
Hot Coffee

Posted By: Tony Love

Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 05:47 AM

The latest controversy when it comes to video games would be a recent modification of Rockstar Games' latest GTA release, San Andreas. You can read about it here . Because of this, the game's rating has been switched from mature to adult. What's your take on the deal?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 05:58 AM

It's stupid.

Sex and Murder/Terrorism

The latter brings us an M game. The former, Adults Only. Is sex really worse then Murder/Terrorism? Or the problem that started it: Is nudity (and not graphic nudity at that) worse then murder/terrorism?

Isn't it fucking hilarious?

Here's a better question. Would you rather your child see someone having sex or seeing a man run around setting others on fire and firing a Gatling gun into dozens of people?
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 10:23 AM

This is sad, Like Don V said I mean really so there is some polygonal titties big woop. I mean if you were already alright with your kid running around jacking cars and killing cops and banging pros. only to turn around and beat them with a bat to get their money back does this really inflame your sensabilities?!?!

Whatever all this press is making me want to play the game again, I never did beat it - hell I never even got to become a drug kingpin (I was still in the first city)

It is rated AO though and all the stores have pulled it, well at least most of the stores around here...can you say internet sales?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 02:35 PM

Frankly, I don't care. I got my copy, it doesn't really matter to me. From what I've seen, none of the stores have pulled it (around here at least), and put any stickers on the cover or anything.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 02:41 PM

The Wal-Mart I work at has pulled it from the shelves. It's irrelevant to me, as I bought it on the day it was released. However, it is a big deal, as no game has ever had its rating changed after release, and been subsequently pulled from the shelf. Rockstar f*cked up big time by not getting rid of the hidden "hot coffee" code.
Posted By: Don Zadjali

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 06:09 PM

but its not FULLY NUDITY they look just stupid...
touching each other in clothes...
Posted By: SlimTrashman

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 07:44 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
The Wal-Mart I work at has pulled it from the shelves. It's irrelevant to me, as I bought it on the day it was released. However, it is a big deal, as no game has ever had its rating changed after release, and been subsequently pulled from the shelf. Rockstar f*cked up big time by not getting rid of the hidden "hot coffee" code.
no, both Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City recieved rating changes in Australia.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/24/05 11:16 PM

I voted for the government sticking its nose in what is not its business. It's just a video game. Sure if you wanna change the rating so little Billy can't masturbate now on video game sex that doesn't even show genitals, that's fine. But I personally think it's wayyyyyyyyyyy overrated and just the government trying to tell us how to live our lives by "deeming what is appropriate for us."
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 02:30 AM

One of the funnier things that I think have been pointed out is...
M rating =17+
AO rating =18+
Oooo one whole year, yeah that makes a difference
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 02:43 AM

Originally posted by suspect_5:
One of the funnier things that I think have been pointed out is...
M rating =17+
AO rating =18+
Oooo one whole year, yeah that makes a difference
Quite funny indeed! You can't watch computer animated dry humping for another year if you're only 17, though you may see it at school in the corridors...
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 02:48 AM

Idiots. Do you not realize that there are things about 18 year olds that 17 year olds just cannot comprehend?
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 02:54 PM

Originally posted by suspect_5:
One of the funnier things that I think have been pointed out is...
M rating =17+
AO rating =18+
Oooo one whole year, yeah that makes a difference
It's been an 18 certificate in the UK since day of release, I'm not sure what's wrong with giving it an 18 certificate in the US.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 02:58 PM

Originally posted by SlimTrashman:
[quote]Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
[b] The Wal-Mart I work at has pulled it from the shelves. It's irrelevant to me, as I bought it on the day it was released. However, it is a big deal, as no game has ever had its rating changed after release, and been subsequently pulled from the shelf. Rockstar f*cked up big time by not getting rid of the hidden "hot coffee" code.
no, both Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City recieved rating changes in Australia. [/b][/quote]No, actually they were both just pulled from the shelves, completely. After a large amount of complaints by "parents" and government officials, they pulled em both, along with Manhunt (which is far more disturbing than any GTA I've ever played).
Posted By: suspect_5

Re: Hot Coffee - 07/25/05 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Raymondo Corleone:
[quote]Originally posted by suspect_5:
[b] One of the funnier things that I think have been pointed out is...
M rating =17+
AO rating =18+
Oooo one whole year, yeah that makes a difference
It's been an 18 certificate in the UK since day of release, I'm not sure what's wrong with giving it an 18 certificate in the US. [/b][/quote]Well here in the moral majority of the US it means that major retailers will pull it off the shelves and refuse to sell it. Of course woopty doo agian as most people already own it, and it's not like there isn't this thing I like to call the 'net, I heard the sell stuff on it...
Posted By: MafiaHitman13

Re: Hot Coffee - 08/01/05 02:35 AM

I personally think that Hot Coffee is not right for GTA San Andreas, but the government should not get involved because they have enough problems
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: Hot Coffee - 08/01/05 10:31 AM

Do these shops like Wal-Mart sell 18 certificate films in the US?
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Hot Coffee - 08/01/05 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Raymondo Corleone:
Do these shops like Wal-Mart sell 18 certificate films in the US?
Do you mean rated 'R' films?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Hot Coffee - 08/01/05 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Don_Andrew:
[quote]Originally posted by Raymondo Corleone:
[b] Do these shops like Wal-Mart sell 18 certificate films in the US?
Do you mean rated 'R' films? [/b][/quote]Yeah I'm surprised that as of late Wal-Marts been carrying the 'unrated' editions to certain movies. Usually they didn't as they were "a family store."
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: Hot Coffee - 08/01/05 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Don_Andrew:
[quote]Originally posted by Raymondo Corleone:
[b] Do these shops like Wal-Mart sell 18 certificate films in the US?
Do you mean rated 'R' films? [/b][/quote]Yeah whatever the equivalent is. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. The Godfather is an 18 but there's no fuss about that, they just don't sell it to kids under 18.
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