you play everyday, you'll reach your maximum within 3 months. The trick is to be as close as you can to the maximum number of games allowed by the end of the season.

Therefore, it's not necessary to have 30 players on your team. Just have your starting 12 and 5 bench players.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:41 PM

Interesting....I didn't realize that. Complicates things about

Cant't you eliminate that maximum games played feature? I'll have to go and look.

I'd want it so you can have a complete roster every day when possible.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:44 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
plaw is there a way to set it up so that we draft say the first 20 and then it autodrafts the last 10 for example.

That football draft took WAAAY too long in my opinion.
DMC - You can do that already. All you have to do is draft how many rounds you want to pick yourself and when you want to quit drafting, just close out of the "draft lobby". Yahoo will autopick the rest of the way (based on whatever rankings you have or Yahoo rankings if you didn't set it).

Actually, if you do this, PLEASE CLOSE OUT OF THAT DRAFT LOBBY.** The only reason the football draft went on so long was because some people left their lobbies open and everytime it was their turn, all 1 minute and 30 seconds were used because their computers thought they were manually picking. :rolleyes:

** There is also another option. In the draft lobby, there is a button that you can click that says "Away from your computer" or something like that. If you click on that, it'll be on autodraft.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:45 PM

I changed the max # of games played at each position to 100.

But since the season is about 6 mos long, that still puts a crimp in my plans on how to run this thing.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:46 PM

Maybe I won't play...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:47 PM

Relax...we'll get this all figured out.

I have DB helping me now.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:48 PM

Maybe I'll take a look and see how ESPN and the other sites run this game.

I only went with Yahoo cuz I figured everone was familiar with it already.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:49 PM

*cough* Must be nice having someone help you. :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:50 PM


Quick question... What does this mean? It's in our league settings.

Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow

I've always played Yahoo Basketball kind of like we do for football. You can change your team up to 5 minutes before the game starts. Is this how it works or is it another way?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 03:54 PM

The other options were "Weekly-Sunday', "weekly-Monday", etc., so I assumed that this option meant you could change your team any day of the week for the next day. I didn't see anything about a "lock time" though.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 04:29 PM

As I said to Plaw yesterday on Yahoo messenger, I have not decided which basketball game I'm playing. I'll only be playing in one - either this one or the ESPN league if we set that up.

I'm actually leaning towards this one because for some reason (and I've always felt like this), the salary cap game doesn't translate as well for basketball compared to baseball. I don't know what it is - the lack of viable players, too few games, I don't know - something seems to be missing from that game.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 04:30 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
The other options were "Weekly-Sunday', "weekly-Monday", etc., so I assumed that this option meant you could change your team any day of the week for the next day. I didn't see anything about a "lock time" though.
Are there other choices for "Daily"?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 04:32 PM

No, that was it.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 04:39 PM

Ohhhh... I think I know what Daily - Tomorrow means. Duhhhh.

"Daily-Tomorrow" means that if you pick up a free agent on Wednesday, that player won't be in your lineup until Thursday (i.e. you can't use him for Wednesday games).

It has nothing to do with lock-times. Lock times is how I described it before - 5 minutes before the games start.

At least that's how my Yahoo baseball team works.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 05:02 PM

Makes sense.

I was just thinking....We could combat the maximum games played problem by just drafting 12 players and having no bench.

That way, everyone would get their full 82 games at each position, no more and no less (barring injuries) and you wouldn't have to worry about changing your lineup every day.

All you'd have to do is watch for injuries, and the game would come down to who drafted the best and made the best trades and free agent moves.

It would require practically no time or attention, and you would have time to play salary cap as well. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 05:11 PM

With a 12 man team, 2 guys at each position, 2 "swing-men" (utility) and no bench, it would be just like a real BB team.

If one of your 12 guys wasn't producing, you could drop him and pickup a free agent. If we only have 6-8 people in the league, there will be plenty of good available FAs around at all times.

The only other thing is, I've heard that the NBA increased the roster size to 14 this year. If that's the case (I'll double check that), maybe we could go with a 15 man team -- 3 guys at each position, or 2 at each position and 5 utility guys (positions of your choice) and that's it. Again, no bench.

Clean and simple.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 05:17 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I was just thinking....We could combat the maximum games played problem...
Is it just me but I don't really see this as a problem.

It's only a problem if you want to make this a daily game (as in having a full line-up everyday).

I think having a maximum number of games adds more realism (which I think you want) not less.

With that said, I have no problems with your new suggestion.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 05:31 PM

Doing it the way I just suggested makes it like real BB, in that you can only control 12 (or 14 if that turns out to be the case) players at a time.

And since I plan to play the salary cap game as well (as I hope you will), one daily game is enough.

Also, I want to keep it simple for JG . He's already panicking a bit.

Finally, the daily aspect will still be there. Checking other players moves, watching for injuries, proposing trades, etc.

One thing, though.....How do you prevent someone from using the injury list to "hide" a player who isn't injured but isn't playing within the next few days and replacing him with a FA who is, and then taking him off the injured list when he's gonna play again?

Or will that problem take care of itself if I go back to limiting the max # of games at each position to 82?

That way, if you put Garnett on the IL for a few days because he's off, and replace him for two games, you lose 2 games of Garnett when he comes back.

Or is my reasoning off somewhere?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 07:02 PM

DB, (or anyone else that cares to) when you have a chance, would you take a look at the Settings again?

I have Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, and Blocks as +1 point each, and turnovers as -1.

I assume that means that those are the values for the player stats.

The only reason I question it is because they called it "Stat Modifiers", and since there was no default setting, it didn't look like I was modifying anything.

I assume it's if you want to set up a league where, say, asists were worth 2 points, rebounds 3, etc. or something like that, but I want to make sure since this is one of those things you can't change after the season starts.

Maybe if you have the time, you could pretend to be starting a league, so you could look at all the settings options and everything and make sure that I didn't miss anything.

Yes, being my Ass Commissioner will involve a lot of work at the beginning, and I thank you in advance, but I want to make sure this gets done the right way (You know me ).
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 07:20 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
One thing, though.....How do you prevent someone from using the injury list to "hide" a player who isn't injured but isn't playing within the next few days and replacing him with a FA who is, and then taking him off the injured list when he's gonna play again?
That's not a real problem. Classifying a player as "Disabled List" is only available for players that are actually on the injury list. Check your Yahoo football team - the only available positions for Julius Jones is "RB" or "BN", right? Same goes for basketball.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 07:33 PM

Yeah, but we don't have an injured list option in football.

The guy either plays or is benched. If someone is injured and expected to miss a week or two, we can't put him on an injured list and replace him with a free agent.

What happens in basketball if, say, I have Jason Kidd on my team and he turns his ankle or something and is supposed to miss only one game?

I can't put him on the injured list unless the team does?

I believe that in the NBA if a player is put on the injured list it's for a minimum of five games. Very often, therefore, if a guy is expected to only miss a game or two the team does not bother to put him on the IL.

Are you saying that if a player is officially on his team's injured list then Yahoo will give you the option of putting him on yours, but if his team doesn't put him on the IL, then you can't either?

If that's the case, then maybe we'd be better off with a 2 or 3 man bench, and no injured list.

You mentioned that you've played Yahoo baseball. I'd think they would do it the same way.

Thanking you in advance, I remain

Yours truly

Gangster BB Yahoo Fantasy League
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 07:51 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Yeah, but we don't have an injured list option in football.
Oops, I didn't realize that. Bad example.

I know for sure that Yahoo baseball has a "DL" option when a player is officially on the disabled list.

Originally posted by plawrence:
Are you saying that if a player is officially on his team's injured list then Yahoo will give you the option of putting him on yours, but if his team doesn't put him on the IL, then you can't either?
That's right.

Originally posted by plawrence:
If that's the case, then maybe we'd be better off with a 2 or 3 man bench, and no injured list.
Having bench players is probably the best solution. I think having one or two DL spots isn't a bad idea either. Almost every NBA team is made up of 12 to 14 viable game-ready players. When one of those players gets injured, he is put on the DL, which frees up a roster spot. The team then goes onto sign someone else for a 10-day contract.

Originally posted by plawrence:
You mentioned that you've played Yahoo baseball. I'd think they would do it the same way.
They do it the same way.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 08:10 PM

The only peoblem that I see in having a bench is that you start running into the problem of making sure you don't go over the maximum in games played.

Since the season is 180+ days long, and you can't set the max games played for more than 100, it sound like a pain in the ass to start having to keep track of it.

On one hand, if it's a Garnett or Lebron you may not want to give up the "game played" for your third string player off the bench, but if you're weak at, say, PG, saving your "game played" for you second stringer may not be worth sacrificng the points you'd get by playing your third stringer.

In real-life NBA, if a guy is expected to only miss a game or two, they just play w/o the guy and lose his production. Maybe that's the way to do it here, and have a two or three man injured list, but only for players who are on the team's IL.

And no bench. That eliminates the need to keep track of your GPs at each position.

Hmmm....Now I'm thinking though. Maybe we should have a bench. If I have Kidd, and I know he's gonna miss a game because of injury, replacing him with a bench player won't hurt, because now I know that the max # of games I can get out of him will only be 81 anyway, not 82.

But if someone wants to replace a player simply because his team is off that day, they run the risk of not being able to use him at the end of the game because they will exceed the max # of GPs (assuming that I reset it at 82).

And on the third hand, if it's near the end of the season, you have nothing to lose by replacing him.

And if a guy misses a game because of a list minute injury that you didn't catch, that, in effect, gives you a "free" game to use a replacemet for him later in the season on a day when he isn't playing.

A lot to this commissioner-ing, isn't there?

You following all of this, JG? :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/26/05 08:35 PM

Guys... trust me, this is really simple. Don't let the words above scare you.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/27/05 01:04 PM

Lemme see if I can simplify the above discussion that DB and I had, and add a few points from the ensuing 45 minute IM chat that we had yesterday afternoon.

And DB, please lemme konow if I stated everything pretty much correctly and understandably.

-- It is my desire that this game replicate, to the extent that it is possible, the actual NBA.

-- Therefore, we will each have an active roster of 12 players, and, like almost all NBA teams, have two players for each position, and two "utility " guys (any position - your choice).

-- An NBA team plays an 82 game schedule, spread out over approxomately 180+ days.

-- It is impossible for any one NBA player to play more than 82 regular season games.

-- The question we were discussing was whether or not to have a bench, i.e. additional player under our control who could be substituted for one of the 12.

-- Here's the thing:

- Suppose we have a "bench" of, say, 5 players.

- Suppose you have, say, Jason Kidd as one of your PGs

- If we set the "Maximum Number of Games at Each Position" at 82 (which I am inclined to do), if you substitute a PG from your bench on a day when the Nets are off, you can now get only 81 games from Jason Kidd for the whole season.

- So, in effect, you are trading one game of Kidd for one game of, say, the 15th best PG in the NBA (assuming we each draft two PGs, and 2 or 3 wind up being "utility" players).

- Clearly, not a good move.

- On the other hand, if it is announced one day that Kidd will be out tomorrow because of a hang nail, or if he misses a game that you didn't know he was gonna miss, the you can only get 81 games out of Kidd for the season anyway, so the next time the Nets have an off-day, you might as well put in one of your "bench" PGs (if you have one), to make sure that you use up your maximum allotment of 82 games at each position.

Got that?

-- Since I want this to replicate the real NBA as much as possible, when Kidd misses an odd game here and there the Nets don't put him on the injured list (5 game minimum, I think), they just do without his production for that odd game now and then.

-- The Nets don't have a "bench", from which they can use a player to replace Kidd for that one game.

-- So I'm leaning towards not having a "bench", either.

-- If one of your 12 players misses an odd game here or there, too bad, just like the real NBA.

-- If a player is officially put on the injured list, then Yahoo allows you to put that player on your injured list as well, and you can replace him with a free agent for the time that he is injured.

-- This should, however, affect your draft strategy. It might be wise, for example, to stay away from guys like Marcus Camby, who seems to always miss 10-15 games a year without notice, or Shaq (unless you think that 70 games of Shaq is better than 82 games of someone else), or Chris Webber.

Now, all of that said, as DB pointed out to me when we were IMing, going with an 82 game max at each position and no bench will have the following effect at the end of the season, and here's where it gets a little bit complicated:

-- Suppose you have Kidd on your team

-- Suppose he missed 5 odd games during the year, and since we have no "bench", you couldn't substitute for him on any of the subsequent days when the Nets didn't play,

-- So now, the maximum number of games you can get from Kidd is 77, 5 short of the maximum.

-- Now, with say, two weeks to go in the season, the Nets are scheduled for four more games, and Kidd has been in 73 of the 78 the Nets have already played.

-- If you keep Kidd for the last two weeks, you wind up with 77 games at that PG position, 5 short of the max.

-- But, Suppose there's a free agent available whose team has five or six games left on their schedule.

-- You can then drop Kidd, and add the other guy, if you think that 5-6 games of him is worth more than four games from Kidd.

-- The problem with that, though, is that Kidd now becomes a free agent, and with four games left, someone who has a lesser PG that has played in 78 games can drop their guy, and pick up Kidd from the free agent pool, so you have to be careful if you make that move.

So, I'm leaning strongly towards a 12 man team with no bench. If one of your guys misses an odd game now and then, then just like in real life you just have to suffer that day w/o that player's production.

As I said, don't draft Camby or Webber.

This seems to be the easiest format, because you don't have to check and change your team every day. All you have to watch out for is players going on the injured list.

And everyone should also have time to play the salary cap game also.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/27/05 05:20 PM

Posted By: Beth E

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/27/05 05:23 PM

A new emoticon? What is it? Whatever it is it goes for me too.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 09/27/05 05:50 PM

It means "I can't wait for the game to start."
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/01/05 12:44 PM

It is my understanding that the NBA's CBA with the player's union calls for each team to have 14 players under contract for this season.

I assume, however, that they will only be permitted to dress 12 for each game.

I don't know if that means that it's gonna work "NHL Style", meaning that they can decide right before the game which 12 to dress, or if they have to put someone on an injured list or something before using dressing one of the additional two.

I'm thinking that it's gonna be the former rather than the latter, so based on that I changed the league settings to a maximum of 82 games at each of the 12 postions (2 players each at C, PF, SF, PG, and SG, and two "utility" players -- positions of your choice), and a two man bench (also positions of your choice).

Nothing is engraved in stone yet, though.

The other possible option, as I see it, is to have an unlimited number of games at each position and a huge bench, which would pretty much assure everyone of having a full roster every day.

The drawbacks are that

-- It becomes even more of a "daily" game.
-- Some of the "realism factor" is eliminated.
-- The live draft will take forever, since we'll be dipping into the "unheard of" players.

This can all be changed up until the start of the season, so comments are still welcome and encouraged.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/01/05 03:46 PM

Just a few comments...

- The less this is a daily game, the better.
- Plaw, I think having a couple of bench spots is probably for the best. One aspect of this game is trading, something that is enhanced with more players to choose from. It also helps in case there is a lag between when a player gets injured and getting put on the injury list itself.
- I looked at the Stat Modifiers for you. There are a number to choose from. I'm fine where you have things now although one sign of a good team is field goal percentage. Who would you rather have (I'm looking at just the points aspect) - Lebron who scores 27 points per game shooting 50% or AI scoring 28 points per game shooting 40%? In your scoring system, AI is "better" at least points-wise. Maybe have some sort of equation similar to the ESPN one (e.g. Points + Rebounds + Assists - Turnovers - (FMA - FGM) - (FTM - FTA)). Anyway, it's just a suggestion. It's been said many times, since we're all working under the same points system, we'll adjust our draft strategy accordingly.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/01/05 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
The less this is a daily game, the better.

Then posted by Don Sicilia:
...we'll adjust our draft strategy accordingly.
Um, strategy? Mine will be to get through it w/o whining or crying.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/01/05 06:22 PM

DB, I didn't see an option for missed field goals or free throws.

They had options for field goal and free throw attempts, but if I assigned a negative value to those, it would count all attempts as a negative, including successful ones.

Unless I'm interpreting it incorrectly. I'll have another look later.
Posted By: Spike716

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/02/05 01:59 PM

I'm in. This year, not only am I gona kick Geoff's ass in the salery cap game, but I'm gona do it in the draft game also.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/02/05 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Spike716:
This year, not only am I gona kick Geoff's ass in the salery cap game, but I'm gona do it in the draft game also.

Bring it on - I can't wait to kick your ass again this year. :p

    Overall  Post-Season    2nd Half     1st Half
PL   22688    (1) 4613      (2) 6535     (1) 11661
DB   22588    (3) 4578      (1) 6629     (2) 11503
JG   21802    (2) 4583      (3) 6193     (4) 11099
SP   20996    (4) 4112      (4) 6079     (5) 10903
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/02/05 07:50 PM

JG, that's funny-- DB and PL beat you by about as many points as you beat Spike by... But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. :p

So, the one that's like the Baseball Challenge we're playing now is called the salary cap, right?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 11:38 AM

The scores you posted, JG, were from 2003-04, not last season.

Here's last year:
        1st Half   2nd Half     TOTAL
Pl       11,598     5,837      17,435
DB       11,471     5,690      17,161
DM       11,329     5,615      16,944   
JG       11,132     5,514      16,646
BB       10,929     5,602      16,531
SP       10,036     5,469      15,505
PP        9,792     5,198      14,990
TM        9,104     4,085      13,189
JL        (DNP)     4,378       4,378
DN        (DNP)     3,717       3,717
LZ        (DNP)       642         642
There was no game for the playoffs

(BB was DB's "Big Brother"
PP was Patrick
DN was DeNiro)
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 03:34 PM

does BB only play basketball?
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 07:53 PM

Oh yeah, I forgot that I played a few days towards the end there. Now I remember, I was "practicing" and getting the hang of it for the playoffs game, which never happened.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 10:05 PM

My bro is in the Yahoo game, but not the salary cap game.

DMC - My bro plays Yahoo fantasy football, baseball and basketball with his work friends. It is hard for him to play in our daily leagues because he doesn't have internet access at home.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 10:35 PM

Is BB gonna be able to make the draft?

FYI, btw.....I got this explanation from someone on the NBA Message Board I belong to:

The maximum roster limits are the same as before: 12 active plus 3 inactive (the Inactive List replaces Injured Reserve, and does not have an injury requirement).

Teams are required to carry at least one player on their Inactive List, although they can have zero for short periods of time.

I think we'll go with a three man bench and a three man injured list.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 10:50 PM

He should make it. I told him the draft time and he still signed up, which would lead me to believe that he could make it.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/03/05 11:02 PM

Now we just have to figure out how to get TMOAFS in the game.

Oh, and tell BB that I'm the commish, and I insist that he post at least once.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/04/05 12:03 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I insist that he post at least once.
DB, if he's anywhere near as cool as you, he should post way more than once!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/04/05 12:27 AM

Considering that he played six months of basketball last year without ever posting, I'd be happy with once. :p

Isn't the posting at least half the fun? Otherwise, why not just join a public league and play with strangers?

seriously, DB, I'm sure we'd all like to at least meet him. Maybe on draft day......
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/04/05 01:56 PM

He's actually told me that he tried to register once to say hello, but his work computer has the message board blocked. With no computer at home - no opportunity to register. It was pretty difficult for him at times last year - my sis-in-law would get frustrated sometimes because my bro would drive all the way to work to change his team at 11 pm Sunday night.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/04/05 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
my sis-in-law would get frustrated sometimes because my bro would drive all the way to work to change his team at 11 pm Sunday night.
Sounds like your brother and plaw would be best buddies.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/04/05 10:21 PM

I guess he doesn't leave his team all week then, like me?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/05/05 04:06 PM

I think he missed maybe one day at most last year, maybe none.

In baseball, where the teams play almost every day, it's not a total disaster if you don't change your team, unless you get stuck with a horrible pitcher.

But in basketball, teams usually don't play on consecutive days, so missing a day in salary cap can ruin your whole season.

What's good about the way the Yahoo game works is that the way it's set up, you don't really have to worry about missed days until the end.

See, the season lasts about 180 days, but with a maximum of 82 games at each position, if one of your players is off on a given night.....

Never mind. Just read the previous posts. If you have any questions, DB will be happy to answer them.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/06/05 07:45 PM

I just realized I have a class at the time of the draft. Is there anyway we can change it?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/06/05 07:49 PM

Late class, huh DMC.

What classes are you taking these days?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/06/05 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Late class, DMC?

What classes are you taking these days?
yeah it's 6:40 to 8:00pm I work part time from 9-1 so I take afternoon classes. I prefer afternoon/night classes since their are way more adults than kids there.

I'm taking all gen-ed courses, calc (for the second time) cities in american history, religions of the western world (for diversity) and Astronomy (don't have to take Biology )

It wasn't clicking that the draft was on a thursday, I thought it was wednesday and I would be home in time.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/06/05 08:00 PM

Let's do it Wednesday then?

Better for me, too.... UNLESS the Yanks are playing Game 7 of the ALCS then y'all can go f-(ight it out) yourselves :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/06/05 08:16 PM

Monday/Wednesday/Friday or the weekends are good for me. Tuesday/Thursday are not
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/08/05 05:06 PM

They didn't have any evening hours available for Wed the 19th, so I changed it to:

Monday, October 17th, 7:00 PM Eastern

Hope that works for everyone. If not, lemme know ASAP; the dates and times for drafting seem to be filling up.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/08/05 05:59 PM

Thank you plaw

I really hope this new time is okay for everyone.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/08/05 06:17 PM

I don't understand how time slots "fill up" when there's no human intervention on Yahoo's part anyway. Trying to tell me their web servers can't handle it? Blah. It's not like it's ESPN we're talking about here!

Anyway - Yeah, it's good for me. If I play. :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/12/05 06:38 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
DB, I didn't see an option for missed field goals or free throws.

They had options for field goal and free throw attempts, but if I assigned a negative value to those, it would count all attempts as a negative, including successful ones.

Unless I'm interpreting it incorrectly. I'll have another look later.
Plaw - If you look at the allowable stats, you can see there are options for "Field Goals Made (FGM)" and "Field Goals Attempted (FGA)". Same stats also for three pointers and free throws. You can use these similarly to the ESPN game to make higher field goal shooting percentage players more valuable.

Anyway, it's just a suggestion.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/13/05 02:42 PM

I saw that option, DB, when I first did the settings.

But they don't allow for a differentiation between attempts and misses.

So let's say we make FGAs a -1.

If a guy has a great night, and shoots, say, 14-20, his net points will be only +8, but under the ESPN scoring system he's +22

If a guy shoots 10-20, his net points will be zero, but in the ESPN game he would be +10.

If he shoots 9-20, his net points will be -2, while in the ESPN game he's still +7.

I guess if we assign -1 to a FGA and +3 to a made FG, and -1 to a FTA and +2 for a successful free throw, it would work out.

Whaddya think?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/13/05 02:53 PM

I guess what I'm saying is that we have field goals and free throws made and attempted in addition to the points, rebounds and other stats, not in replacement of those stats.

Is there anything wrong with the ESPN scoring system?

(PTS + REB + AST + STL + BLK) - ((FGA - FGM) + (FTA - FTM) + TO)

In this formula, PTS = points scored, REB = total rebounds, AST = assists, STL = steals, BLK = blocked shots, FGA = field goals attempted, FGM = field goals made, FTA = free throws attempted, FTM = free throws made and TO = turnovers.

1 point each for pts, reb, ast, stl, block, FGM, and FTM
-1 point each for FGA, FTA and TO
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/13/05 03:13 PM

You're right, DB. I was being dense.

If we make points scored +1 each, FGAs & FTAs -1 each, and FGs and FTs made +1 each, we'll wind up with the same scoring as ESPN, right?

(plus the +1 for RBs, assists, and steals, and the -1 for TOs)
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/13/05 03:17 PM

You add in +1 for blocks above and we're at ESPN scoring.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/13/05 03:38 PM

Right, blocks. I knew there was one I forgot.

OK, that's what I'm gonna do.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/15/05 11:51 AM


Live Draft is this Monday, October 17th, at 7:00 PM

I modified the stat values so that a missed free throw or missed field goal is now a minus one point, and a made filed goal or free throw is plus one.

That, along with a plus one for each point scored, rebound, assist, steal, and block, along with a minus one for each turnover, should make the scoring system exactly the same as the one used in the ESPN Salary Cap game.

Also, I increased the bench size to 5 players.

With a maximum of 82 games at each position, this gives you the opportunity to have a bench player for each position (if you so choose) so that if one of your starters misses a game, you have a player on your bench at that position to make-up the game lost.

Remember, though (and this is a key point):

With a maximum of 82 games at each position, you generally do not want to use a bench player to fill in for a starter on a starter's day off.

Again, for example:

If one of your PGs is Jason Kidd, you presumably want to get all 82 games from him.

If you substitute for him every time the Nets have a day off, after 82 days or so into the season - a season which lasts about six months - (assuming your bench PG or PGs are playing on days when the Nets are off) you will have used all 82 games available at Kidd's position, but used Kidd himself in only the number of games the Nerts actually played during those first 82 days or so.

On the other hand, if Kidd is injured and misses a game, then the maximum number of games that you can get from him is now only 81, so at some point you want to substitute for him on a day the Nets are off so as to make sure that you get the full 82 games at his position.

I hope that's clear....I keep trying to come up with a simple way of explaining this, and this is the best I can do.

I'm assuming I have this right. DB, please correct me if I'm wrong or misleading in any way.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 12:42 PM


Live draft is tonight at 7:00 PM Eastern

Also, one slight modification in the scoring system:

The separate category for 3 Pt FGAs & 3 Pt FGMs has been eliminated, as they are already counted once as part of the overall FGA/FFGM stats.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 10:55 PM

DMC - Get your ass in the draft - it's in 5 mins!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:37 PM

That was fast...37 minutes to pick 102 guys.

22 seconds per pick
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:38 PM

Good draft guys... Good luck this season.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:40 PM

Should be fun. It was nice finally talking to your brother, DB.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:42 PM

Anyone want Marvin Williams? lol
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:42 PM

Pretty soon, you guys will figure out I just made him up. :p

It's too bad though... He was looking forward to the draft. I bet it was a java problem.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:47 PM

Tell him to register here just to say hello.

Wait....I said that last year.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:49 PM

Next time he comes over to my place, I'll make him register.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/17/05 11:57 PM

That's what you said last year. :p
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/18/05 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Pretty soon, you guys will figure out I just made him up. :p
You're so creative, DB. Is there any limit to your talents?

MAN, is this season ever gonna start or what?! I'm getting so restless! I'm listening to preseason games on AM radio just to get my fill, for cryin' out loud. Let's get it going!!

What exact date does the ESPN game start?

By the way, good luck to all of you in this game... yay! It finally started, so the topic's not sticky anymore.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/18/05 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
What exact date does the ESPN game start?

By the way, good luck to all of you in this game... yay! It finally started, so the topic's not sticky anymore.
I'll post threads for the 2 new games -- and make them sticky!
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:13 PM

I wish they would expand some players' position eligibility. AI only as a Point Guard? Hinrich as a SG?

I'd like Jermaine O'Neal at Center and Caron Butler at SG.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:22 PM

I agree. I have the same problem with Arenas listed only as a PG, and Lamar Odom as a SF, and, ridiculously I think, as a SG, but not a PF. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:32 PM

How does that work, their positions aren't listed and you get to draft them for whatever you want? Or are they not listed correctly? That sounds weird.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:36 PM

We drafted players based on their positions, and some, for their eligibility for a number of positions (at least, that's what we were hoping). Having AI available for PG or SG (or any other player with multiple eligibility) gives me more options in setting my lineup. As of right now, AI is only available for PG (but I think he plays more SG than PG). Some positions are outright wrong, like Hinrich as a SG.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:39 PM

Ohhh. This was a one-time thing for the whole season, right? That's pretty complicated for something with such screw-up potential. What a commitment. You guys are brave.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:41 PM

The way we set the league up, you have to have two guys for each position, plus there's a five man bench.

Naturally, it's an advantage to have guys who play more than one position, since that gives you some added maneuverability, except yes, they have some guys who play more than one position listed at only one, and, seemingly some guys listed at the wrong positions, although Odom is the only one I found so far who is listed at a position that i don't think he plays.

BTW, you gonna get in the Salary Cap game, or what?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/20/05 03:41 PM

If it's anything like Yahoo baseball, they'll make changes accordingly. In baseball, I don't know the exact rules, but if say Piazza played a certain number of games at first base, Yahoo will add first base to Piazza's eligibility in addition to Catcher.

Maybe they'll do the same in basketball?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/21/05 01:00 PM

Initial position eligibility for each player was determined based on past participation and information supplied by the teams during the offseason.
Updates will be made during the regular season based on changes to the lineups and official team rosters. Players will not lose position eligibility when moving from one real-life position to another. So, if a forward begins to play regularly at center, he will be eligible for the remainder of the season as a forward and a center.

New positions are added when it is confirmed that a player's primary position has changed and that the change is not expected to be a temporary one.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/26/05 11:00 PM


The NBA has announced that it will no longer utilize an Injured List (IL). As a result, the IL option has been removed in the fantasy game. If you wish to replace an injured player in your starting lineup, you must place him on your bench or drop him to waivers.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/28/05 11:42 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
With a maximum of 82 games at each position,...
Okay, now I'm confused: When I click on the "Maximums Per Position" link (In "My Team" > Other Utilities), it shows 164 games per position. That number is twice the 82 games Plaw mentions.

It seems to me that we're getting 82 games played for EACH of the players at a position rather than each position, combined. Is that right? 82 games for one PG, and 82 games for another PG (regardless if they're the same person or not)??

Because that's not quite what I understood before, nor what Plaw described. It seems I can use LeBron for 82 days, and also another SF for another 82 days.


P.S. I just realized something. If I'm right, that means Plaw is... wrong!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/29/05 12:03 AM

As I understand it, it's 82 games at each position.

Two PGs = 164 games at PG.

From the site: Note: Each spot on your roster (not each player) allows for a maximum number of games played.

Had I wanted to limit the number of games at each poition to 82, why would I have had two roster spots for each position?

I thought that was the way I had always been explaining it. If that wasn't clear from my previous posts, well, I dunno....

Was anyone else confused, and DB: Do I have this right?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/29/05 12:11 AM

"Each spot on your roster" (PG, PG) is different than "each position" (PG) -- and I had understood the latter before seeing the yahoo page... that's all... so it's 82 games per each roster spot (not position)... that was my confusion...
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/29/05 02:44 PM

I think you both have it right now. It will be a max 82 games per roster spot.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 07:28 PM

Can I ask a stupid question?

Okay, I'm gonna ask anyway... :p

If, for example, I leave LeBron in my lineup at SF, but he doesn't play (the team doesn't play), I don't lose one of my 82 games of his, right?

i.e., I only have 6 players active for tomorrow. I don't have to move everyone else to the bench, right?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 07:31 PM

A game doesn't count unless LeBron actually gets in the game and no, you don't have to put anyone on the bench.

If Lebron plays and gets injured in the first minute, then that's another story...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 07:37 PM

K, thanks.

But if LeBron DOES get hurt in the first minute, I'm coming to Chicago!!
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 08:35 PM

ok so the season hasn't even started yet and Camby has had 2 injuries :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 08:40 PM

Surely you're not surprised.

As Yahoo says.....

There are few certain things in life, but one of the more absolute things in life is the fact that Marcus Camby will get injured; it's just a matter of time. If you elect to fill a roster spot with Camby you are assuming the injury risk that comes with it.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 10/31/05 08:43 PM

I'm not "surprised" but to be honest I think the guy is weak, in terms of not playing through injuries that he could. I figured that with the way the team played last year and has the chance to play this year that maybe he'll play through them.

I still have Chandler at least, I think he'll move into my starting role over Camby though.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 01:15 AM

Here's an idea I just had.....

While I'm cognizant of everyone's desire (including my own) to not make this a "Daily Game" (one is enough), I was thinking:

Suppose we change the maximum number of games at each position from 82 to, say, 108.

The way it stands now, theoretically at least, the only situations in which you would (or should, anyway) use a player from your bench is if

a) A starter is injured, or
b) A starter is wildly underperforming or a bench player is doing far better than you expected him to.

But by increasing the max number of games to 100, not only would the above scenarios apply, but you would also have to ( or should, anyway) make use of your bench players an additional 26 times during the season, or about once per week.

This would have the advantage of

a) Increasing everyone's scoring and allowing for wider fluctuations, which would give players who were behind a greater chance to make up ground, and

b) Increasing the value of the bench, which might encourage more trades and player movement, but at the very least would add some additional strategy, like knowing when the favorable matchups would be to use a becnh player those 26 times, etc.

As I am aware of the fact that we all drafted based on an 82 game maximum, if anyone has any objections I'll leave it the way it is at 82, but keep in mind that this doesn't really make it anything close to a daily game, since it involves a decision that, barring injuries to a starter, you'd have to make only 26 times during the course of a season that's approximately 26 weeks long.

Also, according to Yahoo rules this is a modification that can be made even after the season starts but, obviously, if we're gonna do it we should make the change as soon as possible.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 01:31 AM

Plaw I was thinking all day about posting that exact thing (of course not written the same way though lol)

I like the fact that we can use our bench, because if none of our starters get injured it would be a set it and forget it league

I like 108.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:10 AM

Damn. I was hoping to just play the first 82 days and then take the rest of the season off.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:14 AM

While I do have a grasp of what Plaw says about maximizing a stud's 82 games played - I'm still in a "daily mode" mentality and can't help but put someone in anyway. So I supposed, for me at least, the more days the better. Then again, I don't really care - I'm gonna do it wrong anyway!!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:16 AM

That wouldn't work because your starters will have only played about 30-35 games or so at that point.

When I discussed this format with DB, somewhat at length when setting thinga up, he pointed out to me that if you don't care about matchups and such, you don't really have to worry about making up your lost games until nearly the end of the season.

If one of your starters misses, say, three games during the course of the season due to minor injuries, you can wait until one of your backups has at least three games left on days when the starter's team isn't playing to make the three games up.

That could be as late as maybe 10 days or two weeks to go in the season.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:20 AM


I wrote my post before reading your second post there.

Yeah, if you think your bench players are as good as your starters you could do that, assuming that you could fill every position every day for the first 82 days (There could be a day, for example, during the first 82 days when none of your centers happen to be scheduled).

You'd probably build up a big lead during those first 12 weeks or so, and then you could sit back and watch everyone chase you.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:26 AM

BTW, I just noticed this today; I don't know if all of you guys realized it or not.....

If you go to the page with your roster and click on the link for "Season", it will show you how many points, based on our scoring system, each of your guys scored last year.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 02:32 PM

Although I'd rather not go to the higher limit, I'll go with the majority.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/01/05 09:46 PM

I thought about it some more, and I think we should just leave it the way it is.

If it turns out to be too boring, we can always do it differently next year.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 02:45 AM

I know it's still VERY early in the season ( ) but jeez! Spike has 79 pts already??!!

And I freakin' benched J Smith at the last minute thinking I'd use my "good" guy, and he's would've given me the most points so far tonight...

PS - This StatTracker is a little confusing. I wish there was a column for GAME POINTS on the lineup page....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 09:04 AM

Plaw must really have the correct strategy down.

Cuz apparently being 154 pts back after Day 1 means nothing to him!

BB 154
SP 144
DB 071
JG 040
DM 015
PL 000

Choosing not to play on Day 1 is a ballsy move in my book. A move that means "crawling back up" to me... :p

BTW, Plaw... enjoy my Anti-Jinx™!!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 10:11 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Plaw must really have the correct strategy down.

Cuz apparently being 154 pts back after Day 1 means nothing to him!

Choosing not to play on Day 1 is a ballsy move in my book. A move that means "crawling back up" to me... :p

- I only had two guys that I could've used (C Chris Anderson & PG Andre Miller) anyway.

- Miller was the only one I even considered, but decided not to use him 'cuz he's always shit on the road (It's not like he's Kevin Garnett or Shawn Marion or something).

- Miller scored only 15 points, so I'm not complaining.

- I still have all 164 games left at my PG position.

- You, on the other hand, used two of your PG games and got a total of 27 points (Not that I'm criticizing. If I had those two at PG, I would've played them last night also).

- It's a loooooooong season.


As soon as the stats are official, I'm gonna post the standings. Not in order of most points, which means very little, but in the order of "Average number of points per player game used."

I'll explain that better later.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 05:24 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
PS - This StatTracker is a little confusing. I wish there was a column for GAME POINTS on the lineup page....
I agree. The way they have it laid out isn't very user-friendly.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 05:45 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I'm gonna post the standings. Not in order of most points, which means very little,...

Yeah, please do explain. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 05:48 PM

I will, as soon as they post the official scores.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 06:49 PM

The scores I posted last night are now appearing as official...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 07:28 PM

Tuesday's Scores and Standings
         Score    GUY   TGU    TGL    AVG
DB        71       3     3     981    23.7
BB       154       7     7     977    22.0
SP       144       7     7     977    20.6
DM        15       1     1     983    15.0
JG        40       5     5     979     8.0
PL        00       0     0     984     0.0
Yest Score = Yesterday's Score
GUY = Games Used Yesterday
TGU = Total Games Used
TGL = Total Games Left
AVG = Average number of points per game used

This is a much more accurate reflection of the standings than simply points scored.

Yeah, you have a 40 point lead on me, but I should easily be able to make up those 40 points because your players did shitty yesterday and you had to use up five of your available 984 games (82 at each position x 12 positions) to get only 40 points.

True, it has something to do with which of your players played yesterday. DB had two of his best going (Nowitzski & Iverson), while you had none of your really good players in action.

Anyway, I figure we should all average somewhere around 20 PPG per "player used", since the scoring is the same as the ESPN daily game and that's about what we average.

Actually, it should be higher, because we theoretically have all good players, and there won't be any cap restrictions late in the season that will force us to pick scrubeenies.

The info on how many games each of us used and how many games we have remaining is at the lower right-hand corner of each of our roster pages.

The link is "Other Utilities" and "Maximum Games Played"
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/02/05 08:55 PM

Tonight should give us a good idea of what's going on, since I think we'll all have 12 players in action and can all expect to score well over 200 points.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/03/05 04:24 PM

Wednesday's Scores and Standings
        Yest    Total
        Score   Score   GUY    TGU    TGL    AVG
BB       190     344     10     17    967    20.2
DM       246     261     12     13    971    20.1
SP       153     297      9     16    968    18.6
DB       189     250     12     15    969    16.7
PL       177     177     11     11    973    16.1
JG       214     254     12     17    967    14.9
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 10:52 AM

Thursday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest    New
     Total  Avg      GUY   Score  Total   TGU    TGL    AVG
BB    344   20.2      2     58     402     19    965    21.2
DM    261   20.1      2     52     313     15    969    20.9
PL ^  177   16.1      3     91     268     14    970    19.1
SP    297   18.6      0     00     297     16    968    18.6
DB    250   16.7      2     46     296     17    967    17.4
JG    254   14.9      1     18     272     18    966    15.1
I reformatted this a bit; I think maybe it makes a bit more sense now.

Anyone reading this?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 12:09 PM

I am, it makes sense the way you are doing it.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 04:59 PM

I'm reading it. Thanks.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 05:04 PM

BTW, DB......

I'm 7th out of 10 in my other Yahoo League, with 49.5

The guy in first has 66.....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 05:48 PM

I look at it, but truthfully, I find it a tad confusing. But whatever you need to do to display yourself as not being in last place... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/04/05 06:03 PM

Let me simplify it for you:

I'm ranking everyone by PPG, not total points.

Kinda like giving the batting championship to the guy with the highest average rather than the moast hits.

In the end, of course, it will come down to the most points. If one of use fails to use our max number of games and falls a few points short of winning, that's their own fault.

Why am I bothering here? You know all of this. Stop breaking my balls. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/05/05 03:12 AM

I'm gonna get into bed now, pull up the covers, and enjoy the Clippers-Hawks game on the NBA.com audio thingy. :rolleyes:

I can root for Brand and Magette, and against Cassel, J. Johnson, Harrington, and Marvin Williams.

Ah, the joys of technology.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/05/05 06:44 AM

How'd Maggette work out for ya? :p

Oh, and who's in 2nd Place now, after a 182-point night?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/05/05 08:19 AM

I knew Maggette wasn't gonna play. That's what I like about this game, though.

With a guy like him, at least, it doesn't matter.

Second place, huh? Well, maybe in total points, which really isn't what counts....... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/05/05 10:36 AM

Friday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest    New
     Total  Avg      GUY   Score  Total   TGU    TGL    AVG
BB    402   21.2      8     115     517    27    957    19.1
DM    313   20.9      8     126     439    23    961    19.1
SP ^  297   18.6      7     129     426    23    961    18.5
PL    268   19.1      8     134     402    22    962    18.3
JG ^  272   15.1     10     182     454    28    956    16.2
DB    296   17.4      8      85     381    25    959    15.2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/05/05 10:37 AM

How long until we see Crawford on waivers, DB? :p

I know he was always a fantasy favorite of yours......

(NB: Yesterdays scores are the last post of the previous page.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/06/05 10:28 AM

Saturday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest    New
     Total  Avg      GUY   Score  Total   TGU    TGL    AVG
SP ^  426   18.5     11     248     674    34    950    19.8
PL ^  402   18.3     11     228     630    33    951    19.1
BB    517   19.1      9     133     650    36    948    18.1
DM    439   19.1      7      78     517    30    954    17.2
DB ^  381   15.2      8     186     567    33    951    17.2
JG    454   16.2     11     197     651    39    945    16.7
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/06/05 09:09 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
How long until we see Crawford on waivers, DB? :p
Less than a day, huh?

About what I figured.... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/07/05 10:11 AM

Sunday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest    New
     Total  Avg      GUY   Score  Total   TGU    TGL    AVG
SP    674   19.8      1      28     702    35    949    20.1
PL    630   19.1      1      24     654    33    951    19.8
BB    650   18.1      5     115     765    40    944    19.1
DB ^  567   17.2      1       9     576    32    952    18.0
DM    517   17.2      5      73     590    34    950    17.4
JG    651   16.7      2      40     691    41    943    16.9
(Note: Apparently I was off a game or two for some people in the TGU column prior to today, as I was tracking it manually. The TGU column now accurately reflects the Yahoo totals.)
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/07/05 05:00 PM

This game sucks. I may not play next year.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/07/05 05:17 PM

The game is good...it's your players who suck (except for you know who )
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/07/05 05:31 PM

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:20 AM

With all the guys that are eligible for two positions, and the 82 game max, there's an awful lot of mathematics involved in this game.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 08:46 AM

Monday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest    New
     Total  Avg      GUY   Score  Total   TGU    TGL    AVG
SP    702   20.1      4     115     817    39    945    20.9
PL    654   19.8      5     107     761    38    946    20.0
BB    765   19.1      4      77     842    44    940    19.1
DM ^  590   17.4      2      54     644    36    948    17.9
DB    576   18.0      3      46     622    35    949    17.8
JG    691   16.9      2      55     746    43    941    17.3
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 08:49 AM

Wow, SP is kickin' ass all over the place... I thought it was just in our game. Nice work, yo!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 08:52 AM

He had first pick in the draft. Having Garnett helps.

And how we let him get Duncan too..... I'm still trying to figure that one out. :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:05 PM

Damn, DB...

I wanted to pick up Parker too, in my effort to corner the market on guards, but I had no more roster space.

Hopefully his unavailabilty will encourage one of my several trade offers out there to be accepted.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:10 PM

Since the problems we are having in fantasy football I figured I'd state this:

yes I know T-Mac is injured, yes he is still in my lineup. I dont want to waste games filling a spot just to get half decent points.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:13 PM

Makes absolutley no difference in a points only game.

You have a 180 day season, and can only fill a spot 82 times. No explanations for who you decide to play or not play and when you decide to play them or not are necessary.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:31 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
He had first pick in the draft. Having Garnett helps.

And how we let him get Duncan too..... I'm still trying to figure that one out. :rolleyes:
Looking at the results there wasn't really that bad of a pick that allowed him to get Duncan/

The draft went, KG, Lebron, Marion, Nowitzki, Bryant, Wade, Arenas, Tmac, Iverson, Nash, Pierce, Duncan.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:34 PM

Bryant, Wade, Arenas, Tmac, Iverson, Nash, Pierce.....Probably none of those guys should have been picked before Duncan.

Certainly not the last five, anyway. What kept me away from him is that he seems to be becoming injury-prone, which may still prove to be true.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:41 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Bryant, Wade, Arenas, Tmac, Iverson, Nash, Pierce.....Probably none of those guys should have been picked before Duncan.

Certainly not the last five, anyway. What kept me away from him is that he seems to be becoming injury-prone, which may still prove to be true.
Pierce and Iverson I'll agree with, Arenas to a degree. But Bryant is the main guy in L.A., shaq is getting old and injury prone so Wade is a good choice, Nash was mvp and it was known that Amare was out.

Obviously I think we all have our different views on what makes someone a good pick, and with Manu and Parker getting better it could have caused Duncan's numbers to drop off a little. Thats just my opinion.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:41 PM

I don't think those were bad picks either. Much like RBs in fantasy football, high scoring shooting guards are placed at a premium in fantasy basketball. The difference between Duncan and someone like Jermaine O'Neal is much smaller than the difference between Kobe or T-Mac vs. the alternatives (Jamal Crawford, etc...).
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:44 PM

You should know.....
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 03:48 PM

Tell me about it.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Much like RBs in fantasy football, high scoring shooting guards are placed at a premium in fantasy basketball.
Sure, NOW you tell me!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 04:05 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I wanted to pick up Parker too, in my effort to corner the market....
Seems you want to pick all my studs for scrubs as well, huh? :p
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 04:23 PM

Is DMC crumbling here too?

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/08/05 04:27 PM

Fourth out of six, and much closer to last than to first.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 01:22 AM

Busy day today for free agent pickups.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 01:42 AM

Does someone want to explain to me how Plaw added and dropped Krstic today -- and then Spike picked him up today? What happened to the 2-day waiver time?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 05:56 AM

Good question. I wondered myself. Under "Recent Transactions" he's showing up as a free agent, though.


If someone wants to claim Kristic with a higher waiver position than SP, I'm inclined to award him to that person rather than SP, however that's not entirely fair either, since waiver claims are supposed to be secret, presumably to prevent people from deliberately blocking someone else's claim "just out of spite" so to speak, even for a player they don't want.

Unless there's some kind of Yahoo rule that if you pick up a FA and have him less than 24 hours or something and then release him, he remains a FA.

The only thing I can think of is since I picked him up as a FA and had him on my team for only 2:17, maybe Yahoo kept him classified as a FA, since they show Spike picking him up as a FA, rather than on a waiver claim, altho the transaction in which I dropped him shows him going on waivers.


(Edit: I checked in "Commissioner's Tools" -- they have a function in there where you can change the date that an indivual player's waiver period expires (i.e. if, say, JG puts someone on waivers, the normal two-day period can be shortened or lengthened for that player only, altho I don't know why you'd ever want to do that) -- and it doesn't show Kristic as ever having been on waivers in the first place.)


(Second Edit: I posted the question on the Yahoo message Board. Trouble is, I cant figure out how to see the responses, if any.)

Boy, this is a game that really requires commissionering.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 06:45 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Boy, this is a game that really requires commissionering.
...as do all the Yahoo games, apparently. :p

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 06:48 AM

Do you know how to read replies on their message board, JG?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 06:50 AM

I didn't even know they had a msg board...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 07:01 AM

Right under that box on the right that lists your "Leagues and Teams".

I figured out how to read the meassages, BTW. So far, no responses.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 07:20 AM

I see now...

Sheesh. :rolleyes:

Just reading the subject headings; apparently -- like ESPN -- everyone's an idiot on there, too...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 02:07 PM

Wednesday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev         Yest    New
     Total  Avg    GUY   Score  Total   TGU   AVG
SP    889   20.2     8    182    1071    52   20.6
PL    837   19.9    11    199    1036    52   19.9
BB    899   19.1     9    154    1053    56   18.8
DM    757   18.5     8    111     868    49   17.7
JG ^  799   17.4    10    172     971    56   17.3
DB    688   17.6    11    126     814    50   16.3
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 02:43 PM

My answer is this: I have no clue why Krstic was added, dropped, and added again without going on waivers first. That's not supposed to happen, so I'm flummoxed.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 02:53 PM

I sent an email to Yahoo asking them. Hopefully they'll have an answer.

I don't like being flummoxed.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 08:11 PM

I'm impressed. Not only did I get a prompt answer from Yahoo, but one that makes sense as well.

I'm surprised that one of us didn't figure this out.



Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.

When a player is added and dropped on the same day, he will be returned to the player pool as a free agent rather than being placed on waivers.

If your league features a waiver period of one or more days and you see a player signed as a free agent on the same day he was dropped, it is likely because his previous owner added and dropped him on the same day.

Previously, it was possible for a fantasy owner to "tie up" players other teams may be interested in by adding and dropping them on the same day. This will now be prevented in 2005 by allowing these players to remain free agents.

If an owner adds a player and then drops him the following day, he will be subject to your league's waiver rules.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 08:22 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Previously, it was possible for a fantasy owner to "tie up" players other teams may be interested in by adding and dropping them on the same day. This will now be prevented in 2005 by allowing these players to remain free agents.
I actually thought that might be the case (I was gonna yell at Plaw for doing that ); but because it didn't happen like that before, I figured maybe not. Thanks for getting the clarification!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 08:36 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Thanks for getting the clarification!
Just another day of commissionering.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 08:38 PM

Yeah, that makes sense. Consider me un-flummoxed.

Thanks Commish!
Posted By: Spike716

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/09/05 09:16 PM

I'm getting pretty sick of Stojakovic and his 9 misses. So hes now up on the trading block along with one of my PG's.


I would trade him and one of my PG's for a higher quality PG, or I would trade him straight up for a PG.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 08:07 AM

Peja was 8-18 last night, and got you 25 points.....

Anyway.....I don't remember if it was in a PM, an IM, or here, that DB suggested a bigger bench because that would encourage more trades.

Well, he was right. Trouble is, we didn't make the bench big enough.

With only 6 people in the league, there are still too many usuable free agents available, and it looks like everyone prefers for the most part to stick with who they drafted and try to fill the odd hole here and there with a FA.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 12:23 PM

Wednesday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev         Yest    New
     Total  Avg    GUY   Score  Total   TGU   AVG
SP    889   20.2     8    182    1071    52   20.6  Rolling along
PL    837   19.9    11    199    1036    52   19.9  Concentrating hard
BB    899   19.1     9    154    1053    56   18.8  Strong and silent
DM    757   18.5     8    111     868    49   17.7  No tainted wins here
JG ^  799   17.4    10    172     971    56   17.3  Climbs out of cellar
DB    688   17.6    11    126     814    50   16.3  Snakebit
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 12:25 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
he (Lebron) doesn't play (the team doesn't play), I don't lose one of my 82 games of his, right?
Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
If Lebron plays and gets injured in the first minute, then that's another story...
DB.....The Prophet

Exactly what happened to Rashard Lewis last night. One minute, and then out with a shoulder injury.

Not to mention Nowitzki. 14 points in 17 minutes, then out with a strained back.

Maybe you shoulda played salary cap instead of this. You can't seem to do anything right here. :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 02:54 PM

Not the first time it happened either...

Harrington did that earlier in the season and so did Gerald Wallace.

In any case... Long way to go...
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 03:04 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
With only 6 people in the league, there are still too many usuable free agents available, and it looks like everyone prefers for the most part to stick with who they drafted and try to fill the odd hole here and there with a FA.
The problem, I think, isn't the bench spots but the dynamic of the game itself. If we were playing in a roto league, I think people may be more open to trades because they can look at their teams and see that what type of stats they need - e.g. give up a big rebounder to get more assists.

Also, I think it's early in the season and people are concentrating on other sports.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 03:36 PM

There are other sports going on?

What? Golf? Horse racing?

I think bass fishing is over, isn't it?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 03:45 PM

You know Plaw, with your recent moves in football, you have an outside shot at making the playoffs. You have two tough match-ups left (TU and DM) and two gimmes (ZO and TL). If you manage a win against either TU or DM, you may sneak into that 6th spot.

I know you know this.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 03:52 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Maybe you shoulda played salary cap instead of this. You can't seem to do anything right here. :p
I said I played it before... I didn't say if I was any good at it.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
You know Plaw, with your recent moves in football, you have an outside shot at making the playoffs.
Thank heavens for lucky wins.

Actually, I didn't know it. I've been concentrating on Yahoo Basketball, just in case you didn't know.

But I have to check the schedule...I just played TL last week.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 04:01 PM

You're right... You're playing SP, not TL.

I see "Playaz Football Club" and think it's your team and not FC's.

Hmmmm... SP is tougher than TL's team. If he keeps playing bye week players like he did last weekend, you should be able to beat him.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 05:15 PM

Top 25
Name           MGR      Pos      Avg
Garnett         SP        1       31
Duncan          SP       12       31
Pierce          JG       11       30
Jefferson       JG       26       29
Marion          BB        3       29
Bryant          DM        5       28
Camby           DM       56       27
Brand           PL       18       26
James           JG        2       26
Wade            PL        6       25
Webber          SP       49       24
Nash            BB       10       24
Nowitzski       DB        4       24
Redd            SP       54(PL)   23
Carter          PL       19       23
Gasol           JG       38       23
Ming            SP       13       23
J. O'Neal       DB       16       23
Allen           BB       22       22
B. Wallace      PL       30       22
Bosh            DM       29       22
Iverson         DB        9       21
Duhon           PL       --       21
Randolph        SP       37       21
Hamilton        SP       60       21
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 05:36 PM

The Big Busts

(Guys drafted in the top 25, but not in the top 25 in scoring. Listed subjectively in the order in
which I think they've disappointed)

Name      MGR   Pos  Rank  Avg   Projected by me for
Marbury    DB    21   141   10   Top 20-25
Ginobili   SP    25   138   10   No idea what was he was thinking
McGrady    DM     8    56   17   At least Top 15, maybe better
Bibby      JG    23   118   11   Top 25
Stojakovic SP    24    90   14   Top 25
Arenas     PL     7    38   19   At least Top 15, maybe better
Francis    DM    20    36   19   Top 25-30
Shaq       DM    17    85   15   Who knows with the injuries?
Kirilenko  BB    15    51   17   Top 25
B. Miller  JG    14    59   17   Top 25-30
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Hmmmm... SP is tougher than TL's team. If he keeps playing bye week players like he did last weekend....
He won't.

He got yelled at. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/10/05 08:58 PM

Thanks a lot. I was counting on playing against Drew Bennett this weekend. :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/11/05 11:47 AM

I made a few changes in the format here....

1) I eliminated (yesterday, actually) the "Total Games Left" column (TGL). Everyone gets the same number of games - 984 - so if you want to see how many games someone has left, simply subtract the "Total Games Used" (TGU) number from 984.

2) For greater accuracy, I started carrying the decimals out to two places.

3) I added a column for "Yesterday's Average", which will provide an additional way of gauging your prformance for the past day against everyone elses.

4) I added a column for "Projected Finish", which is your average number of PPG X 984. This will give you a relative idea of exactly how far ahead or behind you are projected to finish, based on your current average.

Thursday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev         Yest  New               Prog
     Total  Avg  GY YSC  Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
SP   1071  20.60  2  43  21.50  1114  54  20.63  20,300
PL   1036  19.92  4  83  20.75  1119  56  19.98  19,662
BB   1053  18.80  2  28  14.00  1081  58  18.64  18,340
DM    868  17.71  3  72  24.00   940  52  18.07  17,788
JG    971  17.34  1   9   9.00   980  57  17.19  16,918
DB    814  16.28  2  35  17.50   849  52  16.33  16,066
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/11/05 05:02 PM

The comparison of daily averages and number of players used, coupled with the season-end projection, offer some interesting insights into what constitutes "gaining ground", and how much you actually gain on a given night

For example, going into last night, BB had a projected finish of 18,499, whle DM's was 17,417.

So, based on projections, BB was gonna finish 1,082 points ahead.

But last night, DM's "good" 24 Pt average using 3 players, couple with BB's "lousy" 14 Pt average from two, the projection became 18,340 for BB (-159) vs. 17,788 (+371) for DM, a difference of only 552.

So effectively, DM cut BB's lead over him in half last night.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/12/05 12:38 AM

Mourning is a good pick up DB. I grabbed him in my other Yahoo League, where I'm *cough* weak in rebounding.

The only reason I took Haywood in our league instead is because I figure to only use him in the event of an injury, and who knows when that may happen.

Once Shaq is back, Mourning's minutes will disappear, but for now he's better than Hunter, who'll be worth less when Dalembert comes back, I think.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/12/05 12:16 PM

Friday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev          Yest  New               Prog
     Total  Avg  GY  YSC  Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
SP   1114  20.63  8  140  17.50  1254  62  20.23  19,902
PL   1119  19.98  5  102  20.40  1221  61  20.01  19,696
DM ^  940  18.07  6  122  20.33  1062  58  18.31  18,017
BB   1081  18.64  8  126  15.75  1207  66  18.29  17,995
DB ^  849  16.33  8  169  21.13  1018  60  16.97  16,695
JG    980  17.19  8   99  12.38  1079  65  16.60  16,334
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/12/05 02:31 PM

Here are my trade offers to everyone.

Obviously I am only looking for star players, so depending on who you want back I'd be willing to trade 2 for 1, 3 for 1, or maybe even 4 for 1.
MGR.   I Want From You            You Can Have Back
SP     Garnett, Duncan, Ming      Anyone is available in a deal for
                                  Garnett or Duncan. For Ming,
                                  I'd give you one of my centers 
                                  and some others, except for Wade, 
                                  Carter, Odom, or Arenas
DM     Bryant                     Anyone is available
BB     Marion                     Anyone except Wade, Carter, Arenas,
                                  Wallace, or Okafor
JG     LeBron                     Anyone is available
DB     Nowitzki, O'Neal           Anyone except Wade, Carter, Odom, 
                                  or Arenas
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/12/05 04:37 PM

I sent a proposal, Plaw...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 01:38 AM

Is it just me or does Tim Duncan have a weird hairdo now. It's like the little afro that couldn't.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 03:36 AM


I almost left him on the bench today lol
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 03:53 AM

30 points in the second half. About 15 in the last 6-7 minutes.

Beat the Nets all by himself.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 03:58 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
30 points in the second half. About 15 in the last 6-7 minutes.

Beat the Nets all by himself.
I didn't see the whole game, but the one thing I can say NJ has some very classy people. Even with the Nets moving to Brooklyn (I think that's finalized) they seem to still have a ton of support.

What a game by Arenas
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 11:58 AM

Actually, the Nets support is, and always has been, horrible. That's the main reason for the move, I think.

Northern NJ fans root for the Knicks, and the Southerners are all Sixers fans.

The only regular season games they've been selling out the last few years are with the Knicks, Lakers, and now Cleveland. They even have trouble selling out playoff games in the early rounds.

Last night - a Saturday night with Yao Ming and McGrady in town - there were at least 3,000 empty seats.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 12:14 PM

Saturday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev          Yest  New               Prog
     Total  Avg  GY  YSC  Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
SP   1254  20.23  6  102  17.00  1356  68  19.94  19,622
PL   1221  20.01  6  110  18.33  1331  67  19.87  19,548
BB ^ 1207  18.29  6  127  21.17  1334  72  18.53  18,231
DM   1062  18.31  4   85  21.25  1147  62  18.50  18,204
DB   1018  16.97  6  136  22.67  1154  66  17.48  17,205
JG   1079  16.60  5   94  18.80  1173  70  16.76  16,489
Posted By: Beth E

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 02:34 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[What a game by Arenas
How about him. I watched the game. He kept missing free throws, but was making 3 pointers like there was no tomorrow.

I don't know what was up with Duncan. It must be the hair.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 04:45 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Actually, the Nets support is, and always has been, horrible. That's the main reason for the move, I think.

Northern NJ fans root for the Knicks, and the Southerners are all Sixers fans.

The only regular season games they've been selling out the last few years are with the Knicks, Lakers, and now Cleveland. They even have trouble selling out playoff games in the early rounds.

Last night - a Saturday night with Yao Ming and McGrady in town - there were at least 3,000 empty seats.
I had no idea it was that bad. I was just saying in terms of actually cheering for the Nets, I see times when players or teams are leaving they get booed (is that correct?) a lot.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/13/05 11:39 PM

The visiting players and their teams get booed of course, but that's fairly normal.

I can also tell you that I used to go to a fair number of Knick games (many years ago), and back then just about everyone in MSG was a Knick fan.

At Nets games there always seems to be a disproportionate number of fans rooting for the visitors.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 12:00 AM

Hey, DB......

Congratulations on a great game from Rashard Lewis.

39 points - one of the highest fantasy scores of the season so far. It's about time he broke out, and it sure makes up for the other night when you got charged for a game after his one minute appearance.

Wait.....what's that? He was on your bench today?

Oops. Never mind. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 01:37 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Wait.....what's that? He was on your bench today?
I know how that feels... that worthless LaFrentz on my bench (that I almost dropped today) woulda given me 34 pts. :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 06:04 AM

Sorry about that, DB. Couldn't resist.

Actually, using an arbitrary 21 points as a cutoff, BB also got burned by not playing Larry Hughes (29 Pts), as did I by benching Ricky Davis (25).
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 07:40 AM

This is a tough crowd for trades.

I want a SF or SG.

It doesn't have to be a Lebron James/Kobe Bryant type; I'll settle for less.

You can have any two or three, or maybe even four of the following, depending on who you offer:

Andre Miller, Denver PG, 14.7 or Chris Duhon, Bulls PG, 18.8
(not both in the same deal)
Udonis Haslem, Miami PF, 16.9
Ricky Davis, Boston SF & SG, 17.0 or Corey Maggette, Clippers SF & SG, 16.3
(not both in the same deal)
Marko Jaric, Minnesota PG & SG, 12.8
Brendon Haywood, Washington C, 13.8
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 07:53 AM

Haywood's not that great. I told you what LeBron would cost. But you declined it. Ya gotta give *something* up, y'know! :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 08:01 AM

Who said Haywood was great?

But I bet he has a better year than LaFrentz.

I said I'm setting my sights lower. From you, I'd settle for Jefferson.

From SP, I'd be interested in Stojakovic or Redd
From BB, I'd take Rahim or Ray Allen
From DB, I'd like Rashard Lewis

None of these are guys in the Garnett-Duncan-James-Bryant-Marion class; they're all at least a notch below.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 01:26 PM

Sunday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev          Yest  New               Prog
     Total  Avg  GY  YSC  Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL ^ 1331  19.87  4  104  26.00  1435  71  20.21  19,888
SP   1356  19.94  4   80  20.00  1436  72  19.94  19,625
DM ^ 1147  18.50  5  121  24.20  1268  67  18.93  18,623
BB   1334  18.53  4   71  17.75  1405  76  18.49  18,191
DB   1154  17.48  2   43  21.50  1197  68  17.60  17,321
JG   1173  16.76  5   99  19.80  1272  75  17.00  16,728
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/14/05 02:00 PM

Averaging 20 Points or Better
Name       Mgr     Pick   Average
Garnett     SP       1      31
Camby       DM      56      29
Duncan      SP      12      29
Marion      BB       3      28
Brand       PL      18      27
Pierce      JG      11      27
Wade        PL       6      25
Bryant      DM       5      25
Okur        BB      63      24
Arenas      PL       7      24
Nowitzki    DB       4      24
Bosh        DM      29      24
James       JG       2      23
Iverson     DB       9      23
J. O'Neal   DB      16      23
Jefferson   JG      26      23
Odom        PL      78      22
Ming        SP      13      22
Jamison     JG      50      22
Redd        SP      54(PL)  22
McGrady     DM       8      22
Nash        BB      10      21
Gasol       JG      38      21
Carter      PL      19      21
Billups     DM      32      21
Parker      SP      49      21
Rahim       BB      46      21
G. Wallace  JG      FA      21
B. Wallace  PL      30      21
Randolph    SP      37      20
Francis     DM      20      20
Webber      SP      48      20
Kidd        DB      33      20
Every one of our top 13 picks overall is in the top 22 in scoring.


There are 14 players selected in our top 36 overall (6 rounds) who are not averaging 20 PPG.
Name        Mgr    Pick     Average
B. Miller   JG      14        17
Kirilenko   BB      15        15
Shaq        DM      17        15
Marbury     DB      21        13
Allen       BB      22        18
Bibby       JG      23        12
Stojakovic  SP      24        18
Ginobili    SP      25        13
B. Davis    BB      27        17
R. Lewis    DB      28        17
Maggette    PL      31        16
Stoudamire  BB      34        00
K. Thomas   JG      35        11
Gordon      SP      36        10
Of those, I think that only Kirilenko, Shaq, Marbury, Bibby, Ginobili, Thomas, and Gordon can be considered real "busts".
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/15/05 11:02 AM

Monday's Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev          Yest  New               Prog
     Total  Avg  GY  YSC  Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   1435  20.21  1   12  12.00  1447  72  20.10  19,775
SP   1436  19.94  0   00  00.00  1436  72  19.94  19,625
DM   1268  18.93  4   53  13.25  1321  71  18.61  18,308
BB   1405  18.49  1   10  10.00  1415  77  18.38  18,083
DB   1197  17.60  2   18   9.00  1215  70  17.36  17,079
JG   1272  17.00  3   60  20.00  1332  78  17.08  16,804
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/15/05 11:47 AM

Commissioner's Note

I have the option of manually changing people's waiver priority, so in making trades (if the majority has no objection), I think you should be able to include your waiver priority and switch it with your trading partner as part of a deal.

I presently have the #1 priority, which is an advantage because it's what DB calls a "tradable asset" - that's what made me think of the idea - so if anyone has any objections, don't be shy....speak up.

(Of course, on the other hand, it helps the guy with the low waiver priority because it's something he can gain in a trade.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/15/05 03:59 PM


PL trades Elton Brand, Corey Maggette, and Andre Miller to DB for.......Dirk Nowitzki and Ron Artest.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/15/05 05:07 PM


PL and DB have cancelled the trade above (Just for the record, it was PL who reopened negotiations).

Instead, PL is trading Corey Maggette, Drew Gooden, and Andre Miller to DB for Ron Artest and Antoine Walker.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/16/05 03:31 AM

Hey, DB.....

If tonight is any indication, it looks like the deal you should have gone for is any one of them that included Ricky Davis and Dwight Howard. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/16/05 08:35 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU  AVG    Finish
SP ^ 1436  19.94  10  219  21.90  1655   82  20.18  19,860
PL   1447  20.10  11  216  19.64  1663   83  20.04  19,716
DM   1321  18.61   6  115  19.17  1436   77  18.65  18,351
BB   1415  18.38   6   91  15.17  1506   83  18.14  17,854
DB   1215  17.36   8  174  21.75  1389   78  17.81  17,523
JG   1332  17.08   9  206  22.89  1538   87  17.68  17,395
Tuesday Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun            Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
SP    Webber 41          Bogut 3             Kristic 23
PL    D. Howard 36       Okafor 10           Davis 36
DM    Billups 30         J. Johnson 6        Nobody
BB    Cassell 30         Okur 4              P.J. Brown 33
DB    Nowitzki 31        Ilgauskas 7         A. Walker 20
JG    Lebron 42          Mobley 10           Paul 15
40 Point Games This Season
Camby      DM     43     11-4
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
That seems like a lot for so early in the season, doesn't it, considering that none of them are by Garnett?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/16/05 06:38 PM

Commissioner's Note

In my efforts to undo what I screwed up with my trade with DB (don't ask), I tried some experimenting and changed the waiver time from "2 Days" to "No Waivers".

I had intended that to be a temporary change while I played around, but forgot to change it back.

Just now, I was tinkering with my own team for real - not experimenting - and I dropped Duhon and Haywood and picked up two other free agent guys.

But since I had "No Waivers" in effect, they (Duhon & Haywood) immediately became free agents when I dropped them.


They are not free agents. They are on waivers until 1:00 PM Friday. If anyone wants to claim them, don't do it on the game site, since they will be awarded to you immediately as if they were free agents.

If you wish to claim one or both, post your intention to do so here, so in the event that there is more than one claimant, the players can be awarded in the order of your waiver priority.

This Yahoo commissionering is a lot of work, :rolleyes: but I'm getting the hang of it. Thank you for your patience.

I have renewed respect for DB.

(Actually, Smush Parker, the guy DB put on waivers to open up a roster spot for the trade should not be a free agent either, so I threw him back in the pool just now. But I claimed him from waivers, and since I'm #1 in waiver priority, don't bother claiming him, but this way it's fair 'cuz now I lost my #1 priority since I was too dumb to ask DB to include him in the original trade.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/17/05 10:57 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU  AVG    Finish
PL ^ 1663  20.04   4   89  22.25  1752   87  20.14  19,816
SP   1655  20.18   5   85  17.00  1740   87  20.00  19,680

DM   1436  18.65   7  151  21.57  1587   84  18.89  18,590
BB   1506  18.14   5  108  21.60  1614   88  18.34  18,047
DB   1389  17.81   5  103  20.60  1492   83  17.98  17,688
JG   1538  17.68   7  121  17.29  1659   94  17.65  17,367
Wednesday Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun            Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Okafor 31          Ford 13             No one
SP    Randolph 24        Tinsley 10          Simmons 24

DM    Kobe 30            Chandler 10         Curry (maybe?) 17
BB    Allen 37           Brown 11            Igoudala 35, Carmelo 30
DB    Iverson 36         O'Neal 15           No one
JG    Richardson 32      Korver 13           No one
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/17/05 05:59 PM

Don't worry, Plaw - I'm sure we all read the results every day! Not sure why it's so quiet in here, though... maybe cuz there's a LONG way to go.

So, are you now gonna do what Cardi does, and sign all your posts like this?

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/18/05 01:38 AM


Well, if it's coming from "The Department of Useless Statistics", then maybe.

Here's my thought for the day, and it's one that occured to me before the season began:

I think we should ban Kevin Garnett. With the ESPN scoring rules, he's in a class by himself.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/18/05 08:00 AM

Thurssday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU  AVG    Finish
PL   1752  20.14   1   26  26.00  1778   88  20.20  19,881
SP   1740  20.00   5  107  21.40  1847   92  20.08  19,755
DM   1587  18.89   2   34  17.00  1621   86  18.85  18,547
BB   1614  18.34   2   28  14.00  1642   90  18.24  17,953
DB   1492  17.98   2   38  19.00  1530   85  18.00  17,712
JG   1659  17.65   1    8   8.00  1667   95  17.55  17,267
Thursday Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun            Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Arenas 26          --                  --
SP    Garnett 40         Parker 11           Howard 32
DM    McGrady 25         Johnson 9           --
BB    Pachulia 21        Terry 7             --
DB    Nowitzki 20        --                  --
JG    --                 Jamison 8           Szczerbiak(?) 17
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/18/05 11:38 PM


DM sends PGs Steve Francis and Sebastian Telfair to PL for PG Mike James and PF Udonis Haslem.

This trade will go into effect in time for Sunday night.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/18/05 11:53 PM

That's DM

Might want to get that smilie a new prescription
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/18/05 11:56 PM

All fixed. As you would say, "lol."
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 12:41 AM

I think all Plaw does is make trades. :rolleyes: 15 moves already this season, and all he does is pick up free agents to trade to someone else -- people we could pick up on our own without his help!

Almost every day I get like 12 PMs from him - spend hours researching the trade proposals - and by the time I come to any type of decision, the players he proposed are already traded away! :rolleyes: :p

I think you should use the Yahoo trading function to propose trades, so then you've gotta wait for an answer before using the same guys to bait someone else. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 01:46 AM

Commissioner's Ruling on JG's Suggestion:

No, because that would allow people to never reply, thus possibly blocking any other trades by the player making the proposal.

Besides which, there is nothing in the Yahoo rules preventing making diferent trade offers to different people involving the same player(s). :p

AAMOF, you cn use the "Yahoo Trade Offer Function" to offer the same players to as many different managers as you wish.

Suppose I have Kevin Garnett and the rest of my team is weak, so I want to offer him to everyone?

Suppose it's near the trading deadline?

Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 02:02 AM

For fear of being called DoucheBag, I'll plead the fifth.

(I agree with Plaw, but it doesn't matter since JG wasn't being serious.)

(Unless he was, then, in that case, you shouldn't take hours to make your decision. :p )

(But from here on out, we should all note the possiblitity that we will all, at one time or another, be shopping the same player to different people (some more than others :p ). Those receiving offers should know this and make their decisions accordingly.)

(Deal? Deal.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 02:07 AM

Let's face it.....This is a dog-eat-dog world.

I haddaa do something to wake you guys up here.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 02:29 AM

One last point... To make JG feel better, I wanted to let you know that I tend not to offer the same players in different deals at the same time, just to avoid situations like this.

Feel better?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 02:30 AM

My post was (mostly) tongue-in-cheek -- except for the 12 PMs a day I get from Plaw...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 02:59 AM

Let's be fair here, and not exaggerate, JG.

Twelve PMs a day? C'mon...7 or 8 a day, maybe, but not 12.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 12:20 PM

Friday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU  AVG    Finish
PL   1778  20.20  12  216  18.00  1994  100  19.94  19,621
SP   1847  20.08   8  140  17.50  1987  100  19.87  19,552
DM   1621  18.89  10  165  16.50  1786   96  18.60  18,307
BB   1642  18.24  11  219  19.91  1861  101  18.43  18,131
DB   1530  18.00   9  180  20.00  1710   94  18.19  17,900
JG   1667  17.55   6  123  20.50  1790  101  17.72  17,439
Friday Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun             Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Wade 37             Artest, Ford 8      Walker 33   
SP    Stojakovic 24       Bogut 8             --
DM    Friggin' Camby 32   Chandler 7          --
BB    Allen, Okur 30      Marshall 7          --
DB    O'Neal 41           Hinrich 2           --
JG    Paul 35             Lebron 11           Miller 30 
                          Lafrentz 8
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 04:13 PM

Reply From Yahoo

Here's the reply I got from yahoo when I wrote asking them why, when you pick up a free agent, is he not added to your roster immediately, but a day later:


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.

At the moment, the feature you are requesting is not available. All add/drops/trades will affect the next day, nothing can be adjusted to have a same day setting. But since we are always looking for ways to make Yahoo! Fantasy Sports more useful to our users, your question has been taken as a suggestion and will be given due consideration as we work to improve our service.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/19/05 07:26 PM

Trade Announcement

PL trades TJ Ford, Ron Artest, Nick Collison, and Antoine Walker to JG for

Lebron James, Kyle Korver, Wally Szczerbiak, and Speedy Claxton.

This trade will go into effect in time for the games Monday night.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/20/05 04:03 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU  AVG    Finish
SP ^ 1987  19.87   6  123  20.50  2110  106  19.91  19,587
PL   1994  19.94   5   73  14.60  2067  105  19.69  19,370
DB ^ 1710  18.19   5  122  18.32  1832   99  18.51  18,209
BB ^ 1861  18.43   5   97  19.40  1958  106  18.47  18,176
DM   1786  18.60   3   40  13.33  1826   99  18.44  18,149

JG   1790  17.72   5  143  28.60  1933  106  18.24  17,944
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun             Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Howard 30           Arenas 2            --
SP    Webber 35           Parker 13           West 36
DM    FRancis 20          Battier 7           --
BB    Marion 33           Okur 11             Hughes 31
DB    Iverson 38          Kidd 8, Butler 7    --
JG    Lebron 42           --                  Haywood 19      
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/21/05 03:10 AM

All of today's games have started or are already over, so I'm putting through the JG-PL trade .
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/21/05 05:35 AM

2 players on my bench went 24, 26
2 players in my roster went 11, 18

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/21/05 09:33 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
SP   2110  19.91   4   73  18.25  2183  110  19.85  19,528
PL   2067  19.69   6  133  22.17  2200  111  19.82  19,503
DM ^ 1826  18.44   8  177  22.13  2003  107  18.44  18,720
BB ^ 1958  18.47   5  112  22.40  2070  111  18.65  18,350
DB   1832  18.51   5   79  15.80  1911  104  18.38  18,081
JG   1933  18.24   3   58  19.33  1991  109  18.27  17,974
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun             Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Brand 35            Walker 12           M. James 21
SP    Stojakovic 27       Tinsley 8           ---
DM    Camby Again 43      Curry 7             Telfair 33
BB    Abdur-Rahim 25      Anthony 16          ---
DB    Maggette 26         Miller 10           Marbury 25
JG    Gasol 29            Richardson          Mobley 26
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/21/05 11:31 AM

20 Point Scorers
Name         Mgr.   Pick     Average
Garnett       SP      1         29
Camby         DM     56         29
Brand         PL     11         28
Duncan        SP     12         28
Iverson       DB      9         27
Marion        BB      3         27
Wade          PL      6         26
L. James      PL      2         26
Pierce        JG     18         26
Bosh          DM     29         25
Nowitzki      DB      4         24
Bryant        DM      5         24
Jefferson     JG     26         23
Webber        SP     48         23
J. O'Neal     DB     16         23
D. Howard     PL     43         23
Jamison       JG     50         22
Allen         BB     22         21
Gasol         JG     38         21
Abdur-Rahim   BB     46         21
R. Davis      PL     FA         21
Ming          SP     13         21
Arenas        PL      7         21
Paul          JG     71         21
G. Wallace    JG     FA         21
Okur          BB     63         21
McGrady       DM      8         20
Carter        PL     19         20
Stojakovic    SP     24         20
Odom          PL     78         20 
Nash          BB     10         20
Randolph      SP     37         20
Billups       DM     32         20
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/21/05 07:34 PM

From the Department of Really Useless Statistics:

"Getting The Most For Your Money"

I was trying to figure out a way of determining who were the best values in our draft based on the players current statistics (no "too much time on your hands" comments, please -- I know that I have ).

For example, Garnett is averaging 29 PPG, but he was the #1 pick, so SP had every right to expect that type of production.

On the other hand, Camby's 29 PPG average, as the 56th pick is close to a total surprise, so DM got a lot more than he expected.

Anyway, what I came up with for determining the value is simple: Multiply the player's average PPG by the number he was picked in the draft.



Name         Mgr.   Pick     Average    "Value"
G. Wallace    JG    113 (FA)    21        2373
R. Davis      PL    109 (FA)    21        2289
Camby         DM     56         29        1624
Odom          PL     78         20        1560
Paul          JG     71         21        1491
Okur          BB     63         21        1323
Webber        SP     48         23        1104
Jamison       JG     50         22        1100
D. Howard     PL     43         23         989
Abdur-Rahim   BB     46         21         966
Gasol         JG     38         21         798
Randolph      SP     37         20         740
Bosh          DM     29         25         725
Billups       DM     32         20         640
Jefferson     JG     26         23         598
Stojakovic    SP     24         20         480
Pierce        JG     18         26         468
Allen         BB     22         21         462
Carter        PL     19         20         380
J. O'Neal     DB     16         23         368
Duncan        SP     12         28         336
Brand         PL     11         28         308
Ming          SP     13         21         273
Iverson       DB      9         27         243
Nash          BB     10         20         200
McGrady       DM      8         20         160
Wade          PL      6         26         156
Arenas        PL      7         21         147
Bryant        DM      5         24         120
Nowitzki      DB      4         24          96
Marion        BB      3         27          81
L. James      PL      2         26          52
Garnett       SP      1         29          29
Note: The way I figured R. Davis and G. Wallace was that since we drafted 102 players and Davis was the 7th FA selected and Wallace the 11th, I assigned them draft pick numbers 109 and 113 respectively, altho I'm not sure how valid that is, because let's say there's someone now who's a FA and injured all year so far, and comes back in a month and starts averaging 20 PPG and is the 50th FA selected. His number will be astronomical.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if this "value" number has any meaning, but I thought it was interesting.

Well, now that I look again, it does have some analytic value.

For example, one of the reasons that DB is not doing that well is because unlike DM's Camby, PL's Odom, BB's Okur, SP's Webber, and JG's Jamison (I'd mention Paul, but JG hasn't really used him), DB has no real surprises who are doing well.

A little later I'll have to do the same thing for the big busts in the draft also.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 03:50 PM

Monday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
SP   2183  19.85   7  126  18.00  2309  117  19.74  19,419
PL   2200  19.82   1    6   6.00  2206  112  19.70  19,381
DM   2003  18.72   1   21  21.00  2024  108  18.74  18,441
DB ^ 1911  18.38   2   35  17.50  1946  106  18.36  18,065
BB   2070  18.65   5   58  11.60  2128  116  18.34  18,051
JG   1991  18.27   5   84  16.80  2075  114  18.20  17,911
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun             Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    ---                 Carter 6            ---
SP    Duncan 39           Ginobili 18         ---
DM    Murphy 21           ---                 ---
DB    ---                 Iverson 17          ---
BB    Igoudala 20         Brown 3             ---
JG    Bibby 25            Miller 7            ---
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 07:14 PM

I have a question about the RANK column in the player stats...

I understand the O-RANK, which I believe is the preseason rankings of each player, but RANK doesn't make sense to me.

The first two make sense:

1 Camby 319 pts
2 Iverson 317 pts

But then I'm lost. The player with the 3rd highest points in the game for the season (Duncan, 316) is ranked #5.

Allen is ranked #3, but has only 214 pts in the game, less than 39th-ranked Abdur-Rahim who has 218 pts on the season.


What I'm looking at is "All Players", "All Positions", "Season (total)"
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 07:25 PM

I noticed that myself a while back, and can't figure it out either.

On the bottom left-hand corner of the rankings page there's a link to "legend", which explains that the rank is based on the stat filter that you select, but whichever one you do select, it doesn't seem to make a difference; the rankings still make no sense.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 07:54 PM

Well, I sent my question (minus the "WTF?") to Yahoo to see what they have say about it....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 07:58 PM

Well, they've been fairly prompt with their answers to the two questions I sent them, so I guess we'll find out.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 09:45 PM


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.

It's just a combination of all around totals, not just the fantasy points. Enjoy the season.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care
Uhh... WTF is that supposed to mean?

I'll see if I can get an elaboration. But yeah, I am impressed with how fast they reply!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 10:38 PM

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

When you have time, I'd love for you to elaborate since I'm not sure what "a combination of all around totals" means, exactly. What's the formula used for RANK?

Thanks again,

Then I got this reply:

Sorry, we don't give out the actual equation. It's the stats as a whole used on each person. Enjoy the season.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

I give up!
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/22/05 11:51 PM

yahoo uses each person's whole
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/23/05 12:48 AM

OK, I get it.

Every custom league has it's own scoring system, be it points, rotisserie, or head-to-head.

And each scoring system within those three formats may be different.

For example, we subtract missed FGs and FTs, where another league may not.

It would be impossible for Yahoo to rank every player individually based on the scoring system for each particular league, I guess.

I'm in another Yahoo league with some of the guys from the Nets BB that I belong to. It's rotisserie scoring, and stuff like FG%, FT%, and 3 PT FG% counts, where in our league those stats mean nothing.

But, the player rankings in my other league are the same as in our league.

So apparently they developed a formula which takes into account all kinds of stats, and rate the players based on that regardless of the individual leagues scoring systems.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/23/05 09:58 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL ^ 2206  19.70   3   89  29.67  2295  115  19.96  19,637
SP   2309  19.91   2   37  18.50  2346  118  19.88  19,563
DM   2022  18.90   6  113  18.83  2135  113  18.89  18,592
BB ^ 2128  18.34   5  132  26.40  2260  121  18.68  18,379
JG ^ 2075  18.20   4   83  20.75  2158  118  18.29  17,996
DB   1950  18.06   6  112  18.67  2062  114  18.09  17,798
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas
      Big Gun             Big Bust            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Lebron 39           ---                 ---
SP    Randolph 23         Yao 14              ---
DM    Camby Again 38      James 14            ---
BB    Marion 42           Allen 16            Terry 31, Hughes 25
JG    Gasol, Pierce 25    Collison 11         ---
DB    Nowitzki 31         A. Miller 2         ---
40 Point Games

Camby      DM     43     11-4
Camby      DM     43     11-20
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Lebron     JG     42     11-19
Marion     BB     42     11-22
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
O'Neal     DB     41     11-18
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
Garnett    SP     40     11-17
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/23/05 10:37 AM

Nine Keys To The Season So Far

1) SP gets first pick in the draft, Kevin Garnett

2) Tim Duncan left to 12th pick for SP

3) 56th pick Marcus Camby having monster year for DM

4) PL pays closest attention to free agents early in season, using good ones for trade
bait and keeping Ricky Davis

5) 15th pick Andre Kirilenko averages only 15.1 for BB, then gets injured

6) 21st pick Stephon Marbury averaging only 14.0 for DB

7) 17th pick Shaquille O'Neal misses 9 of first 11 games for DM, is out indefinitely,
and averages only 14.5 in the two that he plays

8) 8th pick Tracy McGrady misses 5 of first 11 games for DM and looks like he'll
be missing more

9) PL acquires 2nd overall pick Lebron James from JG
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/24/05 09:30 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   2295  19.96   9  204  22.67  2499  124  20.15  19,831
SP   2346  19.88  10  221  22.10  2567  128  20.05  19,734
DM   2135  18.89   8  138  17.25  2273  121  18.79  18,485
BB   2260  18.68   5  106  21.20  2366  126  18.78  18,477
JG   2158  18.29   7  168  24.00  2326  125  18.61  18,310
DB   2062  18.09   6  104  17.33  2166  120  18.05  17,761
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas

Note: I changed the format here a bit. The "Big Bust" and "Coulda-Shoulda" columns will reflect guys who played and guys who didn't that would have done better than the guys who did, so, as in football, you can figure out what your maximum possible score "coulda" been.
      Big Gun             Big Busts            Coulda-Shoulda

PL    Brand 34            Howard 6            Villanueva 22

SP    Parker 32           Yao 13              Bogut 20
      Redd 32             Hamilton 17         Simmons 21
                          Webber 11           Kristic 18

DM    Murphy 37           Miles 15            Diaw 31
                          Johnson 9           Richardson 16

BB    Cassell 31             -                Pachulia 29
      Marion 31              -                Brown 23

JG    Pierce 33           Richardson 7        Wallace 31

DB    Maggette 31         Butler 4            Harrington 38
                          Miller 7            Marbury 23
                          Prince 12           Wallace 21
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/25/05 08:58 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   2499  20.15   2   49  24.50  2548  126  20.22  19,899
SP   2567  20.05   1   12  12.00  2579  129  19.99  19,672
DM   2273  18.79   1   23  23.00  2296  122  18.82  18,519
BB   2366  18.78   1   18  18.20  2384  127  18.77  18,471
JG   2326  18.61   2   16   8.00  2342  127  18.44  18,146
DB   2166  18.05   4   71  17.75  2237  124  18.04  17,751
Big Guns, Big Busts, and Coulda-Shouldas

      Big Gun            Big Busts            Coulda-Shoulda
PL    Odom 34            James 15            
SP    Tinsley 12         Tinsley 12              
DM    Bryant 23           
BB    Allen 18  
JG    Artest 16          Collison 0
DB    Lewis 29           Ilgauskus 6
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/26/05 09:12 AM

Friday Scores and Standings
     Prev   Prev           Yest   New               Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   2548  20.22   8  175  21.88  2723  134  20.32  19,996
SP   2579  19.99   9  143  15.89  2722  138  19.41  19,098
BB ^ 2384  18.77   8  145  18.13  2529  135  18.73  18,434
DM   2296  18.82   8  127  15.88  2423  130  18.64  18,340
JG   2342  18.44   9  183  20.33  2525  136  18.57  18,269
DB   2237  18.04   8  174  21.75  2411  132  18.27  17,973
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/27/05 03:30 PM

While I wait for Yahoo to update yesterday's scores....

We might have drafted somewhat differently, but if this was Rotisserie Scoring with the following categories:

FG %
FT %

Then the standings would be:

         FG%   FT%   PTS   RBS   ASS   ST   BLK   TO
PL  32    4     1     2     6     5     6    6     2
SP  31    6     5     6     4     2     2    3     3
BB  28    1     4     1     3     6     5    4     4
DM  27    5     6     3     5     1     1    5     1
DB  26    3     2     5     1     4     4    1     6
JG  24    2     3     4     2     3     3    2     5
(All stats computed on a points-per-game basis, 6 points awarded for leading league in a category, 5 points for second, etc.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/27/05 09:01 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings
        Prev  Prev           Yest   New               Prog
        Total Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL      2726  20.32   7  114  16.29  2837  141  20.12  19,799
SP      2722  19.41   6  123  20.50  2845  142  20.04  19,715
JG ^^   2525  18.57   6  174  29.00  2699  142  19.01  18,703
DM ^    2423  18.64   6   90  15.00  2513  136  18.48  18,182
BB      2529  18.73   5   50  10.00  2579  140  18.42  18,127
DB      2411  18.27   8  130  16.25  2541  140  18.15  17,860
Big move for JG, up two spots.....Lebron trade really helped him a lot.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/28/05 08:56 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings
      Prev   Prev             Yest  New               Prog
      Total  Avg   GY  YSC   Avg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL    2837  20.12   3   49  16.33  2886  144  20.04  19,721
SP    2845  20.04   2   47  23.50  2892  146  19.81  19,491
JG    2699  19.01   3   47  15.67  2746  145  18.94  18,635
BB ^  2579  18.42   0   00  00.00  2579  140  18.42  18,127
DM    2513  18.48   3   44  14.67  2557  139  18.40  18,101
DB    2541  18.15   3   69  23.00  2610  143  18.25  17,960
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 05:08 AM

I guess I'll post this here since DB had this guy tonight, altho I wonder if anyone reads this thread since I'm the only one who's posted here in a week.

Anyway, the weirdest line of the year so far, I think:

Andre Miller:
 10   0    12   10   10   10   9    6    1    2      22
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 05:12 AM

I read it don't worry plaw

That is interesting though.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 05:16 AM

I feel so much better now.

Throw in a post every now and then, though, will 'ya?

Even if you don't write anything in it......
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 07:06 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Throw in a post every now and then, ... Even if you don't write anything in it......
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 09:56 AM

Monday Scores and Standings
      Prev   Prev           Yest  New                Prog
      Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL    2886  20.04   5  111  22.20  2997  149  20.11  19,792
SP    2892  20.08   1   20  20.00  2912  147  19.81  19,493
JG    2746  18.94   5   62  12.40  2808  150  18.72  18,420
DM    2557  18.40   5   89  17.80  2646  144  18.38  18,081
DB    2610  18.25   3   68  22.67  2678  146  18.34  18,049
BB    2579  18.42   3   32  10.67  2611  143  18.26  17.967
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 01:57 PM

I used 5 games yesterday.......

So, how about that local sports team?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/29/05 02:04 PM


Yeah, I really wanted "that guy" to have a big night last night.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 10:55 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings
       Prev   Prev           Yest  New                Prog
       Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL     2997  20.11   6  118  19.67  3115  155  20.10  19,775
SP     2912  19.81   8  166  20.75  3078  155  19.86  19,540
DB ^^  2678  18.34   5  144  28.80  2822  151  18.69  18,390
JG     2808  18.72   4   67  16.75  2875  154  18.67  18,370
DM     2646  18.38   5   63  12.60  2709  149  18.18  17,890
BB     2611  18.26   6   76  12.67  2687  149  18.03  17,745
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 01:20 PM

If you guys are having a problem accessing your team, the problem is with Yahoo, not you/us.

Everyone on the various message boards is whing up a storm already.

The Football site is fucked up, also.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 02:01 PM

Tentative Commissioner's Ruling

Just planning ahead here before tonight's games are played.....

In the event that Yahoo does not fix the problem by tonight, or should tonight's games not count with Yahoo or something, I suggest that everyone take a few minutes and post your lineup for tonight (I assume that everyone knows who they have on their team) so we can count the scores.

If anyone does not post their lineup, I'll look at their roster when the problem is fixed and figure out what their probable lineup would have been, and use that.

If you disagree with what I think your probable lineup would have been, you can make your case then.

It'll be a lot of work for me, of course, figuring out the scores and keeping track of the math for the max # of games played, but hey, that's what a commissioner is for.


Anyway, here's my lineup for tonight:

PG: Arenas
PG: Wade

SG: Carter
SG: Wells

PF: Brand
PF: ---

C: Wallace
C: Okafor

SF: James
SF: Davis

Util: ---
Util: ---
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 04:52 PM

For administrative ease, I'll let my team ride in whatever form it's in right now (i.e. I'll go by who Yahoo says I played/didn't play and Plaw doesn't have to keep track of anything extraneous, at least for my team).
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 04:56 PM

I'll agree with DB
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 04:57 PM

What, no one puts in preliminary lineups for the next day or two, and then tweaks it the day of the games? I say let it stand the way it is. I don't like the idea of someone coming up with "probable lineups" for someone else.

Yahoo has all day to fix the problem, so let's keep our fingers crossed...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 05:11 PM

If you don't like the idea, then post a lineup.

My idea is for your benefit, not to hurt you.

Post your lineup after the games if you want. I trust everyone that they won't say after the fact that they were gonna use some scrub who they never used yet just because the guy has a 30 point night tonight.

If they do, fine, I'll go with it, but it will seem pretty obvious, won't it?

As far as the administrative headaches involved go, don't worry about it. I'm willing to do it.

Stuff like this has come up before with ESPN, and everyone always seems to want to take the easy way out.

Personally, BTW, I had already set my lineup for today with Yahoo. What I'm trying to do here is protect those who didn't by giving them the opportunity to post what their lineup would be in case the problem is not fixed in time.

And by figuring out what everyone's "probable' lineup would have been for those who didn't set their lineup for today and don't see this thread, I'm trying to protect them as well.

Also, my fear is that the day will end up "not counting" or something.

I don't see what the problem is.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 05:20 PM

I couldn't tell you my roster if I wanted to. All I remember is that it was almost full for tonight. I don't know who's on the bench or not, or who's even playing today.

They have 6 hours to fix it, which I'm sure is enough time. Even if they don't, it's one day out of 6 months. I don't see that being very significant IMHO...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 05:26 PM

Things are looking up....

Football appears to be fixed, and some of the people on the FB Message Board are saying that their basketball teams are coming back.

JG...If your roster was almost full, or even if it wasn't, wouldn't it be an easy matter tomorrow to figure out who you had used?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 05:30 PM

Of course, everyone could.

But it wouldn't have been a tweaked roster; though, any roster I could live with for one day. Just look at my "tweaked" days sometimes...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 05:35 PM

That's what I meant when I talked about "probable lineups".

How hard would it be for anyone to honestly - and I absolutely believe that everyone would have been honest about it - figure out who they would've played tonight?

Of course it would be better if everyone could post their lineups in advance, but if they couldn't because they didn't know who they had on their team *cough*JG*cough*, as I said, I'd figure out what your probable lineup was, and if you disagreed with it you were free to make your case.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 07:00 PM

The error message has been replaced with:

We are currently performing server maintenance. Please try again shortly...

Sorry for the inconvenience.

-- Yahoo! Sports
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 07:09 PM

"And you believed that?"
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 08:30 PM

3:30 and counting..... :rolleyes:
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 08:46 PM

Not good, cuz I'm going to my parents for dinner in a little while. I guess I gotta leave it be after all...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 09:21 PM

Call me if you want to later. First game is at 7:00.

But don't fret. I really can't see any problem with anyone figuring out what their lineup would've been once they see their roster and the schedule.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 10:04 PM

1:56 to go. It ain't looking good, sports fans.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 11/30/05 11:06 PM

Seems to be fixed.....

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:01 AM


PL sends Vince Carter, Bonzi Wells, Channing Frye, and Grant Hill

to DM for

Kobe Bryant, Shane Battier, Boris Diaw, and Eddie Curry.

These players will be eligible for games starting after 8:00 PM on Friday, 12/2.

Here's how I figure, DM....

The Nets are off friday, so Carter is unaffected
Hill is injured, so he's unaffected
Bonzi's game starts at 10 PM, so save a spot for him if you want to use him
The Knicks start at 8:00, so you won't be able to use Frye until his next game

For me,

The Lakers game is on the West Coast, so I can use Kobe
Curry I won't be needing
Same for Diaw
Battier's game starts at 8:00, so I won't be able to use him.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:21 AM

It makes no difference to me one way or another, but out of curiousity, why are we monkeying around with the game eligibility of traded players? Why aren't we just letting Yahoo go through its progressions and let players be eligible when Yahoo processes the trade?

Like I said, this is in no way accusatory, but just a question out of intellectual curiousity...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Why aren't we just letting Yahoo go through its progressions and let players be eligible when Yahoo processes the trade?
Because Plaw likes full control to manipulate all teams at all times?

Oh, sorry, was that accusatory?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:42 AM

Because to me the two day waiting period means 48 hours, and I'm not sure exactly how Yahoo figures it.

What's two days to them?

If a trade is consumated Wednesday morning, are the players eligible for Friday night?

If the trade is consumated Wednesday night, as in this case, when are they eligible?

In this case, is the two day waiting period Wed and Thurs, or, since the trade was made on Wed, is the two day waiting period Thurs and Fri, making the players ineligible for their new teams until Saturday?

In this game, with the 3-4 games per week for each NBA team and the max # of games played factor to manage, I think it's important for the managers involved in a trade to know exactly when their new players will be eligible for them.

Is it fair to DM if he's doing his lineup at 6:00 PM Friday to not know if Wells will be available in time for his 10 PM game? Maybe Yahoo will process the trade, maybe they won't.

The same thing applies to me with Kobe's availability.

Football is different. Only one game per week.

But suppose you and I make a trade Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM. Now it's 12 noon on Sunday, and Yahoo hasn't processed the trade yet. Are you gonna put it through in time for the 1:00 PM Sunday games?

Suppose we make the trade at 2:00 PM on Friday. Then what.

Since I have no idea (do you?) how yahoo works this, I'm taking the decision out of their hands and doing it in such a way so that those managers involved in the trade know exactly when their new players will be available to them.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:47 AM

Here's the email that I got from Yahoo:

Hey paul2650,
The trade offer proposed in Gangster BB (31230) has been accepted.

There will now be a 2 day waiting period before the trade is processed. Go to your team page and click on the trade details link to review the trade. If you feel this trade is unfair, send an official protest to the commissioner.

From that, how are we supposed to know when our new players will be available?

Is the 2 day waiting period 48 hours, which would make the players available around 8:00 PM tomorrow, is it today and tomorrow, which would make them available for all of Friday's games, or is it tomorrow and Friday, which would make them available on Saturday?

Don't you think it's important that the participants in the trade know that?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:52 AM

Makes sense to me now -- I have no problem with it. My comment was tongue-in-cheek, of course.

But you're right - how do we know? And this page of the rules doesn't help much, either:

...Once the trade has been accepted and the waiting period has finished, the trade will be processed (this can take up to 24 hours)...
...in fact, that seems to suggest it could take up to 3 days!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:57 AM

As for my missing the site coming back, I suppose it could've been worse, even with LaFrentz's 1 point at halftime. :rolleyes: I would've considered putting him and Artest on the bench - in fact, I could've changed Artest a minute ago, but while looking at his Game Log, now I can't. But, no complaints from me - another typical crap day I suppose...
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 01:58 AM

well in all honesty if I could have got on the site before I would have put in all players who get above 25 points and benched the rest. Just for the record
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:00 AM


As for football, I've manually changed trades before (like I did earlier this year with you and Crabby; also with myself and DMC).

Come to think of it, Yahoo is actually pretty bad about processing trades and I'm glad you're doing it this way.

Another question... if a trade occurs between say JG and DMC, do you get notification when that trade was accepted?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:04 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Plaw likes full control to manipulate all teams at all times?
That's OK...it didn't have to be tongue in chhek; it's true.

I think the commissioner should have full control to manipulate all teams at all times.

That's his job, isn't it. Yahoo's only role, AFAIC, is to keep track of the stats.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:05 AM

Ooh... Another question to increase my posts in this thread...

Did any of you buy StatTracker in this game? I didn't buy it at first because it was so user-unfriendly. Has it gotten any better?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Another question... if a trade occurs between say JG and DMC, do you get notification when that trade was accepted?
I have no idea; there haven't been any trades yet that I wasn't involved in.

But I would imagine so, since I have to approve them.

What I'm wondering, though, is if I don't approve the trade will Yahoo approve it automatically?

Why don't you and JG trade two scrubs and we'll see if and when I get notified, abd then I'll just disallow it.

I have StatTracker (naturally ). It works fine, the same way it did during the free trial period at the beginning. Why didn't you like it?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:12 AM

I think JG said it earlier this season...

Originally posted by J Geoff:
PS - This StatTracker is a little confusing. I wish there was a column for GAME POINTS on the lineup page....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Did any of you buy StatTracker in this game? I didn't buy it at first because it was so user-unfriendly. Has it gotten any better?
I did, but I NEVER use it -- but, I believe you need it to have the scores update live on your team page. No?

All I wish for is that they'd add one more column for GAME POINTS per player -- but at least it does show total game points per team. I just don't find it of much value, I just like to see how my team is doing at any moment (on the normal team page)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:17 AM

There is a column for the guy's fantasy points, updated in real time.

There's are columns for GP, FGA, FGM, FTA, FTM, PTs, REBs, ASSTs, BLKs, TOs, and Fantasy Pts.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:19 AM

Not in StatTracker.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:21 AM

P.S. I don't like the idea of Plaw forwarding his Dream Team further with Kobe Beef. :p If he gets KG next, I'm quitting! :p
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:21 AM

The guy that gave him LeBron CANNOT complain... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:22 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Not in StatTracker.
There certainly is. It's the last column on the right on your team page.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:23 AM

I'm not gonna go for Garnett 'cuz I don't wanna skin SP.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:23 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Dream Team further with Kobe Beef.
What about my dream team?

Oh yeah they're injured
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:25 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by J Geoff:
[b] Not in StatTracker.
There certainly is. [/b][/quote]Not in MY StatTracker (the pop-up window)!


Those are the only columns for TEAM STATS as well. You only see Fantasy Points in the third tab, TEAM POINTS, under "Totals" (total fantasy points per team).

On the normal Yahoo team page, yeah, you're right, those are the columns. And that's the page I watch during gametime.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
The guy that gave him LeBron CANNOT complain... :p
I actually improved my team making that trade. :p It still sucks, though.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:29 AM

OK, I see what you mean, JG.

I never use that pop-up window. It gives you less info than you get by just looking at your team page.

But if you don't have StatTracker, I don't think you get any info on your team page until the next day when the scores are updated.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:31 AM

Yeah, that's what I meant before saying I never "use it" altho I got it. I don't use the pop-up crap. But, it is good to see how we're doing compared to each other - but, that I can wait a day for at this point, being it's barely December...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:33 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
[b] The guy that gave him LeBron CANNOT complain... :p
I actually improved my team making that trade. :p It still sucks, though. [/b][/quote]Actually, DB is ahead of you 18.69 PPG to 18.67

You have a 53 point lead on DB, but he has 3 games in hand, so it's real close, but he has the edge, I think.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:35 AM

Well, yeah... I was going by total points.

Since DB is ahead of me, it's up to him to start your 11k congrats thread! I bet you can't wait! :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:45 AM

Ugh. Spare me, please....

I've been averaging 1000 posts a month bewteen fantasy sports and arguing with Cardi

Can't we forgo the next congratulatory thread until 15,000?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 02:47 AM

Hey, I'd love to do them only at 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, etc... but it's not in my control. 11,000 though - congrats, Plaw!! :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:02 AM

Sure it is. Just let everyone know that you're gonna delete the threads as soon as they pop up, and then do it.

That'll stop it quickly enough.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:06 AM

Sorry, I'm going out for a few hours... I may be too late.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:20 AM

Where's the emoticon with the fist and the extended middle finger?
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:43 AM

This one?

11 thousand though, wow. You're right, I think you do owe it to your fantasy buddies and DC. Especially the thread that featured like 17 consecutive posts from you and no one else... that was this thread, right?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
the thread that featured like 17 consecutive posts from you and no one else... that was this thread, right?

Everyday I was posting standings along with other interesting statistics, and nary a comment.

It took a couple of controversies today to bring these guys out of the woodwork here. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 07:11 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:

It took a couple of controversies today to bring these guys out of the woodwork here. :rolleyes:
Brilliantly orchestrated, by the way.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 07:11 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Sorry, I'm going out for a few hours... I may be too late.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Brilliantly orchestrated, by the way.
'Ya think?
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 07:14 AM

How apropos for your 11,000th post. You shoulda waited till he got back. Don't worry, I won't start one.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:11 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

We had more than a full page of posts yesterday. I'm proud of you guys. Let's keep up the good work.
     Prev   Prev           Yest  New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3115  20.10   9  197  21.89  3312  164  20.20  19,872
SP   3078  19.86   5   77  15.40  3155  160  19.72  19,403
DB   2822  18.69  11  231  21.00  3053  162  18.85  18,544
JG   2875  18.67  11  230  20.90  3105  165  18.82  18,517
BB ^ 2687  18.03  10  234  23.40  2921  159  18.37  18,077
DM   2709  18.18  10  139  13.90  2848  159  17.91  17,625
Everyone had at least one guy on their bench that way out-performed someone they played yesterday:

PL  Played Wallace (15)     Shoulda played Frye (24)
SP  Played Tinsley (2)      Shoulda played Knight (26)
JG  Played LaFrentz (7)     Shoulda played Haywood (16)
DB  Played Gooden (12)      Shoulda played Ilgauskas (35)
BB  Played Sweetney (4)     Shoulda played Pachulia (20)
DM  Played Johnson (9)      Shoulda played Diaw (31)
(Note: DB would've had to play O'Neal at PF instead of C 
to use Ilgauskas)
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:30 PM

11,000 posts Plaw?! That's great. Congrats.

But per your request, no congrats thread from me. Being a numbers geek, I've always held the theory that there is no special significance for numbers that can be divided by 1,000. Like a murky slithering worm aimlessly staining the pure white of an apple, society's unsatiated (and unsubstantiated) need to glorify such numbers is leading to its degradation at its very core.

LA car chases, "Holiday" Trees, the tragic divorce of Nick and Jessica... Yep, caused by numbers that you can abbreviate by putting a little "K" next to it... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/01/05 03:38 PM

Thanks, DB....thanks even more for not starting a thread
Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Like a murky slithering worm aimlessly staining the pure white of an apple, society's unsatiated (and unsubstantiated) need to glorify such numbers is leading to its degradation at its very core
(In my best Cheech/Chong voice) "That's some heavy shit, man."
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 09:03 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest  New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3312  20.20   1   22  22.00  3334  165  20.21  19,882
SP   3155  19.72   2   42  21.00  3197  162  19.73  19,419
DB   3053  18.85   1   18  18.00  3071  163  18.84  18,539
JG   3105  18.82   0    0   0.00  3105  165  18.82  18,517
BB   2921  18.37   1    3   3.00  2924  160  18.28  17,983
DM   2848  17.91   1   17  17.00  2865  160  17.91  17,620
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 02:37 PM

Could be some movement tonight.

Everyone but SP should have a full or almost full roster going.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 04:43 PM

Plaw, when the trade goes through all incoming players go directly to my bench?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 04:56 PM


I'll be around at 8:00 tonight, so if you're not available I believe that I have the power to set your lineup if you want me to.


Set your whole lineup, and leave the spot open where you want Wells, if you want to use him tonight.

(Edit: Hmmm....I checked, and I can't. I'll tell you what: If no one has any objections, I can put the trade through now. Just don't use Frye tonight, and I won't use Battier).
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 05:15 PM

I can change starting rosters in football. I don't know if they have that capability in basketball. Is there an "Edit Rosters" link under "Commisioner Tools" Plaw?
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 05:15 PM

BTW... No objection from me on putting the trade through right now.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 05:18 PM

There's an "edit" button, but you can only edit for "any editable day", which is tomorrow.

This is the same thing we ran into with the first trade that you and I made when I screwed it up and tried to undo my screw-up, remember?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 05:37 PM

The only person who could object to my putting the trade through now is JG, and I'm sure he won't, so I'm gonna put it through.

Besides, I don't think a participant in our league, in this case you, should be penalized because he wasn't available during a specific two hour time period, in this case from 8 to 10 PM, to change his team.

Changing it for a specific day is different; you have all the time in the world, but in this case if you want to use Wells tonight, to do so you have to be at a computer between 8-10, which isn't really fair.

It's also pretty dumb, IMO, that I can't do it for you.

As I said, I think Yahoo's only role should be to facilitate the on-line draft, and keep the stats.

Just remember: You can't use Frye tonight. If you do, the penalty will be minus double his points.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 05:47 PM

Good 'ole Yahoo :rolleyes:

The trade is showing up on the transaction log, but not on our rosters

I assume that they will in a few minutes. Or should I say "hope"?

In any case, DM, if by the time you're ready to abandon your computer for the day/night, if the trade hasn't gone thru, post your lineup and we'll adjust the scores accordingly.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 06:17 PM

Well, this really sucks....

The trade is showing up on our rosters for tomorrow, but not today

So if I wanted the trade to go into effect for tonight, I would have had to approve it yesterday, except in that case the waiting period would have been less than 48 hours, because the guys playing in the early games would have been eligible.

I would've thought that once the trade appears on the transaction log, the players teams are switched, otherwise why not post it to the transaction log tomorrow?

I'm gonna just leave it the way it is, so the trade will go into effect tomorrow, but Yahoo will be hearing from me.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 06:59 PM

If I remember correctly, you cannot even pick up a free agent and use him the same day... right?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 07:13 PM


But this trade thing is bothering me.....

As commissioner, I get a notification on my team's home page that a trade has been made as soon as it's accepted. That notification includes two buttons; one to allow, and the other to disallow the trade

All you get, I believe, is email notification at the time the trade is accepted.

But I coulda sworn that with our Lebron trade, the second I clicked on the Commissioner Tool to "Allow Trade", the players went on our roster.

And with the first trade I made with DB, when I mistakenly allowed the trade before the 2 days were up, the players also went on our roster right away, I believe.

That's what all of that maneuvering in the transaction log was that day: Me trying to undo the trade because the players were on our rosters too soon.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 07:31 PM

So Plaw, I can still use Bryant and Battier for tonight?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 07:36 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
But I coulda sworn that with our Lebron trade, the second I clicked on the Commissioner Tool to "Allow Trade", the players went on our roster.
It did, for the next day. I remember after the LeBron trade, I was able to use him that night for the last time...
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 07:49 PM

A free agent is acquired on a certain day, he is not available until the next day.

Maybe it's the same for trades? A traded player is acquired once the 48-hour period is up, but is not available until the next day.

That's just my guess.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 10:39 PM

Your guess appears to be correct, but as I said, that first trade between you and I got screwed up, I thought, because I clicked on "allow trade" one day too early and the traded players wound up on our rosters one day too soon.

So, yes DM, you catch a break

One more night of Kobe for you. I hope he has another 9-33
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 10:42 PM

Hey that's not nice...

You better hope that Kobe doesn't rape (allegedly) another young girl between now and tomorrow! :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 10:42 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Your guess appears to be correct, but as I said, that first trade between you and I got screwed up, I thouight, becaise I clicked on "allow trade" onre day too early and the traded players woulnd up on our rosters one day too soon.

So, yes DM, you catch a break

One more night of Kobe for you. I hope he has another 9-33
I hope he goes 5 for 5, all 3's with a few assists in the first quarter. And since the trade already went through, may he snap his leg in two (that rhymed )
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 10:44 PM

I guess football must be different, DB.

What they call the "next editable day" must always be the upcoming Sunday, even if it's Sunday itself, since there's only one game a week.

But, as I'll say for the 3rd time, let yahoo facilitate the draft and keep the stats. The commissioner should be able to do anything else he wants to.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 10:47 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
But, as I'll say for the 3rd time, let yahoo facilitate the draft and keep the stats. The commissioner should be able to do anything else he wants to.
Sure, but his abilities are confined to what the Yahoo system can do (that is, unless you want to manually keep track of everything on things you disagree with Yahoo).
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/02/05 11:15 PM

Well, they offer you a multitude of stat categories and allow you to assign any values you wish to as many or as few of them as you like (actually, there's a limit on how many; I forget what)

You can have a waiver period and/or a trade period ranging upwards from zero days.

You saw the options on commissioner's tools, DB....how they had that "next day/tomorrow" thing ( or whatever it was called) not as an option, but as something you were stuck with.

I would think that it's not that big a deal to change it to an option, as I suggested they should when I wrote to them then, and they replied with a kindly


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Fantasy Sports.

At the moment, the feature you are requesting is not available. All add/drops/trades will affect the next day, nothing can be adjusted to have a same day setting. But since we are always looking for ways to make Yahoo! Fantasy Sports more useful to our users, your question has been taken as a suggestion and will be given due consideration as we work to improve our service.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care."
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/03/05 11:26 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest  New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3334  20.21   9  193  21.44  3527  174  20.27  19,946
SP   3197  19.73   6  135  22.50  3332  168  19.83  19,516
JG ^ 3105  18.82   8  175  21.88  3280  173  18.96  18,656
DB   3071  18.84  11  213  19.36  3284  174  18.87  18,572
DM ^ 2865  17.91  10  222  22.20  3087  170  18.16  17,868
BB   2924  18.28  10  158  15.80  3082  170  18.13  17,839
Inspired by the two best performances of the season yesterday, Fuckin' Camby's 51 and 45 by Pierce, I figured I'd update this list. Strangely enough, I'm the only one that hasn't had at least one 40 point game this season.

40 Point Games
Camby      DM     51     12-2
Pierce     JG     45     12-2
Camby      DM     43     11-4
Camby      DM     43     11-20
Gasol      JG     43     11-26
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Lebron     JG     42     11-19
Marion     BB     42     11-22
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
O'Neal     DB     41     11-18
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
Garnett    SP     40     11-17
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/04/05 11:02 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3527  20.27   6  121  20.17  3648  180  20.27  19,942
SP   3332  19.83   7  135  19.29  3467  175  19.81  19,494
JG   3280  18.96   3   64  21.33  3344  176  19.00  18,696
DB   3284  18.87  10  187  18.70  3471  184  18.86  18,562
DM   3087  18.16   6   95  15.83  3182  176  18.08  17,790
BB   3082  18.13   4   45  11.25  3127  174  17.97  17,683
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/04/05 06:42 PM

I figured I'd start throwing in some comments now.

I'll try to make these more of the analytical variety than my hilarious witty quips.

PL: Rolling along.
SP: Finally giving up on Tinsley?
JG: Still can't figure out who to play at Center.
DB: Marbury back in his good graces.
DM: Gets nothing from Carter in his DMC debut.
BB: Benches Okur for Pachulia? Questionable move....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/05/05 12:52 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3651  20.28   6  113  18.83  3764  186  20.24  19,913
SP   3467  19.81   3   46  15.33  3513  178  19.74  19,420
JG   3347  19.02   4   51  12.75  3398  180  18.88  18,576
DB   3471  18.86   4   76  19.00  3547  188  18.87  18,565
DM   3182  18.08   3   44  14.67  3226  179  18.02  17,734
BB   3121  17.94   6   65  10.83  3186  180  17.97  17,650
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/05/05 01:20 PM

Something worth mentioning about computing the standings as above:

Presumably, each of our "Fantasy Points Per Game" averages, at this point in the season at least, is comprised by the use of our "best" players.

As the season nears its end, however, and we each seek to make up the games lost at each position that were missed by our better players because of injury of whatever, it will be harder to maintain our FPPG average, since those missed games will, theoretically, be made up by players of a lesser caliber than those that they are making up the games for.

So, for example, while JG leads DB in average 18.88 to 18.87. DB has used 188 games and JG only 180.

Theoretically (again) it will be harder for JG to maintain that same average in making up the 8 games on DB, since he will not be using the same players that went into his 18.88 average but, rather, "lesser" players.

So in reality, DB may be in better position than JG, even though his FPPG average is lower.

I don't know if I explained that very well.....

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/05/05 04:43 PM

You explained it well, but I'm not sure I necessarily agree with the premise.

First off, some of my "better players" are doing shitty. At best, they are totally inconsistent. A lot of them are just shitty right now, but, I'm looking for them to improve over the course of the season -- or, looking for sleepers to help down the road (not that I know who they are).

My lost games are at the C position (-10 games off pace), since Miller is the only "starter" I have that's any good. Who's to say I won't find someone in a couple months to make those games up? Haywood is averaging 13.6 ppg, why should I use him right now?

Maybe I don't have a full grasp of how this works yet. If I'm on pace for 154 games played at C, do I need to worry yet? How far back off pace to I have to go, roughly, before I lose potential games at the end?

But as for your premise, I suppose it's somewhat true. But as I said, and you said, they could get hurt. And, others could step up and be even better in some cases.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/05/05 09:07 PM

Carlos, Grant and Shaq this is Darius, Darius that is Carlos, Grant and Shaq. Now you 4 better play (or lack there of) nice together :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 06:44 AM

I don't want to disclose any strategy tips here, JG......

Managing the "Maximum Games Played" factor is a key element to this game.

Obviously, you don't want to reach the end of the season with any games available remaining at a position, because that means lost points.

You want to hit the last day of the season right on the button, with anyone you have on your team able to eat up that one remaining game you want to have keft at a position.

All I'm prepared to say at this point is that I figured out a 100% accurate way of keeping track of mine, which is sometimes at odds with what Yahoo says by a game or two, so I wouldn't trust their figure with regard to your "pace."

I'm not gonna tell you how my little system works, but it's not that hard to figure out yourself.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 06:51 AM

Fuck any "system" right now... I got -5 today!!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 07:02 AM

That was from "Tex Antoine" Walker, wasn't it? :p

One of the guys in the Lebron trade?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 07:05 AM

Look who's talking... the guy who took my EXACT team in Fast Break! :rolleyes:

Freakin' Walker...

In 17 mins: 0/10 FG... 4 REB... 1 ASS... 0 PTS.... Thanks a bunch!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 07:08 AM

How 'bout that Elton Brand, huh? Glad I have him on my Yahoo team also.

Hey, if you want a Center, I'll give you Oakafor and any or almost all of my scrubs for either Pierce, Richardson, Jefferson, or Gasol
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 07:10 AM

Talk to my lawyer tomorrow. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 11:44 AM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3764  20.24   4  106  26.50  3870  190  20.37  20,043
SP   3513  19.74   4   92  23.00  3605  182  19.81  19,491
JG   3398  18.88   1   -5  -5.00  3393  181  18.75  18,446
DB   3547  18.87   3   33  11.00  3580  191  18.74  18,444
DM   3226  18.02   1   16  16.00  3242  180  18.01  17,723
BB   3186  17.97   4   52  13.00  3238  184  17.60  17,316
Can't get much closer than JG and DB.

JG.... PPG: 18.74585
DB... PPG: 18.74346

Diff: .00239 PPG

That's a bit more than two thousandths of a point per game, for those of you who are not mathematically inclined.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/06/05 03:40 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Carlos, Grant and Shaq this is Darius, Darius that is Carlos, Grant and Shaq. Now you 4 better play (or lack there of) nice together :rolleyes:
Don't forget all the games McGrady missed that you'll have to replace at some point with a lesser player.

Looks like Carter may miss a few games also, or at least be less than 100% for a few.

From today's Post:

December 6, 2005 --

Nothing good came out of the Nets' loss Saturday to the wretched Raptors.

Admittedly, they looked sloppy, sluggish and out-of-sorts. They looked as if they had slapped together their team a second before tip-off. And it was a low point in a season in which low points are starting to pile up.

Arguably worse, though it doesn't look as if this will happen, the Nets may have lost Vince Carter. In Saturday's third quarter, Rafael Araujo stepped on Carter's right foot, causing Carter to fall to the floor clutching his ankle. Carter left the game but later returned. Now it looks as if it was more serious than a simple twist of the ankle. His knee was injured as well.

Carter underwent an MRI Sunday to see if there was any structural damage. Though results were negative, Carter is still iffy for tomorrow's game in Charlotte.

"It's from the same thing," said Carter, referring to when he hurt his ankle. "I didn't feel it until after the game. [The knee] started to hurt a little bit, swell up a little bit. It was a rough night . . . The ankle was hurting, but the knee didn't bother me. Even in the media room, nothing bothered me.

"It feels a whole lot better than it did the last two days."

Carter yesterday said "he feels good" about the knee and doubts he'll miss tomorrow's game.


I'd offer to trade you some help - Boris Diaw would be useful to you, I think :p - but you don't have anyone left who's healthy that I'd want.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/07/05 09:43 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   3870  20.37   7  169  24.14  4039  197  20.50  20,174
SP   3605  19.81   4   56  14.00  3661  186  19.68  19,368
DB ^ 3580  18.74   9  202  22.44  3782  200  18.91  18,607
JG   3393  18.75   9  139  15.44  3532  190  18.59  18,292
DM   3242  18.01   7  165  23.57  3407  187  18.22  17,928
BB   3238  17.60   9  171  19.00  3409  193  17.66  17,381
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/07/05 11:33 AM

Scoring Per Game, Per Player
      FG%   FT%    PTS    REBS   ASST   STLS   BLKS   TOS
PL   .456  .734   18.18   7.85   3.96   1.37   1.09   2.51
SP   .483  .781   18.61   7.22   3.18   0.96   0.75   2.32
DB   .453  .778   18.62   6.21   3.75   1.13   0.70   2.27
JG   .455  .764   17.72   6.67   3.50   1.19   0.63   2.28
DM   .454  .760   17.52   6.84   3.31   0.99   0.95   2.44
BB   .444  .777   16.07   6.26   4.05   1.14   0.73   2.31
Roto Standings
(Based on per-game averages, not totals)
         FG%   FT%   PTS   REBS   ASST   STLS   BLKS  TOS
PL  34    5     1     4      6      5      6      6    1
SP  31    6     6     5      5      1      1      4    3
DB  29    2     5     6      1      4      3      2    6
JG  27    4     3     3      3      3      5      1    5
BB  25    1     4     1      2      6      4      3    4
DM  22    3     2     2      4      2      2      5    2
Top Scorers
Name       Team  Draft    Average
Brand       PL     18      29.76
Garnett     SP      1      28.87
Camby       DM     56      28.83  Best "sleeper" pick in draft
Iverson     DM      9      28.11
Pierce      JG     11      27.61
Duncan      SP     12      27.59
L. James    PL      2(JG)  26.47
Marion      BB      3      26.44
Nowitzki    DB      4      25.06
Wade        PL      6      24.94
J. O'Neal   DB     16      24.00
Bosh        DM     29      23.74
Bryant      PL      5(DM)  22.88
Gasol       JG     38      22.61  6th best sleeper pick
Jamison     JG     50      22.50  4th best sleeper pick
Jefferson   JG     26      22.25
Odom        PL     78      22.12  2nd best sleeper pick
Nash        BB     10      22.06
Webber      SP     48      21.61  5th best sleeper pick
McGrady     DM      8      21.44  (Missed 8 of 17 games)
Arenas      PL      7      21.43
R. Lewis    DB     28      21.18
Ming        SP     13      21.00
B. Miller   JG     14      20.67
D. Howard   PL     43      20.59  7th best sleeper pick
R. Davis    PL     FA      19.88  Top FA pick-up
Redd        SP     54      19.80  Drafted then cut by PL
Kidd        DB     33      19.63
Billups     DM     32      19.60
T. Parker   SP     49      19.59
Paul        JG     71      19.59  3rd best sleeper pick
The Five Biggest Busts So Far
In "Bust" order
Name       Team    Drafted    Average
Shaq        DM       17th      14.50   Missed 16 of 18 games
Kirilenko   BB       15th      13.64   Missed 7 of 17 games
Stojakovic  SP       24th      14.93   Missed 2 games
Ginobili    SP       25th      15.33   What was SP thinking?
Bibby       JG       23rd      15.89   Inexplicable decline
Significant Undrafted Free Agent Pick-Ups
Name        By    Average
R. Davis    PL     19.88
Diaw        DM     18.63  Traded to PL
G. Wallace  JG     18.33
West        SP     17.47
Wells       PL     17.39  Traded to DM
Mourning    DB     16.94
Fry         PL     16.38  Traded to DM
Knight      SP     15.82
Szczerbiak  PL     15.63
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/07/05 12:47 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Carlos, Grant and Shaq this is Darius, Darius that is Carlos, Grant and Shaq. Now you 4 better play (or lack there of) nice together :rolleyes:
I don't want to put a hex on you, or jinx you, or anything like that, but you know it's just a matter of time until - I won't mention his name - starts missing games.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/07/05 01:33 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] Carlos, Grant and Shaq this is Darius, Darius that is Carlos, Grant and Shaq. Now you 4 better play (or lack there of) nice together :rolleyes:
I don't want to put a hex on you, or jinx you, or anything like that, but you know it's just a matter of time until - I won't mention his name - starts missing games. [/b][/quote]I understand plaw. I wouldn't want Joe Johnson to miss games either :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/07/05 06:07 PM

       Total  TGU   AVG  Finish
PL     4039  197  20.37  20,503
SP     3661  186  19.68  19,368
DB ^   3782  200  18.91  18,607
JG     3532  190  18.59  18,292
DM     3407  187  18.22  17,928
BB     3409  193  17.66  17,381
Putting things in perspective:

All other things being equal,

SP has 11 games in hand on PL. He needs to average 34.5 in those 11 games to pass PL. Very, very difficult

SP has 14 games in hand on DB. If SP merely averages 8.7 in those 14 games, he maintains his lead over DB. Practically a certainty.

JG has 10 games in hand on DB. If JG can average 25.1 in those 10 games, he passes DB. Certainly a reasonable possibility.

DM has 3 games in hand on JG. He need to average 42.0 in those 3 games to pass JG. Practically impossible.

But....If JG continues to average 18.6 over his next 10 games, he'll hit 200 games with 3718 points. If DM can average 24.0 over the corresponding 13, he'll pass JG. That's very doable.

DM has 6 games in hand on BB. If DM maintains his present average, he'll hit 200 games with 3644 points. If BB can average 32.3 over the corresponding 7 games, he'll pass DM. Very unlikely.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 05:57 AM

I'm in Mourning ( ) tonight... and A.I.... well, A.I.... :rolleyes:

But at least Zia's Lakers helped me out with 5 points!
(Just 2 pts less than Mourning gave me in 29 minutes....)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 10:56 AM

Aren't you in the wrong thread here, JG?

Must be all that comedy you're playing in the "Ladies Thread" :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 01:06 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4039  20.50   9  190  21.11  4229  206  20.53  20,201
SP   3661  19.68   9  198  22.00  3859  195  19.79  19,473
DB   3782  18.91   4   53  13.25  3835  204  18.80  18,498
JG   3532  18.59   9  149  16.56  3681  199  18.50  18,202
DM   3407  18.33   6  104  17.33  3511  193  18.19  17,901
BB   3409  17.66   9  175  19.44  3584  202  17.74  17,459
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 07:39 PM

Trade Announcement

PL sends Ricky Davis, Sam Dalembert, Kurt Thomas, and Mo Williams

to JG for

Richard Jefferson, Brendon Haywood, Raef LaFrentz, and T.J. Ford
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 08:04 PM

What can I say, I like buying back players I had originally drafted (Dalembert, Thomas). :rolleyes:

Edit: "This trade will be reflected on the lineup for Monday, Dec 12." Monday??!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/08/05 09:24 PM

Where did it say Monday?

If I Ok it after 48 hours, which would be on Saturday afternoon, the players should be available Sunday, shouldn't they?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/09/05 01:24 AM

If you view the trade details, it says Monday there on the top. Seems like a long time to wait, no? Or maybe they say that because "it can take 24 hrs after the trade" for it to go thru, and that'd be Sunday, with the players available for Monday.

Hopefully we can cut a day off that if you do it manually... unless the guys I'm giving up are doing well.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/09/05 01:33 AM

I'm gonna OK it after 48 hours, on Saturday afternoon.

In the past, as soon as I OK it, the players are available for the next day.

Since none of us are ever gonna collude, I think next year we'll just go with no waiting period. If necessary, a trade can still be undone by the commish after the fact.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/09/05 11:16 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4229  20.53   1   16  16.00  4245  207  20.51  20,179
SP   3859  19.79   1   20  20.00  3879  196  19.79  19,474
DB   3835  18.80   1   34  34.00  3869  205  18.87  18,571
JG   3681  18.50   4   79  19.75  3760  203  18.52  18,226
DM   3511  18.19   2   42  21.00  3553  195  18.22  17,929
BB   3584  17.74   1   12  12.00  3596  203  17.71  17,431
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/10/05 12:30 AM

I have a feeling I'm gonna be sorry I didn't keep Dalembert and trade Oakafor.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/10/05 12:07 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4245  20.51   9  178  19.78  4423  216  20.48  20,149
SP   3879  19.79   8  133  16.63  4012  204  19.67  19,352
DB   3869  18.87   9  217  24.11  4086  214  19.09  18,788
JG   3760  18.52   6  124  20.67  3884  209  18.58  18,286
DM   3553  18.22   5  120  24.00  3673  200  18.37  18,071
BB   3596  17.71   9  164  18.22  3760  212  17.74  17,452
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 02:37 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I have a feeling I'm gonna be sorry I didn't keep Dalembert and trade Oakafor.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 04:37 AM

Let' see....

I left my house this morning to pick up my son in Queens, then we went into the city to visit his other grandfather in the hospital. Then we went to see my father, and then, after a quick stop for lunch, it was back out to Jersey to see a friend who was in from California who I haven't seen in about six years and who has a daughter that's three weeks older than my son, who he hasn't seen in about ten years, who was staying with his brother, another friend of mine who I haven't seen in about two years. Then it was back to the Meadowlands for the Nets game, and then, after a stop to bring home a pizza, we finally made it back to my place about 13 hours later.

Yes, my life sometimes does interfere with fantasy sports.

What can I tell you.....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 06:04 AM

JEEZ! You decide to do ALL THAT on the ONE (of a hundred, apparently) DAY that we have a trade pending?? Who made you Commish?? :p

Glad to hear you had a nice day! And almost sorry to see Jefferson (and his 33 points today) and Ford (with his 32 points today) go! So stop your whining about Dalembert. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 06:14 AM

"JEEZ II: The Second Coming"!!

WTF, none of the 4 guys I got from you are even playing tomorrow!!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 11:19 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4423  20.48  11  278  25.27  4701  227  20.71  20,378
SP   4012  19.67   7  133  19.00  4145  211  19.64  19,330
DB   4086  19.09  10  201  20.10  4287  224  19.14  18,832
JG   3884  18.58   8  186  23.25  4070  217  18.76  18,456
DM   3673  18.37   6  137  22.83  3810  206  18.50  18,199
BB   3760  17.74   7  137  19.57  3897  219  17.79  17,510
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/11/05 02:16 PM

From the "Department of I Have Way Too Much Time On My Hands"

Trade Evaluations

Please don't think that this post is all about "Me".....I'd be happy to evaluate all of the trades made by everyone, but since I've been involved in every trade so far.....

DB Gets
Drew Gooden
Andre Miller
Corey Maggette

PL Gets
Ron Artest
Antoine Walker

From PL's POV this trade is a negative.

Artest and Walker were shipped out almost immediately in the Lebron James trade, so that makes it kind of a wash for PL.

But, had PL not made this trade, he possibly could have kept one of his original three out of the deal with JG. Who knows?

Plus, also on the negative side for PL, he greatly strengthened DB's team.

From DB's POV, the trade was a huge plus, and had PL not made the Lebron deal, but kept Artest and Walker, compared to the three guys he gave DB, you'd have to say that DB got the best of this one by a mile.

Miller started slowly, scoring only 38 fantasy points in his first 4 games for DB (9.5 FPPG), but then got super-hot, scoring 149 FPs in his next 6 games (28.3 FPPG) before dropping off to 27 in his last 2.

Overall, Miller has played in 12 games for DB, scoring 214 FPS, for a fairly solid 17.8 average.

Drew Gooden started strongly, scoring 105 FPs in DB's first 5 games (21.0 FPPG), but has since dropped off, scoring only 69 in his last 6 (11.5).

That brought him down to a sub-par (for a starting forward, IMO) of 15.8 FPPG, on 174 FPs in 11 games.

Corey Maggette has been the best player in the whole deal. Altho he's missed a few games due to injury, he's started 9 times for DB, scoring 176 FPs, and averaging 19.6 FPPG.

The bottom line here is that if you look solely at the trade itself and disregard what PL did subsequently (which is the way DB should loook at it) DB got the best of this one by far. Based on their performances to date, the three guys he picked up have all done better than the two he traded away.

DM Gets:
Mike James
Udonis Haslem

PL Gets:
Steve Francis
Sebastian Telfair (cut immediately)

The jury is still out on this one; so far it hasn't really helped or hurt either team.

Unloading James and Haslem and getting back only Francis was a small plus for PL, because it opened up a roster spot and all of PL's free agent pickups have been pretty good.

But based solely on the traded players performances, they've all been a disappointment.

Francis has been injured, has played only 4 games for PL, and scored a subpar 53 FPs, for a 13.5 FPPG average.

And the players PL used to make up the games Francis missed haven't done much better, scoring 58 FPs in 4 games and averaging only 14.5 FPPG.

For DM, James has been subpar also, scoring 102 FPs in 10 games, a 10.2 FPPG average, while Haslem has played only 5 times, notching 64 FPs, averaging only 12.8 FPPG.

JG Gets:
Ron Artest
T.J. Ford
Antoine Walker
Nick Collison

PL Gets:
Lebron James
Kyle Korver (cut immediately)
Wally Szczerbiak (cut immediately)
Speedy Claxton (cut immediately)

This one has absolutely killed JG.

Artest has missed a few games with injuries, and in the 8 games he played, he's scored only 93 FPs, averaging a mere 11.6 FPPG.

Collison played twice, scored 11 FPs, averaged 5.5 FPPG, and was cut.

Antoine Walker has played only twice also, scoring just 5 FPs and averaging 2.5 FPPG. (Edit: Cut by JG)

And T.J. Ford started only one, scoring 9 FPs, and has now been traded back to PL in the recent Richard Jefferson deal. (Edit: Cut by JG)

For PL, the trade has worked out great.

Korver, Szczerbiak, and Claxton were all cut immediately (altho PL reacquired Szczerbiak later as a free agent, and he's been great), opening up roster spots for what turned out to be better free agent pickups.

And James, the key man in the deal, has been exactly what PL expected and hoped for: 9 games, 259 FPs, and a 28.8 FPPG average. Even without yesterday's 54 - the highest FP total of the season so far - Lebron was still averaging a terrific 25.6 FPPG.

DM Gets:
Vince Carter
Bonzi Wells
Channing Frye
Grant Hill

PL Gets:
Kobe Bryant
Boris Diaw
Shane battier
Ed Curry

So far, this one has favored DM, altho I'm gonna assume that when the final results are in, Kobe will have out-performed Carter.

But for now, it's been:

Carter, 4 games 101 FPs, 25.3 FPPG vs.
Bryant, 5 games, 107 FPs, 21.4 FPPG (edge DM)

Diaw, 4 games, 85 FPs, 21.3 FPPG vs.
Wells, 4 games, 87 FPs, 21.8 FPPG (edge DM)


DM gets Channing Frye who, while unspectacular, has been better than what DM had been using at Center (basically no one), scoring 60 FPs in 4 games, for a 15.0 FPPG average.


DM also gets Grant Hill who, although injured now, could make an 18-20 FPPG contribution if and when he's healthy..

Carter's 25.3 for DM consists of a 48 FP gamne, and a 9 FP game, while Bryant's 21.4 also includes a 9-pointer.

You gotta think that Kobe's FP average is gonna rise a bit, while Carter's figures to sink a little, and in the end Kobe will average more than Vince (at least that's what PL figured, or he obviously would have never made this trade), so this one may come down to the difference between Wells and Diaw.

As far as Frye goes, he didn't figure to see any playing time for PL anyway, so except for the improvement in DM's team that PL has to suffer for, Frye's loss to PL is negligible.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/12/05 08:42 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4701  20.71   4  117  29.25  4818  231  20.86  20,523
SP   4145  19.64   4   53  13.25  4198  215  19.53  19,213
DB   4287  19.14   0   00   0.00  4287  224  19.14  18,832
JG   4070  18.76   5   79  15.80  4149  222  18.69  18,390
DM   3810  18.50   4   88  22.00  3898  210  18.56  18,265
BB   3897  17.79   3   59  19.67  3956  222  17.82  17,535
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/12/05 08:54 AM

40 Point Games
Lebron     PL     54     12-10
Camby      DM     51     12-2
Brand      PL     48     12-5
Carter     DM     48     12-9
Wade       PL     48     12-11
Pierce     JG     45     12-2
Camby      DM     43     11-4
Camby      DM     43     11-20
Gasol      JG     43     11-26
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Lebron     JG     42     11-19
Marion     BB     42     11-22
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
O'Neal     DB     41     11-18
Duncan     SP     41     12-7
Brand      PL     41     12-11
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
Garnett    SP     40     11-17
McGrady    DM     40     12-6

    By Team       By Player
     DM  7        Camby   4
     SP  5        Duncan  3
     JG  5        Lebron  3
     PL  4        Pierce  2
     BB  3        Brand   2
     DB  1 
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/12/05 02:39 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           LAST WEEK    THIS WEEK    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Brand       PL    18       1   29.76    1   30.70    + 0.94
Garnett     SP     1       2   28.87    2   28.89    + 0.02
Iverson     DB     9       4   28.11    3   28.24    + 0.13 
Camby       DM    56       3   28.83    4   27.75    - 1.08
Duncan      SP    12       6   27.59    5   27.70    + 0.11
Pierce      JG    11       5   27.61    6   27.35    - 0.26
L. James    PL     2(JG)   7   26.47    7   27.32    + 0.85
Wade        PL     6      10   24.94    8   26.52    + 0.58
Marion      BB     3       8   26.44    9   25.53    - 0.91
Nowitzki    DB     4       9   25.06   10   25.05    - 0.01
J. O'Neal   DB    16      11   24.00   11   24.63    + 0.63
Bosh        DM    29      12   23.74   12   24.52    + 0.78
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  16   22.25   13   22.74    + 0.49
Nash        BB    10      18   22.06   14   22.58    + 0.52
Bryant      PL     5(DM)  13   22.88   15   22.30    - 0.58
Odom        PL    78      17   22.12   16   22.25    + 0.13
McGrady     DM     8      20   21.44   17   22.18    + 0.74
R. Lewis    DB    28      22   21.18   18   21.47    + 0.29
Arenas      PL     7      21   21.43   19   21.37    - 0.06
B. Miller   JG    14      24   20.67   20   21.24    + 0.57
Gasol       JG    38      14   22.61   21   21.20    - 1.41
D. Howard   PL    43      25   20.59   22   20.95    + 0.36
Billups     DM    32      29   19.60   23   20.94    + 1.34
Jamison     JG    50      15   22.50   24   20.89    - 1.61
Paul        JG    71      31   19.59   25   20.75    + 1.16
Webber      SP    48      19   21.61   26   20.62    - 0.99 
Ming        SP    13      23   21.00   27   20.26    - 0.74
Kidd        DB    33      28   19.63   28   20.16    + 0.53
R. Davis    JG    FA(PL)  26   19.88   29   19.80    - 0.08
Rahim       BB    46      --   18.53   30   19.67    + 1.14
Carter      DM    19(PL)  --   17.33   31   19.56    + 2.33
The Big Movers
Moving Up:
Vince Carter       +2.33   Unranked to #31  (DM)
Chauncey Billups   +1.34   From #29 to #23  (DM)
Chris Paul         +1.16   From #31 to #25  (JG)
Shareef A. Raheem  +1.14   Unranked to #30  (BB)
Elton Brand        +0.94   Adds to league leading average
Lebron James       +0.85   But stays at #7 (PL)
Dropping Down:
Antwon Jamison     -1.61   From #15 to #24  (JG)
Pau Gasol          -1.41   From #14 to #21  (JG)
Marcus Camby       -1.08   From # 3 to # 4  (DM)
Chris Webber       -0.99   From #19 to #26  (SP)
Shawn Marion       -0.91   From # 8 to # 9  (BB)
Yao Ming           -0.74   From #23 to #27  (SP)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/13/05 01:12 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4818  20.86   4   92  23.00  4910  235  20.89  20,559
SP   4198  19.53   6  115  19.17  4313  221  19.52  19,204
DB   4287  19.14   4   67  16.75  4354  228  19.10  18,791
JG   4149  18.69   4   62  15.50  4211  226  18.63  18,335
DM   3898  18.56   2   42  21.00  3940  212  18.58  18,288
BB   3956  17.82   5  112  22.40  4068  227  17.92  17,634
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/14/05 07:11 AM

It's a sad and pathetic day, when deservedly-benched Antoine Walker (14) scores more points than 4 of 5 others on my active roster!! :rolleyes:

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/14/05 07:59 AM

Still haven't gotten over that minus 5 from Walker, huh? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/14/05 08:30 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   4940  20.89   6  141  23.50  5051  241  20.96  20,623
SP   4313  19.52   4   91  22.75  4404  225  19.57  19,260
DB   4354  19.10   6  101  16.83  4455  234  19.03  18,734
DM ^ 3940  18.58   6  114  19.00  4054  218  18.60  18,302
JG   4211  18.63   6   62  10.33  4273  232  18.42  18,123
BB   4068  17.92   6  150  25.00  4218  233  18.10  17,813
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/14/05 02:39 PM

Current Roster Composition
                   PL     SP     DB     DM     JG     BB
Drafted             7     13     12     10       7    15
Traded For          5     --      3      6       6    --
Free Agents         5      4      2      1       4     2
Drafted, Still
In The League      14     13     13     13      12    15
Drafted Players
Dropped             3      4      4      4       5     2
Total # Of
Players Used       32     16     24     24      28    19
Drafted Players Dropped

   PL           SP          DB            DM          JG          BB
Jaric 10      Gordon 6    K Mart 11    Q Rich 9    Korver 10    Peterson 14
Childress 15  Simmons 12  Crawford 13  Telfair 11  LaFrentz 13  Diogu 17   
D. Jones 17   J Smith 13  Alston 16    Curry 12    D Stouda 14
              Swift 16    Magliore 17  Ridnour 16  J Smith 16
                                                   M Willms 17
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/14/05 05:00 PM

Roto Scoring
         FG%   FT%   PTS   RBs   ASS   STL   BLKs   TOs
PL  36    5     1     6     6     5     6     6      1
SP  30    6     4     4     5     1     2     4      4
DB  28    3     5     5     1     4     5     2      3
BB  28    1     6     1     2     6     4     3      5
DM  24    4     3     3     4     2     1     5      2
JG  22    2     2     2     3     3     3     1      6
Stats Per Game
     FG%    FT%    PTs    RBS    ASS    STs    BLKs   TOs
PL  .462   .735   18.78   7.81   3.99   1.32   1.11   2.55
SP  .479   .770   18.55   7.16   3.29   1.01   0.76   2.29
DB  .454   .777   18.59   6.20   3.89   1.19   0.71   2.32
BB  .446   .784   16.42   6.21   4.19   1.16   0.74   2.29
DM  .459   .762   17.92   6.83   3.30   1.00   0.94   2.39
JG  .453   .760   17.54   6.69   3.55   1.15   0.56   2.27
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/15/05 01:26 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5051  20.96  10  222  22.20  5273  251  21.01  20,672
SP   4404  19.57   8  207  25.88  4611  233  19.79  19,473
DB   4455  19.03   8  147  18.38  4602  242  19.02  18,712
DM   4054  18.60  10  188  18.80  4242  228  18.61  18,308
JG   4273  18.42  11  191  17.36  4464  243  18.37  18,076
BB   4218  18.10   9  200  22.22  4418  242  18.26  17,964
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/16/05 10:46 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5273  21.01   2   48  24.00  5321  253  21.03  20,695
SP   4611  19.79   4   98  24.50  4709  237  19.87  19,551
DB   4602  19.02   4   58  14.50  4660  246  18.94  18,640
DM   4242  18.61   1   28  28.00  4270  229  18.65  18,348
JG   4464  18.37   1   10  10.00  4474  244  18.34  18,043
BB   4418  18.51   2   33  16.50  4451  244  18.24  17,950
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/17/05 12:55 AM

What a start for DM tonight:

Carter- 6 mins, 13 Pts
Johnson- 16 mins, 19 Pts
Bosh- 18 mins, 16 Pts
Murphy- 18 mins, 12 Pts

58 Minutes, 60 Points.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/17/05 09:55 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5321  21.03   8  183  22.88  5504  261  21.09  20,751
SP   4709  19.87   6  138  23.00  4847  243  19.95  19,627
DB   4660  18.94   9  235  26.11  4895  255  19.20  18,889
DM   4270  18.65   8  202  25.25  4472  237  18.87  18,567
BB   4451  18.24   9  196  21.78  4647  253  18.37  18,074
JG   4474  18.34  10  152  15.20  4626  254  18.21  17,921
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/17/05 11:12 PM

Kaman (-1)

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/17/05 11:27 PM

I gotta tell ya....

I didn't understand why you picked him up, and I understand even less why you played him
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/17/05 11:31 PM

I picked him up cuz of 12/13, 12/11, 12/10, 12/3, 11/27, 11/25, 11/18,.... and, cuz I wanted to make up some games for the C position...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/18/05 08:46 AM

Yeah, but you didn't use him at Center, you used him at Utility.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/18/05 08:57 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5504  21.09   5  140  28.00  5644  266  21.22  20,879
SP   4847  19.95   6  110  18.33  4957  249  19.91  19,589
DB   4895  19.20   5   85  17.00  4980  260  19.15  18,847
DM   4472  18.87   6  102  17.00  4574  243  18.82  18,522
BB   4647  18.37   7  155  22.14  4802  260  18.47  18,174
JG   4626  18.21   6   77  12.83  4703  260  18.09  17,799
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/18/05 08:16 PM

I gotta check this shit earlier... :rolleyes:

I had no idea there was a 1pm (!) game, and it must've been literally like 1:02 or something when I tried to put Dalembert on my roster. Kept getting some error I couldn't figure out, 'til I reloaded the page and realized the game had already started. Of course he has a great day when he's on my bench!

Edit: Oh yeah, freakin' WHINE ALERT!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/18/05 08:29 PM

Why don't you just set it and forget it? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/18/05 11:45 PM

Two of the most unbelievable fantasy first quarters featuring

DM's Vince Carter & DB's Jason Kidd
     FGA FGM Pts Rebs Ass Blk St  TO FPTS
Kidd   7   6  14   1    9  1   1   2  23  also 2-2 on 3 Pters
Carter 7   6  15   2    1  0   1   1  17  also 3-3 on 3 Pters
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 07:42 AM


Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 07:52 AM


Someone get this crybaby a pacifier already, will ya?

It's no big deal in this game. All you theoretically lose is the difference between Ming's average, and what the guy you replace him with scores when you make the game up.

It could even work out better if the guy is someone you wouldn't have ordinarily used and he has a big game.

It's in the salary cap game where it really hurts (I had him, too).

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 08:02 AM

I posted in the wrong thread again... of course I meant Fast Break, since I don't own him in this game.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 12:34 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5644  21.22   5   85  17.00  5729  271  21.14  20,802
SP   4957  19.91   7  135  19.29  5092  256  19.89  19,572
DB   4981  19.15   5  103  20.60  5084  265  19.18  18,878
DM   4574  18.82   6  109  18.16  4683  249  18.81  18,506
BB   4802  18.47   4   57  14.25  4859  264  18.41  18,111
JG   4703  18.09   4   85  21.25  4788  264  18.14  17,846
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 12:52 PM


Last Week
Anthony    BB     48     12-13
Lebron     PL     45     12-17
Garnett    SP     44     12-15
Billups    DM     42     12-14
Kobe       PL     41     12-16
Webber     SP     40     12-12
Season Total
Lebron     PL     54     12-10
Camby      DM     51     12-2
Brand      PL     48     12-5
Carter     DM     48     12-9
Wade       PL     48     12-11
Anthony    BB     48     12-13
Pierce     JG     45     12-2
Lebron     PL     45     12-17
Garnett    SP     44     12-15
Camby      DM     43     11-4
Camby      DM     43     11-20
Gasol      JG     43     11-26
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Lebron     JG     42     11-19
Marion     BB     42     11-22
Billups    DM     42     12-14
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
O'Neal     DB     41     11-18
Duncan     SP     41     12-7
Brand      PL     41     12-11
Kobe       PL     41     12-16
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
Garnett    SP     40     11-17
McGrady    DM     40     12-6
Webber     SP     40     12-12

    By Team       By Player
     DM  8        Camby   4
     SP  7        Lebron  4
     PL  6        Duncan  3
     JG  5        Pierce  2
     BB  4        Brand   2
     DB  1        Garnett 2
                  Webber  2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/19/05 01:50 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           LAST WEEK    THIS WEEK    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Brand       PL    18       1   30.70    1   29.50    - 1.20
Garnett     SP     1       2   28.89    2   28.86    - 0.03
L. James    PL     2(JG)   7   27.32    3   28.45    + 1.13
Wade        PL     6       8   26.52    4   27.04    + 0.52
Camby       DM    56       4   27.75    5   26.71    - 1.04
Pierce      JG    11       6   27.35    6   26.70    - 0.65
Iverson     DB     9       3   28.24    7   26.44    - 1.80 
Duncan      SP    12       5   27.70    8   26.38    - 1.32
Nowitzki    DB     4      10   25.05    9   25.83    + 0.78
Marion      BB     3       9   25.53   10   25.74    + 0.21
J. O'Neal   DB    16      11   24.63   11   24.36    - 0.27
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.50   12   24.04    - 0.46
Bryant      PL     5(DM)  15   22.30   13   23.71    + 1.41
McGrady     DM     8      17   22.18   14   22.40    + 0.22
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  13   22.74   15   21.96    - 0.78
Nash        BB    10      14   22.58   15   21.96    - 0.62
Billups     DM    32      23   20.94   17   21.76    + 0.82
Paul        JG    71      25   20.75   18   21.54    + 0.79
Webber      SP    48      26   20.62   19   21.48    + 0.86
R. Lewis    DB    28      18   21.47   20   21.45    - 0.02
Odom        PL    78      16   22.25   21   21.42    - 0.83
B. Miller   JG    14      20   21.24   22   21.38    + 0.14
D. Howard   PL    43      22   20.95   23   21.33    + 0.38
Arenas      PL     7      19   21.37   24   21.29    - 0.08
Ming        SP    13      27   20.26   25   21.23    + 0.97
Kidd        DB    33      28   20.16   26   21.13    + 0.97
Gasol       JG    38      21   21.20   27   20.45    - 0.75
Carter      DM    19(PL)  31   19.56   27   20.45    + 0.89
R. Allen    BB    22      --   19.00   29   19.82    + 0.82
Parker      SP    49      --   18.85   30   19.79    + 0.94
Okur        BB    63      --   18.20   30   19.75    + 1.55
Rahim       BB    46      30   19.67   32   19.75    + 0.08
Redd        SP    54(PL)  --   19.29   33   19.57    + 0.28
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/20/05 04:14 AM

Oxygen Please: Ben Wallace 55 minutes Pau Gasol 54 minutes
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/20/05 07:30 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
...Pau Gasol 54 minutes
You must mean the guy on my BENCH! :rolleyes:

In fact... I had more points on my bench than on my roster!

I give up. Trully.

Firesale starts tomorrow.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/20/05 09:05 AM

Trade offers on the way

Don't make any deals until you hear fom me.

Remember....I'm the guy who made you an offer last week, and then while you were undecided I told you to forget it, that it wasn't really a good deal for you after all.

I'm the guy that did a complete analysis of your team, and showed you why.

Don't deal with any of those other mule skinners in this league until I have a chance to top any offers they make.

Remember....My team is the deepest and the best.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/20/05 10:35 AM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5729  21.14   5  109  21.80  5838  276  21.15  20,814
SP   5092  19.89   1    9   9.00  5101  257  19.85  19,531
DB   5084  19.18   1   35  35.00  5119  266  19.24  18,936
DM   4683  18.81   7  124  17.71  4807  256  18.78  18,477
BB   4859  18.41   3   76  25.33  4935  267  18.48  18,187
JG   4788  18.14   5   70  14.00  4858  269  18.06  17,770
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/20/05 01:07 PM

Lest you guys think that I'm totally fucking nuts for the amount of time I spend on this, bear in mind that

1) Fantasy sports has actually become a kind of a hobby.
2) I do have the free time to indulge myself.
3) From my love for the work of baseball guru Bill James, who liked to provide his readers with statistical stuff that they couldn't find elsewhere, I developed a love for figuring out the same kind of stuff, and
4) I enjoy to writing about it as if I were a sportswriter.

So, from The Department of Plenty of Time on My Hands, a trade analysis:

Perhaps no one other than DM is gonna find this very interesting, but since this was one of the rare trades that seemed to help both teams, it bears a closer inspection.

PL trades Vince Carter, Bonzi Wells, Grant Hill, and Channing Frye to DM.

DM trades Kobe Bryant, Boris Diaw, Ed Curry, and Shane Battier to PL.

Breaking down the trade into its indivudual components:

Carter: 8 games for DM, averaging 24.9 FPPG
Kobe 9 games for PL, averaging 26.7 FPPG

+1.8 for PL, f1gures to get slightly larger.

Wells: 8 games for DM, averaging 19.6 FPPG
Diaw: 9 games for PL, averaging 17.6, however PL used him in only three, in which he averaged 20.0 FPG.

Edge for DM in FPPG, but more importantly, it freed a Utility spot for Wally Szczerbiak for PL, who has averaged 21.6 in the games that he's replaced Wells.

But, there's another edge here for DM. Prior to the trade, he had a big hole at Utility, and was using scrubs like Bobby Duhon and Jay Williams. Even if he had begun using Diaw at Utility, he's 1.9 better with Wells.

Plus, with the injury to SG/SF Darius Miles, he had a viable replacement. Assuming that had the trade not been made, he would have begun using Diaw regularly, his team went from

Bryant - Miles - Scrub to
Bryant - Diaw - Scrub to
Carter - Wells - Scrub

But.....with the return of Grant Hill, he now has a non-scrub to play at Utility. True, Hill only scored 12 FPs in the one game DM used him and has only averaged 13.3 since his return, but there was one game in the three since his return when he scored 27, so there's reasonable hope that he'll hit his stride and average his usual 18-20.

Plus.....DM got Channing Frye. Way behind in games played because of Shaq's injury, and with no viable replacement, Frye played 8 games for DM, averaging a very reasonable (for Centers this year) 17.1 for him. No loss for PL there, though, since Frye wasn't going to play at all for him anyway.

Also helping PL in the trade was his cutting of Curry and Battier, and turning them into Sam Dalembert and Kurt Thomas, who he really didn't need either, and shipping them to JG in the Richard jefferson deal, which allowed PL to replace Diaw (17.6) with Jefferson (22.0) at Utility.

A very godd trade for both teams.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/21/05 12:42 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   5838  21.15   7  188  26.86  6026  283  21.29  20,953
SP   5101  19.85   7  145  20.71  5246  264  19.87  19,553
DB   5119  19.24   8   99  12.38  5218  274  19.04  18,739
DM   4807  18.78   4  111  27.75  4918  260  18.92  18,613
BB   4935  18.48   7   82  11.71  5017  274  18.31  18,017
JG   4858  18.06   3   26   8.67  4884  272  17.96  17,669
Tuesday's Whines

PL: Kobe, Odom, and Wade all sit out their fourth quarters. Costs at least 15 points, probably a lot more.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/21/05 01:56 PM

I'm not last anymore lol
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/21/05 02:59 PM

You haven't been "last" since 12/2, except based on the Yahoo scoring system which doesn't take into account games played.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/21/05 06:11 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
You haven't been "last" since 12/2, except based on the Yahoo scoring system which doesn't take into account games played.
That's true, I always liked the idea of having more games left than others until youre explanation on the quality of players used, so that changed my outlook on scores.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/22/05 08:49 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6026  21.29   6  143  23.83  6169  289  21.35  21,004
SP   5246  19.87   6  108  18.00  5354  270  19.83  19,512
DB   5218  19.44   5  107  21.40  5325  279  19.09  18,781
DM   4918  18.92   9  177  19.67  5095  269  18.94  18,637
BB   5017  18.31   6   79  13.17  5096  280  18.20  17,909
JG   4884  17.96   8  161  20.13  5045  280  18.02  17,730
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/23/05 09:43 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6169  21.35   1   33  33.00  6202  290  21.39  21,044
SP   5354  19.83   1   16  16.00  5370  271  19.82  19,498
DB   5325  19.09   3   52  17.33  5377  282  19.07  18,762
DM   5095  18.94   0    0  00.00  5095  269  18.94  18,637
BB   5096  18.20   1   10  10.00  5106  281  18.17  17,880
JG   5045  18.02   3   49  16.33  5094  283  18.00  17,712
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/24/05 04:54 AM

Spectacular nights for Brand, Iverson, and Carter tonight
          FGs    FTs   PTS   RB   AS   ST  BK  TO   FPTS
Brand    14-25  10-10   38   20    5    1   3   3    53
Iverson  17-31  19-21   53    6    5    2   0   0    50
Carter   13-25  23-24   51    7    4    0   0   1    48
Carter averaging 36.0 FPPG during Nets current five game winning streak, including 73-79 from the free throw line (.924)......

Iverson has scored 86 FPs in his last two (43.0), after scoring only 68 (including 5 and 8 point fantasy games) in his previous four (17.0)......

Brand has scored 85 FPs in his last two (42.5), after scoring only 87 (21.8) in his last four......

Oh, and JG......

I think you had a season-high number of points on the bench tonight, with Kaman's 38.

I told you that you should be playing the guy :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/24/05 07:50 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
...points on the bench tonight, with Kaman's 38.

I told you that you should be playing the guy :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/25/05 02:02 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

(No games Saturday)

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6202  21.39  12  250  20.83  6452  302  21.36  21,022
SP   5370  19.82  11  265  24.09  5635  282  19.98  19,663
DB   5377  19.07  11  301  27.36  5678  293  19.38  19,069
DM   5095  18.94  11  201  18.27  5296  280  18.91  18,612
BB   5106  18.17   9  152  16.89  5258  290  18.13  17,841
JG   5094  18.00   7  108  15.43  5202  290  17.94  17,651
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/26/05 02:04 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6452  21.36   4   92  23.00  6544  306  21.39  21,043
SP   5635  19.98   3   34  11.33  5669  285  19.89  19,573
DB   5678  19.38   1   13  13.00  5691  294  19.36  19,047
DM   5296  18.91   2   38  19.00  5334  282  18.91  18,612
BB   5258  18.13   0    0  00.00  5258  290  18.13  17,841
JG   5202  17.94   0    0  00.00  5202  290  17.94  17,651
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/26/05 05:15 PM


Last Week (12/23 was some day)
Kobe      PL     55     12-20
Brand     PL     53     12-23
Iverson   DB     50     12-23
Carter    DM     48     12-23
Nowitzki  DB     43     12-23
Nowitzski DB     41     12-22
O'Neal    DB     40     12-23
Season Total
Kobe       PL     55     12-20
Lebron     PL     54     12-10
Brand      PL     53     12-23
Camby      DM     51     12-2
Iverson    DB     50     12-23
Brand      PL     48     12-5
Carter     DM     48     12-9
Wade       PL     48     12-11
Anthony    BB     48     12-13
Carter     DM     48     12-23
Pierce     JG     45     12-2
Lebron     PL     45     12-17
Garnett    SP     44     12-15
Camby      DM     43     11-4
Camby      DM     43     11-20
Gasol      JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki   DB     43     12-23
Duncan     SP     42     11-7
Okur       BB     42     11-12
Lebron     JG     42     11-15
Lebron     JG     42     11-19
Marion     BB     42     11-22
Billups    DM     42     12-14
Cassell    BB     41     11-2
Pierce     JG     41     11-9
Camby      DM     41     11-13
Webber     SP     41     11-15
O'Neal     DB     41     11-18
Duncan     SP     41     12-7
Brand      PL     41     12-11
Kobe       PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki   DB     41     12-22
Miles      DM     40     11-2
Duncan     SP     40     11-11
Garnett    SP     40     11-17
McGrady    DM     40     12-6
Webber     SP     40     12-12
O'Neal     DB     40     12-23

    By Team       By Player
     DM  9        Camby    4
     PL  8        Lebron   4
     SP  7        Duncan   3
     DB  5        Brand    3
     JG  5        Pierce   2
     BB  4        Kobe     2
                  Nowitzki 2
                  O'Neal   2
                  Carter   2
                  Garnett  2
                  Webber   2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/27/05 01:42 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6544  21.39   8  187  23.38  6731  314  21.44  21,093
SP   5669  19.89   5   90  18.00  5759  290  19.86  19,541
DB   5691  19.36   8  146  18.25  5837  302  19.33  19,019
DM   5334  18.91   5   89  17.80  5423  287  18.90  18,593
BB   5258  18.13   8  219  27.38  5477  298  18.38  18,085
JG   5202  17.94   9  153  17.00  5355  299  17.91  17,623
Originally posted by plawrence on 12/23:

Oh, and JG......

I think you had a season-high number of points on the bench tonight, with Kaman's 38.

I had Boris Diaw on the bench last night with 41.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/28/05 12:54 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6731  21.44   5  144  28.80  6875  319  21.55  21,207
SP   5759  19.86   8  167  20.88  5926  298  19.89  19,568
DB   5837  19.33   7  138  19.71  5975  309  19.34  19,027
DM   5423  18.90   8  141  17.63  5564  295  18.86  18,559
BB   5477  18.38   5   86  17.20  5563  303  18.36  18,066
JG   5355  17.91   6  142  23.67  5497  305  18.02  17,735
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/29/05 12:20 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6875  21.55   6  115  19.17  6990  325  21.51  21,164
SP   5926  19.89   5  110  22.00  6036  303  19.92  19,602
DB   5975  19.34   5   68  13.60  6043  314  19.25  18,937
DM   5564  18.86   7  146  20.86  5710  302  18.91  18,605
BB   5563  18.36   7  136  19.43  5699  310  18.38  18,088
JG   5497  18.02   9  205  22.78  5702  314  18.16  17,869
SP gains ground on PL in the race for the top spot....
DM gains on DB in the race for third....
JG gains on BB in the fight to stay out of the cellar....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/30/05 01:37 AM

Ridnour tonight, JG?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/30/05 07:01 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Ridnour tonight, JG?
He didn't even play; what's the big deal?
I'm sure he'd've done better than Paul's freakin' *7* points!! :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/30/05 10:58 AM

Never mind. I didn't realize Ridnour was out.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/30/05 11:08 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   6990  21.51   2   60  30.00  7050  327  21.56  21,215
SP   6036  19.92   5  103  20.60  6139  308  19.93  19,613
DB   6043  19.25   3   59  19.67  6102  317  19.25  18,941
DM   5710  18.91   2   47  23.50  5757  304  18.94  18,635
BB   5699  18.38   2   56  28.00  5755  312  18.45  18,150
JG   5702  18.16   1    7   7.00  5709  315  18.12  17,834
You don't want to wish bad luck or injury on anyone, but sometimes you just gotta laugh....

Marcus Camby underwent surgery yesterday on his pinkie. He'll be out indefinitely.

If I may suggest, DM, you should change your team name to "The Injured Reserves" or "The Walking Wounded" -- something more appropriate and in keeping with the fact that the following players currently on your roster have missed or will miss significant playing time this season:

Tracy McGrady
Shaquille O'Neal
Grant Hill
Bonzi Wells
Marcus Camby
Darius Miles
Carlos Boozer

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 12/31/05 01:51 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7050  21.56   7  181  25.86  7231  334  21.65  21,303
SP   6139  19.93   6  114  19.00  6253  314  19.91  19,595
DB   6102  19.25   5  122  24.40  6224  322  19.33  19,020
DM   5757  18.94  10  223  22.30  5980  314  19.04  18,740
BB   5755  18.45   6  138  23.00  5893  318  18.53  18,235
JG   5709  18.12   7  170  24.29  5879  322  18.26  17,966
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/01/06 08:11 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7231  21.65   3   66  22.00  7297  337  21.65  21,306
SP   6253  19.91   7  131  18.71  6384  321  19.89  19,570
DB   6224  19.33   7  143  20.43  6367  329  19.35  19,043
DM   5980  19.04   4   60  15.00  6040  318  18.99  18,690
BB   5893  18.53  10  227  22.70  6120  328  18.66  18,360
JG   5879  18.26   9  204  22.67  6083  331  18.38  18,083
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/02/06 12:16 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7297  21.65   4   83  20.75  7380  341  21.64  21,296
SP   6384  19.89   2   33  16.50  6417  323  19.87  19,549
DB   6367  19.35   0    0  00.00  6367  329  19.35  19,043
DM   6040  18.99   1   17  17.00  6057  319  18.99  18,684
BB   6120  18.66   3   68  22.67  6188  331  18.69  18,396
JG   6083  18.38   2   44  22.00  6127  333  18.40  18,105
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/02/06 12:42 PM


Last Week
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Season Total

Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28

    By Team       By Player
     DM 10        Camby     4
     PL 10        Lebron    4
     SP 10        Garnett   4
     JG  6        Webber    3
     DB  5        Duncan    3
     BB  5        Brand     3
                  Pierce    2
                  Kobe      2
                  Nowitzki  2
                  J. O'Neal 2
                  Carter    2
                  Marion    2          
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/02/06 01:35 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                          2 Weeks Ago   This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       2   28.89    1   29.61    + 0.72
Brand       PL    18       1   30.70    2   29.17    - 1.53
L. James    PL     2(JG)   7   27.32    3   28.54    + 1.22
Iverson     DB     9       3   28.24    4   27.33    - 0.91
Marion      BB     3       9   25.53    5   27.14    + 1.61
Nowitzki    DB     4      10   25.05    6   26.57    + 1.52
Wade        PL     6       8   26.52    7   26.38    - 0.14
Duncan      SP    12       5   27.70    8   26.35    - 1.35
Pierce      JG    11       6   27.35    9   26.31    - 1.04
Camby       DM    56       4   27.75   10   25.64    - 2.11
Bryant      PL     5(DM)  15   22.30   11   24.62    + 2.32
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.52   12   24.17    - 0.35
J. O'Neal   DB    16      12   24.63   13   23.63    - 1.00
Gasol       JG    38      21   21.20   14   23.28    + 2.18
Arenas      PL     7      19   21.37   15   23.07    + 1.70
Carter      DM    19(PL)  31   19.56   16   22.89    + 3.33
Nash        BB    10      14   22.58   17   22.83    + 0.25
McGrady     DM     8      17   22.18   18   22.10    - 0.08
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  13   22.74   19   22.10    - 0.64
Webber      SP    48      26   20.62   20   21.67    + 1.05 
Billups     DM    32      23   20.94   21   21.61    + 0.67
R. Lewis    DB    28      18   21.47   22   21.45    - 0.02
Odom        PL    78      16   22.25   23   21.33    - 1.08
Paul        JG    71      25   20.75   24   21.28    - 0.47
B. Miller   JG    14      20   21.24   25   21.10    - 0.14
Ming        SP    13      27   20.26   26   21.23    + 0.97
Kidd        DB    33      28   20.16   27   21.14    - 0.02
B. Wallace  PL    30      --   19.05   28   20.39    + 1.34
R. Allen    BB    22      29   19.82   29   20.38    + 0.56
Okur        BB    63      30   19.75   30   20.35    + 0.60 
D. Howard   PL    43      22   20.95   31   20.15    - 0.80
Anthony     BB    57      --   18.88   32   19.60    + 0.72
Rahim       BB    46      30   19.67   33   19.59    - 0.08
Richardson  JG    47      --   18.24   34   19.58    + 1.34
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/03/06 01:43 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7380  21.64   2   27  13.50  7407  343  21.59  21,249
SP   6417  19.87   4   61  15.25  6478  327  19.81  19,493
DB   6367  19.35   4   69  17.25  6436  333  19.33  19,018
DM   6057  18.99   1    7   7.00  6064  320  18.95  18,647
BB   6188  18.69   5  125  25.00  6313  336  18.79  18,488
JG   6127  18.40   5   92  18.40  6219  338  18.40  18,105
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/03/06 04:53 PM

From the Department Of Useless Statistics

Games Missed Due To Injury, Suspension, etc.

This may not be 100% accurate, but it should be very close. I may have missed someone who only missed one game, and I may have missed by one game or so for the players who were on more than one team.

    Boozer     31
    Shaq       18
    Miles      15
    Camby       7
    Curry       4
    Hill        4
    Richardson  1
    Murphy      1                    
                     Total: 81
    Stoudemire  30
    Kirilenko   10
    Brown        2
    Pachulia     1
                      Total: 43
    Ginobili     10
    Tinsley       9
    Howard        8
    Ming          6
    Stojakovic    5
    Knight        2
    Turkoglu      1   
                       Total: 41
    Oakafor        6
    Barbosa        6
    Hill           5
    Francis        4
    Maggette       4
    Kobe           1
    Williams       1
    Ford           1       
                        Total: 28
    Maggette      12
    Daniels        5
    Harrington     2
    O'Neal         1
    Hinrich        1
    Mourning       1
                        Total: 22
    Artest        12 
    Wallace        7
    Ridnour        2    
                        Total: 21
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 06:42 AM

Freakin' Dalembert (34) on my bench, yet I had Korver (8). :rolleyes:

Fucking Bibby (4 ??!!).

But, Miller (41)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 12:20 PM

And what was Dalembert doing on your bench?

I could, of course, be wrong, but with all due repect to everyone here - and believe me, I include myself in this analysis - I don't think that any of us are so knowledgable about baskeball that we can attempt to pick and chose our players every day based on matchups.

You want to go with a hot hand, like Kaman, sure, but you have enough games under the max at Center that you could still be playing him, and Miller and Dalembert.

And Dalembert has averaged 18.1 in his last 16 games, while being very consistent.

What more could you want?

I don't know why I'm giving strategy tips here (I guess I figure I have a MOAAFS-hockey-like "unbeatable" team ), but I believe the way to do it here is to pick your best 12 players and use them as much as you can.

If you want to change your mind at some point with respect to who your best 12 are - like I think I'm gonna move Wade to PG, start using Diaw every day at SG, and bench Francis - then fine, but you gotta take the day-to-day guesswork out of it.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 12:35 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7407  21.59   6  135  22.50  7542  349  21.61  21,265
SP   6478  19.81   4   84  21.00  6562  331  19.82  19,508
DB   6436  19.33   4   69  17.25  6505  337  19.30  18,993
DM   6064  18.95   9  212  23.56  6276  329  19.08  18,770
BB   6313  18.79   5  104  20.80  6417  341  18.82  18,517
JG   6219  18.40   6  118  19.67  6337  344  18.42  18,127
PL widens his lead over SP
SP widens his lead over DB
DB loses ground above and below
DM gains ground above and below
BB gains ground on JG
JG falls deeper into the basement
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 04:41 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
...I believe the way to do it here is to pick your best 12 players and use them as much as you can....
Which is fine, and makes perfect sense, but what do I have to lose at this point? I'm already deep in the hole, so what's the harm in trying to "play" the game rather than sitting back and watching it play out? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 05:28 PM

No harm.

Yeah, except for a tweak here and there to make up for an injury or suspension, I'll probably (hopefully) just "watch it play out" for the rest of the season, as I coast to the win.

But I look at it as sitting back and enjoying the fruits of my labor.

I did all my hard work already. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 05:32 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:

I did all my hard work already. :p
Yeah, stealing LeBron was tough. :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/04/06 05:36 PM

Not really, considering who I stole him from. :p

Besides, I'd still be in first place by a wide margin even without him.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 08:00 AM

Good thing I put Dalembert (32) back in! :p I did pretty well tonight, except for Deng (9) and Korver (10) -- and shoulda had Ridnour (23)...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 09:04 AM

Remember when I traded Dalembert to you and I said that I was gonna be soory that I didn't keep him and give you Oakafor instead?

Never mind Oak's injury. Dalem's probably averaged about 3-4 FPPG better than him since then.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 04:56 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7542  21.61   6  108  18.00  7650  355  21.55  21,205
SP   6562  19.82  10  217  21.70  6779  341  19.88  19,562
DB   6505  19.30   8  122  15.25  6627  345  19.21  18,901
DM   6276  19.08   4   71  17.67  6347  333  19.06  18,755
BB   6417  18.82   7  119  17.00  6536  348  18.78  18,481
JG   6337  18.42   8  186  23.25  6523  352  18.53  18,235
PL loses ground to SP
SP gains on both PL and DB
DB loses ground to both SP and DM for second straight day
DM gains on both DB and BB
BB loses ground to both DM and JG
JG gains on everyone. Difference form 2nd to 6th is only .68 FPPG
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:17 PM

PL widens his lead over SP
DM gains ground above and below

JG falls deeper into the basement
I like how you "widen your lead" with 18.00 pt avg (which you didn't), while I "fall deeper" with 19.67 pt avg :p

Edit: Never mind, I see you corrected it.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:24 PM


Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7542  21.61   6  108  18.00  7650  355  21.55  21,205
SP   6562  19.82  10  217  21.70  6779  341  19.88  19,562
DB   6505  19.30   8  122  15.25  6627  345  19.21  18,901
DM   6276  19.08   4   71  17.67  6347  333  19.06  18,755
BB   6417  18.82   7  119  17.00  6536  348  18.78  18,481
JG   6337  18.42   8  186  23.25  6523  352  18.53  18,235
PL loses ground to SP
SP gains on both PL and DB
DB loses ground to both SP and DM for second straight day
DM gains on both DB and BB
BB loses ground to both DM and JG
JG gains on everyone. Difference from 2nd to 6th is only .68 FPPG
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:36 PM

Yeah, your BB has been running so slowly for the last hour or two, that some of my posts got screwed up.

You know, post something, and then instead of loading you get the "This page cannot be displayed" message or something.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:40 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Yeah, your BB has been running so slowly for the last hour or two...
It's not "my" BB's fault - the web server has been under a huge load for some reason...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:46 PM

Yeah sure, pass the buck and blame it on the server.... :p
Posted By: SC

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:47 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Yeah, your BB has been running so slowly for the last hour or two, that some of my posts got screwed up.

You know, post something, and then instead of loading you get the "This page cannot be displayed" message or something.
The board's new Windbag filter is set to "High".
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 05:56 PM

Oh, so that's wh
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/05/06 09:25 PM

As of time of post...

     New                    # of
    Total  TGU   AVG        Moves
PL   7650  355  21.55        46     
SP   6779  341  19.88         8
DB   6627  345  19.21         9
DM   6347  333  19.06         8
BB   6536  348  18.78         6
JG   6523  352  18.53        10
Jeezus H., Plaw!!

Of course, many of those 46 moves were guys you picked up just to trade to me.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/06/06 05:30 PM

Well, not exactly, although I will confess that that was the case with Dalembert.

But I'm not gonna divulge any more strategy here. :p

Suffice it to say that there was a reason for every one of those moves.

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7650  21.55   2   38  19.00  7688  357  21.53  21,190
SP   6779  19.88   0    0  00.00  6779  341  19.88  19,562
DB   6627  19.21   2   24  12.00  6651  347  19.17  18,860
DM   6347  19.06   2   29  14.50  6376  335  19.03  18,728
BB   6536  18.78   1   22  22.00  6558  349  18.79  18,490
JG   6523  18.53   1   10  10.00  6533  353  18.51  18,210
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/08/06 07:24 AM

I must be losing it.....Could've sworn I did this already this morning (well, technically, yesterday morning)

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7688  21.53  10  201  20.10  7889  367  21.50  21,152
SP   6779  19.88  10  187  18.70  6966  351  19.85  19,529
DB   6651  19.17  10  249  24.90  6900  357  19.33  19,018
DM   6376  19.03  11  234  21.27  6610  346  19.10  18,798
BB   6558  18.79  11  183  16.64  6741  360  18.73  18,425
JG   6533  18.51   9  189  21.00  6722  362  18.57  18,272
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/08/06 12:28 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   7889  21.50  10  242  24.20  8131  377  21.57  21,223
SP   6966  19.85  10  189  18.90  7155  361  19.82  19,503
DB   6900  19.33   6  115  19.33  7015  363  19.33  19,019
DM   6610  19.10   3   45  15.00  6655  349  19.07  18,764
BB   6741  18.73   7  120  17.14  6861  367  18.69  18,395
JG   6722  18.57   7  133  19.00  6855  369  18.58  18,280
PL extends his lead over everyone
DB gains on SP and DM
BB gains on DM
JG gains on BB, in the league's closest race
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/09/06 06:07 AM


Jan 8 Crawford missed his second straight game Sunday, a 120-116 win over the SuperSonics, with a sprained left foot....

They couldn't tell me that yesterday??

AND - WTF BIBBY?? ZERO points???
AND - Miller - 12 freakin' points, my entire offense! :rolleyes:

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/09/06 07:50 AM

Between that and your whines in the Rookie Game and the Salary Cap Game (Did you whine in the Pick 'Em Game? I forgot...), I believe that you set a new World's Whining Record.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/09/06 09:47 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8131  21.57   3   57  19.00  8188  380  21.55  21,203
SP   7155  19.83   1   14  14.90  7169  362  19.80  19,487
DB   7015  19.33   5  104  20.80  7119  368  19.35  19,036
DM   6655  19.07   7  127  18.14  6782  356  19.05  18,746
BB   6861  18.69   3   53  17.67  6914  370  18.69  18,388
JG   6855  18.58   2   12   6.00  6867  371  18.51  18,213
PL extends his lead over SP
SP loses ground to PL and DB
DB gains on SP and DM
DM gains on BB, loses ground to DB
BB gains on JG, loses ground to DM
JG loses ground to everyone
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/09/06 10:07 AM


Last Week

Marion      BB    44      1-2
Kobe        PL    44      1-6
Gasol       JG    42      1-6
Wade        PL    42      1-8
Miller      JG    41      1-3
Billups     DM    41      1-3
Pierce      JG    41      1-4

Season Total

Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28

    By Team       By Player
     PL 12        Camby     4
     DM 11        Lebron    4
     SP 10        Garnett   4
     JG  9        Webber    3
     BB  6        Duncan    3
     DB  5        Brand     3
                  Pierce    3
                  Kobe      3
                  Marion    3
                  Gasol     2
                  Nowitzki  2
                  J. O'Neal 2
                  Carter    2
                  Billups   2          
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/09/06 12:32 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       1   29.61    1   29.80    + 0.19
L. James    PL     2(JG)   3   28.54    2   29.29    + 0.51
Brand       PL    18       2   29.17    3   28.94    - 0.33
Marion      BB     3       5   27.17    4   27.42    + 0.25
Wade        PL     6       7   26.38    5   26.59    + 0.21
Nowitzki    DB     4       6   26.57    6   26.50    - 0.07
Pierce      JG    11       9   26.31    7   26.33    + 0.02
Iverson     DB     9       4   27.33    8   25.94    - 1.39
Duncan      SP    12       8   26.35    9   25.85    - 0.50
Bryant      PL     5(DM)  11   24.62   10   25.71    + 1.09
Camby       DM    56      10   25.64   11   25.64       DNP
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.17   12   24.23    - 0.06
Gasol       JG    38      14   23.28   13   23.84    + 0.56
Nash        BB    10      17   22.83   14   23.52    + 0.69
Carter      DM    19(PL)  16   22.89   15   23.50    + 0.61
Arenas      PL     7      15   23.07   16   23.43    + 0.36
J. O'Neal   DB    16      13   23.63   17   23.39    - 0.24
Billups     DM    32      21   21.61   18   22.06    + 0.45
McGrady     DM     8      18   22.10   19   21.96    - 0.14
Kidd        DB    33      27   21.14   20   21.87    + 0.73
B. Miller   JG    14      25   21.10   21   21.43    + 0.33
Webber      SP    48      20   21.67   22   21.38    - 0.29
Paul        JG    71      24   21.38   23   21.31    - 0.07
Ming        SP    13      26   21.23   24   21.23       DNP
Odom        PL    78      23   21.33   25   21.21    - 0.12
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  19   22.10   26   21.16    - 0.94
R. Lewis    DB    28      22   21.45   27   20.64    - 0.81
D. Howard   PL    43      31   20.15   28   20.58    + 0.43
B. Wallace  PL    30      28   20.39   28   20.58    + 0.19
R. Allen    BB    22      29   20.38   30   20.33    - 0.05
Okur        BB    63      30   20.35   31   19.94    - 0.41 
Kirilienko  BB    15      --   18.05   32   19.54    + 1.49
Rahim       BB    46      33   19.59   33   19.59       DNP
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/10/06 12:51 PM

1/10 A. Jamison (Was - SF,PF) Add Waivers Black Car Drivers  
1/10 E. Jones   (Mem - SG,SF) Drop Black Car Drivers Waivers  
1/7  J. Nelson  (Orl - PG)    Add Free Agents Pork's Nitemare Team  
1/7  A. Jamison (Was - SF,PF) Drop Pork's Nitemare Team Waivers
Am I the only one paying attention here?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/10/06 03:37 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8188  21.55   3   69  23.00  8257  383  21.56  21,214
SP   7169  19.80   1    1   1.00  7170  363  19.75  19,436
DB   7119  19.35   6  135  22.50  7254  374  19.40  19,085
DM   6782  19.05   3   68  22.67  6850  359  19.08  18,775
BB   6914  18.69   3   71  23.67  6985  373  18.73  18,427
JG   6867  18.51   5  117  23.40  6984  376  18.57  18,277
PL extends his lead over SP
SP loses ground to everyone
DB gains on SP loses ground to DM
DM gains on DB, loses ground to BB
BB gains ground on everyone
JG loses ground to BB
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/10/06 04:59 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
1/10 A. Jamison (Was - SF,PF) Add Waivers 
                              Black Car Drivers  
1/10 E. Jones   (Mem - SG,SF) Drop 
                              BCDs Waivers  
1/7  J. Nelson  (Orl - PG)    Add Free Agents 
                              Pork's Nitemare Team  
1/7  A. Jamison (Was - SF,PF) Drop 
                              Pork's Nitemares Waivers
Am I the only one paying attention here?
I claimed him on waivers but didn't get him

(Edited coded quote to shrink screen horizontally - pl)
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/10/06 05:47 PM

I dropped him because I wasn't paying attention and tried to get him back the same day on waivers, but wasn't allowed. :rolleyes: And to add to it: Crawford hasn't played since I picked him up from that!!!

Not that it matters with my shit team...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/10/06 06:35 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I claimed him on waivers but didn't get him ), I was thinking of sending you a trade offer with him. Interested?

And I wasn't chiding you for dropping him, JG. I was more interested in whether or not anyone else tried to claim him.

BB could really use him, also. One of his starting PFs is K Mart, who even when not injured is averaging far less than Jamison.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/11/06 12:03 PM

If you're looking for it (does anybody, anyway?), Yahoo is late with the update this morning. They usually have it by 3:00-3:30 or so.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/11/06 12:41 PM

Gotta get my Stat-Fix somehow here....

Number of Posts In This Thread
PL  272  57.0%  A runaway, with 63% of posts since game began
JG   95  19.9   Distant second, but still a looooong way to go
DB   57  11.9%  Started strongly but no posts since 12/2
DM   30   6.3%  Still in race for 2nd, but must improve
LZ   15   3.1%  Showed some interest early, then faded away
CC    4   0.8%  Shaking her pom-poms on the sidelines?
SP    2   0.4%  Strong in the games, silent on the BB
DC    1   0.2%  His one post questioned DM's performance here
SC    1   0.2%  Posted once, forgot why
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/11/06 01:06 PM

Finally....I was starting to feel some withdrawal symptoms

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8257  21.56   6   89  14.83  8346  389  21.45  21,112
SP   7170  19.75   9  171  19.00  7341  372  19.73  19,418
DB   7254  19.40   7  119  17.00  7373  381  19.35  19,042
DM   6850  19.08   5   88  17.60  6938  364  19.06  18,755
BB   6985  18.73   6  129  21.50  7114  379  18.77  18,470
JG   6984  18.57  11  215  19.55  7199  387  18.60  18,304
PL loses ground to everyone
SP gains on PL and DB
DB loses ground to SP and DM
DM gains on DB, but loses ground to BB
BB gains on everyone
JG gains on everyone except the guy he has to catch first
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/12/06 01:51 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8346  21.45   8  175  21.88  8521  397  21.46  21,120
SP   7341  19.73   7  106  15.14  7447  379  19.65  19,335
DB   7373  19.35   7  190  27.14  7563  388  19.49  19,180
DM   6938  19.06   6  120  20.00  7058  370  19.08  18,770
BB   7114  18.77   5  108  21.60  7222  384  18.81  18,506
JG   7199  18.60   7  151  21.57  7350  394  18.65  18,356
PL Gains on SP
SP Loses (a lot of) ground to everyone
DB Gains on everyone
DM Loses ground to DB, BB, and JG
BB Loses ground to JG, gains on DM
JG Gains on BB and DM

Only 979 points and an average of 1.0 FPPG separate 2nd thru 6th, so the race for second is basically wide open.

Gonna be very tough to catch me, though

If I continue to average 21.46 FPPG, then SP needs to average 22.77 (3.12 better than he's doing now) the rest of the way to catch me.

Even if I average 1.0 PPG less than I'm averaging now the rest of the way, SP would still need to average 21.58 for the rest of the season (1.93 better than he's doing now) to beat me.

If SP continues to average his present 19.65, then for him to beat me I'd have to fall completely apart the rest of the season, and average only 19.44 (2.02 worse than I'm doing now) for the rest of the season.

For anyone else to catch me, of course, it's even tougher.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/12/06 07:02 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Finally....I was starting to feel some withdrawal symptoms
Then why don't you play with the Fast Break scores? :p


BB Loses ground to JG
JG Gains on BB and DM
How's that, according to your posted Yesterday's Avg?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/12/06 11:33 PM

I guess I don't have to mention that math was probably not your best subject. :p

First, I should point out that your gain on BB was teeny-tiny.

He went from a projected finish of 18,470 to 18,304, a difference of 166 points at the end of the season, to a projected finish of 18,506 to 18,356, a difference of 150 at the end of the season.

So your "gain" on BB was a projected 16 points.

Here's why:

Although though BB outscored you yesterday by an average per game of .04 to .03 (21.60 to 21.57)

1- He played 5 games yesterday, while you played 7, and

2- His average FPPG going into yesterday (18.77) was higher than yours (18.60), and your averaging 21.57 yesterday for 7 games increased your lower daily average more than averaging 21.60 increased his higher daily average, so

3- Even though BB had a very slightly higher scoring average than you yesterday (.01 higher), it was more than offset by the fact that you played 7 games to his 5.

4- The difference in your daily averages (and therefore in your projected finishes) got smaller, even though BB's average for the day was higher.

You both scored above your daily averages yesterday.

Prior to yeaterday, BB's average was 18.77, yours 18.60

A difference of .17

After yesterday, because of the extra 2 games you played and the very slight difference in yesterday's averages, BB's average rose by only .04, while yours rose by .05

So his rose to 18.81, yours to 18.65

A difference now of .16

Thus, your projected final scores are closer.

Think of it this way:

Here's how you currently stand:
       PTS   GP    PPG    PROG
BB     7222  384  18.81  18,506
JG     7350  394  18.65  18,356
So BB has a projected finish higher than yours of 150 PTS.

Suppose by some quirk of the schedule, you have 12 guys play tonight, and they combine for 300 points, and average of 25.00

And BB has only two guys playing, and they combine for 70 points, an average of 35.00

Same conditions as yesterday. BB has a higher average for the day, but in fewer games. I just made the differences in GPs and the day's average more extreme.

So tomorrow, the scores will look like this:

    Prev  Prev            Yest    New                Proj 
    Total Avg    GY  YSC  Avg    Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
BB  7222  18.81   2   70  35.00   7292  386  18.89  18,589
JG  7350  18.65  12  300  25.00   7650  406  18.84  18,541
Same thing as yesterday: Lower average for you for the day than BB, but more games played, so even though BB averaged 16.19 higher than his norm and you only averaged 6.35 higher than yours, but the extra games make the difference.

Or, look at it this way (even simpler, actually)

Yesterday you played two extra games, and scored 43 more points in those two games, an average of 21.50.

If yesterday you had played only 2 games and scored 43 points and BB had played no games, wouldn't you expect that to get you closer to him?

Your 21.50 average for the day was higher than your overall average or his, so it would have to draw you closer to him.

I don't understand why it's not clear how you gained on DM.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/13/06 02:25 AM

Forget something? *cough* *cough*

It's obvious I gained on DM, I just forgot to remove his name. It wasn't obvious how I gained on BB, however. And now, that you explained it, it's just barely obvious.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/13/06 01:28 PM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8521  21.46   5  105  21.00  8626  402  21.46  21,114
SP   7447  19.65   4   50  12.25  7497  383  19.57  19,261
DB   7563  19.49   2   63  31.50  7626  390  19.55  19,241
DM   7058  19.08   2   28  14.00  7086  372  19.05  18,744
BB   7222  18.81   3   73  24.33  7295  387  18.85  18,549
JG   7350  18.65   2   44  22.00  7394  396  18.67  18,373
PL Gains on SP
SP Loses (a lot of) ground to everyone (again)
DB Gains on everyone (again - he's hot)
DM Loses ground to everyone except SP
BB Gains on everyone except DB
JG Loses ground to BB

Now, only 888 points and an average of .90 FPPG separate 2nd thru 6th in the battle for second place.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/14/06 10:10 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8626  21.46   6  164  27.33  8790  408  21.54  21,199
SP   7497  19.57   6  175  29.17  7672  389  19.72  19,406
DB   7626  19.55   8  162  20.25  7788  398  19.57  19,255
DM   7086  19.05   5   63  12.60  7149  377  18.96  18,659
BB   7295  18.85   4   78  19.50  7373  391  18.86  18,555
JG   7394  18.67  10  205  20.50  7599  406  18.72  18,417
PL Gains on every one except SP
SP Ends slump (15.54 last 5 days), gains on everyone
DB Gains on DM, loses ground to SP
DM Loses ground to everyone
BB Gains on DM, loses ground to JG
JG Big gain on BB, and gains on everyone else except top 2

SP and DB put a little distance between themselves and DM, BB, and JG in the race for 2nd.

Hot battle for 4th (or, to stay out of last, depending on how you look at it) with only 242 projected points at the finish separating DM, BB, and JG.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 06:08 AM

No Saturday scores? :p


Freakin' BIBBY has been dicking me over all season, and I finally put him on the bench, and lo and beyold! I woulda gotten 34 pts outta that SOB tonight!!

With Nelson's 35 and Miller's 34, that woulda been a good night despite Crawford's 6. :rolleyes:

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 08:43 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
No Saturday scores? :p
I must really be losing it.

I'd swear I did it, or at least swear that I figured them out, 'cuz when I just went to do it again I remembered all the scores.

I remember looking at your scores and wondering why you had Howard (20) and Richardson (25) on the bench and played Mobley (16) and Thomas (9).

I guess maybe I never hit the "Add Reply" button.....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 08:44 AM

Still no Saturday scores? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 08:56 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   8790  21.54   8  219  27.38  9009  416  21.66  21,310
SP   7672  19.72   9  168  18.67  7840  398  19.70  19,383
DB   7788  19.57   9  161  17.89  7949  407  19.53  19,218
BB ^ 7373  18.86  10  254  25.40  7627  401  19.02  18,716
DM   7149  18.96   7  100  14.29  7249  384  18.88  18,576
JG   7599  18.72   7  123  17.57  7722  413  18.70  18,394
PL Gains on every one
SP Gains on DB, loses ground to PL
DB Loses ground to SP and BB
BB Gains on everyone escept PL, moves into 4th
DM Loses ground to everyone, dops to 5th
JG Now chasing DM, gains on him
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 08:57 AM

I even remember putting the little friggin' arrow after BB and the comments...... :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 08:59 AM

Why did you have Howard and Richardson on the bench Saturday? :p

I keep telling 'ya.....Pick 12 guys..... :rolleyes:

OK, gonna work on Sunday's scores now.....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 09:16 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9009  21.66   3   70  23.33  9079  419  21.67  21,322
SP   7840  19.70   1   12  12.00  7852  399  19.68  19,364
DB   7949  19.53   2   59  29.50  8008  409  19.58  19,266
BB ^ 7627  19.02   0   00  00.00  7627  401  19.02  18,716
DM   7249  18.88   3   57  19.00  7306  387  18.88  18,576
JG   7722  18.70   3   75  25.00  7797  416  18.74  18,443
PL Gains on every one except DB
SP Loses ground to everyone
DB Gains ground on everyone
BB Loses ground to everyone except SP
DM Gains a few hundreths of a point on BB, loses ground to JG
JG Gains on everyone except DB
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 09:34 AM


Lots of them last week (11), including three guys - Garnett, Iverson, and G. Wallace - who did it back-to-back and, to quote The Yankees John Sterling, belly-to-belly

Last Week
Lebron      PL    51    1-14
Iverson     DB    47    1-11
Wallace     JG    46    1-13
Garnett     SP    45    1-13
Lewis       DB    43    1-11
Bogut       SP    42    1-13
Iverson     DB    41    1-10
Wade        PL    41    1-11
Garnett     SP    41    1-11
Wallace     JG    40    1-10
Arenas      PL    40    1-13
Season Total

Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Lebron      PL     51      1-14
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Iverson     DB     47      1-11
Wallace     JG     46      1-13
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     45      1-13
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Lewis       DB     43      1-11
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Bogut       SP     42      1-13
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Garnett     SP     41      1-11
Wade        PL     41      1-11
Iverson     DB     41      1-10
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Wallace     JG     40      1-10
Arenas      PL     40      1-13

    By Team       By Player
     PL 15        Garnett     6
     DM 14        Lebron      5
     SP 13        Camby       4
     JG 11        Webber      3
     BB  6        Iverson     3
     DB  5        Duncan      3
                  Brand       3
                  Pierce      3
                  Kobe        3
                  Marion      3
                  Wade        3
                  Gasol       2
                  Nowitzki    2
                  J. O'Neal   2
                  Carter      2
                  Billups     2          
                  G. Wallace  2     
                  Arenas      2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 10:56 AM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       1   29.80    1   30.29    + 0.49
L. James    PL     2(JG)   2   29.29    2   29.69    + 0.40
Brand       PL    18       3   28.94    3   28.94      DNP
Marion      BB     3       4   27.42    4   27.78    + 0.36
Wade        PL     6       5   26.59    5   27.24    + 0.65
Iverson     DB     9       8   25.94    6   26.97    + 1.03
Nowitzki    DB     4       6   26.50    7   26.19    - 0.38
Bryant      PL     5(DM)  10   25.71    8   26.09    + 0.38
Pierce      JG    11       7   26.33    9   26.17    - 0.16
Camby       DM    56      11   25.64   10   25.64      DNP
Duncan      SP    12       9   25.85   11   25.57    - 0.28
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.23   12   24.51    + 0.28
Nash        BB    10      14   23.52   13   24.00    + 0.48
Arenas      PL     7      16   23.43   14   23.18    - 0.25
Gasol       JG    38      13   23.84   15   23.17    - 0.67
J. O'Neal   DB    16      17   23.39   16   22.75    - 0.64
Carter      DM    19(PL)  15   23.50   17   22.39    - 1.11
McGrady     DM     8      19   21.96   18   21.99    + 0.03
Kidd        DB    33      20   21.87   19   21.62    - 0.25
Billups     DM    32      18   22.06   20   21.59    - 0.44
Webber      SP    48      22   21.38   21   21.38      ----
B. Miller   JG    14      21   21.43   22   21.25    - 0.18
Ming        SP    13      24   21.23   23   21.23      DNP
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  26   21.16   24   21.16      DNP
R. Lewis    DB    28      27   20.64   25   21.11    + 0.47
Odom        PL    78      25   21.21   26   21.08    - 0.13
D. Howard   PL    43      28   20.58   27   20.77    + 0.19
Kirilienko  BB    15      32   19.54   28   20.74    + 1.20
Okur        BB    63      31   19.94   29   20.68    + 0.74
Paul        JG    71      23   21.31   30   20.63    - 0.68
B. Wallace  PL    30      28   20.58   31   20.35    - 0.23
Anthony     BB    51      --   19.38   32   20.19    + 0.81
R. Allen    BB    22      30   20.19   33   20.00    - 0.19
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 05:48 PM

Here's one to make JG feel good.....

Trade Analysis

PL trades

Kurt Thomas
Ricky davis
Sam Dalembert
Mo Williams

To JG, for

Richard Jefferson
Raef LaFrentz
Brendon Haywood
T.J. Ford

From PL's POV this trade was Jefferson for Davis. His rationale was that RJ's FPPG average was 2.9 higher than Davis' at the time (22.7 vs. 19.8), and PL wasn't gonna use the other three guys anyway.

From JG's POV it made sense. He was sacrificing the 2.9 difference between RJ and Davis, but gaining a lot more by exchanging LaFrentz & Haywood for Thomas & Dalembert.

Plus, TJ Ford had just been injured, so he was picking up Ford's replacement in Mo Williams.

LaFrentz, Haywood, Ford, and Williams were all eventually cut, so it basically came down to Davis, Dalembert, and Thomas for Jefferson, and has been very one-sided in JG's favor.

JG has had Davis for 16 games. Davis has averaged 18.8 for JG in that span (altho there were three games in which JG benched Davis, and in those three games he scored 69 points, bringing his average in games in which JG actually used him to 17.8. But hey, it's not my fault that JG still can't figure out what his starting lineup is).

Meanwhile, Jefferson has averaged slightly less, 18.7 for PL. But, he has missed his last three games with injuries, and it's doubtful if PL will average 18.7 using whoever he winds up with to make up those three games (well, Jamison maybe).

So from PL's standpoint, the switch from Davis to Jefferson has meant nothing in terms of improvement.


For JG it's been a home run.

Prior to the trade, JG had used LaFrentz and Haywood (along with Kurt Thomas, who he had on his team originally, but had never used), along with Brad Miller, at Center.

With JG’s refusal to decide on a starting lineup, BTW, his use of the Center position is interesting.

Even the consistent Miller did not escape 3 benchings (3 games in which he scored 78 points).

But he kept trying to crapshoot with LaFrentz and almost always guessed wrong, missing three of the best games LaFrentz had (a 34, a 30, and a 20) and using him in his two worst (a -5 and a -6).

To his credit, though, he did guess right in his limited use of Haywood, catching his best game (27), and having him benched for his three worst (two 3’s, and a 4).

Here’s a chart (Don’t you just love charts?) for the games when JG had these guys on his roster

             Overall     When He Played   When He Didn't
          Games Average   Games Average    Games Average
Miller      36   21.3       33    20.8        3    26.0
LaFrentz    19   10.7       12     7.6        7    16.0
Haywood     10   13.1        3    15.3        7    12.4
Thomas       6   10.2        -       -        6    10.2
Guesswork, guesswork, guesswork..... :p

Anyway, it was bye-bye for LaFrentz and Haywood and their combined average of 11.5 (and 9.1 when they played), and hello Dalembert, who has averaged 18.8 for JG, and a whopping 19.7 since a slow start (8.7 his first three).

Even Dalembert has not escaped the game of Musical centers, though :rolleyes: .

Guessing wrong again, JG has DNPed Dalembert twice - two games in which he's scored 61 points, bringing his average in games used down to 17.0

Meanwhile, shortly after the trade, Okafor was injured.

Had PL traded away Okafor instead of Dalembert (and he did say at the time he knew he was gonna be sorry that he hadn't), he would have been in much better shape.

Okafor's replacements have averaged 13.7 for PL (Magliore 15.0, Curry 15.0, Swift 11.0) vs. Dalembert's 18.8), a net less of 5.1 for PL at the Center position.

Plus, since JG re-acquired Kurt Thomas, he's at least been useful.

Thomas has averaged 15.3 for JG, and even his insistence on guessing when to use him and when not to hasn't hurt JG, as he's averaged 15.1 in his starts, and not that much more, 15.8, when JG chose not to use him.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 06:39 PM


But what are you trying to say?

As I've said, 1) my only real shot (well, if I was successful at it) would be trying to go w/ matchups to try and maximize my points. Obviously that hasn't always worked out. And 2) if I don't do something every day, I might forget about it... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 06:53 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
As I've said, my only real shot (well, if I was successful at it) would be trying to go w/ matchups to try and maximize my points.
Why is that your "only real shot"?

With all due respect, as I've said, I think you have a much better chance of deciding which 12 guys are gonna do the best over the rest of the season and going with them than you do trying to guess on matchups.

At least for the former, you have their season and career averages to go by.

For the latter, unless you're doing tons of research, you could maybe say "Well, I'm not gonna play the guy the second night of a back-to-back" or "not against the better defensive teams" or whatever.

But, as you say, whatever you've been doing pretty much hasn't worked.

Of course, that doesn't mean that it won't start to work going forward.....

But what are you trying to say? :lol
That you got the best of this trade by a mile, and that you should pick 12 guys and stick with them.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 06:58 PM

I wish I realized there were early games today... :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia in Salary Cap Game thread:
Man, I don't go in this thread as much as I would like.....
How about this thread?

At least here you're in the game.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/16/06 11:53 PM

"In" is a point of view. I would substitute "Languishing"!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 12:12 PM

Well good gosh, golly-gee, land sakes, and OMG!!

DB posted

Let me hurry up and update the Post Count Standings:

Number of Posts In This Thread

As of January 5th
PL  272  57.0%  A runaway, with 63% of posts since game began
JG   95  19.9   Distant second, but still a looooong way to go
DB   57  11.9%  Started strongly but no posts since 12/2
DM   30   6.3%  Still in race for 2nd, but must improve
LZ   15   3.1%  Showed some interest early, then faded away
CC    4   0.8%  Shaking her pom-poms on the sidelines?
SP    2   0.4%  Strong in the games, silent on the BB
DC    1   0.2%  His one post questioned DM's performance here
SC    1   0.2%  Posted once, forgot why
Don't be a stranger, DB. AAMOF, just for you, here are:

The Top 10 Reasons Why DB Should Post More

10- Plaw is insulted by how you've totally ignored this game - his game, that he started.

9-- Plaw misses your sharp comments, insightful analysis, and witty comebacks.

8-- Plaw doesn't feel that JG and DM are mathematically inclined enough to understand what he's talking about half the time (especially JG).

7-- Plaw is geting tired of writing for an audience of only two. He needs at least three.

6-- Plaw is holding out hope that you will get BB to at least say "Hello" before the season ends.

5-- You missed both the football fantasy playoff games. Your reputation is starting to lose its lustre.

4-- You're obviously spending waaaaay too much time with your fiancee. By the time you two are married, you're gonna be bored with each other.

3-- It's important to have a lot of posts to show your wife, so that when you are married and bored and sitting in the den surfing the 'net while your wife is in the bedroom waiting for some action, you can show her and say, "See, honey? This is what I did before we were married."

2-- You still have a pretty good shot at finishing second in this game, but you need to improve at SG. Aren't you sorry that you turned down all of my trade offers in which I tried to give you Kobe Bryant or Dwayne Wade for Rasheed Wallace or Ilgauskus?

1-- It's only five weeks or so until pitchers and catchers. We need to start talking about Yahoo Fantasy Baseball.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 12:26 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
8-- Plaw doesn't feel that JG and DM are mathematically inclined enough to understand what he's talking about half the time (especially JG).
Hey now! I passed an " 8th Grade Math Quiz " with 9/10 -- and got 10/10 after reviewing my answers. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 12:46 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9079  21.67  10  248  24.80  9327  429  21.74  21,393
SP   7852  19.68  11  219  19.91  8071  410  19.69  19,370
DB   8008  19.58  10  215  21.50  8223  419  19.63  19,311
BB   7627  19.02   8  173  21.63  7800  409  19.07  18,766
DM   7306  18.88   7  129  18.43  7435  394  18.87  18,569
JG   7797  18.74   9  159  17.67  7956  425  18.72  18,420
PL Gains on everyone
SP Loses ground to everyone except DM and JG
DB Gains on SP, loses ground to BB
BB Gains on everyone except PL
DM Loses ground to everyone except JG
JG Loses ground to everyone, period.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 03:17 PM

The Top 10 Reasons Why DB Should Post More

10- Plaw is insulted by how you've totally ignored this game - his game, that he started.

Sorry, oh great one! :p I haven't totally ignored this game. I saw how you jobbed other players into giving you LeBron, Kobe, and Steve Francis for Vince Carter and a bag of potato chips. :p

9-- Plaw misses your sharp comments, insightful analysis, and witty comebacks.

Beats debating the probability of a two-yolk egg.

8-- Plaw doesn't feel that JG and DM are mathematically inclined enough to understand what he's talking about half the time (especially JG).

If I have time, I'll do a Poisson regression analysis on the results of the season so far. :p

7-- Plaw is geting tired of writing for an audience of only two. He needs at least three.

And here I thought you did it for the joy of it!

6-- Plaw is holding out hope that you will get BB to at least say "Hello" before the season ends.

Brother Bigelow says Hello!

5-- You missed both the football fantasy playoff games. Your reputation is starting to lose its lustre.

What reputation?

4-- You're obviously spending waaaaay too much time with your fiancee. By the time you two are married, you're gonna be bored with each other.

We won't get bored. I'll just get her to join the GBB and we can entertain each other by discussing the merits of each side in the Plaw/DC fantasy sports arguments. :p

3-- It's important to have a lot of posts to show your wife, so that when you are married and bored and sitting in the den surfing the 'net while your wife is in the bedroom waiting for some action, you can show her and say, "See, honey? This is what I did before we were married."

How do you think I got her to say yes??

2-- You still have a pretty good shot at finishing second in this game, but you need to improve at SG. Aren't you sorry that you turned down all of my trade offers in which I tried to give you Kobe Bryant or Dwayne Wade for Rasheed Wallace or Ilgauskus?

The day you offer me those guys in a trade is the day you get LeBron for peanuts. Oh wait... That already happened!

1-- It's only five weeks or so until pitchers and catchers. We need to start talking about Yahoo Fantasy Baseball.

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 03:27 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Hey now! I passed an " 8th Grade Math Quiz " with 9/10 -- and got 10/10 after reviewing my answers. :p
That's eighth grade math?

I went through it real quick, and got four of the answers right away.

I'm gonna have to go back and work on the others.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

[b]The Top 10 Reasons Why DB Should Post More

10- Plaw is insulted by how you've totally ignored this game - his game, that he started.

Sorry, oh great one! :p I haven't totally ignored this game. I saw how you jobbed other players into giving you LeBron, Kobe, and Steve Francis for Vince Carter and a bag of potato chips. :p

9-- Plaw misses your sharp comments, insightful analysis, and witty comebacks.

Beats debating the probability of a two-yolk egg.

Etc., etc.....

See, that's exactly what I mean and what I miss.

Stop being a stranger.

Now, about baseball......
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 04:21 PM

Drafted Players Who Are Now Out Of The League

(Overal draft pick number in parentheses)

Name          Pick    By   Average
First 72 Picks - Guys projected as starters:
Gordon         36     SP     9.20
Q. Richardson  53     DM     7.26
Jaric          55     PL    12.89
Korver         59     JG    12.92
Telfair        65     DM     8.64
Marshall       70     BB    12.12
Simmons        72     SP    11.67
Guys projected as bench players:
J. Smith (Atl) 73     SP    11.29
LaFrentz       74     JG     8.92
Chandler       77     DM    10.18
Prince         81     DB    13.89
Stoudamire     83     JG    11.96
Childress      90     PL    12.19
Pryzbilla      91     PL    12.06
Ridnour        92     DM    13.64
Alston         93     DB    13.82
Diogu          94     BB     8.54
J. Smith (NO)  95     JG     7.53
Swift          96     SP     9.69
S. Jackson     97     SP    12.39 
M. Williams    98     JG     7.56
D. Jones      102     PL     5.97  
So, the later rounds are not exactly a testament to our overall acumen in drafting :rolleyes:

However, there were a few diamonds in the rough down there:

(I used anyone picked after #72 - 12 players each - 'cuz I figured by then we ere picking bench players)
Name        Pick    By   Average
Murphy       101    DM    16.89   The steal of the draft
PJ Brown      94    BB    13.31   Good for a Center
Miles         89    DM    14.87   Useful until injured
Butler        88    DB    16.12   One of best on anyone's bench
Cassell       87    BB    17.74   Has started all season
Dalembert     86    JG    18.21   Cut by JG, P/U by PL, traded to JG
Bogut         84    SP    14.94   SP's savior with Ming out
Mobley        79    PL    15.21   Cut by PL, picked up by JG
Odom          78    PL    21.21   Second biggest steal in draft
Igoudala      75    BB    16.19   Another good one for a bench
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 05:16 PM

Finally, replacing the 22 guys who were drafted and are now out of the league, here are the 22

Free Agents Currently In The League

(In order of season average FPPG)
Name         By   Average 
G. Wallace   JG    19.90
West         SP    18.95
R. Davis     PL    18.70  Traded to JG
Diaw         DM    18.67  Traded to PL
Wells        PL    17.64  Traded to DM
Knight       SP    16.57
James        PL    15.83  Traded to DM
Kamen        JG    15.79
West         DB    15.53  Originally a PL pickup, then dropped
Frye         PL    15.31  Traded to DM
Hill         PL    15.27  Traded to DM
Battier      DM    15.17  Traded to PL, cut, and re-acquired
M. Miller    BB    15.13
Deng         JG    15.03
Pachulia     BB    13.66
Nelson       JG    13.43
Mourning     DB    12.87
Brezac       SP    12.19
J. Howard    JG    12.03
Kristic      DM    11.51  Picked up and dropped by others
Dixon        PL    10.14
D. Williams  SP     9.59
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 09:16 PM

One more list:

These are guys who were drafted, cut by the team that drafted them, and picked up on waivers or as free agents by another team.

(In FPPG order)
               Drafted &   New
Name            Cut By     Team   Average
Redd              PL        SP      19.03
Dalembert         JG        PL      18.21  Then traded to JG
Thomas            JG        PL      14.75  Then traded to JG
Peterson          BB        DM      14.14
K Mart            DB        BB      13.54  PL had him in between
Magliore          DB        PL      13.42
And, finally, there's Wally Szczerbiak (18.91). Drafted by JG, traded to PL, cut by PL, then re-acquired by PL.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 09:55 PM

Wow, interesting stuff...

(Honestly, thanks for all of that. The most hilarious thing I saw was the player cut by JG, only to be picked up by PL and later traded to JG. )
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/17/06 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Wow, interesting stuff...
There 'ya go.....That wasn't so hard, was it? :p

Yeah, JG likes those too. Both Dalembert and Kurt Thomas. Drafted by JG, dropped, picked by PL, traded back to JG
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 01:26 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by J Geoff:
[b] Hey now! I passed an " 8th Grade Math Quiz " with 9/10 -- and got 10/10 after reviewing my answers. :p
That's eighth grade math?

I went through it real quick, and got four of the answers right away.

I'm gonna have to go back and work on the others. [/b][/quote]10/10 on the first try, nto bad for someone who isn't too mathematically inclined
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 01:36 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
nto bad....
Well, at least you admit you can't spell. :p

That's "not", n-o-t, "not"

Sorry if I lumped you in with JG as being "mathematically disinclined."

If you went 10-10 on that "eighth grade" math test, I guess I owe you an apology.

I gotta go back and take the thing again.

How long did it take you to do it?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 01:37 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b]nto bad....
Well, at least you admit you can't spell. :p

That's "not", n-o-t, "not"

Sorry if I lumped you in with JG as being "mathematically disinclined."

If you went 10-10 on that "eighth grade" math test, I guess I owe you an apology.

I gotta go back and take the thing again.

How long did it take you to do it? [/b][/quote]Yeah spelling isn't a strong point, thank God I have my good looks to carry me through life.

It only took me maybe 90 seconds.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 02:09 AM


They say I only got 6 out of 10, but they don't tell you which ones you got wrong


1) If 5x - 4 = 26, what does x equal?

Add +4 to both sides of the equation, X = 6

One Right

2) -7 is

An integer
A whole number
A prime number.

This is not a math question, IMO, but one of terminology. I knew it wasn't a prime number. I thought that it was a rational number. So between whole and integer, I think I guessed integer. In any case, I guess I got it wrong.

1 right, 1 wrong

3) Michael is two years older than three times Jennifer's age. If Jennifer is j years old, how would you calculate Michael's age?


Thought this was an easy one. 3j+2.

2 right, 1 wrong

4) If x + 4 1/3 = 7, what does x equal?
3 1/3
2 2/3
3 2/3
11 1/3

Subtract 4 1/3 from each side. X = 2 2/3

3 right, 1 wrong

5) 5.5 squared is:
Between 16 and 25
Less than 16
Greater than 36
Between 25 and 36

5.5 times 5.5 is 30.25

4 right, 1 wrong

6) 2, 2, 3, 4, 5
Given the above set of numbers "2" is the:

Standard deviation

More terminology. I know it's not the average or the median. I guessed standard deviation, 'cuz it appeared twice and I have no idea what the term "mode" means.

I guess I guessed wrong

4 right, 2 wrong

7) If .4 < x < 1/2, x could equal:
None of the above

I think I had a problem understanding the question here.

1/2 is less than x, and x is less than .4 is the way I figured it.

So I figured the answer is none of the above.

Wrong, I guess.

4 right, 3 wrong

8) What's the value of (10-5)^2 + 12/4?


No idea what the (^) symbol means.

Left it blank

4 right, 4 wrong

9) If m + n = n, then what must m equal?


Subtract n from each side. m = 0

5 right, 4 wrong

10) If 1/3 (y + 4) = 3, then what does y equal?


If 1/3 (y + 4) = 3, then 3/3 (y + 4 ) = 9

Subtract 4 from each side, and y = 5.

6 right, 4 wrong.

Took me between 2-3 minutes
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 02:24 AM

It is an integer.

"Mode" is the number that appears most often.

It is actually read as x is GREATER than .4 and x is less than 1/2. That means 45%

^ means raised to the power of. So in other words 10-5=5 5^2 simply means 5 squared.

Seems like more terminology and symbols messed you up more than actual math skill.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 02:35 AM

Yeah....when I was in the 8th grade, we didn't use all those symbols and terms.

Of course back then we were writing on stone tablets with chisels.

I'm satisfied. I got the 6 questions that were strictly math all right.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 05:42 AM

.4 < x < 1/2
This IS strictly math, and probably the easiest one of the bunch.

.4 (is less than) x (therefore x (is great than) .4)
x (is less than) 1/2 (therefore x (is less than) .5)

So x has to be between .4 and .5 :p

I can't believe I did better than Plaw on a math test!! :p

As for the caret (^), I can understand that, since that's a computer symbol used for "too the nth power" which is easier to type than a superscript numeral. Like "*" means "multiplied by"...

BTW - I may suck at math, but I passed Calculus ( ) in college, as well as 2 or 3 post-graduate classes in Statistics (tho, I admit, probability and odds always confused me, even while taking the class) :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 10:17 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote].4 < x < 1/2
This IS strictly math, and probably the easiest one of the bunch.

.4 (is less than) x (therefore x (is great than) .4)
x (is less than) 1/2 (therefore x (is less than) .5)

So x has to be between .4 and .5
[/quote]That's my point:

It's a very easy question. Too easy, in fact, to be a math question.

What is being tested here is your ability to correctly interpret the question within the context of the symbols used.

When put into English, ".4 is less than X, and and X is less than 1/2," it's a no-brainer.

The only thing you have to know then is that 1/2 = .5, and that .45 is between .4 and .5, which I don't imagine some people don't know.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/18/06 10:44 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9327  21.74   1   10  10.00  9337  430  21.71  21,367
SP   8071  19.69   0    0    -    8071  410  19.69  19,370
DB   8223  19.63   0    0    -    8223  419  19.63  19,311
BB   7800  19.07   4  115  28.75  7915  413  19.16  18,858
DM   7435  18.87   3   47  15.67  7482  397  18.85  18,545
JG   7956  18.72   3   48  16.00  8004  428  18.70  18,402
PL loses ground to everyone
SP Gains on everyone except DB and BB
DB Gains on everyone except SP and BB
BB Gains on everyone
DM Loses ground to everyone except PL
JG Loses ground to everyone except DM and PL
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/19/06 03:48 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:

1) If 5x - 4 = 26, what does x equal?

Add +4 to both sides of the equation, X = 6

One Right

2) -7 is

An integer
A whole number
A prime number.

This is not a math question, IMO, but one of terminology. I knew it wasn't a prime number. I thought that it was a rational number. So between whole and integer, I think I guessed integer. In any case, I guess I got it wrong.

1 right, 1 wrong

3) Michael is two years older than three times Jennifer's age. If Jennifer is j years old, how would you calculate Michael's age?


Thought this was an easy one. 3j+2.

2 right, 1 wrong

4) If x + 4 1/3 = 7, what does x equal?
3 1/3
2 2/3
3 2/3
11 1/3

Subtract 4 1/3 from each side. X = 2 2/3

3 right, 1 wrong

5) 5.5 squared is:
Between 16 and 25
Less than 16
Greater than 36
Between 25 and 36

5.5 times 5.5 is 30.25


As I mentioned previously you need to get a new hobby. You know maybe you were better off with the hobby of monitoring the up / down status of the board. :p

And speaking of up / down status - are you preparing for DBs wedding and scoring some action ? I know from some PMs you have been practicing up on some dancing - watching Dancing with the Stars, getting in some practice at home. I forget the one you mentioned you were working - ensuring you get some of that 'young stuff' you crave. Was it the sexy tango - no that wasn't it. Hmmm, wait what was that dance, oh yeah I remember now - it was the ' Dry Hump ' That was it, surely no woman can resist the charms of the ever sensuous dance of the Dry Hump ... :p And like I said previously - with an open bar you should be set. But again setting a high target for yourself such as Lezbo - in addition to the open bar, might not hurt to bring some roofies ...

I have been preparing my song request list also, hoping it increases my chances of scoring me some action with some of da ladies ... I only wish DB would tell me if it he is having a DJ or a Live Band, but for some reason he has been ignoring my PMs ... I guess he is busy with the planning and all, yeah that's it I 'm sure ....

As you were Peeps - Sugar Daddy is in Da House .....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/19/06 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
are you preparing for DBs wedding and scoring some action ?
First, Big Daddy, let me say that I am honored and flattered that you have chosen to make one of your all to infrequent appearances here - in my thread.

As you may have noticed, it's taken a bit of arm twisting on my part just to get one of the people (who shall remain nameless - DB knows who he is) who is in the game here to show me the reapect that I'm entitled to and post even occasionally, so I am naturally quite gratified that you have chosen this thread as your personal forum, so to speak.

I'll be sure to add you the next time I update the "Post Count Standings" here, which can be found at the top of this page.

As far as DB's wedding goes, he'd be wise to invite me.

When I got married, the ex and I invited every distant relative we could think of from out of town - about ten couples in all, I think - figuring that they almost certainly wouldn't attend, but would send a gift.

Well, we were right on the money.

Only one showed up, and all of the non-atendees sent a gift, except for one: my wife's cheap second cousin from Florida.

If DB does invite me, I'm not sure if I'll go or not - it will probably depend on whether or not I have anything better to do that weekend.

I mean, I'm not sure exactly when the wedding is scheduled to take place, but I'm sure DB wouldn't expect me to give up my tickets for a Nets game or the chance to immediately watch some long-awaited movie from Netflix just to attend his nuptials, but, of course, if I can make it I will.

He can, however, be sure that if I am invited, I will most certainly send a gift, even if I don't go.

I have three new books about my hobby, fantasy sports, which are almost ready for publication: "Plaw's Guide to Maximum Games Played Management In Yahoo Fantasy Basketball", "The Do's and Dont's of Fantasy Sports Commissionering", and "Fleecing The Sheep In Your League In Trades: How I got Lebron James and Kobe Bryant for Vince Carter And A Bag Of Potato Chips".

I figure a complete set of autographed first editions would make a swell gift and a handsome addition to the newlyweds library.

As far as "scoring some action" at the reception goes, I can tell from that comment that you're familiar with my past successes at weddings, which you probably read about


Yes, it's a true story, and no, I never followed up with this gal because, as I said, I met my honey from Philly a few days later.

But it's my experience that weddings do get the single gals all mushy and receptive to come-ons and everything, especially when they see one of their friends reeling in a catch like the very romantic and successful DB, so even though I'm probably a bit old for the singles crowd that'll be there, I still look pretty good in my tux and, of course, have loads of smooth lines, so I guess I'll do OK if I try to make a move or two.

Well, lemme go now. I still have a lot of work to do this morning.

I have to review and post yesterday's scores for the Yahoo Fantasy Basketball, ESPN Salary Cap Basketball, and the NBA Pick 'Em Game.

Then I have to select my teams for the NFL PLayoffs Pick 'Em Game, and my players for the NFL Salary Cap Playoffs Game.

Then I have to set my lineups for the Yahoo Fantasy Hockey Game, the three Yahoo Fantasy Basketball Games that I'm in, and pick a player for tonight in the NBA Rookies Game.

So, as you can see, I have a busy morning ahead of me.

Talk to you soon.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/19/06 10:53 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9337  21.71   9  150  16.67  9487  439  21.61  21,265
SP   8071  19.69  12  258  21.50  8329  422  19.74  19,421
DB   8223  19.63   9  201  22.33  8424  428  19.68  19,367
BB   7915  19.16   8  159  19.88  8074  421  19.18  18,871
DM   7482  18.85   8  163  20.38  7645  405  18.88  18,575
JG   8004  18.70   9  148  16.44  8152  437  18.65  18,356
PL loses ground to everyone except JG
SP Gains on everyone except DB
DB Gains on everyone
BB loses ground to DB and DM
DM Gains on BB and JG
JG Loses ground to everyone

In the last two days SP and DB have shaved 179 and 184 points respectively from PL's projected lead at the finish..... the race for second between SP and DB remains tight, with only 54 projected points and .06 FPPG separating the two.....and only 515 projected points and .53 FPPG separate BB, DM, and JG in the battle for fourth place.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/19/06 04:32 PM

Here's a quickie, just so you guys know where you stand.

Like MOAFS in the Hockey Game, I believe that my team, barring injuries to 2-3 guys like LeBron, Brand, Kobe, Big Ben, or Wade, is unbeatable, so...

If I average my present 21.61 FPPG the rest of the way, then
SP needs to average 22.94 in his remaining games to beat me.

If SP continues at his present rate of 19.74, then
I'd have to drop to 18.23 in my remaining games for him to beat me.


If I average my present 21.61 the rest of the way, then
JG needs to average 23.97 in his remaining games to beat me.

If JG continues at his present rate of 18.65, then
I'd have to drop to 16.27 in my remaining games for him to beat me.

DB, BB, and DM....you guys can extrapolate from that.
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 12:50 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
First, Big Daddy, let me say that I am honored and flattered that you have chosen to make one of your all to infrequent appearances here - in my thread.

If DB does invite me, I'm not sure if I'll go or not - it will probably depend on whether or not I have anything better to do that weekend.

He can, however, be sure that if I am invited, I will most certainly send a gift, even if I don't go.

As far as "scoring some action" at the reception goes, I can tell from that comment that you're familiar with my past successes at weddings, which you probably read about

I still look pretty good in my tux and, of course, have loads of smooth lines, so I guess I'll do OK if I try to make a move or two.

First I do appreciate you letting me post in your thread. Others I know get very protective of 'their' threads so I am glad that you are secure enough in your masculinity to allow others to post in your thread. Plus with the ever mature and always insightful, thought provoking posts I usually contribute - well it also keeps the standard high quality of your threads intact.

And if DS invites me, which I would assume is a sure thing - I have been trying to put a hold on my very busy social schedule and trying to get DS to give me the date, but he has not yet responded to my PMs. Again probably due to all the planning and such I would assume. Although unlike you if I can't make it I won't be sending a gift. :p

And yes the stories of you and da ladies are known far and wide. The tales of your womanizing is legendary, I remember hearing of your tales when I was just a Little Daddy. Those stories, over the years have taken on mythic proportions ...

I still say that although you look good in a tux, have loads of smooth lines, if you plan on scoring some action with some 'young stuff' still might not hurt to bring some roofies ... you know just in case. And those other little blue pills you carry with you - again you know just in case. :p

I am sure between the two of us - we will surely score BIG TIME action. We'll be like Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd from the old SNL skit - 2 wild and crazy guys. Surely those women with their big American breasts will not be able to resist us and our bulges ....
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 01:16 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I never followed up with this gal because, as I said, I met my honey from Philly a few days later.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
I still say that you look good in a tux, and have loads of smooth lines.
I thought you two had never met...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
those other little blue pills you carry with you - again you know just in case
You tried 'em? No? Well you should.

They work great, especially when (like me) you don't really need them.

As far as a gift goes, I've decided I'm probably gonnna send one anyway if DB asks.

If he PMs me and asks for my address before the wedding, then I'll know that an invite is on the way, and that guarantees a gift even if I don't go.

If he asks for my address after the wedding, then I'll know that I only rated an SOFOGI (solicitation for gift), sometimes called an "announcement", I think.

In that case, I'll probably just send him one of my new books instead of all three.

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
I am sure between the two of us - we will surely score BIG TIME action. We'll be like Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd from the old SNL skit - 2 wild and crazy guys. Surely those women with their big American breasts will not be able to resist us and our bulges ....
Um.....I don't know quite how to tell you this, and please don't take it the wrong way, but I usually prefer to work alone.

If you want to trail along behind, of course, and put the moves on my rejects, though.....
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 01:29 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
.... I usually prefer to work alone.

I heard that about you -

PL's GF - PLAW, where are you ?
PL - I'm in the bathroom
PL's GF - You OK, you have been in there awhile, anything wrong?
PL - I'm working , be done, I mean out in 2 more minutes ...


And regarding taking your rejects, sure I can do that - with all the tale that you'll score I'm sure the rejects will be fine.

Although I will caution you there are tales of my womanizing also - only unlike you I am not a slut that tells of them ...
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 04:19 AM

21 points for Kobe in the 1st quarter
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 10:12 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9487  21.61   3   78  26.00  9565  442  21.64  21,294
SP   8329  19.74   1   33  33.00  8362  423  19.77  19,452
DB   8424  19.68   1   25  25.00  8449  429  19.69  19,380
BB   8074  19.18   0   00  -- --  8074  421  19.18  18,871
DM   7645  18.88   1   10  10.00  7655  406  18.85  18,553
JG   8152  18.65   4   79  19.75  8231  441  18.66  18,366
PL Gains on everyone except SP
SP Gains on everyone
DB Gains on everyone except PL and SP
BB loses ground to everyone except DM
DM Loses ground to everyone
JG Gains on DM and BB
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/20/06 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]I never followed up with this gal because, as I said, I met my honey from Philly a few days later.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
I still say that you look good in a tux, and have loads of smooth lines.
I thought you two had never met... [/b][/quote]We haven't.

So? This is a fantasy thread, isn't it?

BTW, I saw that BD gave you a mention in there, Lezbo (that's you, isn't it? )
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/21/06 12:54 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:

DB, BB, and DM....you guys can extrapolate from that.
Duly extrapolated...
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/21/06 01:39 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
We haven't.

So? This is a fantasy thread, isn't it?
Oh sure - go ahead and tell everyone .... I stand by my earlier statement that you're a slut ... :p

By the way how is the up / down status of the board recently ? I understand you will be publishing metrics soon ....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/21/06 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
By the way how is the up / down status of the board recently ?
Read the thread.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/21/06 01:23 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9565  21.64  11  217  19.73  9782  453  21.59  21,248
SP   8363  19.77  10  195  19.50  8557  433  19.76  19,446
DB   8449  19.69   9  171  19.00  8620  438  19.68  19,365
BB   8074  19.18  10  181  18.10  8255  431  19.15  18,847
DM   7655  18.85  10  187  18.70  7842  416  18.85  18,549
JG   8231  18.66   9  167  18.56  8398  450  18.66  18,364
PL Loses ground to everyone
SP Gains on everyone except JG and DM
DB Loses ground to everyone except PL and BB
BBLoses ground to everyone except PL
DM Gains on everyone except JG
JG gains ground on everyone

Interesting scoring day yesterday. The first time, I think (didn't check) that we had so many GYs and no one averaged at least 20.00 FPPG.

Also, interestingly, and this should drive JG crazy - maybe DB can explain it this time in fewer words than it took me last time - even though PL had the highest FPPG scoring average yesterday, he still lost ground to everyone.

The reason?: PL's FPPG average was higher than anyone else's, so even tho his FPPG average was higher than anyone'e yesterday, he still suffered the largest drop in his FPPG, so he lost 46 points from his projected final total, while SP was -6, DB -15, BB -24, and DM -4 respectively.

JG, who had the lowest FPPG average before last night, syffered the smallest loss in his FPPG average, only a -2.

Theoretically, if we played thousands and thousands more days and the scoring results were the same as yesterdays, everyone's average would move closer and closer to PL's but they would never catch him.

As PL's FPPG average got lower each day, he would lose fewer points off of his projected total each day.

Right, DB?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/22/06 01:17 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

     Prev   Prev           Yest   New                Prog
     Total  Avg   GY  YSC  Avg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9782  21.59   4   93  23.25  9875  457  21.60  21,263
SP   8557  19.76   4   97  24.25  8654  437  19.80  19,486
DB   8620  19.68   5   75  15.00  8695  443  19.63  19,313
BB   8255  19.15   2   38  19.00  8293  433  19.15  18,846
DM   7842  18.85   2   47  23.50  7889  418  18.87  18,571
JG   8398  18.66   6   91  15.17  8489  456  18.61  18,318
PL Gains on everyone except SP and DM
SP Gains on everyone
DB Loses ground to everyone
BB Loses ground to everyone except DB and JG
DM Gains on everyone except SP
JG Loses ground to everyone except DB
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/23/06 07:45 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Lezbo (that's you, isn't it? )
Apparently so.

By the way, who has Kobe on their Yahoo team? Tonight was SOME night for him, huh? Move over, Wilt Chamberlain!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/23/06 07:50 AM

Me! Me!

He was one of the guys I picked up in a trade for Vince Carter and a bag of potato chips.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/23/06 01:13 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev    Prev           Yest    New                Prog
    Total   Avg   GY  YSC  Avg    Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL   9875  21.60   7  202  28.86  10077  464  21.72  21,370
SP   8654  19.80   7  118  16.86   8772  444  19.76  19,440
DB   8695  19.63   5  107  21.40   8802  448  19.65  19,333
BB   8293  19.15   8  215  26.88   8508  441  19.29  18,984
DM   7889  18.87   8  159  19.88   8048  426  18.89  18,589
JG   8489  18.61   7  125  17.86   8614  463  18.60  18,307
PL Gains on everyone except BB
SP Loses ground to everyone
DB Gains on everyone, except PL and BB
BB Gains on everyone
DM Loses ground to everyone except SP and JG
JG Loses ground to everyone except SP
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/23/06 01:47 PM


Ten of 'em last week, including Kobe's all-time Gangster BB High, an unbelievable 70.

Last Week
Kobe       PL     70      1-22
Lebron     PL     45      1-21
Brand      PL     45      1-16
Kobe       PL     43      1-19
Paul       JG     43      1-20
Kirilenko  BB     41      1-17
Marion     BB     41      1-18
Nash       BB     41      1-22
Marion     BB     41      1-22
D. Howard  PL     40      1-20
Season Total

Kobe        PL     70      1-22
Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Lebron      PL     51      1-14
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Iverson     DB     47      1-11
Wallace     JG     46      1-13
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     45      1-13
Brand       PL     45      1-16
Lebron      PL     45      1-21
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Lewis       DB     43      1-11
Kobe        PL     43      1-19
Paul        JG     43      1-20
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Bogut       SP     42      1-13
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Garnett     SP     41      1-11
Wade        PL     41      1-11
Iverson     DB     41      1-10
Kirilenko   BB     41      1-17
Marion      BB     41      1-18
Marion      BB     41      1-22
Nash        BB     41      1-22 
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Wallace     JG     40      1-10
Arenas      PL     40      1-13
D. Howard   PL     40      1-20

    By Team       By Player
     PL  20        Garnett     6
     SP  13        Lebron      6
     JG  12        Kobe        5
     DM  11        Marion      5
     BB  10        Camby       4
     DB   8        Brand       4
                   Webber      3
                   Iverson     3
                   Duncan      3
                   Pierce      3
                   Wade        3
                   Gasol       2
                   Nowitzki    2
                   J. O'Neal   2
                   Carter      2
                   Billups     2
                   G. Wallace  2
                   Arenas      2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/23/06 02:36 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       1   30.29    1   29.84    - 0.45
L. James    PL     2(JG)   2   29.69    2   29.21    - 0.48
Brand       PL    18       3   28.94    3   28.74    - 0.20
Marion      BB     3       4   27.78    4   28.63    + 0.85
Bryant      PL     5(DM)   8   26.09    5   27.64    + 0.65
Wade        PL     6       5   27.24    6   27.13    - 0.11
Iverson     DB     9       6   26.97    7   26.48    - 0.49
Nowitzki    DB     4       7   26.19    8   26.29    + 0.10
Pierce      JG    11       9   26.17    9   25.73    - 0.44
Camby       DM    56      10   25.64   10   25.64      DNP
Duncan      SP    12      11   25.57   11   24.83    - 0.74
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.51   12   24.54    + 0.03
Nash        BB    10      13   24.00   13   24.23    + 0.23
Arenas      PL     7      14   23.18   14   23.37    + 0.19
Carter      DM    19(PL)  17   22.39   15   22.92    + 0.53
McGrady     DM     8      18   21.99   16   22.81    + 0.82
Gasol       JG    38      15   23.17   17   22.36    - 0.81
J. O'Neal   DB    16      16   22.75   18   22.27    - 0.48
Kidd        DB    33      19   21.62   19   22.00    + 0.38
Paul        JG    71      30   20.63   20   21.84    + 1.21
Billups     DM    32      20   21.59   21   21.34    - 0.25
D. Howard   PL    43      27   20.77   22   21.32    + 0.55
Ming        SP    13      23   21.23   23   21.23      DNP
B. Miller   JG    14      22   21.25   24   20.98    - 0.27
Odom        PL    78      26   21.08   25   20.58    - 0.50
Okur        BB    63      29   20.68   26   20.95    + 0.27
Kirilienko  BB    15      28   20.74   27   20.74    + 1.20
R. Lewis    DB    28      25   21.11   28   20.63    - 0.48
Webber      SP    48      21   21.38   29   20.58    - 0.80
B. Wallace  PL    30      31   20.35   30   20.45    + 0.10
R. Allen    BB    22      33   20.00   31   20.43    + 0.43
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  24   21.16   32   20.37    - 0.79
Anthony     BB    51      32   20.19   33   20.14    - 0.05
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/24/06 11:12 AM

Monday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10077  21.72   3   64  21.33  10141  467  21.72  21,367
SP   8772  19.76   3   48  16.00   8820  447  19.73  19,416
DB   8802  19.65   5   97  19.40   8899  453  19.64  19,330
BB   8508  19.29   7  159  22.71   8667  448  19.35  19,036
DM   8048  18.89   8  146  18.25   8194  434  18.88  18,578
JG   8614  18.60   6  111  18.50   8725  469  18.60  18,305
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/24/06 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] Lezbo (that's you, isn't it? )
Apparently so.

[/b][/quote]Not that there's anything wrong with that. And besides meant in a good way. :p

Hey PL - again sorry for intruding on your thread. But you are not responding to my emails - I am a bit concerned as I have not yet received my invitation to DB's wedding - wondering if you are in the same boat.

Surely he would invite us - however DB is a nice guy, I am sure he has a ton of friends as is the same with the bride to be - sooooo in the very unlikely chance we are not on the list, rent the below and I have two words for you ....


A few rules to start you off ...

# Rule #1: Never leave a fellow Crasher behind. Crashers take care of their own.
# Rule #2: Never use your real name.
# Rule #3: No one goes home alone.
# Rule #4: Never let a girl come between you and a fellow crasher.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/25/06 10:20 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10141  21.72   6  122  20.33  10263  473  21.70  21,351
DB ^ 8899  19.64   4   94  23.50   8993  457  19.68  19,363
SP   8820  19.73   6   86  14.33   8906  453  19.66  19,345
BB   8667  19.35   3   74  24.67   8741  451  19.38  19,071
DM   8194  18.88   3   75  25.00   8269  437  18.92  18,619
JG   8725  18.60   4   74  18.50   8799  473  18.60  18,305
Big news of the day: DB slides into second place.

SP is .

And PL says "Nothing to about."
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/26/06 12:42 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10263  21.70   7  108  15.43  10371  480  21.61  21,261
SP ^ 8906  19.66  10  235  23.50   9141  463  19.74  19,427
DB   8993  19.68  10  172  17.20   9165  467  19.63  19,311
BB   8741  19.38   9  207  23.00   8948  460  19.45  19,141
DM   8269  18.92  10  179  17.90   8448  447  18.90  18,596
JG   8799  18.60  11  232  21.09   9031  484  18.66  18,360
PL loses ground to everyone
SP Gains on everyone, regaining 2nd place in the process
DB Loses ground to everyone except PL
BB BB Gains on everyone except SP
DM Loses ground to BB and JG; the rest don't matter right now
JG Gains on everyone except BB and SP
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/27/06 09:29 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10371  21.61   3   62  20.67  10433  483  21.60  21,255
SP   9141  19.74   2   46  23.00   9187  465  19.76  19,441
DB   9165  19.63   3  103  34.33   9268  470  19.72  19,404
BB   8948  19.45   3   74  24.67   9022  463  19.49  19,174
DM   8448  18.90   1   22  22.00   8470  448  18.91  18,604
JG   9031  18.66   2   28  14.00   9059  486  18.64  18,342
PL Loses ground to everyone except JG
SP Gains on everyone, except DB and BB
DB Gains on everyone
BB Gains on everyone except DB
DM Loses ground to BB, gains on JG; the rest don't matter right now
JG Loses ground to everyone

BTW, we've just passed the halfway point.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/27/06 08:47 PM

Injury Update

DB's misfortune with J. O'Neal prompted an update.

Five games or more missed:

Boozer       DM   43 
Stoudemire   BB   42 
Maggette     DB   26 
Miles        DM   25 
Artest       JG   21 
Camby        DM   19 
Ming         SP   19 
Tinsley      SP   18 
Shaq         DM   18
Okafor       PL   17 
Wells        DM   17 
Ginobili     SP   13
McGrady      DM   13
Hughes       BB   12 
Hill         DM   11
Kirilenko    BB   10
Abdur-Rahim  BB   10
Stojakovic   SP    9
Howard       SP    8
Francis      PL    6
O'Neal       DB    6 
By Team:     DM  146
             BB   74
             SP   64
             JG   36
             DB   32
             PL   23
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/27/06 08:58 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
DB's misfortune with J. O'Neal prompted an update.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/27/06 09:03 PM

Nice of you to drop by. Slow day with the wedding preparations, huh? :rolleyes: :p

I have O'Neal on my *cough*Yahoo Roto League team*cough*, so I feel your pain - somewhat.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/27/06 09:44 PM

Oh oops... Sorry about that.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/28/06 09:46 AM

Not to mention Yao Ming.... :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/28/06 09:59 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10433  21.60  11  248  22.55  10681  494  21.62  21,276
SP   9187  19.76   6   84  14.00   9271  471  19.68  19,369
DB   9268  19.72   9  122  13.56   9390  479  19.60  19,290
BB   9022  19.49   8  150  18.75   9172  471  19.47  19,162
DM   8470  18.91  10  154  15.40   8624  458  18.83  18,528
JG   9059  18.64   8  145  18.23   9204  494  18.63  18,333
Bad day for everyone except PL, as the only two really exciting races remaining heated up.

SP, DB, and BB are separated by only 207 points and 0.21 FPPG in the race for second, and DM and JG by only 195 points and 0.20 in the battle for the basement.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/29/06 11:10 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10681  21.62   4  114  28.50  10795  498  21.68  21,330
SP   9271  19.68   7  165  23.57   9436  478  19.74  19,425
DB   9390  19.60   8  112  14.00   9502  487  19.51  19,199
BB   9172  19.47   9  166  18.44   9338  480  19.45  19,143
DM   8624  18.83   6  108  18.00   8732  464  18.82  18,518
JG   9204  18.63   6  124  20.67   9328  500  18.66  18,358
Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.

PL +54
SP +56
DB -91
BB -19
DM -10
JG +25
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/30/06 12:33 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10795  21.68   8  180  22.50  10975  506  21.69  21,343
SP   9436  19.74   5   54  10.80   9490  483  19.65  19,334
DB   9502  19.51   3   54  18.00   9556  490  19.50  19,190
BB   9338  19.45   2   49  24.50   9387  482  19.48  19,164
DM   8732  18.82   6  142  23.67   8874  470  18.88  18,579
JG   9328  18.66   6  126  21.00   9454  506  18.68  18,385
Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.

PL +13
SP -88
DB -09
BB +21
DM +61
JG +27
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/30/06 02:00 PM


Last Week
B. Davis   BB    46    1-28
Redd       SP    45    1-26
Lewis      DB    44    1-26
Jefferson  PL    43    1-28
Anthony    BB    43    1-23
Bibby      JG    41    1-24
Webber     SP    40    1-26  
Season Total

Kobe        PL     70      1-22
Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Lebron      PL     51      1-14
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Iverson     DB     47      1-11
Wallace     JG     46      1-13
B. Davis    BB     46      1-28
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     45      1-13
Brand       PL     45      1-16
Lebron      PL     45      1-21
Redd        SP     45      1-26
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Lewis       DB     44      1-26
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Lewis       DB     43      1-11
Kobe        PL     43      1-19
Paul        JG     43      1-20
Anthony     BB     43      1-23
Jefferson   PL     43      1-28
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Bogut       SP     42      1-13
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Garnett     SP     41      1-11
Wade        PL     41      1-11
Iverson     DB     41      1-10
Kirilenko   BB     41      1-17
Marion      BB     41      1-18
Marion      BB     41      1-22
Nash        BB     41      1-22 
Bibby       JG     41      1-24
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Wallace     JG     40      1-10
Arenas      PL     40      1-13
D. Howard   PL     40      1-20
Webber      SP     40      1-26

    By Team       By Player
     PL  21        Garnett     6
     SP  15        Lebron      6
     JG  13        Kobe        5
     BB  12        Marion      5
     DM  11        Camby       4
     DB   9        Brand       4
                   Webber      4
                   Iverson     3
                   Duncan      3
                   Pierce      3
                   Wade        3
                   Gasol       2
                   Nowitzki    2
                   J. O'Neal   2
                   Carter      2
                   Billups     2
                   G. Wallace  2
                   Arenas      2
                   Lewis       2        
                   Anthony     2    
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/30/06 02:52 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       1   29.84    1   29.74    - 0.10
L. James    PL     2(JG)   2   29.21    2   29.45    + 0.24
Brand       PL    18       3   28.74    3   28.69    - 0.05
Marion      BB     3       4   28.63    4   28.39    - 0.24
Bryant      PL     5(DM)   8   27.64    5   27.46    - 0.18
Wade        PL     6       5   27.13    6   26.84    - 0.29
Iverson     DB     9       6   26.48    7   26.79    + 0.31
Nowitzki    DB     4       7   26.29    8   26.09    - 0.20
Pierce      JG    11       9   25.73    9   25.07    - 0.66
Duncan      SP    12      11   24.83   10   24.70    - 0.13
Nash        BB    10      13   24.23   11   24.43    + 0.20
Camby       DM    56      10   25.64   12   24.33    - 1.31
Bosh        DM    29      12   24.54   13   24.07    - 0.47
McGrady     DM     8      16   22.81   14   23.10    + 0.29
Gasol       JG    38      17   22.36   15   22.98    + 0.62
Arenas      PL     7      14   23.37   16   22.90    - 0.47
J. O'Neal   DB    16      18   22.27   17   22.06    - 0.21
Carter      DM    19(PL)  15   22.92   18   21.80    - 1.12
Billups     DM    32      21   21.34   19   21.76    + 0.42
Kidd        DB    33      19   22.00   20   21.50    - 0.50
Ming        SP    13      23   21.23   21   21.23      DNP
D. Howard   PL    43      22   21.32   22   21.21    - 0.11
Paul        JG    71      20   21.84   23   21.17    - 0.67
Kirilienko  BB    15      27   20.74   24   21.09    + 0.35
R. Lewis    DB    28      28   20.63   25   20.95    + 0.32
Okur        BB    63      26   20.95   26   20.93    - 0.02
Webber      SP    48      29   20.58   27   20.88    + 0.30
R. Allen    BB    22      31   20.43   28   20.85    + 0.42
B. Miller   JG    14      24   20.98   29   20.81    - 0.17
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  32   20.37   30   20.64    + 0.27
Odom        PL    78      25   20.58   31   20.49    - 0.09
B. Wallace  PL    30      30   20.45   32   20.38    - 0.07
Anthony     BB    51      33   20.14   33   20.18    + 0.04
Redd        SP    54(PL)  --   19.79   34   20.14    + 0.35
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/30/06 03:42 PM

Adjusted Scoring Averages

It's nice to have yao Ming on your team, along with his 21.23 FPPG average.

But since Yao has mised nearly half of his team's games, he's not really averaging 21.23

Anyay, here's a rundown on the 20 FPPG scorers, based on their average per game that their team has played.

Using this method, several guys drop off the list.

                  Team's  His   FPPG     ADJ.
Name              Games   GPd   AVG.     AVG.
Garnett             42     42   29.74   29.74
Lebron              42     42   29.45   29.45
Marion              44     44   28.39   28.39
Brand               41     39   28.69   27.29
Kobe                43     41   27.46   26.19
Nowitzki            44     44   26.09   26.09
Wade                45     43   26.84   25.64
Iverson             44     42   29.79   25.57
Pierce              44     44   25.07   25.07
Duncan              44     44   24.70   24.70
Nash                44     44   24.43   24.43
Bosh                45     45   24.07   24.07
Gasol               43     43   22.98   22.98
Arenas              42     41   22.90   22.39
Billups             42     42   21.76   21.76
Kidd                42     42   21.50   21.50
D. Howard           42     42   21.21   21.21
Lewis               43     43   20.95   20.95
Okur                44     44   20.93   20.93
B. Miller           44     44   20.81   20.81
Carter              42     40   21.80   20.76
Paul                43     42   21.17   20.67
Odom                43     43   20.49   20.49
B. Wallace          42     42   20.38   20.38
Camby               46     27   24.33   14.28
McGrady             43     30   23.10   16.12
J. O'Neal           42     35   22.06   18.38
Ming                43     22   21.23   10.86
Kirilenko           44     34   21.09   16.30
Webber              44     42   20.88   19.91
Allen               43     40   20.85   19.40
Jefferson           42     39   20.64   19.17
Anthony             46     45   20.18   19.74
Redd                43     42   20.14   19.67
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 01/31/06 11:18 AM

Monday Scores and Standings

   Prev    Prev            Yest   New                Prog
   Total   Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  10975  21.69   4  111  27.75  11086  510  21.74  21,389
SP   9490  19.65   9  178  19.78   9668  492  19.65  19,336
DB   9556  19.50   5  102  20.40   9658  495  19.51  19,199
BB   9387  19.48   6   77  12.83   9464  488  19.39  19,083
DM   8874  18.88   3   63  21.00   8937  473  18.89  18,592
JG   9454  18.68   6   96  16.00   9550  512  18.65  18,354
Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.
      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL    +46 
SP    + 2 
DB    + 9 
BB    -81
DM    +13
JG    -31
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/02/06 03:24 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11086  21.74   6  138  23.00  11224  516  21.75  21,404
SP   9668  19.65   3   41  13.67   9709  495  19.61  19,300
DB   9658  19.51   7  119  17.00   9777  502  19.48  19,164
BB   9464  19.39   4   92  23.00   9556  492  19.42  19,112
DM   8937  18.89   5   88  17.60   9025  478  18.88  18,579
JG   9550  18.65   4   64  16.00   9614  516  18.63  18,334
Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.
      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL    +46   +15
SP    + 2   -36
DB    + 9   -35
BB    -81   +29
DM    +13   -13
JG    -31   -20
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/02/06 03:38 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11224  21.75  11  238  21.64  11462  527  21.75  21,402
SP   9709  19.61  10  184  18.40   9893  505  19.59  19,277
BB ^ 9556  19.42  11  238  21.64   9794  503  19.47  19,160
DB   9777  19.48  10  180  18.00   9957  512  19.45  19,136
DM   9025  18.88  10  204  20.40   9229  488  18.91  18,609
JG   9614  18.63   6  119  19.83   9733  522  18.65  18,347
Another day on the roller coaster for DB.

Slumping since his one-day sojourn in second place, he's now been passed by BB and has slipped into fourth.

Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.
      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL    +46   +15   - 2
SP    + 2   -36   -23
DB    + 9   -35   -28
BB    -81   +29   +48
DM    +13   -13   +30
JG    -31   -20   +13
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/02/06 06:18 PM

I like the new format plaw, and I do read it every morning. Don't want you to think your efforts are not appreciated.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/03/06 09:55 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11462  21.75   2   50  25.00  11512  529  21.76  21,413
SP   9893  19.59   3   52  17.33   9945  508  19.58  19,264
BB ^ 9794  19.47   1   19  19.00   9813  504  19.47  19,158
DB   9957  19.45   1    6   6.00   9963  513  19.42  19,110
DM   9229  18.91   2   44  22.00   9273  490  18.92  18,622
JG   9733  18.63   0    0  --.--   9733  522  18.65  18,347
Note: The =/- figure next to the initials is the gain or loss in "Projected Finish Points" from the previous day.
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL   +46   +15   - 2   +11
SP   + 2   -36   -23   -13
BB   -81   +29   +48   - 2
DB   + 9   -35   -28   -26
DM   +13   -13   +30   +13
JG   -31   -20   +13    --
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/03/06 10:18 AM

Since the Morning of 1/25
(When DB was in second place for a day.....

    Prev   Prev              Yest  New               Prog
    Total  Avrg  GY  Score   Avrg  Total TGU   AVG   Finish
PL 10263  21.70  56   1249  22.30 11512  529  21.76  21,413  + 62
BB  8741  19.38  53   1066  20.11  9807  504  19.46  19,147  + 76
JG  8799  18.60  49    934  19.06  9733  522  18.65  18,347  + 42
DM  8269  18.92  53   1004  18.94  9273  490  18.92  18,622  +  3
SP  8906  19.66  55   1039  18.89  9945  508  19.58  19,264  - 81
DB  8993  19.68  56    970  17.32  9963  513  19.42  19,110  -253
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/04/06 12:21 PM

Gotta run.....Update this afternoon.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/04/06 10:14 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11512  21.76   6  187  31.17  11699  535  21.87  21,517
SP   9945  19.58   6  154  25.67  10099  514  19.65  19,333
BB   9813  19.47   5   95  19.00   9908  509  19.47  19,154
DB   9963  19.42   4   64  16.00  10027  517  19.39  19,084
DM   9273  18.92   6  121  20.17   9395  496  18.94  18,638
JG   9733  18.63   8  114  14.25   9847  530  18.58  18,282
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL   +46   +15   - 2   +11  +104
SP   + 2   -36   -23   -13   +69
BB   -81   +29   +48   -13   + 7
DB   + 9   -35   -28   -26   -26
DM   +13   -13   +30   +13   +16
JG   -31   -20   +13    00   -65
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/05/06 01:06 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11699  21.87  11  233  21.18  11932  546  21.85  21,504
SP  10099  19.65   7  155  22.14  10254  521  19.68  19,366
BB   9902  19.45   7  121  17.29  10029  516  19.44  19,125
DB  10027  19.39  11  180  16.36  10207  528  19.33  19,022
DM   9395  18.94   7  122  17.43   9516  503  18.92  18,616
JG   9847  18.58   6  138  23.00   9985  536  18.63  18,331
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun
PL   +46   +15   - 2   +11  +104   -13
SP   + 2   -36   -23   -13   +69   +33
BB   -81   +29   +48   -13   - 4   -29
DB   + 9   -35   -28   -26   -26   -62
DM   +13   -13   +30   +13   +16   -22
JG   -31   -20   +13    00   -65   +49
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 09:38 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11932  21.85   1   31  31.00  11963  547  21.87  21,520
SP  10254  19.68   1   12  12.00  10266  522  19.67  19,352
BB  10029  19.44   3   79  26.33  10108  519  19.48  19,164
DB  10207  19.33   0    0  --.--  10207  528  19.33  19,022
DM   9516  18.92   3   61  20.33   9577  506  18.93  18,624
JG   9985  18.63   5   75  15.00  10060  541  18.60  18,298
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +46   +15   - 2   +11  +104   -13   +16    +177
SP   + 2   -36   -23   -13   +69   +33   -14    + 18
BB   -81   +29   +48   -13   - 4   -11   +21    - 11
DB   + 9   -35   -28   -26   -26   -62    --    -168
DM   +13   -13   +30   +13   +16   -22   + 8    + 45
JG   -31   -20   +13    --   -65   +49   -33    - 87
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 09:48 AM


Last Week
Bosh       DM     45      2-1
Garnett    SP     44      2-3
Brand      PL     42      2-1
Brand      PL     42      2-3
Kobe       PL     40      2-3
Season Total

Kobe        PL     70      1-22
Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Lebron      PL     51      1-14
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Iverson     DB     47      1-11
Wallace     JG     46      1-13
B. Davis    BB     46      1-28
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     45      1-13
Brand       PL     45      1-16
Lebron      PL     45      1-21
Redd        SP     45      1-26
Bosh        DM     45      2-1
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Lewis       DB     44      1-26
Garnett     SP     44      2-3
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Lewis       DB     43      1-11
Kobe        PL     43      1-19
Paul        JG     43      1-20
Anthony     BB     43      1-23
Jefferson   PL     43      1-28
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Bogut       SP     42      1-13
Brand       PL     42       2-1
Brand       PL     42       2-3
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Garnett     SP     41      1-11
Wade        PL     41      1-11
Iverson     DB     41      1-10
Kirilenko   BB     41      1-17
Marion      BB     41      1-18
Marion      BB     41      1-22
Nash        BB     41      1-22 
Bibby       JG     41      1-24
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Wallace     JG     40      1-10
Arenas      PL     40      1-13
D. Howard   PL     40      1-20
Webber      SP     40      1-26
Kobe        PL     40      2-3

    By Team       By Player
     PL  24        Garnett     7
     SP  16        Lebron      6
     JG  13        Kobe        6
     BB  12        Brand       6
     DM  12        Marion      5
     DB   9        Camby       4
                   Webber      4
                   Iverson     3
                   Duncan      3
                   Pierce      3
                   Wade        3
                   Gasol       2
                   Nowitzki    2
                   J. O'Neal   2
                   Carter      2
                   Billups     2
                   G. Wallace  2
                   Arenas      2
                   Lewis       2        
                   Anthony     2    
                   Bosh        2
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 11:12 AM

Today's Fun Stat
(or, "It's Let's Make Someone Feel Bad Time")

Since January 7th, when JG dropped Antowon Jamison and added Jameer Nelson.......

Jamison started slowly after being acquired on waivers by PL, averaging only 6.5 FPPG in his first two contests with his new club.

But after those first two games, he averaged a robust 25.3 over his next 11, bringing his average up to 22.4 in the 13 games since being dealt.

Moreover, his arrival and insertion into the starting lineup recently, has coincided nicely with the recent slump by Wally Szczerbiak who, after a lengthy run in which he averaged better than 20 FPPG for PL, has averaged only 15.1 in his last 8 games.

Still, the deal looked good for JG, as Nelson averaged 25.8 FPPG in his first four clashes with his new club.

But after scoring 21 in a game in which he was inexplicably benched by JG, he came back the next night to score only 7 while spraining his foot in the process, causing him to miss his last eight, and being listed as “out indefinitely.”

Nelson's injury, BTW, has had the added benefit of opening up more playing time for PL's Steve Francis, who has averaged 23.2 FPPG in the 10 games since returning from his suspension, 24.0 in the 8 games that Nelson has missed, and 26.8 in his last 6.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 05:58 PM

Thanks for that, Plaw. :p :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 07:17 PM

My pleasure.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/06/06 07:39 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Garnett     SP     1       1   29.74    1   29.50    - 0.24
Brand       PL    18       3   28.69    2   29.49    + 0.80
L. James    PL     2(JG)   2   29.45    3   29.43    + 0.02
Marion      BB     3       4   28.39    4   28.30    - 0.09
Bryant      PL     5(DM)   5   27.46    5   27.67    + 0.21
Iverson     DB     9       7   26.79    6   27.05    + 0.26
Wade        PL     6       6   26.84    7   27.00    + 0.16
Nowitzki    DB     4       8   26.09    8   25.51    - 0.58
Bosh        DM    29      13   24.07    9   24.73    + 0.66
Pierce      JG    11       9   25.07   10   24.56    - 0.51
Camby       DM    56      12   24.33   11   24.48    + 0.15
Duncan      SP    12      10   24.70   12   24.43    - 0.27
Nash        BB    10      11   24.43   13   24.21    - 0.22
McGrady     DM     8      14   23.10   14   22.94    - 0.16
Gasol       JG    38      15   22.98   15   22.93    - 0.05
Arenas      PL     7      16   22.90   16   22.70    - 0.20
J. O'Neal   DB    16      17   22.06   17   22.06       DNP
Carter      DM    19(PL)  18   21.80   18   21.95    + 0.15
Kidd        DB    33      20   21.50   19   21.87    + 0.37
Paul        JG    71      23   21.17   20   21.69    + 0.52
D. Howard   PL    43      22   21.21   21   21.36    + 0.15
Billups     DM    32      19   21.76   22   21.24    - 0.52
Ming        SP    13      21   21.23   23   21.19    - 0.02
Kirilienko  BB    15      24   21.09   24   21.16    + 0.07
Okur        BB    63      26   20.93   25   20.96    + 0.03
R. Lewis    DB    28      25   20.95   25   20.91    - 0.04
B. Miller   JG    14      29   20.81   26   20.81       N/C
Webber      SP    48      27   20.88   27   20.62    - 0.26
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  30   20.64   28   20.55    - 0.09
R. Allen    BB    22      28   20.85   29   20.54    - 0.31
Odom        PL    78      31   20.49   30   20.29    - 0.20
Redd        SP    54(PL)  34   20.14   31   20.14       N/C
Anthony     BB    51      33   20.18   32   20.08    - 0.10
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/07/06 01:02 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  11963  21.87  10  228  22.80  12191  557  21.89  21,537
SP  10266  19.67   6  116  19.33  10382  528  19.66  19,348
BB  10108  19.48   9  194  21.56  10302  528  19.51  19,199
DB  10207  19.33   8  135  16.88  10342  536  19.29  18,986
DM   9577  18.93   5   82  16.40   9659  511  18.90  18,600
JG  10060  18.60   5   94  18.80  10154  546  18.60  18,300
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17  
SP   - 4  
BB   +35  
DB   -36  
DM   -24 
JG   + 2  
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/08/06 10:17 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12191  21.89   4   79  19.75  12270  561  21.87  21,522
SP  10382  19.66   2   41  20.50  10423  530  19.67  19,351
BB  10302  19.51   2   18   9.00  10320  530  19.47  19,160
DB  10342  19.29   3   41  13.67  10383  539  19.26  18,955
DM   9659  18.90   3   61  20.33   9720  514  18.91  18,608
JG  10154  18.60   7  131  18.71  10285  553  18.60  18,301
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15 
SP   - 4   + 3 
BB   +35   -39 
DB   -36   -31 
DM   -24   + 8
JG   + 2   + 1 
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/09/06 12:06 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12270  21.87  12  265  22.08  12535  573  21.88  21,526
SP  10423  19.67  10  205  20.50  10628  540  19.68  19,367
BB  10320  19.47   7  154  22.00  10474  537  19.50  19,193
DB  10383  19.26   8  162  20.25  10545  547  19.28  18,969
DM   9720  18.91   8  178  22.25   9898  522  18.96  18,658
JG  10285  18.60   5  101  20.20  10386  558  18.61  18,314
Good day for everyone yesterday....

Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15   + 4
SP   - 4   + 3   +16 
BB   +35   -39   +33
DB   -36   -31   +14
DM   -24   + 8   +50
JG   + 2   + 1   +14
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/09/06 05:08 PM

Good day for everyone yesterday....
I'd've averaged 1.5 more yesterday had I not just removed Davis (28) and Mobley (23)... :rolleyes:
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/09/06 05:10 PM

I keep telling you, but you don't wanna listen.....

Pick your best 12 guys and go with them.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/09/06 05:19 PM

Davis and Mobley aren't in my Top 12... in fact, I don't even have 12 players in my Top 12...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/09/06 05:22 PM

Maybe that's your problem, then.

But after I posted the above, I looked at your roster and came with 11 guys I would definitely play every day, and Mobley and Davis were two of them.

(Edit: Actually, I can come up with all 12.)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/10/06 11:30 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12535  21.88   3   32  10.67  12567  576  21.82  21,469
SP  10628  19.68   1   12  12.00  10640  541  19.67  19,353
BB  10474  19.50   0    0  --.--  10474  537  19.50  19,193
DB  10545  19.28   2   31  15.50  10576  549  19.26  18,956
DM   9898  18.96   2   39  19.50   9937  524  18.96  18,660
JG  10386  18.61   4   46  11.50  10432  562  18.56  18,265
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15   + 4   -57
SP   - 4   + 3   +16   -14
BB   +35   -39   +33    --
DB   -36   -31   +14   -13
DM   -24   + 8   +50   + 2
JG   + 2   + 1   +14   -49
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/11/06 09:36 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12749  21.83   3   69  23.00  12818  587  21.84  21,487
SP  10796  19.66   4   83  20.75  10879  553  19.67  19,358
BB  10701  19.53   4   39   9.75  10740  552  19.46  19,145
DB  10731  19.23   1   10  10.00  10741  559  19.21  18,907
DM  10071  18.97   1   23  23.00  10094  532  18.97  18,670
JG  10595  18.52   3   79  26.33  10674  575  18.56  18,266
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15   + 4   -57   +12   + 6
SP   - 4   + 3   +16   -14   - 3   + 8
BB   +35   -39   +33    --   +22   -70
DB   -36   -31   +14   -13   -33   -16
DM   -24   + 8   +50   + 2   + 2   + 8
JG   + 2   + 1   +14   -49   -39   +40
Oops..... Edited Friday's scores instead of quoting them.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/12/06 01:07 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12749  21.83   3   69  23.00  12818  587  21.84  21,487
SP  10796  19.66   4   83  20.75  10879  553  19.67  19,358
BB  10701  19.53   4   39   9.75  10740  552  19.46  19,145
DB  10731  19.23   1   10  10.00  10741  559  19.21  18,907
DM  10071  18.97   1   23  23.00  10094  532  18.97  18,670
JG  10595  18.52   3   79  26.33  10674  575  18.56  18,266
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15   + 4   -57   +12   + 6
SP   - 4   + 3   +16   -14   - 3   + 8
BB   +35   -39   +33    --   +22   -70
DB   -36   -31   +14   -13   -33   -16
DM   -24   + 8   +50   + 2   + 2   + 8
JG   + 2   + 1   +14   -49   -39   +40
Oops..... Edited Friday's scores instead of quoting them.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/13/06 12:22 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  12818  21.84   9  185  20.56  13003  596  21.82  21,468
SP  10879  19.67   8  161  20.13  11040  561  19.68  19,364
BB  10740  19.46   5  105  21.00  10845  557  19.47  19,158
DB  10741  19.21   8  154  19.25  10895  567  19.22  18,908
DM  10094  18.97   9  145  16.11  10239  541  18.93  18,623
JG  10674  18.56   8  108  13.50  10782  583  18.49  18,198
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +17   -15   + 4   -57   +12   + 6   -19     -52
SP   - 4   + 3   +16   -14   - 3   + 8   + 6     +12
BB   +35   -39   +33    --   +22   -70   +13     - 6
DB   -36   -31   +14   -13   -33   -16   + 1    -114
DM   -24   + 8   +50   + 2   + 2   + 8   -47     - 1
JG   + 2   + 1   +14   -49   -39   +40   -68     -99
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/13/06 12:35 PM


Last Week
Brand     PL     46      2/10
K Mart    BB     43      2/10
Wade      PL     42      2/6
Gasol     JG     42      2/11
Butler    DB     41      2/8
Season Total

Kobe        PL     70      1-22
Kobe        PL     55     12-20
Lebron      PL     54     12-10
Brand       PL     53     12-23
Camby       DM     51     12-2
Lebron      PL     51      1-14
Iverson     DB     50     12-23
Brand       PL     48     12-5
Carter      DM     48     12-9
Wade        PL     48     12-11
Anthony     BB     48     12-13
Carter      DM     48     12-23
Iverson     DB     47      1-11
Wallace     JG     46      1-13
B. Davis    BB     46      1-28
Brand       PL     46      2/10
Pierce      JG     45     12-2
Lebron      PL     45     12-17
Garnett     SP     45      1-13
Brand       PL     45      1-16
Lebron      PL     45      1-21
Redd        SP     45      1-26
Bosh        DM     45      2-1
Garnett     SP     44     12-15
Arenas      PL     44     12-30
Marion      BB     44      1-2
Kobe        PL     44      1-8
Lewis       DB     44      1-26
Garnett     SP     44      2-3
Camby       DM     43     11-4
Camby       DM     43     11-20
Gasol       JG     43     11-26
Nowitzki    DB     43     12-23
Marion      BB     43     12-26
Webber      SP     43     12-27
Garnett     SP     43     12-30
Lewis       DB     43      1-11
Kobe        PL     43      1-19
Paul        JG     43      1-20
Anthony     BB     43      1-23
Jefferson   PL     43      1-28
K Mart      BB     43      2-10
Duncan      SP     42     11-7
Okur        BB     42     11-12
Lebron      JG     42     11-15
Lebron      JG     42     11-19
Marion      BB     42     11-22
Billups     DM     42     12-14
Gasol       JG     42      1-6
Wade        PL     42      1-8
Bogut       SP     42      1-13
Brand       PL     42      2-1
Brand       PL     42      2-3
Wade        Pl     42      2-6
Gasol       JG     42      2-11
Cassell     BB     41     11-2
Pierce      JG     41     11-9
Camby       DM     41     11-13
Webber      SP     41     11-15
J. O'Neal   DB     41     11-18
Duncan      SP     41     12-7
Brand       PL     41     12-11
Kobe        PL     41     12-16
Nowitzki    DB     41     12-22
Diaw        PL     41     12-26 (DNP)
Bosh        DM     41     12-27
Miller      JG     41      1-3
Billups     DM     41      1-3
Pierce      JG     41      1-4
Garnett     SP     41      1-11
Wade        PL     41      1-11
Iverson     DB     41      1-10
Kirilenko   BB     41      1-17
Marion      BB     41      1-18
Marion      BB     41      1-22
Nash        BB     41      1-22 
Bibby       JG     41      1-24
Butler      DB     41      2-8
Miles       DM     40     11-2
Duncan      SP     40     11-11
Garnett     SP     40     11-17
McGrady     DM     40     12-6
Webber      SP     40     12-12
J. O'Neal   DB     40     12-23
Garnett     SP     40     12-28
Richardson  JG     40     12-28
Wallace     JG     40      1-10
Arenas      PL     40      1-13
D. Howard   PL     40      1-20
Webber      SP     40      1-26
Kobe        PL     40      2-3

    By Team       By Player
     PL  26        Garnett     7
     SP  16        Brand       7
     JG  14        Lebron      6
     BB  13        Kobe        6
     DM  12        Marion      5
     DB  10        Camby       4
                   Webber      4
                   Wade        4
                   Iverson     3
                   Duncan      3
                   Pierce      3
                   Gasol       3
                   Nowitzki    2
                   J. O'Neal   2
                   Carter      2
                   Billups     2
                   G. Wallace  2
                   Arenas      2
                   Lewis       2        
                   Anthony     2    
                   Bosh        2

Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/13/06 01:18 PM

TOP SCORERS (20 FPPG or more)

                           Last Week    This Week    
Name       Team  Draft    Pos Average  Pos Average     +/- 
Brand       PL    18       2   29.49    1   30.00    + 0.51
Garnett     SP     1       1   29.50    2   29.44    - 0.06
L. James    PL     2(JG)   3   29.43    3   29.24    + 0.19
Marion      BB     3       4   28.30    4   28.16    - 0.14
Bryant      PL     5(DM)   5   27.67    5   27.19    - 0.48
Wade        PL     6       7   27.00    6   27.27    + 0.27
Iverson     DB     9       6   27.05    7   26.28    - 0.77
Nowitzki    DB     4       8   25.51    8   25.46    - 0.05
Bosh        DM    29       9   24.73    9   24.94    + 0.21
Pierce      JG    11      10   24.56   10   24.67    + 0.11
Nash        BB    10      13   24.21   11   24.42    + 0.21
Duncan      SP    12      12   24.43   12   24.02    - 0.41
Camby       DM    56      11   24.48   13   23.66    - 0.82
Arenas      PL     7      16   22.70   14   23.19    + 0.49
Gasol       JG    38      15   22.93   15   23.06    + 0.13
J. O'Neal   DB    16      17   22.06   16   22.06       DNP
Carter      DM    19(PL)  18   21.95   17   21.77    - 0.18
Ming        SP    13      23   21.19   18   21.73    + 0.54
Kidd        DB    33      19   21.87   19   21.59    - 0.28
McGrady     DM     8      14   22.94   20   21.47    - 0.47
D. Howard   PL    43      21   21.36   21   21.39    + 0.03
Paul        JG    71      20   21.69   22   21.34    - 0.35
Kirilienko  BB    15      24   21.16   23   21.17    + 0.01
Billups     DM    32      22   21.24   24   21.16    - 0.08
Okur        BB    63      25   20.96   25   20.59    - 0.37
B. Miller   JG    14      26   20.81   26   20.79    - 0.02
Webber      SP    48      27   20.62   27   20.75    + 0.13
Jefferson   PL    26(JG)  28   20.55   28   20.52    - 0.03
Anthony     BB    51      32   20.08   29   20.46    + 0.38
R. Allen    BB    22      29   20.54   30   20.79    + 0.25
R. Lewis    DB    28      25   20.91   31   20.36    - 0.55
Odom        PL    78      30   20.29   32   20.02    - 0.27
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/14/06 10:26 AM

Monday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13003  21.82   5  137  27.40  13140  601  21.86  21,514
SP  11040  19.68   8  144  18.00  11184  569  19.66  19,341
BB  10845  19.47   3   54  18.00  10899  560  19.46  19,151
DB  10895  19.22   3   51  17.00  10946  570  19.20  18,896
DM  10239  18.93   5   75  15.00  10314  546  18.89  18,588
JG  10782  18.49   4   54  13.50  10836  587  18.46  18,164
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +46 
SP   -23  
BB   - 7
DB   -12
DM   -35
JG   -34
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/16/06 02:50 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

A little late today....

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13140  21.86   6  105  17.67  13245  607  21.82  21,471
SP  11184  19.66   3   62  20.67  11246  572  19.66  19,346
BB  10899  19.46   3   46  15.33  10945  563  19.44  19,129
DB  10946  19.20   4   67  16.75  11012  574  19.18  18,878
DM  10314  18.88   4   81  20.25  10395  550  18.90  18,598
JG  10836  18.46   6  128  21.33  10964  593  18.49  18,193
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +46   -43
SP   -23   + 5
BB   - 7   -22
DB   -12   -18
DM   -35   +10
JG   -34   +29
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/16/06 11:21 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings
    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13245  21.82  10  236  23.60  13481  617  21.85  21,500
SP  11246  19.66  10  182  18.20  11428  582  19.64  19,322
BB  10945  19.44   8  138  17.25  11083  571  19.41  19,099
DB  11012  19.18   9  185  20.56  11197  583  19.21  18,899
DM  10395  18.90  10  144  14.40  10539  560  18.82  18,519
JG  10964  18.49  12  190  15.83  11154  605  18.44  18,141
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +46   -43   +29
SP   -23   + 5   -24
BB   - 7   -22   -30
DB   -12   -18   +21
DM   -35   +10   -79
JG   -34   +29   -52
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/17/06 04:02 PM

Thursday Scores and Standings
    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13481  21.85   1   16  16.00  13497  618  21.84  21,490
SP  11428  19.64   2   15   7.50  11443  584  19.59  19,281
BB  11083  19.41   3   82  27.33  11165  574  19.45  19,140
DB  11197  19.21   2   25  12.50  11222  585  19.18  18,875
DM  10539  18.82   1    3   3.00  10542  561  18.79  18,490
JG  11154  18.44   1    6   6.00  11160  606  18.42  18,121
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Week
PL   +46   -43   +29   -10    +22  Rolling along
SP   -23   + 5   -24   -41    -83  2nd place in jeopardy
BB   - 7   -22   -30   +41    -18  Big gain on SP
DB   -12   -18   +21   -24    -33  Hasn't touched team in a month
DM   -35   +10   -79   -29   -133  Loses ground above & below  
JG   -34   +29   -52   -20    -77  Still time to escape cellar
Happy All-Star break.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/22/06 11:52 AM

First day back from All-Star Break

Tuesday Scores and Standings
    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13497  21.84   9  223  24.78  13720  627  21.88  21,532
SP  11443  19.59  11  174  15.82  11617  595  19.52  19,212
BB  11165  19.45   5   72  14.40  11237  579  19.41  19,097
DB  11223  19.18   9  214  23.78  11437  594  19.25  18,946
DM  10542  18.79  10  147  14.70  10689  571  18.72  18,420
JG  11160  18.42  11  226  20.55  11386  617  18.45  18,159
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Week
PL         +42
SP         -69
BB         -43 
DB         +71  
DM         -70   
JG         +38
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/23/06 09:25 AM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

57 FPs for Shawn Marion last night, second highest score of the season;

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13720  21.88   7  177  25.29  13897  634  21.92  21,569
SP  11617  19.52   5  123  24.60  11740  600  19.57  19,254
BB  11237  19.41   8  183  22.88  11420  587  19.45  19,144
DB  11437  19.25   8  210  26.25  11647  602  19.35  19,037
DM  10689  18.72   6  100  16.67  10789  577  18.70  18,399
JG  11386  18.45   5   88  17.60  11474  622  18.45  18,152
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Week
PL         +42   +37
SP         -69   +42
BB         -43   +47
DB         +71   +91
DM         -70   -21   
JG         +38   - 7
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/24/06 09:33 AM

Thursday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13897  21.82   3   96  32.00  13993  637  21.97  21,616
SP  11740  19.57   3   25   8.33  11765  603  19.51  19,199
BB  11420  19.45   1    2   2.00  11422  588  19.43  19,114
DB  11647  19.35   2   70  35.00  11717  604  19.40  19,089
DM  10789  18.70   1   15  15.00  10804  578  18.69  18,393
JG  11474  18.45   5   69  13.80  11543  627  18.41  18,115
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Week
PL         +42   +37   +46
SP         -69   +42   -55
BB         -43   +47   -30
DB         +71   +91   +52
DM         -70   -21   - 6  
JG         +38   - 7   -37
Watch out SP and BB.

DB is on the comeback trail in the race for second place.

Pretty tight, with only 110 projected points and .11 in FPPG average separating the three of them.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/25/06 09:54 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  13993  21.98  11  253  23.00  14246  648  21.98  21,632
SP  11765  19.51  12  206  17.17  11971  615  19.47  19,154
BB  11422  19.43   4   77  19.25  11499  592  19.42  19,113
DB  11717  19.40  11  164  14.91  11881  615  19.32  19,010
DM  10804  18.69   7  160  22.86  10964  585  18.74  18,442
JG  11543  18.41   8  180  22.50  11723  635  18.46  18,166
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Week
PL         +42   +37   +46   +16
SP         -69   +42   -55   -45
BB         -43   +47   -30   - 1
DB         +71   +91   +52   -79
DM         -70   -21   - 6   +49 
JG         +38   - 7   -37   +51
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/26/06 09:53 AM

Saturday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  14246  21.98   5  130  26.00  14376  653  22.02  21,663
BB ^11499  19.42   7  176  25.14  11675  599  19.49  19,179
SP  11971  19.47   8  104  13.00  12075  623  19.38  19,072
DB  11881  19.32   7  144  20.57  12025  622  19.33  19,023
DM  10964  18.74   7  159  22.71  11123  592  18.79  18,488
JG  11723  18.46   3   42  14.00  11765  638  18.44  18,145
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Week
PL         +42   +37   +46   +16   +31
BB         -43   +47   -30   - 1   +66
SP         -69   +42   -55   -45   -82
DB         +71   +91   +52   -79   +13
DM         -70   -21   - 6   +49   +46
JG         +38   - 7   -37   +51   - 5
SP's slump continues, and BB slips into second place while DB keeps the pressure on for third.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/27/06 11:31 AM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  14376  22.02   5  124  24.80  14500  658  22.04  21,684
BB  11675  19.49   0    0  --.--  11675  599  19.49  19,179
SP  12075  19.38   6  142  23.67  12217  629  19.42  19,112
DB  12025  19.33   4   79  19.75  12104  626  19.34  19,026
DM  11123  18.79   5   92  18.40  11215  597  18.79  18,485
JG  11765  18.44   4  102  25.50  11867  642  18.48  18,189
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL         +42   +37   +46   +16   +31   +21    +193
BB         -43   +47   -30   - 1   +66    --    + 39
SP         -69   +42   -55   -45   -82   +40    -169
DB         +71   +91   +52   -79   +13   + 3    +151
DM         -70   -21   - 6   +49   +46   - 3    -  5
JG         +38   - 7   -37   +51   - 5   +44    + 84
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/28/06 12:17 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  14500  22.04   8  214  26.75  14714  666  22.09  21,740
BB  11673  19.49  10  201  20.10  11874  609  19.50  19,186
SP  12217  19.42  10  209  20.90  12426  639  19.45  19,135
DB  12104  19.34   9  172  19.11  12276  635  19.33  19,022
DM  11215  18.79  12  183  15.25  11398  609  18.72  18,416
JG  11867  18.48   7  156  22.29  12023  649  18.53  18,229
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56 
BB   + 7  
SP   +23 
DB   - 4 
DM   -69   
JG   +40
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 02/28/06 09:42 PM

I didn't notice Ben Gordon was on waivers 'til I tried to claim him... Can't I just get him now since I have Waiver Priority 1? No big deal, tho...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/01/06 10:08 AM

I don't care, and I'm sure no one else would, since anyone else claiming him, now knowing that you - with the #1 priority - claimed him also, knows that they're not gonna get him.

But according to the league rules, the waiver period is two days, so technically speaking it wouldn't be fair to allow you to have use of the guy before the two days were up when in other cases of waiver claims the wimnning claimant had to wait the two days.

I don't know if I explained that very well.....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/01/06 12:41 PM

I wish I knew that you wanted him, though.

I would've traded him to 'ya for Chris Paul, Bibby, or Dalembert. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/01/06 12:49 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  14714  22.09   4   80  20.00  14794  670  22.08  21,727
BB  11874  19.50   1   31  31.00  11905  610  19.52  19,204
SP  12426  19.45   2   48  24.00  12474  641  19.46  19,149
DB  12276  19.33   2   72  36.00  12348  637  19.38  19,074
DM  11398  18.72   1   23  23.00  11421  610  18.72  18,423
JG  12023  18.53   2   53  26.50  12076  651  18.55  18,253
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13
BB   + 7   +18
SP   +23   +14
DB   - 4   +52
DM   -69   + 7   
JG   +40   +24
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/02/06 02:22 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  14794  22.08  11  247  22.45  15041  681  22.09  21,733
BB  11905  19.52   8  172  21.50  12077  618  19.54  19,229
SP  12474  19.46  11  247  22.45  12721  652  19.51  19,199
DB  12348  19.38   9  197  21.89  12545  646  19.42  19,109
DM  11421  18.72  12  265  22.08  11686  622  18.79  18,487
JG  12076  18.55  11  232  21.09  12308  662  18.59  18,295
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13   + 6
BB   + 7   +18   +25
SP   +23   +14   +50
DB   - 4   +52   +35
DM   -69   + 7   +64  
JG   +40   +24   +42
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/03/06 02:28 PM

Thursday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15041  22.09   2   45  22.50  15086  683  22.09  21,734
BB  12077  19.54   1   15  15.00  12092  619  19.53  19,222
SP  12721  19.51   4   42  10.50  12763  656  19.46  19,145
DB  12545  19.42   3   58  19.33  12603  649  19.42  19,108
DM  11686  18.79   0    0  --.--  11686  622  18.79  18,487
JG  12308  18.59   0    0  --.--  12308  662  18.59  18,295
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13   + 6   + 1
BB   + 7   +18   +25   - 7
SP   +23   +14   +50   -54
DB   - 4   +52   +35   - 1
DM   -69   + 7   +64   --- 
JG   +40   +24   +42   ---
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/03/06 05:12 PM

Damn, I was hoping DM would lose a few points on my bye... Nothing personal, of course; strictly business.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/03/06 06:35 PM

Don't worry....I still firmly believe that as long as you don't make any more (to put it charitably) "questionable" moves :rolleyes: (like dropping Jamison and Gerald Wallace), you'll catch him.

He has loads of games to make up, and with a weak bench I think his average is gonna drop significantly as he starts try to make them up.

You have fewer games to make up, and a stronger bench I think, so you won't be hurt as much as he will be down the stretch.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/04/06 12:52 PM

Friday Scores and Standings

DB moves into third, SP slips to fourth.

Still, only .09 FPPG and 88 projected points separate BB, DB, and SP in the race for second.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15086  22.09   9  198  22.00  15284  692  22.09  21,733
BB  12092  19.53  11  219  19.91  12311  630  19.54  19,229
DB^ 12603  19.42  10  238  23.80  12841  659  19.49  19,174
SP  12763  19.46   5   95  19.00  12858  661  19.45  19,141
DM  11686  18.79   6  122  20.33  11808  628  18.80  18,502
JG  12308  18.59   7  128  18.29  12436  669  18.59  18,292
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13   + 6   + 1   - 1
BB   + 7   +18   +25   - 7   + 7
DB   - 4   +52   +35   - 1   +66
SP   +23   +14   +50   -54   - 4
DM   -69   + 7   +64   ---   +15 
JG   +40   +24   +42   ---   - 3
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/05/06 12:26 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

The battle to see who's gonna finish in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th spots tightens up as it rages on.

BB, DB, nad SP now separated by only .08 and a projected 81 FPs at season's end.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15284  22.09   4   95  23.75  15379  696  22.10  21,743
BB  12311  19.54   2   38  19.00  12349  632  19.54  19,227
DB  12841  19.49   5   82  16.40  12923  664  19.46  19,151
SP  12858  19.45   6  120  20.00  12978  667  19.46  19,146
DM  11808  18.80  10  205  20.50  12013  638  18.83  18,527
JG  12436  18.59   2   41  20.50  12477  671  18.59  18,297
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13   + 6   + 1   - 1   +10
BB   + 7   +18   +25   - 7   + 7   - 2
DB   - 4   +52   +35   - 1   +66   -23
SP   +23   +14   +50   -54   - 4   + 5
DM   -69   + 7   +64   ---   +15   +25
JG   +40   +24   +42   ---   - 3   + 5
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/06/06 01:41 AM

Artest on my bench. But at least that p.o.s. was on my bench for a reason.... ahh well.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/06/06 02:14 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

The race for second now closer than ever.

SP moves back into third, as only .05 and 54 projected points separate BB, SP, and DB.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15379  22.10   6  138  23.00  15517  702  22.10  21,750
BB  12349  19.54   9  147  16.33  12496  641  19.49  19,183
SP^ 12978  19.46   4   90  22.50  13068  671  19.48  19,164
DB  12923  19.46   7  121  17.29  13044  671  19.44  19,129
DM  12013  18.83   7  126  18.00  12139  645  18.82  18,519
JG  12477  18.59   9  167  18.56  12644  680  18.59  18,297
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +56   -13   + 6   + 1   - 1   +10   + 7    + 66
BB   + 7   +18   +25   - 7   + 7   - 2   -45    +  3
SP   +23   +14   +50   -54   - 4   + 5   +18    + 52
DB   - 4   +52   +35   - 1   +66   -23   -22    +103
DM   -69   + 7   +64   ---   +15   +25   - 8    + 34
JG   +40   +24   +42   ---   - 3   + 5   ---    +108
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/07/06 07:56 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

The race for second between BB and SP gets still closer.

They're separated by less that .02 in FPPG (.0169), and less than 17 projected points (16.62).

DB, meanwhile falls off the pace a bit, dropping 27 projected points to trail BB by 81, and SP by 64.

One good day or bad day is all that really separates them, though.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15517  22.10   4  110  27.50  15627  706  22.13  21,780
BB  12496  19.49   6  141  23.50  12637  647  19.53  19,219
SP  13068  19.48   5  124  24.80  13192  676  19.51  19,202
DB  13044  19.44   2   45  22.50  13089  673  19.45  19,138
DM  12139  18.82   4   78  19.50  12217  649  18.82  18,523
JG  12644  18.59   6  113  18.83  12757  686  18.59  18,299
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30  
BB   +36  
SP   +38  
DB   + 9   
DM   + 4 
JG   + 2  
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/08/06 10:00 AM

Tuesday Scores and Standings


BB and SP now separated by .0095 in FPPG, and 9.34 projected points.

DB, meanwhile, gains ground, moving to within 69 projected points of second place.
    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15627  22.13   6  147  24.50  15774  712  22.15  21,800
BB  12637  19.53   2   37  18.50  12674  649  19.53  19,216
SP  13192  19.51   8  159  19.88  13351  684  19.52  19,207
DB  13089  19.45   7  143  20.43  13232  680  19.46  19,147
DM  12217  18.82   8  170  21.25  12387  657  18.85  18,552
JG  12757  18.59   6  125  20.83  12882  692  18.62  18,318
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20 
BB   +36   - 3  
SP   +38   + 5 
DB   + 9   + 9
DM   + 4   +29
JG   + 2   +19
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/09/06 12:22 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

Big day for movement....

SP regains second, and JG chops more than 100 Projected Points from DM's lead in the battle for the basement.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15774  22.15   8  189  23.63  15963  720  22.17  21,816
SP^ 13351  19.52  10  257  25.70  13608  694  19.61  19,294
BB  12674  19.53   6   98  16.33  12772  655  19.50  19,187
DB  13232  19.46   6   93  15.50  13325  686  19.42  19,113
DM  12387  18.85   9  150  16.67  12537  666  18.82  18,523
JG  12882  18.62  10  257  25.70  13139  702  18.72  18,417
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20   +16
SP   +38   + 5   +87
BB   +36   - 3   -29  
DB   + 9   + 9   -34
DM   + 4   +29   -29
JG   + 2   +19   +99
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/10/06 04:25 PM

Thursday Scores and Standings

SP opens up what looks like a 1+ day lead in the battle for 2nd, while DB closes the gap in the race for 3rd.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15963  22.17   1   23  23.00  15986  721  22.17  21,817
SP  13608  19.61   4   95  23.75  13703  698  19.63  19,318
BB  12772  19.50   5   88  17.60  12860  660  19.48  19,173
DB  13325  19.42   3   78  26.00  13403  689  19.45  19,142
DM  12537  18.82   1   23  23.00  12560  667  18.83  18,529
JG  13139  18.72   0   00  --.--  13139  702  18.72  18,417
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20   +16   + 1
SP   +38   + 5   +87   +24
BB   +36   - 3   -29   -14
DB   + 9   + 9   -34   +29
DM   + 4   +29   -29   + 6
JG   + 2   +19   +99   ---
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/11/06 11:46 AM

Friday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  15986  22.17   8  157  19.63  16143  729  22.14  21,789
SP  13703  19.63   9  139  15.44  13842  707  19.58  19,263
BB  12860  19.48   6  113  18.83  12973  666  19.48  19,167
DB  13403  19.45   4   60  15.00  13463  693  19.43  19,116
DM  12686  18.83   6  126  21.00  12686  673  18.85  18,548
JG  13139  18.72  12  233  19.42  13372  714  18.73  18,429
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20   +16   + 1   -28
SP   +38   + 5   +87   +24   -53
BB   +36   - 3   -29   -14   - 6
DB   + 9   + 9   -34   +29   -26
DM   + 4   +29   -29   + 6   +19
JG   + 2   +19   +99   ---   +12
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/12/06 12:50 PM

Saturday Scores and Standings

SP hangs on to second nicely, while the Bigelow Brothers are separated by what we used to call a, um, ****s hair in the race for third.

BB leads DB by .0015 in FPPG, and by .0044 in Projected Points.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  16143  22.14   9  168  18.67  16311  738  22.10  21,748
SP  13842  19.58   6  132  22.00  13974  713  19.60  19,285
BB  12973  19.48   7  139  19.86  13112  673  19.48  19,171
DB  13463  19.43   7  174  24.86  13637  700  19.48  19,170
DM  12686  18.85   4   61  15.25  12747  677  18.83  18,527
JG  13372  18.73   6   87  14.50  13459  720  18.69  18,394
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20   +16   + 1   -28   -41
SP   +38   + 5   +87   +24   -53   +22
BB   +36   - 3   -29   -14   - 6   + 4
DB   + 9   + 9   -34   +29   -26   +54
DM   + 4   +29   -29   + 6   +19   -21
JG   + 2   +19   +99   ---   +12   -35
We're now just about three-quarters of the way through, BTW.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/13/06 03:16 PM

Sunday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  16311  22.10   9  198  22.00  16509  747  22.10  21,747
SP  13974  19.60  11  204  18.55  14178  724  19.58  19,270
BB  13112  19.48   6  126  21.00  13238  679  19.49  19,184
DB  13637  19.48   7  140  20.00  13777  707  19.49  19,175
DM  12747  18.83   8  121  15.13  12868  685  18.79  18,485
JG  13459  18.69   8  152  19.00  13611  728  18.70  18,397
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   +30   +20   +16   + 1   -28   -41   - 1      -3
SP   +38   + 5   +87   +24   -53   +22   -15    +108
BB   +36   - 3   -29   -14   - 6   + 4   +13      +1
DB   + 9   + 9   -34   +29   -26   +54   + 5     +46
DM   + 4   +29   -29   + 6   +19   -21   -42     -34
JG   + 2   +19   +99   ---   +12   -35   + 3    +100
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/14/06 04:29 PM

Monday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  16509  22.10   3   57  19.00  16566  750  22.09  21,735
SP  14178  19.58   4   81  20.25  14259  728  19.59  19,273
DB^ 13777  19.49   4   78  19.50  13855  711  19.49  19,175
BB  13238  19.49   4   62  15.50  13300  683  19.47  19,161
DM  12868  18.79   3   81  27.00  12949  688  18.82  18,520
JG  13611  18.70   6  110  18.33  13721  734  18.69  18,394
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   -12  
SP   + 3
DB   ---
BB   -23   
DM   +35   
JG   - 3   
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/15/06 12:24 PM

Tuesday Scores and Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  16566  22.09   8  236  29.50  16802  758  22.17  21,811
SP  14259  19.59   9  159  17.67  14418  737  19.56  19,250
DB^ 13855  19.49   6  136  22.67  13991  717  19.51  19,201
BB  13300  19.47   8  158  19.75  13458  691  19.48  19,165
DM  12949  18.82   6  120  20.00  13069  694  18.83  18,530
JG  13721  18.69   8  162  20.25  13883  742  18.71  18,411
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   -12   +76  
SP   + 3   -23
DB   ---   +26
BB   -23   + 4  
DM   +35   +10  
JG   - 3   +17   
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/16/06 01:12 PM

Wednesday Scores and Standings

BB regains third place.

.10 FPPG and 100 Projected Points separate SP, BB, and DB in the battle for second place.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  16802  22.17   9  199  22.11  17001  767  22.17  21,811
SP  14418  19.56   8  182  22.75  14600  745  19.60  19,284
BB^ 13458  19.48   9  213  23.67  13671  700  19.53  19,218
DB  13991  19.51   9  163  18.11  14154  726  19.50  19,184
DM  13069  18.83   8  194  24.25  13263  702  18.89  18,591
JG  13883  18.71   5   88  17.60  13971  747  18.70  18,404
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   -12  +100   --- 
SP   + 3   -23   +34
BB   -23   + 4   +53
DB   ---   +26   -17
DM   +35   +10   +61  
JG   - 3   +17   - 7  
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/17/06 01:02 PM

Thursday Scores and Standings

Not much movement yesterday.....

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  17001  22.17   1   28  28.00  17029  768  22.17  21,818
SP  14600  19.60   3   68  22.67  14668  748  19.61  19,296
BB  13671  19.63   2   49  24.50  13720  702  19.54  19,231
DB  14154  19.50   1   16  16.00  14170  727  19.49  19,179
DM  13263  18.89   2   44  22.00  13307  704  18.90  18,600
JG  13971  18.70   3   58  19.33  14029  750  18.71  18,406
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun    Week
PL   -12  +100   ---   + 7
SP   + 3   -23   +34   +12
BB   -23   + 4   +53   +13
DB   ---   +26   -17   - 5
DM   +35   +10   +61   + 9  
JG   - 3   +17   - 7   + 2 
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/18/06 01:09 PM

Scores not updated yet and I hafta go out for a few hours....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/19/06 01:22 PM

Friday and Saturday Combined
Scores & Standings

BB regains second place....Looks like this one may g right down to the wire, with whoever comes closest to hitting their Max # of Games Played eking out the win.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  17029  22.17  12  242  20.07  17271  780  22.14  21,788
BB^ 13720  19.54  14  305  21.79  14025  716  19.59  19,275
SP  14668  19.61  16  273  17.06  14941  764  19.56  19,243
DB  14170  19.49  12  194  16.17  14364  739  19.44  19,126
DM  13307  18.90  11  199  18.09  13506  715  18.89  18,587
JG  14029  18.71  13  218  16.77  14247  763  18.67  18,374
Recap For Week
     Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu  (Fri & Sat)   Sun    Week
PL   -12  +100   ---   + 7   ---   -30
BB   -23   + 4   +53   +13   ---   +44
SP   + 3   -23   +34   +12   ---   -53
DB   ---   +26   -17   - 5   ---   -53
DM   +35   +10   +61   + 9   ---   - 3  
JG   - 3   +17   - 7   + 2   ---   -32
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/22/06 10:06 AM

Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday Scores

SP regains second place, averaging a mere .00614 FPPG more than BB, which projects to a 6 point victory at season's end.

The big question is, of course, will either or both reach the 984 maximum games played, or will the race be decided based on one of them failing to do so?

It looks like SP is trying to make up his lost games, but I'm not so sure about BB and DB also trying.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  17271  22.14  21  507  27.14  17778  801  22.19  21,840
SP^ 14941  19.56  16  352  22.00  15293  780  19.61  19,293
BB  14025  19.59  17  342  20.12  14367  733  19.60  19,287
DB  14364  19.44  15  328  21.87  14692  754  19.49  19,174
DM  13506  18.89  15  316  21.07  13822  730  18.93  18,631
JG  14247  18.67  24  411  17.13  14658  787  18.63  18,327
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/24/06 12:15 PM

Wednesday & Thursday Scores

BB regains second place in his see-saw battle with SP....DB fades a bit....DM opens the gap on JG in the battle to stay out of the cellar, and even makes noises like he may want to join the race for second or third.

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  17778  22.19  12  273  22.75  18051  813  22.20  21,848
BB^ 14367  19.60  15  280  18.67  14647  748  19.58  19,268
SP  15293  19.61  12  190  15.83  15483  792  19.55  19,236
DB  14692  19.49  15  273  18.20  14965  769  19.46  19,149
DM  13822  18.93  11  239  21.73  14061  741  18.98  18,672
JG  14658  18.63  15  223  14.87  14881  802  18.55  18,258
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/25/06 03:50 PM

Friday Scores & Standings

SP closes the gap a bit in the race for second place, as BB's lead shrinks to .0267 FFPG and a projected lead at season's end of a mere 27 points.

Originally posted by plawrence:
It looks like SP is trying to make up his lost games, but I'm not so sure about BB and DB also trying.
It looks like everyone is trying, so the race for second may very well come down to the last day or two of the season.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/27/06 02:01 PM

Saturday & Sunday Scores & Standings

SP regains second place, but although I haven't checked I have a feeling that BB and DB may run out of time in their efforts to make up their lost games and make the race for second moot.

There's also a chance, I think, that DM may not have enough time to make up his missing games, and may wind up finishing behind JG.
    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  18219  22.22  13  300  23.08  18519  833  22.23  21,876
SP  15653  19.49  12  264  22.00  15917  815  19.53  19,217
BB  14718  19.52  17  294  17.29  15012  771  19.47  19,159
DB  15094  19.38  18  283  15.72  15377  797  19.29  18,984
DM  14182  18.96  15  273  18.20  14455  763  18.94  18,642
JG  14997  18.56  16  263  16.44  15260  824  18.52  18,223
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 03/30/06 11:32 AM

Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday Scores & Standings

SP now opening up some distance in the race for second, as BB and DB are forced to use their less efficient bench warmers in what may be - for BB at least - a futile attempt to make up their missing games.

DB and SP should both hit their 984 game max, but will DB also be able to make up the 512 points he trails SP by while doing so?

DM doesn't have the efficiency problem - the guys he's filling in with are actully better players (Boozer, etc.) coming back from injuries than the ones he was using in the first place, but with 202 games left to make up and only 19 days left to do it in, I don't think he's gonna make it either.

So will the extra points that JG will have because his guys will have played more games be enough to offset DM's higher average per game?

Or, to put it another way, will DM be able to make up the 784 points he now trails JG by if JG winds up with, say, 20-25 more games played?

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  18519  22.23  17  392  23.06  18911  850  22.25  21,892
SP  15917  19.53  17  376  22.12  16293  832  19.58  19,270
BB  15012  19.47  24  384  16.00  15396  795  19.37  19,056
DB  15377  19.29  23  404  17.57  15781  820  19.25  18,937
DM  14455  18.94  19  363  19.11  14818  782  18.95  18,646
JG  15260  18.52  19  342  18.00  15602  843  18.51  18,212
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/02/06 12:36 PM

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Scores & Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  18911  22.25  18  445  24.72  19356  868  22.30  21,943
SP  16293  19.58  18  448  24.89  16741  850  19.70  19,380
BB  15396  19.37  18  406  22.56  15802  813  19.44  19,126
DB  15781  19.25  12  228  19.00  16009  832  19.24  18,934
DM  14818  18.95  15  216  14.40  15034  797  18.86  18,561
JG  15602  18.51  15  296  19.73  15898  858  18.53  18,233
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/05/06 02:21 PM

Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday Scores & Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  19356  22.30  16  370  23.13  19726  884  22.31  21,957
SP  16741  19.71  21  423  20.14  17164  871  19.71  19,391
BB  15802  19.44  21  418  19.90  16220  834  19.45  19,137
DB  16009  19.24  18  297  16.50  16306  850  19.18  18,877
DM  15034  18.86  21  461  21.95  15495  818  18.94  18,639
JG  15898  18.53  21  398  18.95  16296  879  18.54  18,242
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:02 PM

Wed? Thur? Fri? Sat? :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:11 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Wed? Thur? Fri? Sat? :p
plaw won :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:12 PM

You're right. Mea culpa.

I'll get right on it.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:22 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
plaw won :p
I know Plaw won... just want to see which day I pass YOU in points. :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:24 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b]plaw won :p
I know Plaw won... just want to see which day I pass YOU in points. :p [/b][/quote]projected points you mean. You are in 3rd anyway :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:29 PM

Damn! I just noticed you redid your entire team practically! This might be harder than I thought.

Then again, you picked up some of my old scraps. I have more if you want them... :p

P.S. Real points are all that matter in the end.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:31 PM

yeah I made my team for most games played rather than quality of players.

If I catch you then you should just retire from fantasy sports lol
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:39 PM

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday Scores & Current Standings as of Sunday Morning, 4/9

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  19726  22.31  25  583  23.32  20309  909  22.34  21,985
SP  17164  19.71  28  464  16.57  17628  899  19.61  19,295
BB  16220  19.45  22  425  19.32  16645  856  19.45  19,134
DB  16306  19.18  25  448  17.92  16754  875  19.15  18,841
DM  15495  18.94  33  668  20.24  16163  851  18.99  18,689
JG  16296  18.54  26  520  20.00  16816  905  18.58  18,284
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:41 PM

Looks like JG should be able to hang on.

Even by adding and dropping guys every day to try and have as many guys a day out there as possible, I don't think DM can make up enough games AND make them up at a high enough FPPG average to catch JG for 5th place.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:48 PM

You mean 3rd Place. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/09/06 05:54 PM

Hmmm....you think you're gonna hold off the "Bigelow Brothers" and finish third?

That scenario hadn't occured to me....Gonna be close, I guess.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/13/06 01:54 PM

Sunday 4/9 thru Wednesday 4/12 Scores & Current Standings

    Prev   Prev            Yest   New                Prog
    Total  Avrg   GY  YSC  Avrg   Total  TGU   AVG   Finish
PL  20309  22.34  24  527  21.96  20836  933  22.33  21,974
SP  17628  19.61  22  367  16.68  17995  921  19.54  19,225
BB  16645  19.45  28  524  18.71  17169  884  19.42  19,111
DB  16754  19.15  30  488  16.27  17242  905  19.05  18,747
DM  16163  18.99  43  749  17.42  16912  894  18.92  18,615
JG  16816  18.58  31  558  18.00  17374  936  18.56  18,265
So....Here we are with 7 days to go.

The race is for third through sixth, of course.

There’s enough time for DB, DM, and JG to all come fairly close to the 984 game maximum if they all maneuver as best they can (gotta give DM an A++ for effort here, BTW).

BB, it seems, has given up, and although he projects to having the highest score at the finish, there’s nothing he can do at this point that will get him much more than 964 games, which will leave him somewhere in the vicinity of 400 points short of his projection.

JG is gonna make it to the 984, the only one who is certain of doing so, but those extra games that he has over everyone else may not be enough to make up for his shortfall in total points.

DB and DM can both come close to the 984, but I don’t nelieve it’s mathematically possible for either to get there. So….

If everyone tries their best (except BB), the race for third comes down to DB vs. DM….who can come closest to the 984 and score the highest in the process, and since neither will make it to 984, will JG be able to hold either or both of them off with his few extra games?

If BB decides to try also, even though he can't get to more than 965 or so his lead in average FPPG may be enough to make up for his missing games and enable himm to hold off everyone.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/13/06 05:39 PM

Wow, Spike is making some moves, too?!! Between him and DMC, everyone halfway decent is on waivers now....

One week to go... let's reorder things a bit and see how the EARNED points stack up going into today :p

Real Points Earned Standings
...w/ Current Max Games Played Projection Totals
The race is for third through sixth, of course.
Why do you say "of course"?? If SP stopped playing (which apparently he hasn't now) I could've conceivably made a reasonable bid for 2nd just from raw points from more games played, no? Of course, that's moot now...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/13/06 08:24 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Why do you say "of course"?? If SP stopped playing (which apparently he hasn't now) I could've conceivably made a reasonable bid for 2nd just from raw points from more games played, no? Of course, that's moot now...
Picky, picky.....

Yes, it's moot now, and that's why I say "of course".

I'm talking "now".

Spike, BTW, has been playing for the last few weeks, after I suggested to him that his second place lead was in jeopardy and he better get on the stick - it's certainly not a case of "he apparently hasn't (stopped) now"

I guess when he saw all the crafty finagling ( ) that you and DM were engaged in while trying to squeeze out every possible game that you could - and that the race seemed to be tightening up a bit - he was inspired to try and craftily finagle a few extra games himself if he could.


As far as your chart above goes, your use of Yahoo's "Current Max Games Played Projection Totals" is basically a waste, IMO.

It's never totally accurate, because Yahoo has no idea what your future plans are.

They have you, JG, for example, falling short of the 984, but I fully expect (and I'm sure you expect as well) you to reach 984 wihout any problem.

And obviously DM is making every move he can - based on the schedule - to maximize his number of games.

I'm figuring that with the 8 guys DM has in action tonight, plus the possibility (if he makes the right waiver moves and FA pickups) of having an additional 12 guys playing every night for the remaining 6 days, he's gonna come in somehere at around 974, or minus 10 games.

You, JG, look like you're gonna hit the 984, so as I somewhere above, the question between you and DM is "Will DM's higher FPPG average be enough to offset the fact that you'all have 10 or more games or so than he will."

As far as DB goes, even if he makes no roster moves for the remainder of the season, he has 61 more games scheduled with just his remaining players, which would get him up to 966 at the finish, or minus 18 games.

But I don't know what DB's plans are, of course.

Since he has a higher FPPG average than either you JG or DM, mayber he's figuring that he's good enough if he just stands pat.

BB currently stands at 884 games. Assuming that he too does nothing, he has another 56 games already scheduled, which would bring him up to 940.

That would leave him 44 games short of the maximum, but since he has the highest FPPG average of any of the four of you, he may be able to stand pat also and finish third.

Well….we went this far, might as well do the all the math.

If my projections above for how many games JG, DM, DB, and BB finish with, and if they average the number of FPPG that they've averaged so far the rest of the way, then the final will look like this:

                              JG       DM      DB       BB
Games Used So Far            936      894     905      884
# Of Games That Will          48       80      61       56
Be Used The Rest Of
The Season
# of Expected Points         891     1514     1162    1088
He'll Get The Rest Of
The Season, Based On        
Current FPPG Average
Total # Of Games That        984      974      966     940
Will Be Used at The End 
Of The Season
Total Number of Points     18,263   18,426   18,402  18,255
At The End Of The Season
Pretty damn close.

A few guys exceeding thier scoring expectations or falling short of them could be the difference.

Or, if DB or BB decide to make a few additional roster moves.....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 03:50 PM

Maybe it's time for daily updates since this game is winding down?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 03:52 PM

OK....Coming right up.

I started to do it this morning but got sidetracked.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 03:55 PM

my quick math shows I am more than likely going to finish last.....
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 04:17 PM

Hmmm....Tough to figure out exactly how to present this without making a few assumptions.

So, I'm gonna assume that

1) DM keeps maneuvering and uses 12 players a day for the remaining 5 days

2) JG is gonna make it to 984 without having to make any additional moves

3) Although it appears unlikely that it will happpen , I will assume that soke time today DB & BB make a few moves that will enable them to get 12 players into their repective lineups for the last four days.

That leaves the four of you - JG, DM, DB, and BB, as follows:
                              JG       DM      DB       BB
Games Used So Far            947      912     905      884
# Of Games That Will          37       60      55       60
Be Used The Rest Of
The Season
# of Expected Points          687     1131    1049    1168
He'll Get The Rest Of
The Season, Based On        
Current FPPG Average
Total # Of Games That        984      972      960     944
Will Be Used at The End 
Of The Season
Points Now                 17,583   17,191   17,440  17,423
Projected Finish           18,270   18,322   18,489  18,591
So here's the thing:

I'm making the asumption here that DB and BB are gonna start maneuvering, which I don not think will be the case.

So the above is a worst case scenario for JG and DM.

If DB and BB do not maneuver, than obviously they will finish with fewer points than the projection above.

As far as DM's math goes, I dunno.

The difference between DM nd JJ is so slight that this will probably be decided by how well their players do, rather than how many games they can both squeeze in.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 04:21 PM

That's a lot of assumptions there... :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 04:24 PM

You asked for it, didn't you?

As I said, dont think that what is assumed up there is gonna happen.

I figured I'd do a 'worst case' for you and DM.

Every day that goes by that DB and BB don't make any changes is good for you.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 04:31 PM

I still like hard numbers...

Friday Results
PL   +235   21120   
SP   +140   18199
JG   +172   17583  
DB   +132   17440
BB   +171   17423
DM   +187   17191
Yahoo's Projected Games To Make Up (a.k.a. "A Waste")
PL   -10   
SP   -23
JG   -07  
DB   -40
BB   -59
DM   -42
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 04:33 PM

It is a waste. That number means absolutely nothing.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:04 PM

I don't think it's a waste at all:

Each spot on your roster (not each player) allows for a maximum number of games played.

The table above shows you how many of each you have used, how many you have remaining, your projected pace and the maximum allowed.

Once you exceed the maximum, you will no longer accumulate stats for the position.
Which number is the "waste"? The Projected Pace, which is based on hard numbers (how many games you've used and have remaining)?

How is that any different or less valid or "meaningless" than the "Projected Finish" you've been cursing me with all season long based on season average?

Yahoo thinks I'm in 3rd Place -- because I am, because I've accumulated the third most points in the game at this point. I've been in 3rd Place (or hovering around it) for weeks now, right? I gained 40 pts on DB yesterday. It doesn't really matter what our "Projected Finishes" are -- what matters is how many points you've accumulated, and, the more games you've played, the more points you're likely to accumulate over someone who's played significantly fewer ( ) games.

Sorry, not 1000 words. :p
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:05 PM

Projected games played is a waste because of what I am doing

It projects me at say -65 when I'll only be -30 or so.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:07 PM

It's the projected pace as of TODAY -- tomorrow it'll be different, of course.

Just like our "projected points" based on player averages.... :p

What better way is there to show -- at this point -- how many games you have to make up??
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:10 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
What better way is there to show -- at this point -- how many games you have to make up??
By looking at the column that says "remaining"

That's an exact number, not a projection.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:14 PM

Did you miss my other post?

...how are Yahoo's projections more meaningless/invalid than yours? :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:17 PM

You're right...that projected finish number I gave all season was meaningless too, except that it gave everyone an idea of wehre they stood, based on the assumption that everyone would reach 984 games.

And that was only baecause there was such a wide difference in the number of games remaining, b/c people were holding back on making up games while they waited for injured players to recover.

If there is in exact way to calculate and manage your "max # of games remaining" (which I showed you, JG), why bother with a Yahoo "estimate" which is based on nothing more than the avergae number of games played by all the teams, and the pace at which you are using your players.

I've said ak=ll along that it's meaningless, because Yahoo has no idea what your plans are; like when, if ever, you plan to start making up your missing games, for example.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:20 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
You're right...that projected finish number I gave all season was meaningless too, except that it gave everyone an idea of wehre they stood...
And Yahoo's projections gives everyone an idea, too.

But I have to assume that Yahoo is looking at your current lineups for each remaining day of the season to see which slots are filled and which aren't right now.

I haven't checked that assumption by moving players to see if the projections change, but wouldn't that make sense and kinda be pretty accurate?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:41 PM

First of all, why would you want an "idea" when you can know exactly.

But, no...with respect to what the estimate is and how they figure it.... what it is I believe is an average of how many games all the teams in the league have played and the pace at which you are using your players to fill the positions relative to tjhat pace UP TO THAT POINT.

I"ll prove it to you....

Jot down their projection for you for the reast of the way, and then bench your whole team for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before tonoght is over.

After they tabulate tonite's scores and refigure your projection, I guarantee it will change only the tiniest bit - maybe - to reflect what you did tonite, and the fact that you have everyone becnched for thenext four days - IN THE FUTURE - will have no effect on the projection.

If your theory is correct, then the fact that you have no starting team for four days should radically change their estimate, right?

But you'll see.....it won't, becaue the estimate is based strictly on the past.

That's why I say why go by their estimate when you can figure it out exactly yourself.

Even if you do use their estimate, you STIL have to figure it out exactly yourself at some point, so why not sooner so you can mange it all along, rather than later?

I never looked at that estimate for myself once the entire season.

Now it has me at what, -10? I think I'm gonna finish at -2 (only because I kinda stopped paying attention for a while).

That's quite a big difference for an "estimate" to be off, isn't it?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 05:49 PM

Well, I don't feel like keeping track of this shit on paper... :p :p
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 06:51 PM

Geoff, your post was like a completely documented account of the average person's reaction to one of Plaw's posts.

First, denial. Then, consideration and admission. Finally, acceptance.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 07:01 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
First, denial. Then, consideration and admission. Finally, acceptance.

I need a 12-Step program I think!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 08:50 PM

Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:

Geoff, your post was like a completely documented account of the average person's reaction to one of Plaw's posts.

First, denial. Then, consideration and admission. Finally, acceptance.

I hearby nominate the above for "Post of the Year".

No? OK...Could we have "Post of the Month"?

Can't have that either? Maybe "Post of the Week", then?

Hmmmm.....At least "Post of the Day"

Well OK.....Show me just one post that is better for "Post of the Hour"

(Note: By the way, JG, my suggestion involved benching your team and leaving it that way overnight while Yahoo updates everything. I don't think anything would change during the same day. Then tomorrow morning you whould just redo your lineup for tomorrow and the rest of the week)
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/15/06 11:53 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
If I catch you then you (JG) should just retire from fantasy sports lol
If you don't catch him, then you should retire.

You had him beaten the whole way; all you had to do was make sure you made up your missing games.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/16/06 12:37 PM

With four days to go, here's the deal.

Once again assuming that everyone does as much as they can to maximize their games played.....

                      JG       DM       DB       BB
Games Played         955      924      918      899
So far
Points             17,703   17,336   17,512   17,479
Average PPG         18.54    18.76    19.08    19.44
Max # Of Games        29       39       36       48
That You Can 
Still Play
Remaining Points      538      732      687      933
You Can Get, Based
On Current FPPG
Projected Finish    18,241   18,068    18,199   18,412
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/17/06 05:38 PM

Man, setting lineups the last few days is like a jigsaw puzzle -- alas, I think I will be only 1 game shy of all positions having max plays...

I see Douche is making some moves now... I bet Plaw told him to to make it tougher on me. :p
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/17/06 05:44 PM

Sunday Results
PL   +196   21390   Gold wrapped up
SP   +119   18445   Silver likely
JG   +112   17815   Trying to hold on
DB   +147   17659   Making move for Bronze
BB   +124   17603   Snoozin', but not losin'
DM   +183   17519   Making bid for Not Last
3 Days Left
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 12:25 PM

Interesting, with two days to go....


                         JG      DM      BB      DB
Max # Of Games 
Left He Can Play, 
Based On How Many
Guys On His Roster
Today, How Many
Games He Has Left
At Each Position,
And Making The Max
# Of Moves He Can To 
Try And Fill His 
Roster For Tomorrow.     14       17       18      18
Points As Of Now       17,960   17,674   17,711  17,785

JG leads DB by 175 points. DB has 4 extra games to make up those 175 points. Very, VERY difficult.

JG leads BB by 249 points. BB also has 4 extra games to make up the much larger difference. Impossible, I'd say.

JG leads DM by 286 points. DM has only 3 extra games to make up the difference. Worse than impossible, unless he can get 3 games of Kobe Bryant scoring 90 PPG.

Looks like JG will hang on for third place, followed by DB, BB, and DM.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 05:13 PM

Monday Results
PL   + 56   21446   Gold wrapped up
SP   + 89   18534   Silver wrapped up
JG   +145   17960   Bronze cheer? :)
DB   +126   17785   Difficult, not impossible
BB   +108   17711   Snoozin', but not losin'
DM   +155   17674   Making bid for Not Last
2 Days Left

After yesterday's Fast Break scores (in the 40's due to DNP's), who knows what upsets could happen the last two days...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 05:21 PM

Question: What do you think happens when you have 1 game left for a position, and assign 2 players for that slot? Which one of those players will it count?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 06:02 PM

According to the Yahoo rules, both.


My inclination is to "rule" (so to speak) that since the issue was not raised before, and since in the absence of any discussion or rulings to the contrary we have always gone by Yahoo's rules, that we do so in this case as well.

My reasoning is that, again, since the issue was not raised before, any one of the four of you could have logically assumed that the other three had read the rules, were aware of the way Yahoo treated this question, and planned their strategy accordingly to take advantage of the fact that they could arrange their rosters in such a way so as to have used 163 games at each position going into the last day, and had two more players scheduled to play that position on the last day.

My feelings on the question are, as I said however, merely an "inclination".

We could also just have a gentleman's agreement that no one will schedule a player so that they exceed the 164 game maximum, or we could just decide that any games in excess of the 164 game maximum simply do not count.

If we go that route and need to decide which games or games shouldn't count, then I would suggest the following:

Since there is only one case in which this could happen - someone having 163 games used at the end of play tonight and scheduling two more for tomorrow, which would put them at 165 - we could simply not count the points from the player whose team comes second in alphabetical order, based on the team's city.

In any case, feel free to comment.....
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 06:30 PM

That actually sounds familiar now, and I think it may have come up before. I'm too lazy to check...

I, of course, have no problem following Yahoo's rules.

The reason why I scheduled two players tomorrow for 1 game is in case someone doesn't play, which yesterday was the factor in Fast Break's low scores.

If it makes no difference in the standings at the end, I say we leave it. If it does, then perhaps we just allow the player who scored more points, and subtract the other one?

(The alphabetical method seems to defeat the purpose to me, as the poorer of the two players is in a sense being used as a backup to the better player, at least in my case)

I just noticed that DM has used 165 games at SF, so is maxed out with an extra game. Those extra 14 or 30 pts could help him overtake BB who can't reach max at any position...

I don't know, I say we leave it according to the rules. I don't want to take points away from DMC (who's been trying to get out of the basement)... or myself. :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/18/06 06:45 PM

Good point about scheduling the extra guys in case someone gets injured and doesn't play.

Actually, even if you or DB, BB, or DM had or hadn't read the rules and found yourself at 163 games heading into tomorrow it would have been silly not to schedule two players anway if you could for exactly that reason, and I guess that was Yahoo's rationale in allowing the extra game to count.

That makes the gentleman's agreement idea kinda dumb.

I think the key point (which may sometimes get lost in the excess verbiage) I made in my post above was

since the issue was not raised before, any one of the four of you could have logically assumed that the other three had read the rules, were aware of the way Yahoo treated this question, and planned their strategy accordingly to take advantage of the fact that they could arrange their rosters in such a way so as to have used 163 games at each position going into the last day, and had two more players scheduled to play that position on the last day.

Based on that, I guess we should just go by the Yahoo rules.

Since it's early enough in the season, though, we'll have to give some thought to how to handle this in the baseball game.

It really doesn't matter how we handle it, I guess, as long as everyone knows in advance.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/19/06 08:19 AM

Tuesday Results
PL   + 93   21539   Gold wrapped up
SP   + 91   18625   Silver wrapped up
JG   + 60   18020   Bronze cheer yet? 
DB   +102   17887   Okay, pretty impossible
BB   + 77   17788   Snoozin', but not losin' - yet?
DM   + 81   17755   Needs 33+ more the last day
1 Day Left
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/20/06 03:50 PM

Wednesday Results & 2006 Final Standings
PL   + 96   21634   Gold Weiner
SP   + 55   18680   Silver Winner
JG   +123   18143   Held on for Bronze! 
DB   +165   18052   3rd Runner-Up played hard
BB   +175   17963   Bro put pressure on
DM   +118   17873   Valiant catch-up effort!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/20/06 11:02 PM

I old you all along you weren't gonna finish last, didn't I?

BTW, I noticed that you have the winners of all the NBA regular season games up there in lights except for this one.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/20/06 11:21 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I old you all along you weren't gonna finish last, didn't I?
But you LISTED ME LAST ALL YEAR. :p And I 'old you all along (at least I mentioned) how bogus I thought your ranking system was, too. :p

Originally posted by plawrence:
BTW, I noticed that you have the winners of all the NBA regular season games up there in lights except for this one.
Oh, man!
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/21/06 07:11 AM

There was nothing bogus about the ranking system.

It was based on a projection, which was based on everyone using the maximum number of games allowable.

You paid attention to that key element of the game and you were lucky that no one else did.

You didn't finish last simply because no one else paid attention until the end when it was too late, and that did not involve any skill on your part; it was their screw-up.

Not to say that you didn't deserve to beat them.

Managing the the "max # of games played" is an important part of this game - you managed it and they didn't.

But there is nothing "bogus" about posting the standings every day based on projected scores.

Same thing with the baseball game.

If you lead me by, say, 30 points, but I have 12 more pitching starts available to me than you do, if you want to delude yourself into thinking that you are really ahead of me in the standings, be my guest.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: 2005-06 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball - 04/21/06 07:18 AM

BTW.....I wouldn't call this the "NBA Draft" game up there.

If memory serves me, we have a game coming up in which you have to guess who selects who in the NBA Draft, that you've called the "NBA Draft" game in the past already.

Why not call this one "Yahoo Basketball", like you did for football?
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