
Superbowl Party/Traditions

Posted By: Owen

Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 02:05 AM

I traditionally get a big bucket of KFC chicken wings, lots of chips, dip and beverages, and occasionally watch with a group of friends. So what about you guys, what are your Superbowl traditions?
Posted By: Valadius

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 03:16 AM

I like watching it with a non-stop supply of A&W root beer, with my dad. Unfortunately that won't be the case this year, since I'll be up in Connecticut.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 04:46 AM

Always a tradition... My family goes to my friends familys house along with several other people. They have a bar in the basement with a average tv, and a huge tv upstairs in the living room. I spend all day making the bracket for the big pool, which usually results in a 200$+ pot, (which I won last year) All bets go through me, so people were a little suspicious when I walked away with the cash.
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 06:00 AM

I usually go my neighbor's house and the game on his giant screen tv with surround sound. I look foward to the commercials as well as the game. I don't like anyone who goes there though and i just watch the game in his luxurious basement.
Posted By: Caporegime

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 09:23 AM

The Superbowl is a big tradition in my family as well. Every year we gather as many family and friends at my house as possible, and order a bunch of pizza, as many Americans do. There's a great variety of other food and drink as well, but I just love the game and commercials. It's almost like a national holiday.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 08:20 PM

Party - my house.

62" in the main living room and a tv in all the other rooms. We even put small portable tvs in the bathrooms so noone has to miss any football action.

We make a huge cardboard chart for the football pool betting and hang it on one wall and leave markers so people can decorate their squares however they like - usually with their initials and drawings or scribbles of their favorite teams or colors.

Lots of food and drinks. Oh, and lots of drink.

I always take the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday off work, since people usually will stay late afterwards to celebrate/commiserate.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 09:06 PM

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Party - my house.

62" in the main living room and a tv in all the other rooms.

I'll be there by Noon!!

NEXT year or two I hope to have a huge HDTV to watch it on...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/11/04 09:35 PM

Why didn't you tell me this when I planned my visit? I guess we'll just have to watch Jeapordy on the big screen TV.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/12/04 12:26 AM

Well a friend and I always go to a local Hooters to watch the game.

This year will be no different.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/13/04 01:11 PM

Before my sister got divorced, it was a small party at her house. The ex was a big football buff (player, coach, etc.). Wings, chili, lots of junk food and lots of beer. But the best part of the tradition was the spousal abuse. I had heard (or read) that Super Bowl Sunday had the highest number of wife abuse incidents. Sooooo, my brother-in-law and I would spend the day in mock abuse; i.e., "shut up bitch and get me a beer", "what the hell do you know about football." Then the wives started giving it back. It was all in fun.....well, maybe not since my sister got divorced.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/13/04 03:16 PM

Mary Cas, Now there is one I have never heard of.

Superbowl party is all about, good friends and making new friends. The food, which is a large spread. Way to much for one day. The commercials which sometimes are tuff to understand at times and then rated. Everyone seems to have their own taste. Now that the dot.com era is gone and their big money is gone it will be back to regular companies that make more sense. Then there are the BOARDS and drawings! Side bets on who will do what first, score when and finish on top. Over and under and you name it and someone will bet on it.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/13/04 04:37 PM

We usually have a SB party at my parents' house...just the immediate family, my brother, sister & her kids (all of whom live there too, by the way)...my daughter & me.

Very similar to New Year's Eve...we all pitch in some main & side dishes, dips, chips & dessert for a big smorgasboard buffet!

Usually a fun day for all !

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/14/04 01:27 PM

LDV can I come to yours for the SuperBowl. That sounds awesome, I couldn't even imagine what a 62"er looks like (TV of course).

US football isn't too big over here but it's popularity has been increasing over the last few years. I've even managed to get some of my buddys into it. Obviously the time zone here is different and it usually means a late night for me with beers.

Then afterwards depression until the next season. Well it's pretty much been depression all season this year watching the Steelers.
Posted By: Christopher Montana

Re: Superbowl Party/Traditions - 01/25/04 06:54 PM

My friends & I get together at a house every year. We always order lots of pizza and wild wings. Its one of the greatest days of the year.
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