
Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award

Posted By: Busta

Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/15/04 06:34 PM

At first, I thought it should have gone to Beltre just because his team made the playoffs and he really didn't have much of a supporting cast, but then I think it was Karl Ravech last night on sportscenter who said if you take away 250 at bats from Beltre, Pujols, and Rolen, their stats wouldn't be nearly as good, yet Barry did have around 250 less at bats than those guys and still put up comparable numbers. When you look at it that way, it's a no-brainer that he deserves it again.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/15/04 06:43 PM

If by chance it should come out that Bonds did steroids what do you think the outcome should be. Please, don't harp on "I don't think he did/did not do them" because I don't know whether he did or didn't. But beings there are people saying that he did, should he have even been put into consideration? It'll be just another slap in the face for MLD if he is proven to have taken them.
Posted By: Busta

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/15/04 07:07 PM

I really don't think it will change much of anything. People found out McGwire was using andro during the 1998 season and people were still cheering very hard for him to break Maris' record. There will be some people disappointed if he is proven to have taken them but I really don't think it will tarnish his career significantly because if he is taking them, then there are a lot more other players taking them as well. I'm not saying it's not wrong, I just think thats how the game is now and one player shouldnt be ruined for it. I know a lot of people don't want anyone taking steroids, but I dont know if anything can be done about that.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/15/04 10:36 PM

It's hard to think about it while he's still playing, but Barry Bonds might be the best baseball player ever.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/17/04 11:34 PM

I think Bonds deserved the MVP, but I was rooting for Beltre. I am a huge Dodger fan, and I thought that Beltre would get more votes than he did.

If Bonds was a nice guy, he would be bigger than Willie Mays. All he has to do is smile and not be a jerk, but he can't even do that. I'm secretly hoping that he is on 'roids just so I can see him go down in flames.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 12:18 AM

Don Corpuzzi, what does Bonds do (or not do for that matter), to make so many people hate him? I have asked this question repeatedly on this board, and no one has given me a clear concise answer. I have nothing against the guy & he's fun to watch play.
Posted By: Busta

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:

If Bonds was a nice guy, he would be bigger than Willie Mays. All he has to do is smile and not be a jerk, but he can't even do that. I'm secretly hoping that he is on 'roids just so I can see him go down in flames.
And what makes you think he'll go down in flames because of steroids??? There are so many other guys who might be using steroids also. I really dont think the steroids will cause much damage if anything is proven.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Busta:
I really dont think the steroids will cause much damage if anything is proven.
Are you kidding me? His career will be ruined if it's proven that he took 'roids.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 03:08 AM

Bonds doesn't curtail himself to appeal to the media or fans. That's the general overview as to why most people dislike Bonds.
Posted By: Busta

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 03:15 AM

How??? Everyone pretty much already believes he has used steroids and noone cares. Sheffield has already admitted to using roids and he still got 2nd in MVP voting this year and is receing praise from a lot of people on this board for his incredible play this year. His career doesn't seem to be tarnished.

Sosa looked like he was going to be in serious trouble after the corked bat, but now it is almost a forgotten issue. Granted, he was acting like a crybaby last season and is most likely on his way out of Chicago, but was loved by all Chicago fans during the 2003 playoffs when he started playing well again.

Gaylord Perry was hated throughout the league for using his spitball, but is still in the hall of fame.

By looking at how other players have been caught cheating and still have been able to survive shows that Bonds' career will not be ruined because of roids if proven.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 04:43 AM

I think that Bonds' career will be tainted if they can prove that he used steroids because he is so high-profile. He is generally viewed as one of the top two or three players of all time, and to be knocked off of a pedestal that high is major. Sheffield is a different story. He "accidentally" used steroids in the form of a cream just one time, and he doesn't exactly have the status of a Bonds. Do you remember all of the hoopla when Michael Jordan had those gambling issues? That wasn't even an issue of cheating, and look at all of the press that got.

As for what Bonds does to make people dislike him, all you have to do is listen to him doing interviews. He does not seem to care about the fans at all, and he seems to have no joy at all. He's just a jerk. He occupies three lockers in the Giants locker room and he has his own TV and La-z-Boy chair positioned in such a way that he does not interact with the other teammates. He's not exactly a guy that makes you want to root for him.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 05:14 AM

He's just a jerk. He occupies three lockers in the Giants locker room and he has his own TV and La-z-Boy chair positioned in such a way that he does not interact with the other teammates. He's not exactly a guy that makes you want to root for him.
where did you find out about that?
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 07:04 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote] He's just a jerk. He occupies three lockers in the Giants locker room and he has his own TV and La-z-Boy chair positioned in such a way that he does not interact with the other teammates. He's not exactly a guy that makes you want to root for him.
where did you find out about that? [/quote]That was pretty common knowledge when Pac Bell Park (now SBC Park) first opened. Maybe try to do a google search for an old article about it.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
I think that Bonds' career will be tainted if they can prove that he used steroids because he is so high-profile. He is generally viewed as one of the top two or three players of all time, and to be knocked off of a pedestal that high is major. Sheffield is a different story. He "accidentally" used steroids in the form of a cream just one time, and he doesn't exactly have the status of a Bonds. Do you remember all of the hoopla when Michael Jordan had those gambling issues? That wasn't even an issue of cheating, and look at all of the press that got.
Thank you Don Corpuzzi! I couldn't have said it better myself. Glad to have you back. As for Bonds not playing for the fans I say, so what? Remember Charles Barkley's old Nike commerical about how he was "not a role model." I mean, so he doesn't play for the fans. Ok, maybe not the nicest thing. But from what I hear about people they make him out to be Hitler or Bush. So he plays for himself. There are worst things to hate about a guy. BTW, so he takes up 3 lockers & gets special treatment. I think the guy has earned it. Sure he doesn't need to seperate himself from the team, but if he so desires, I think he has earned it. Think of how much money Barry Bonds alone brings to the San Fransico Giants. Not to mention, think of how great of a player he has been these last 4-5 years of his career.
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 04:23 PM

But not only does Bonds not play for the fans, he doesn't really seem to play for his teammates either, and that's a problem. Back when the Giants had Jeff Kent the two of them hated each other. If you remember, Jeff Kent was the NL MVP the year before Bonds started his string of 4 consecutive MVP awards. If Bonds could have just been more of a teammate, maybe they would have been a little more successful. Bonds totally carries that team, but just a little bit of chemistry could carry them even further. But I guess Bonds doesn't care about that.

I hope he never wins a ring.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 04:41 PM

I really don't care if he wins a ring or not. He should have though back in 2002. I was going for San Fransico to beat Anaheim and they were like only 5 outs away from doing that in Game 6 and they blew it & Game 7!
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Bonds Wins 7th MVP Award - 11/18/04 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I really don't care if he wins a ring or not. He should have though back in 2002. I was going for San Fransico to beat Anaheim and they were like only 5 outs away from doing that in Game 6 and they blew it & Game 7!
That was a great World Series. Although I live in Orange County and only 15 minutes from Anaheim Stadium, I was rooting against the Giants more than I was rooting for the Angels. I am a Dodger fan and I hate the Giants with a passion. Nothing was more fun than seeing Bonds come that close to a title and have it slip out of his hands. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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