
Sports Superstitions

Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Sports Superstitions - 06/02/03 11:38 PM

I got the idea for this thread after Hollywood Hagan called Jason Kidd a sissy for blowing a kiss before shooting a free throw.

I know that many of us played organized sports in our youth, or some of us still play organized sports now. Are there any superstitions or rituals that you had on game day or practice or anything that you'd like to share?

When I was in high school, I had a bunch. I had to wear the same t-shirt under my shoulder pads for games. It was my P.E. shirt from 9th grade, and it got quite torn and tattered by the time I stopped playing. I had a necklace that I always wore during games. I also taped a lucky penny to my shoulder pads, and I would keep that penny there until we lost, then I would increase it to a nickel. Then I'd keep that there until we lost again, and then increase it to a dime, and so on. In the locker room, I always had to listen to "Mama Said Knock You Out" on my headphones before going out on the field (a ritual that I carried with me to college - I would listen to that song before big exams). I would never tie my cleats until I got to the sideline (as opposed to tying them in the locker room), and I always ate a 100 Grand candy bar before games.
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: Sports Superstitions - 06/02/03 11:46 PM

I have many stupid superstitions. I always put my socks and cleats on left to right. I always wear the same spandex shirt under my pads. It is beaten to hell, but I still wear it faithfully. I made sure to get the same helmet every year in high school, asking my coach to keep it separate. You have to be very comfortable in a helmet, and I particulary loved that one. I also wear eye-black every game, despite the fact that it serves no purpose at all. It looks intimidating I suppose. And I listen to the same CD before every game since junior high, a mix I made of various 80's pop songs. Not so much a superstition as just a way to calm myself down, I always tell ridiculous jokes before the game to my teammates. I also never wear a mouthpiece, but that is not so much a superstition as a comfort issue.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Sports Superstitions - 06/03/03 12:38 AM

I played football and baseball my 4 years of high school, and besides listening to Guns N Roses and AC/DC before every game, I didn't have any wild supersitions.
Posted By: intelligence

Re: Sports Superstitions - 06/04/03 12:18 PM

when i play football (soccer)i leave my left shin guard strp off and put my left sock on first and my right boot on first.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Sports Superstitions - 06/04/03 11:38 PM

When I played hockey I would grow my hair out until the end of the season. If I was on a hot streak I would use the same stick over and over again. Thats all I can think of, but I know Ive had alot more than that
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