
Lewis vs Tyson

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Lewis vs Tyson - 12/17/01 02:34 PM

For a long while I thought this fight would never happen but it certainly looks like it's going to go ahead now.

I've always been wondering how is this fight going to go, I mean Tyson isn't the fighter he once was and has been fighting not the greatest of people, to say the least, lately. But he is an animal - he's crazy, he'll chew your ear off if he's hungry. Lewis had a very bad patch last year when he lost his titles but now everything is back around his waist again. And hopefully he can carry on with his world championship perfomances.

Now this is my sub-question;

Who do you think is going to win this? This is going to be one of the most largest revenued fights for a long time. Pay Per View is going to go wild for this.

My main question is this, the reason for this post;

Because Lewis is British it's pretty well known he's going to have alot of support from us back home. He's a national hero here. He's loved. But what is the case with Tyson, I can't imagine he would get his nation behind him. Especially with his whole rape ordeal and ear biting crazyness. Will Americans still back him? Do the Americans on this board want him to win?

I hope i've covered everything.
Posted By: Francis The Kid Forducci

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/17/01 04:30 PM

I can't believe it either Turi. I'm going for Tyson. I assume you're going for Lewis, as he is the representative of your country.
Posted By: Neri

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/17/01 07:24 PM

Well, I'm an American, but I'll be rooting for Lennox. Not only do I like Lennox, but I also think he will win. I know Mike Tyson is an animal, but Lennox is a bad dude too. And like you said Turi, Tyson is not the boxer he once was. But all I really know is that it will be one hell of a fight, worth many millions of dollars for both boxers regardless of whether they win or lose.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/17/01 07:42 PM

Well so far the Americans on the board are 50/50 towards Tyson.

Also another question. Any ideas where the fight will be held. I think a nuetral place would be more appropriate but it's either gonna be USA or England.

I think it should be a bare knuckle fight in the middle of the atlantic ocean where anything is legal, no law can touch you. I got this from the Simpons. Fighting monkeys could be the warm up show.

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: Turi Giuliano ]
Posted By: Francis The Kid Forducci

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/17/01 11:41 PM

It'll probably be in Vegas
Posted By: SC

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/18/01 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I think it should be a bare knuckle fight in the middle of the atlantic ocean where anything is legal

Would that include ear biting?
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/18/01 04:28 AM

Being an outsider to both America and England, I have no loyalties to either fighters. But I've never liked Mike Tyson and with recent events I now can't stand him. No one should respect an ear biting rapist. But anyways, I'd like to see Lewis win, but I think Tyson will probably beat him, not with a KO, maybe it'll come down to points.
But I'd definately be on Lewis' side.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/18/01 11:05 AM

Originally posted by SC:

Would that include ear biting?

No ear biting and eye gouging, no low blows too.

Yeah I thought it would end up in Vegas. It'll either be there, London or Manchester.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 05:53 AM

I see Lewis fighting Tyson the way Holyfield did in the first fight--very cool and calm, not showing fear, which will frustrate Tyson. Plus, Lewis will amplify the frustration by keeping Tyson at the end of his jabs. Tyson's always dangerous, but if he gets wild, he's finished.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 03:53 PM

I also just realised the whole fuss raised with Tysons last fight in the UK, I think it was Scotland. Most countries aren't allowed for convicted rapists from other countries etc to be let into their country. So probably to avoid the same kind of commotion it'll most likely be in Vegas or somewhere in the US. Also he's being investegated again for violence at the minute. I don't think many people would want him back here apart from Lewis fans wanting a home fight.

I think your absolutely right with your predictions Turnbull. Tyson will either turn into an animal and it'll work for him or his hotheadness (Sonny comes to mind) will finish him.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 04:52 PM

Tyson KO R3

Simple As That
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Tha Don KO:
[b]Tyson KO R3

Simple As That[/b]

Yeah right, we'll see.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 05:13 PM

ah come on Turi....Louise was knocked cold by ONE right hand from a B GRADE FIGHTER Hasim Rahman.....Tyson is NOT Hasbeen Rahman...he hits TWICE AS HARD...one shot from Tyson and BADA BING Louise is out
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 05:34 PM

Did you actually watch that Lewis fight when he lost? He was never knocked out cold. He lost fair and square, I don't argue that at all but the ref stopped the fight because twice his feet weren't working in co-ordination to his head. He was unprepared. He was very cocky and didn't do half as much training as what was needed because thats what he was a b grade fighter who he fought.

Now in the rematch he showed the world who was boss I think it was the 4th round he took Rahman out. He very confidently won that fight and I think that first loss againt Rahman was probably the best thing to ever happen to him. He'll go into every fight now with 100% confidence and preperation put into it.

Now the Tyson fight. Tyson isn't half the fighter he used to be at all. I'd put him at a B grade fighter nowadays. And this will be a huge fight for Lewis. His biggest, maybe not Physically but mentally because of who Tyson is. This is Lewis's fight of his life and he wont mess up again by being unprepared. Simple as that.

Tyson went downhill a long long time ago. Well before the Holyfield fight. That Holyfield fight Tyson knew he was getting his head kicked in and knew he wouldn't last much longer. So he did his ear biting to either be purposfully disqualified so he didn't officially lose the fight. Or if he got away with it use that ear for heavy punching which will cause so much damage that Holyfield would lose balance.

But I am still very undecided on this fight. It's going to be a tough fight for both of them. There is no way i'd be so positive to count Lewis out so quick.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 05:56 PM

i agree TYSON aint the same...but he aint no B GRADE HEAVYWEIGHT thats definite.....Tyson's assets = still the quick puncher and that DEVASTATING power....make up all the excuses you want, Louise was KNOCKED COLD sprawled out however u want to put it by HASIM RAHMAN like i said earlier IRON MIKE hits twice as hard as Rahman....what ya think gun happen WHEN TYSON catches Louise?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 06:42 PM

I don't think you've actually read any of the posts from this thread. I'm not saying Tyson has no chance. But it isn't going to be as easy for him as you have predicted. It doesn't matter how hard and fast Tysons punches are if he can't even hit Lewis. Lewis has the reach and patience to keep Tyson away and drag the fight for aslong as possible to wear Tyson down. Because Tyson like most of his fights, he really goes for it in the first few rounds. And with him not being the fighter he used to be he may not be able to stand the pace.

I am a big gambler but this is a fight I wouldn't put money on. If your that confident about Tyson, go to Ladbrooks or William Hills and put your money where your mouth is. If you put any bet on less than £100 I'd presume you not as confident about Tyson as you seem.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 06:43 PM

Tyson used to live about 15 miles from where I live, in a very exclusive part of NJ. He was married then, and the domestic abuse calls came in often. I think just about the last job I'd want would be as a cop having to answer a domestic abuse report at the Tyson residence.
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 12/19/01 07:40 PM

Turi, i am actually planning a large wager on the fight....
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/03/02 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:

Now the Tyson fight. Tyson isn't half the fighter he used to be at all. I'd put him at a B grade fighter nowadays. And this will be a huge fight for Lewis. His biggest, maybe not Physically but mentally because of who Tyson is. This is Lewis's fight of his life and he wont mess up again by being unprepared. Simple as that.

But I am still very undecided on this fight. It's going to be a tough fight for both of them. There is no way i'd be so positive to count Lewis out so quick.

Sorry Turi but Iron Mike will kick his sorry ass around the place.
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/03/02 03:28 PM

I hope Mike Tyson dies a most painful, sordid, fantastic death. Something slow and agonizing. Goddamn criminal.
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/03/02 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Uztopoke:
I hope Mike Tyson dies a most painful, sordid, fantastic death. Something slow and agonizing. Goddamn criminal.

I agree with you on this one ( The death part etc.), but i love his boxing. Strange, but all those criminal guys seems to be good boxers. That Tonny Ayala Jr. dude is a criminal aswell but also a great boxer.

Maybe it's a sort od animal nature or so.

[ January 03, 2002: Message edited by: Don_Michel ]
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/03/02 03:56 PM

Yeah but the real athletes and sportsmen are the ones who can control their anger and use it usefully in there field of excellence. That is why Lewis is big over here.

I really can't wait for this fight.
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/03/02 04:07 PM

Thats true, but i love that animal nature of Tyson and Ayala Jr. It seems that those guys are blind and they fight on live or dead.

That's what i like about there "style", no remorse
just kill the weasel.
Posted By: Francis The Kid Forducci

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/08/02 04:48 AM

I hope Tyson brings the belt back to the states. Which I know he will. To hear some of you wishing him a painful death disgusts me. The man made a very bad mistake in life (Raping that woman). But the man has apologized and has turned to God. He is a devout Muslim and has straightened up.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/08/02 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
He is a devout Muslim and has straightened up.

Eh,I still hate him.
Posted By: Sonny

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/08/02 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
He is a devout Muslim and has straightened up.

Not that I'm in on the "death wishes", but the "devout Muslim" still assaulted at least one person in traffic and bit the ear of a colleague (exposing several people to the possibility of Aids)...

He might be a spirited boxer, but he acts like an animal (Although admittedly, I haven't seen much of him lately, I still remember an interview with either TNT or ESPN where he started cursing all over the interview and the interviewer just had to tell him to get his dirty words elsewhere...)
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 01/08/02 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
To hear some of you wishing him a painful death disgusts me. The man made a very bad mistake in life (Raping that woman).

A bad mistake in life. That woman might be sombody's mother, sister, daughter, cousin, wife. The list goes on. Even if she had no family at all it still isn't right. A bad mistake? I can swear you wouldn't say anything like that if anyone you knew was raped or in any other similar situation to that. Go back to your perfect world.

Originally posted by Francis The Kid Forducci:
He is a devout Muslim and has straightened up.

No he hasn't straightened up he's still got a few assault charges against him from recent months. He's like Sammy The bull. He can't leave his old lifestyle.

I've got no problem with you supporting him as a boxer. But his personal life leaves alot to be desired.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/05/02 02:51 PM

Mang it's getting close now. Can't wait and nervous at the same time.

Lewis is the odds on favourite with the bookies. Which doesn't mean much. It all depends on how long the fight will last. I've heard Tysons training isn't going to well but Lewis's is. The longer Lewis can keep this animal at length the less chance Tyson has. Tyson prepares for fights with the mentalty that his opponent is out to get him - not just in the ring and this really psychs him up. Tyson is no sportsman, saying he wants his opponent dead. Thats stupid.

I say the best boxing matches in the world are when both fighters can shake hands afterwards. this will never happen in this situation.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/05/02 03:07 PM

Isn't this fight in Memphis?

Snake, do you have the good seats reserved?????
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/05/02 03:12 PM

Yeah, now in Memphis. This discussion was made well before a final destination was thought of. I only updated earlier today because of all the hype is coming back.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/05/02 09:29 PM

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Isn't this fight in Memphis? Snake, do you have the good seats reserved?????
Unfortunately not, La Dolce Vita. I wasn't exactly thrilled when the rumor first started about it coming here. But I gotta' admit now that it's here (along with the fighters!), I'm kinda' excited about it. Plus the load of celebrities due to arrive: Robert DeNiro, Cameron Diaz, Halle Berry, Jack Nicholson, Denzel Washington, Toby MacGuire, Brad Pitt (hopefully with Jennifer Anniston!), etc., etc.! This is the biggest happening in this two-horse town since I can't remember when! Hopefully, I can freeload at a buddy's house who's gonna do the pay-per-view thing. I'd love to go downtown just to see who steps outta' the limos, but it's gonna be a friggin' ant crawl! Oh well! For the record, I want Lewis to pummel Mr. Tyson...but I don't think it'll go that way. However, I feel if it goes beyond 7 rounds, Lewis can take him!
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/05/02 10:08 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Snake:
Oh well! For the record, I want Lewis to pummel Mr. Tyson...but I don't think it'll go that way.

Ditto Snake, but I live in hope
Posted By: josh

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
Plus the load of celebrities due to arrive: Robert DeNiro, Cameron Diaz, Halle Berry, Jack Nicholson, Denzel Washington, Toby MacGuire, Brad Pitt (hopefully with Jennifer Anniston!)
Brad Pitt is gonna be there? Didn't he almost get beat up by Tyson awhile back?

"Say g'night to the badguy."
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 05:04 PM

Man, with all those celebrities, you'd think the towns main celebrity character Elvis would go. So selfish sometimes him......
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 05:44 PM

I do not want tyson to win at all. He is a prick But I think he will win the guy is a animal.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 07:24 PM

Tyson has some problems
Posted By: TheDon'sOffice

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 07:25 PM

In case any of you from other countries don't understand how most of us Americans view Tyson:
When we watch, a small, piece of us hopes (in delusion) that we will see the old Tyson. The larger piece of us watch the fight for the same reason you look at a a car accident when you drive by. You can't help it and you think you might see something unbelievable.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/06/02 08:56 PM

Good analogy, Don's office. You can't help but wonder, though, how much of Tyson's "bad boy" image is for real and how much is hype (or at least deliberated for "reputation's sake"). I heard a local DJ put it best about Tyson this morning: "He's a rich, bratty 12 year-old stuck in a boxer's body." She also told how she got to relax in a hot tub with him at the casino he's training at and how more "reserved" he appears. She said he's still got the mouth and manners of a 5 dollar whore, but he's not nearly as provocative. I don't know. I still don't like the guy, but some of his shenannigans I have to take with a grain of salt. Like I said, much of it's hype so he can get more publicity and more $$$.

BTW, there's a rumor that Pacino as well as DeNiro is or will be in town. I'd much rather pay $250+ to see those guys than Tyson or Lewis!
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 04:02 AM

even the Lewis/Tyson match reminds us of The Godfather.
the announcer's name . . .

Posted By: Neri

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 04:21 AM

Well, its all over. Poor Mike got knocked out in round 8.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 06:05 AM

Yep. I'm happy as a puppy with 2 peters! (Sorry, ladies! I get crude sometimes!) I was so afraid Lewis' "glass jaw" would get shattered early. But I did say (see p. 1 of this thread!) that if it went beyond 7 rounds, Lennox could take him. Thank God! Glad it's over, though. Now if I wanna go downtown, I can!
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
[QBGlad it's over, though. Now if I wanna go downtown, I can! [/QB]
So Snake, I see you are from Memphis, just curious to know what was a lot of the local reaction to the 'big event'. Was there a lot of excitment in Memphis or were people just hoping it would get in and get out without any issues. Also, it seems that they really had security stacked for this, but I guess they need to at most major sporting events to be safe.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 05:34 PM

Thank F*** for that. I always knew Lewis was a better fighter technically but that meant F all seeming that he was fighting the "Animal" Iron Mike. And so the fight was unpredicatble for me, I never had the bottle to put any money on it. Knocc Out - How much you lose man. Large Wager eh? Betchya didn't.

What a whole charade the thing was. I really was fooled. It was all hype. After the fight "about 5am here" I was listening to Tyson and Lewis and how much they've always been freinds. I've got alot of respect for Tyson from this and he said that he had to do whatever to win the fight. He did go too far only to sell more tickets.

I doubt there will ever be a re-match.

Lewis it's time to retire, you've beat them all, you've beaten the best. It's a perfect time to retire - I don't care how much you're addicted to boxing. The only situation i'd say to retire for is if there is a re-match.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
Yep. I'm happy as a puppy with 2 peters! (Sorry, ladies! I get crude sometimes!) I was so afraid Lewis' "glass jaw" would get shattered early. But I did say (see p. 1 of this thread!) that if it went beyond 7 rounds, Lennox could take him. Thank God! Glad it's over, though. Now if I wanna go downtown, I can!
HOW did the match end? I heard the fight was stopped in the 8th round, and that Lewis retained the title!
Posted By: Snake

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
So Snake, I see you are from Memphis, just curious to know what was a lot of the local reaction to the 'big event'. Was there a lot of excitment in Memphis or were people just hoping it would get in and get out without any issues. Also, it seems that they really had security stacked for this, but I guess they need to at most major sporting events to be safe.
Yeah, as I said, it was the biggest happening in this two-horse town in a looong time. Downtown was a friggin' ant-crawl, man! I know the celebrities thought, "Man! These 'hicks' have no life!" Well, maybe they're right...Anyways, the local news stayed on well past 12:30 AM yapping about the whole thing. It was quite a stir, all right.

Ricardo: Lewis knocked Tyson OUT -- as in "lights out" -- in round 8 with 25 seconds left in the round. I think Tyson was knocked down in round 4, too. From all I've heard, Lewis pretty much dominated the thug the whole match!

I think you're right, Turi: Both fighters should call it quits now...especially Tyson.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 08:51 PM

Champion Lewis Humbles
Tyson With Eighth-Round KO

.c The Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (June 9) -- Mike Tyson was flat on his back, blood pouring from his mouth, nose and cuts over his eyes. The man who was once the most feared heavyweight in the world was beaten, battered and finished.

Tyson struggled to try and get up, but it didn't really matter. Lennox Lewis had already done with his fists what two jail terms, a biting and other fighters couldn't -- end Tyson's reign as the baddest fighter of his time.

The most explosive and turbulent era in heavyweight history came to a crashing close Saturday night with Tyson taking a beating that will likely finish him as anything other than a heavyweight curiousity.

Sixteen years after he became the youngest heavyweight champion ever at the age of 20, Tyson was exposed for what he now is -- an aging fighter with limited skills who can't intimidate anyone anymore.

"That was probably one of the most thorough and systematic beatings a heavyweight champion has ever given to a legitimate challenger in the history of boxing,'' said Lewis' trainer, Emanuel Steward.

It was a crowning moment for Lewis, the often cautious British heavyweight who needed a big win to cement his legacy as a great fighter. He did just that by giving Tyson such a beating that a planned rematch may never happen.

Tyson was left baffled, bewildered and bleeding, so badly beaten that he was even questioning his own skills.

"There's no way I could ever beat him,'' Tyson said. "He's just too big and too strong.''

That admission would have been shocking had it come from the Tyson who terrorized the heavyweight ranks in the 1980s and then returned from a prison term for rape to win the heavyweight title once again.

But that Tyson hasn't been seen in years, and the ease with which Lewis beat him means he has likely seen the last of the $20 million paydays he is so used to getting.

"He hurt me early, and he just kept pressure on me,'' Tyson said. "I could take a shot from him, but I just couldn't see every punch. He's very big.''

At 6-foot-5, Lewis seemed even bigger. He towered over the 5-foot-11 Tyson and seemed to toy with him for several rounds, able to hit him any time he pleased with either his stinging left jab or a combination of right uppercuts and hooks.

In his prime, Tyson might have been able to get inside anyway, using his speed and explosive power to get to Lewis' suspect chin. In the ring in this unlikely fight city, though, he never got close.

"I knew who I was up against. I'm a much superior fighter than him,'' Lewis said. "This is definitely a defining fight for Lennox Lewis' legacy. You could say this was the icing on the cake.''

Lewis cut Tyson over both eyes, bloodied his nose and his mouth and seemed to knock him down in the fourth round, although referee Eddie Cotton called it a slip and even penalized Lewis a point for pushing him down.

In the corner between rounds, Steward pleaded with Lewis to get Tyson out of there, but the WBC and IBF champion seemed to be having a good time giving his opponent a beating instead.

The end finally came in the eighth round when Lewis landed a combination that buckled Tyson's knees and prompted Cotton to give Tyson an 8-count. Lewis then went after Tyson and landed a huge crashing right that sent him sprawling on his back. He tried to get up but could only get to a knee at the count of eight and was counted out.

"Some of the punches he took, I was shocked,'' Lewis said. "I felt them right through to my hand.''

Officials were so afraid that Tyson might do something bizarre as he did when he bit Evander Holyfield's ears and bit Lewis at a January press conference that they put a $3 million penalty clause into the contract and kept the fighters from even touching gloves before the bell.

Indeed, in the weeks leading up to the fight Lewis said he often dreamed that Tyson might do something to him.

"I'm glad that no foul play was in the fight,'' he said. "Some days I dreamed, he's going to punch me low -- no, he's going to bite me.''

But Tyson was the perfect gentleman both in the ring and later when he kissed Lewis' mother, Violet, then tenderly wiped some blood off of the champion's cheek as they answered postfight questions.

"I respect this man as a brother,'' Tyson said. "I love him and his mother. I would never do anything disrepctful to him.''

The contract Lewis signed mandates a rematch after he fights a mandatory IBF defense against Chris Byrd. But the win was so lopsided and the beating so complete that it seems unlikely there will be much public demand for a rematch. The replay of the fight will be shown Saturday at 9:45PM on HBO.

Besides, Tyson is already on record as saying he can't beat Lewis.

"I don't think there will be any more fights with Mike Tyson,'' Steward said. "Who are we going to sell it to?''

Lewis, who at the age of 36 seems to be in his prime, said he would make no plans until resting for a few weeks and enjoying the biggest win of his career. He had talked about retiring if he beat Tyson, and there are no heavyweights out there right now who could give him a big fight.

The dominating performance means Lewis can now stake his claim to being one of the great heavyweights, something that was in dispute when he lost a one-punch knockout to Hasim Rahman. He has fought in 13 straight title fights, winning all but the fluke knockout by Rahman and a disputed draw with Evander Holyfield.

Lewis also has come back to defeat the only two men who beat him, meaning he has whipped every man he has faced in the ring.

"What else is there for me to prove?'' Lewis asked. "This was my defining fight.''

It was for Tyson, too, but not in the way he wanted his career defined.

Tyson really hasn't beaten a top heavyweight since Razor Ruddock in 1991, though he managed to make $40 million in 2000 for fighting a series of second-rate boxers.

His days of huge paydays are likely over -- troubling, because Tyson is broke even after his latest payday. He can still make some money as a freak attraction, but his days of being a heavyweight contender also seem over.

"I don't want money. I want greatness,'' Tyson said. "Money is like sand to me. I squeeze it real hard, and it gets away. It's just like women. Sometimes I squeeze them too hard, then I turn around, and they're gone.''

Tyson's advisers admitted before the fight they were concerned what would happen if he lost.

"I'm scared of some things he does,'' Tyson adviser Shelly Finkel said. "I worry about him after boxing.''
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 08:55 PM

OH i love it i was with Lewis on this one.But it would be kind of cool if there was a rematch and Tyson beat him and became as powerful as he was, just like in The Godfather the Corleone family was on the verge of losing power but then they regained it. But it will be a cold day in hell before that happens.
Posted By: scarface_denver

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/09/02 09:23 PM

now that want what i expected for this fight,atleast it didnt end in the first round, tyson didnt even fight , i know he is a much better fighter than that not that i like the guy but shit, he could have atleast tried lewis played that boy and tyosn let him ,in the long run i was let down, could have been better, guess the boys in vegas made this call
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/10/02 11:56 AM

It was just another box office fix. I already said I was fooled. I'm sure millions around the world were aswel. Tyson was at his best at 19 - he was the best then. How old's he now? 36? Been slipping for years. Fortunately for Lewis he's been improving all his life. Just depends on the different times each fighter peaks.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/11/02 03:47 AM

I agree Turi i was fooled as well but the whole Tyson being a gentle man after he just lost terribly kind of pointed at it. How could we be fooled i guess if we were dons we would last very long.
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/13/02 12:34 PM

I was fooled by the hype
Do you think Tyson needed the money, or did he think he could really take Lewis?
Posted By: Snake

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/13/02 08:49 PM

Perhaps on a good day for Tyson and a bad day for Lewis...but I personally think Tyson's washed up.

But -- oh yeah -- Tyson definitely need the dough, too!
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/13/02 11:12 PM

Tyson loses Big Time...
... and Pay per view still made the biggest $$$ticket sales for a fight. Go figure....
Money Talks
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/14/02 01:16 AM

Lets face it. Tyson has been slipping. Ten years could Lewis have gotten to him? No. But its over now and nothing is going to change that. But face it. A rematch would be good business. Why Lewis's end would be 10 million alone.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/14/02 02:58 AM

nice, real nice...but I don't think people will be fooled twice. Even Tyson knew he was beat and beat bad. I think he was glad to get this last bad day.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/15/02 05:35 PM

Originally posted by CamillusDon:
nice, real nice...but I don't think people will be fooled twice. Even Tyson knew he was beat and beat bad. I think he was glad to get this last bad day.
I disagree, these boxing promotors are very cunning and do whatever it takes to to promote the next fight. This time I wont be fooled just on the basis of how mad I was after this fight. But i'm sure millions of other people will be fooled and will pay for pay-per-view for the fight. Re-matches nearly always make more money.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 06/27/02 05:15 PM

so has anyone heard anything? Is there going to be a rematch?
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Lewis vs Tyson - 07/26/02 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Thank F*** for that. I always knew Lewis was a better fighter technically but that meant F all seeming that he was fighting the "Animal" Iron Mike. And so the fight was unpredicatble for me, I never had the bottle to put any money on it. Knocc Out - How much you lose man. Large Wager eh? Betchya didn't.

What a whole charade the thing was. I really was fooled. It was all hype. After the fight "about 5am here" I was listening to Tyson and Lewis and how much they've always been freinds. I've got alot of respect for Tyson from this and he said that he had to do whatever to win the fight. He did go too far only to sell more tickets.

I doubt there will ever be a re-match.

Lewis it's time to retire, you've beat them all, you've beaten the best. It's a perfect time to retire - I don't care how much you're addicted to boxing. The only situation i'd say to retire for is if there is a re-match.
lol i can respond to this now.....nah i didnt have a large wager on the fight , because the odds sucked, but i didnt lose £30 betting with a mate .....and yeah Lewis kiled him....so what?! it means nothing...not a thing, cuz anyone who saw Tyson fight in the 80's would know that if a 20-24 year old Mike Tyson had of got hold of Lennox hed of crushed him inside of four rounds....that was during the time when he was damn near unbeatable, when he went to jail he lost it all, his hunger for the game, and he never got it back, he has about 5% of the boxing skills he used to, and now hes just a puncher..... Tyson's had 19 rounds in three years the best fighter hes fought in recent memory is probably Andrew Golota, yeah hes shot big time, and i could name at least 3 heavyweights who could beat him now, But Tyson achieved more in his prime than Lennox has, Tyson was the youngest ever world heavyweight champion, he made 6 defences of the undisputed title and during his prime he was not only the best heavyweight in the world, he was the best fighter in the world
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