
Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive."

Posted By: Double-J

Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive." - 05/30/06 02:25 PM

Wii is most wanted console for Japanese consumers - survey
Ellie Gibson 12:46 30/05/2006

Nearly 90 per cent of respondents say PS3 is too expensive

A reader survey by Famitsu magazine has revealed that nearly 70 per cent of respondents are most looking forward to the arrival of the Nintendo Wii - while more than 85 per cent believe the PS3 has been priced too high.

Readers voted the PS3 release date and price announcement as the biggest news to come out of this year's E3, with 88.4 per cent stating that the console is too expensive. Just 10.9 per cent believe the price is about right, while 0.7 per cent think it is too low.

A total of 68.8 per cent of respondents said they were most interested in the Nintendo Wii, with the PS3 trailing behind at 21 per cent. Just over 7 per cent voted for the Xbox 360, with the remainder expressing the most interest in the Nintendo DS.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the most popular game to be shown at E3, followed by Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Super Smash Bros. Famitsu readers also placed Dragon Quest Sword, Super Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy III, Monster Hunter 3 and Biohazard in the top ten, with Halo 3 ranking in last place.
Posted By: Joeybats

Re: Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive." - 06/05/06 11:44 PM

I've got to think the Japanese are on to something here. Sony's price point is way too high, they're shooting themselves in the foot.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive." - 06/06/06 01:06 AM

I think people will buy the PS3, don't get me wrong...but they have alienated a huge amount of their fanbase (teenagers), most of whom don't have the kind of job (if any) that would really allow you to make that sort of scratch to blow on games and a system, especially if the games do indeed cost $80 USD as projected.

With the X-Box 360 able to play most of the typical sports titles (Madden) and other general ones (GTA), I think Sony is in for a real shock when they realize people can buy the 360 for more than $100 less and get pretty much the same thing.
Posted By: Tony ''Scarface'' Montana

Re: Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive." - 08/30/06 06:36 PM

as usual im just going to wait for a while until the ps3 price plummits down..because it'll have to with cheaper prices from Nintendo and even the XBOX 360.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Wii is most-wanted video game console in Japan; PS3 deemed "too expensive." - 08/30/06 06:51 PM

True, but keep in mind that it took year(s) for the PS2 to drop in price. Hopefully the market will drive a drop, but if Sony plays this wrong, they could take a huge financial hit they may not be able to recover from, considering how much of a loss they'll be taking on the PS3 at its current cost.
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